
Revenant's Ascent System

This is the story of a human boy, who after having his parents killed by vampires was enslaved by them. During the next 4 years he bides his time, while planning his escape and learning their ways. After overhearing a conversation between some of the other slaves, he realizes his time is almost up. During his escape he's almost killed, and falls down a seemingly bottomless pit where he has a fateful encounter with a mysterious entity. As he lies at the bottom of the pit he can feel his life fading away when he hears a voice, both chaotic, and omnipotent, exclaim ["welcome to Revenant's Ascent System".] A.N: This novel has been stopped. Read the chapter named news for info on why.

David_Hill · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Vexen's Awakening / The system

["welcome to the Revenant's Ascent System"!]

After Vexen heard this message he fell unconscious.

{Altering body and mind of host to that of an Undead}


1%, 2%, 3%... 100%

[Congratulations, you are now an undead]

{Imprinting system functions to the users soul}

1%, 2%, ..... 100%

{User can now see system tabs at any time.}

{WARNING: Abnormal soul detected!}

{Adapting system to the users soul}

1%.... 100%

[Congratulations, due to the your soul being 100% compatible with your new body, You will now undergo a mandatory evolution.]

{Evolution progress}

1%, 2%, ..... 100%

{User has been automatically Evolved into a Revenant}

{Altering users mind to that of a Revenant's}

1% ..... 100%

{System adaptation complete}

{User will now be forced awake}

Vexen started to wake up. His mind was still a little groggy, and so he gave himself a slap to wake himself up. Once he was awake, he was surprised to feel no pain anywhere on his body.

He thought to himself wondering why he felt no pain and was still alive after the fall.

Thats when he heard a voice say, [Allow me to answer any questions you have.]

He thought to himself "crap are there any vampires in here"? He then heard the voice again,

[No vampires in the vicinity just you and me user]

He then realized that the voice was in his head and asked, "Okay, who are you and why did you call me user"? The voice then said,

[I am your assistant that was generated to help you on your journey as a Revenant, as for why I called you user, you are the user of the Revenant's Ascent System, you can call me Ras.]

Vexen then asked, "What is a revenant and why do I have this system"?

[Revenants are undead that are adept at sensing and wielding mana, have unlimited stamina, and must devour flesh from living beings to satisfy their hunger and stay alive. Revenants also start with a dual affinity of Mind and necrosis. Revenants only have one weakness which is water in liquid form and water magic. Whenever revenants take damage they can eat flesh to regain their vitality.]

[For the second part of the question, I cant tell you until your existence core reaches peak immortal stage.]

[Before I tell you Anything else please say status.]

Vexen then did what he was told and said, "status". A screen then appeared in his vision with the following information.

{Name: Vexen Ravenlocke}


{Exp: 0/100}

{Race: Revenant} (Undead)


Health: 13/50

Hunger Meter: STARVING- Need to eat flesh as soon as possible to regain lost health.

Existence Rank: Mortal: 2/10

Mana: 300/300

Strength: 65

Intelligence: 150

Vitality: 25

Defense: 22


Spells Known:

{Raise Lesser Undead} (LV.1) Mana cost: 15 per raised undead (permanent decrease until killed)

[raise a weak corpse to do your bidding] (must be level 10 or below)

{Mind Arts} (LV.1) Mana cost: 1 mana per minute for one mind (cost increases by 1 per mind)

[Use the power of the mind arts to manipulate minds to your bidding] (must be level 10 or below)

{Corrosion Bolt} (LV.1) Mana cost: 5

[Fire a corrosive bolt fueled by the the necrosis element to damage your opponent over time] (spell can stack limitlessly)


{Undeath} (passive)

[You have defied death in the most profane way and are now undead. because you are undead, you will not feel pain and will not be affected by intense heat or cold. You will still be able to Tell how much damage you've taken.]

{Claws of bone} (passive)

[As a revenant you have grown extended finger bones that form razor sharp claws. Your claws can be used to attack and shred through your enemies like butter.]

{Soul of the Abyss} (passive)

[Your abyssal soul is an all devouring and all knowing soul. It allows you to automatically devour the souls of those you kill to strengthen yourself and you capabilities. You will learn spells like a prodigy and master them even quicker.]

{Eyes of the Eldritch} (Togglable)

[The eyes of a revenant are a powerful tool to their user they are able to see through any illusion. You can use the your eyes to see the flow of mana in anything, also being able to track any living thing as all living to things have mana. You will also be able to strike terror into the hearts of the living to a certain extent. You will also be able to see souls and spectral beings of any type. Able to appraise almost anything with one look.]

{Mind of Fortification} (passive)

[Your mind is incapable of being affected by mind spells and will reflect any damage against your mind.]

Vexen read over his stats and asked a question, "How do I gain experience points"?

Ras answered, [You can gain exp by fighting, devouring flesh and souls, or finishing quests.]

"what are quests"? Vexen replied

Ras the answered [How about you look over in the quests tab to find out]

Vexen went to the quest tab and saw he had a quest.


(Regaining your vitality)

[You have become a revenant and have lost a lot of health. You'll need to devour a lot of flesh and souls to recover your health and regain a living appearance.]

{Kill and devour 15 living beings flesh and souls}

Flesh: 0/15

Souls 0/15

[Reward: 500exp , Raise lesser undead Level up, and the Vileblood skill.]

Vexen then took a chance to look at his body.

It had decayed a medium amount. He still had his organs, but you the bones in parts of his legs and arms. He also had a hole where his stomach was located. Although this would have sent someone into shock, since he had become an undead in mind and body he didn't seem bothered by it much. No, what was really bothering him was his intense hunger that made him feel like he could eat anything.

He knew what he had to do. He NEEDS to feed .