
Revenant's Ascent System

This is the story of a human boy, who after having his parents killed by vampires was enslaved by them. During the next 4 years he bides his time, while planning his escape and learning their ways. After overhearing a conversation between some of the other slaves, he realizes his time is almost up. During his escape he's almost killed, and falls down a seemingly bottomless pit where he has a fateful encounter with a mysterious entity. As he lies at the bottom of the pit he can feel his life fading away when he hears a voice, both chaotic, and omnipotent, exclaim ["welcome to Revenant's Ascent System".] A.N: This novel has been stopped. Read the chapter named news for info on why.

David_Hill · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Rewards On The Next Level

Vexen was amazed with his stat increases, and new abilities.

He knew that if his stats were this good, then the other rewards must be as well.

Vexen went over his quest rewards, and saw that he could summon a familiar.

He was very excited because usually only immortal stage existences could summon a familiar.

He decided to summon a familiar, he was anxious about what kind of familiar he would get.

Normally immortal stage existences would get either a phantom fox, or a horned rabbit familiar, but what appeared before Vexen wasn't anything like he heard about.

[Congratulations user, You have summoned an infantile world devouring serpent! Make sure to give it a good name, because your familiar will grow stronger with a better name.]

Vexen looked at the serpent, and the serpent looked back.

Vexen had been told stories when he was a child, about a serpent who's hunger swallowed entire worlds. Thats when he decided on the perfect name for his familiar.

"Your name will be Jörmungandr". as soon as Vexen said those words, the serpent started floating, and then turned into a ball of energy that went into Vexen's hand. When Vexen looked at his hand he saw that there was now a black tattoo in the shape of a snake devouring a world on the back.

He knew that one day, Jörmungandr would become powerful enough to swallow worlds, just like in his parent's story.

Vexen then moved on to the next reward, the grimoire of The Ancient One.

When he touched the cover of the book, it made him feel like he was being watched by a powerful entity. He tried to open it when all of the sudden he heard a voice, both chaotic and omnipotent, call his name.

"Vexen Ravenlocke, You have done well to make it this far in your pursuit of power. I am the one who gave you your second chance at life, and I must say you have been using it quite well."

"I'm guessing you are the author of this grimoire then"? Vexen replied. He Already Knew that this voice was the one who gave him a second chance at life, and that it was probably a void god. Vexen knew that this being was most likely going to ask him to do something in return for his resurrection, so he asked about something he wasn't sure of yet instead.

"Indeed I am, You may call me the Ancient One, because my true name would drive you insane, as you are now". the ancient one

"Alright ancient one, can you tell me what you want from me?, I already know you were the one to give me a second chance at life, so if there is something you want, I will try my best to grant whatever you wish". Vexen replied to the ancient one

"Alright, I have two things I want you to do that will benefit you as well. First, I want you to Kill every single vampire you come across, and devour their souls. For the second task, I want you to make people worship you as a god, The more people worshipping you, the better. If you promise to do those two things I will become your patron. With me as your patron you will gain access to your bloodline abilities, and gain new spells depending on how many souls you give me. I will also unlock my grimoire for you to use as you wish."

"So, will you accept my offer"? the Ancient one asked.