
Revenant's Ascent System

This is the story of a human boy, who after having his parents killed by vampires was enslaved by them. During the next 4 years he bides his time, while planning his escape and learning their ways. After overhearing a conversation between some of the other slaves, he realizes his time is almost up. During his escape he's almost killed, and falls down a seemingly bottomless pit where he has a fateful encounter with a mysterious entity. As he lies at the bottom of the pit he can feel his life fading away when he hears a voice, both chaotic, and omnipotent, exclaim ["welcome to Revenant's Ascent System".] A.N: This novel has been stopped. Read the chapter named news for info on why.

David_Hill · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Vexen's Death and Undeath

Vexen kept calm, and was as silent as possible, moving through the town of Valenhurst. He knew he would have to be extremely careful, because vampires have improved senses, and can easily hear noises like a bat. He snuck through the city as silent as he could, until he reached the gates leading out of town. For some reason, it didn't look like there were any guards, so he thought he would be able to leave fairly easy. He opened the gates, and passed through them. As soon as he walked a few steps away from the gate, he heard loud sirens blaring that let the whole vampire settlement know where he is, so he started running as fast as he could, so he could at least have a chance of escaping from them before they start to realize what's going on. Vexen's current self had way more stamina, and strength than from when he arrived as a slave, so running a couple of miles was easy for him. Unfortunately the vampires had greater speed, and after running a mile he heard voices say, "He's over there, let him know what it feels like to disrespect our lords generosity"!

While running Vexen saw a faint glimmer in the darkness as the moonlight reflected off something. The object then cut his face, and landed on the snowy ground. He grimaced, as he saw hundreds of arrows fly his way, so he tried to dodge but a few still hit him. He kept running and dodging, until he could no longer because of the pain. He was bleeding profusely out of the areas where the arrows were stuck, so he decided to rip parts of his clothing and bandage the areas that were hurt. Vexen noticed that everything was dead silent, and felt something was wrong. So after he gained some stamina he started walking through the area, until he came upon a pit that looked dark and endless. He grabbed a nearby stone, and dropped it down the pit and listened for a sound. After waiting 5 minutes he heard the sound of a rock hitting the bottom, and knew jumping down there to hide would be fatal. Right after hearing that sound he heard a voice that filled him with dread. "I see you have found the anarchist pit". Vexen turned around, and sure enough it was Lord Hugh Loralles the 2nd, right in front of him, making his heart beat so fast with fear he thought it might explode. The vampire lord than continued talking, "let me tell you a story, long ago there was a boy who wanted to be be like his father. His father, was the lord of a city, full of people who loved the night, and drank the blood of lesser beings. One day, when the son grew up, and the father was old, the father thought that a change should take place. He said that instead of forcefully taking the blood of those lesser beings, that we should ask instead so that a war doesn't break out. On the outside the son agreed, but on the inside he was full of rage, that was directed at his father, so he started plotting ways to get rid of his fool of a father. One day when he was out looking for food in the area, he found a vastly deep pit. That's when he had an idea, he was going to trick his father, then push him into the pit. The sons plan worked, and he announced himself as the new lord of the city, "because the father was senile and was going to lead them to ruin", the son said to the population of the city. I'm guessing that you aren't so stupid that you can't see the connection here". After Vexen heard the story, he hated the vampire lord even more and yelled with a voice full of pain and rage, "I swear even if I die, I will find a way to kill all of you bloodsuckers, and get my revenge. You will all die by my hands"! the vampire lord then replied "Famous last words, let's see you try". Then he stabbed Vexen in the stomach with his sword, and threw him in the pit. It only took Vexen's body 1 minute to reach the bottom with a thud. He was filled with regret that he wouldn't be able to fulfill his promise, and rage at the thought of not being able to avenge his parents. Little did he know, an entity was watching this scene unfold with amusement. He saw Vexen about to die, and decided to give him a second chance so he could entertain it. As Vexen lies at the bottom of the pit, praying with all his might that anyone might save him so he can fulfill his promise, and get revenge. He thought in his mind that he would give anything to do so. As he felt the life fading from his eyes and he was about to drift off to sleep, an eternal one. He heard something in is head that made him wonder if he was crazy,

["welcome to the Revenant's Ascent System"!]