
Revelations @end of the world

Orion aspires to become a Templar Conjurer, but he failed his awakening magic countless times. When he almost gave up becoming a conjurer, he discovered the hidden memories of his former life that is slowly returning to him. With the awakening of powerful soul magic that was brought over from his rebirth, and the memories from an advanced civilization of technology and science, Orion finally awakens his templar magic and began an adventure that would make crown him King and he would become the strongest power in this world, and the known universe.

Joyon · Sci-fi
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580 Chs



The Awakening ritual was very simple actually. All I needed to do was soak in a small stone tub that was grafted with magical spells all around it while Greenduff poured in the reagents after he prepared them in a cauldron.

Usually, a child would be awakened after a ritual if he or she was talented in Templar magic and those who failed would not attempt again. It was too expensive for villagers to pay for a second awakening where the chances were slim.

But this was my third time even though I failed twice before. It was very likely that I would fail again because I might actually have no talent in this.

So, I didn't have much expectation that I would succeed. 

"I can feel the magic from the bath going into your body but there seems to be no particular reaction at all", Greenduff said to me about my awakening.

It seemed like this awakening was another failure again.

"By the way, Greenduff, I brought some preserved magical creature hearts for you from the forest that you wanted, can you check if I preserved them properly", I told Greenduff suddenly.

Preserving creature hearts and magical parts was one of the errands that I frequently ran for the Conjurer although usually it involved getting the hearts from the local butcher, but since I started hunting creatures, I saved the hearts for Greenduff.

"What, you have magical hearts, why didn't you say so earlier?" Greenduff asked me as he checked the boxes that I brought for him.

Greenduff inspected the magical hearts of magical Boars and Rhinoceros that I brought, and he nodded his head and said, "You actually preserved them very well, you do have a talent for Conjuring work even if you are not awakened".

"Hope you can use them", I replied to him.

"Very well since you brought your own magical hearts you might as well use them in your Awakening ritual, it would increase your chances of success", Greenduff told me as he poured the many preserved hearts into my magical awakening bath.

Suddenly the magical spell engravings on the awakening tub lighted brightly as the magical hearts from the hunted creatures were poured inside and quickly melted into the water.


I felt great pain in my chest as my body was overwhelmed by the sudden crackle of energy rushing into my body. I couldn't withstand the pain and soon fell unconscious. 


My mind ventured into an array of powerful emotions and vivid visions that were both thrilling and overwhelming. The experience was akin to a veil being lifted from one's perception, revealing an enchanting world that exists parallel to the ordinary realm.

Feelings of awe and wonder were prominent, as I was awakened and aware of the limitless possibilities and extraordinary forces that magic encompasses. There was a sense of excitement and curiosity, as I realized that the laws of nature could be manipulated and shaped by my will and intent. 

It's as if I have gained access to a hidden wellspring of power and potential, which filled me with a mix of exhilaration and trepidation. This was like a dream to me to be living inside this magical awakening. I wondered if I would ever wake up from this but wake up I will.

My eyes opened sometime later and Greenduff wasn't in the hut. I was still seeping inside the magic waters that awakened my senses and gave me an insight into the magnificent prospects of magic.

I quickly dried myself with a towel and put on my clothes before I went looking for Greenduff to give him the good news. As I walked out of the hut, I felt extremely light, and my strength was considerably improved, augmented by a mysterious force that now encompassed me.

"Am I awakened finally?" I wondered to myself.


"Oh, you are up let me check your Awakening", Greenduff told me as he took my hands and concentrated.

Suddenly, a vision and projection appeared before us of an empty constellation of the night sky. But the darkness of the sky wasn't devoid of light or inhabitants. Specks of light emerged when I slowly realized them. There were stars inside the lonely sky.

But the sky wasn't all dark as I studied them. 

The sky was partitioned into different regions which were distinguished by the different hues and colors that emerged from them and on each of the regions of the mysterious sky there was a resident star.

"Power, Momentum, Constitution, Conjuring"

"Four bright stars lighted up inside your templar skies which shone at equal intensity", Greenduff told me.

"What are those stars?" I asked him.

"Those Stars are your templar attributes, but something isn't right here", Greenduff said to me as he inspected me again.

"Am I finally awakened to Templar magic?" I asked Greenduff.

"Well yes and not only that, but you have also advanced in all your templar Stars at the same time, this is the first time I've seen someone with an awakening like this, hmm no wonder you failed to awaken so many times before. You needed much more magic to kickstart this vast reservoir", Greenduff told me.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked Greenduff.

"Not at all, in fact, Congratulations you have awakened, and you awakened a special Affinity that is rarely seen", Greenduff told me.

Usually, when a templar advances in a level they would gain a templar Star in a particular region of their templar sky that corresponded to either the Power, Momentum, Constitution, or Conjuring, but in my case, I gained a star in every one of the magic regions. 

"So, the different colored magic skies each represents a different magic attribute?" I asked my awakener.

"Yes, they are, and you have a star in each of them although that may become a hindrance to your future", Greenduff told me.

Having more stars in my templar skies was fortunate and wonderful for me, but the drawback was that it was at least five to six times more difficult for me to advance my magical levels which explained why it was so difficult for me to awaken my templar magic in the first place.

If it was not for the addition of the magical hearts that I brought I might have to go through this ritual at least three or more times before I was awakened.

"What is my special Affinity?" I asked Greenduff.

"Well, boy, you have the Affinity of Angels and if you reach the highest Tier in Templar magic you can advance into the realm of Eden to become an Angel or become a legendary Mage of Prolis", Greenduff told me.

"Wow, would I become an Angel or Mage one day?" I asked Greenduff.

"Hahaha..young boy, don't get your head so high, it's just a theory. And the highest Tiered Templar in all Nymera kingdom is only an Earth Tier which is a very long way from the Legendaries", Greenduff told me.


(Author's Note)

The tiers of Templar magic is separated into different levels, according to the planetary system.

Mercury – Venus – Earth – Mars – Jupiter – Saturn - Uranus – Neptune – Pluto 

In each of these magical tiers, they are separated into ten levels of concentration and upon the completion of all ten levels of a tier would enable a breakthrough into the next tier of templar magic.


The tiers of Templar magic is separated into different levels, according to the planetary system.

Mercury – Venus – Earth – Mars – Jupiter – Saturn - Uranus – Neptune – Pluto 

In each of these magical tiers, they are separated into ten levels of concentration and upon the completion of all ten levels of a tier would enable a breakthrough into the next tier of templar magic.

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