
Revenant's Ascent System

This is the story of a human boy, who after having his parents killed by vampires was enslaved by them. During the next 4 years he bides his time, while planning his escape and learning their ways. After overhearing a conversation between some of the other slaves, he realizes his time is almost up. During his escape he's almost killed, and falls down a seemingly bottomless pit where he has a fateful encounter with a mysterious entity. As he lies at the bottom of the pit he can feel his life fading away when he hears a voice, both chaotic, and omnipotent, exclaim ["welcome to Revenant's Ascent System".] A.N: This novel has been stopped. Read the chapter named news for info on why.

David_Hill · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Vexen Goes Hunting

Vexen was starving. He knew he was stuck at the bottom of the Anarchist pit, so he decided to start climbing the walls.

Luckily his claws made it way easier to climb the pit.

Since he is an undead, he has no need for rest, and made it out of the pit in around 15 minutes.

Once he was on the surface, he used his eyes to scan the area for any sort of life.

Vexen stopped looking, when he caught a glimpse of a deer in the distance.

He started running after the deer, letting his hunger cloud his judgment, until it noticed something was coming after it, and decided to run away.

The deer eventually stopped running, to catch its breath from running for a long distance.

That's when the starving revenant used his razor sharp claws to cut off the deer's head, and started feeding on its flesh.

The soul of the deer was devoured by Vexen's soul, and it strengthened his body, regenerating his body, and reinforcing his bones.

{Quest Progress}

Flesh: 1/15

Souls: 1/15

Vexen then took a look at his stats.

{Name: Vexen Ravenlocke}


{Exp: 10/100}

{Race: Revenant} (Undead)


Health: 50/50 → 60

Hunger Meter: Relieved - You have devoured flesh recently and have sated your hunger.

Existence Rank: Mortal: 3/10

Mana: 300/300

Strength: 65 → 70

Intelligence: 150

Vitality: 25 → 30

Defense: 22

Vexen realized that his health and vitality are connected.

Whatever number his vitality was, his health would be doubled.

It was the same for Mana and Intelligence.

He also felt like he was stronger due to the increase in the strength stat.

Vexen decided to ask Ras a couple of questions, "Hey Ras, why didn't my intelligence or defense increase? Also, why has my existence advanced a stage"?

Ras replied, [Your intelligence only increases whenever you level up or feed on an intelligent being, while defense only increases when you take hits or level up.]

[For the second question, you advanced a stage in your rank, because it was your first meal as a revenant, meaning that you are now considered a full fledged revenant.]

[Don't expect to reach higher stages as easily from now on, it will get harder to advance the more you progress.]

Vexen now knew that he would have to devour a ton of flesh, and souls to advance as a revenant.

Thats when he had a good idea, he could devour the vampires flesh and souls to make himself stronger.

If the vampire lord only knew what his actions had created, he would be filled with fear for his life.

(This chapter is shorter because the previous chapters were so long, the next chapters will be longer.)