

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · Urban
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86 Chs


I finally resumed back to work, and my personal assistant was very happy to see me.

She decided to treat me out for dinner, immediately after closing for the day's work.

I took her on a ride to the restaurant she already picked for the both of us. It was my first time being there, and it was really a nice place.

I got to know from her, that it was just launched recently.

"This place is very beautiful." I said to her, while we walked inside the restaurant.

"It sure looks nice. I'm glad you like the place." Sandra replied with a smile.

I nodded my head. A waiter walked up to us, leading the way for us. He took us to an empty table, and we took our seats.

A table of menu was given to Sandra, and she told the waiter the meals we wanted for the dinner treat.

I and Sandra talked for a while, waiting for the waiter to return back with our tray of food.

"This is all I could think of ma'am." She said to me.

"It's so thoughtful of you Sandra. I needed this to be honest." I replied her with a smile.

"I'm sorry for everything you are facing recently." She said to me, with a sad face.

I obviously didn't want to talk about my predicaments in a place like this. I was slowly starting to forget all of it. I wanted to be happy again and I immediately changed the topic, after I noticed it might ruin my mental health again.

The waiter returned back with a traditional menu. It has been a while I ate the traditional meals of my originality. I quickly grabbed a knife and a fork, and took a bite of the meal before me. The waiter left us to enjoy our meals.

"This is very tasty and delicious." I said to Sandra with a mouthful.

"Take it easy, you might get choked." She warned me lightly.

I requested for a serviette, which I used in wiping off my oily mouth. Sandra ate a little, and pushed her own meal to me. I didn't mind at all, because I was very hungry. She watched me finished all the meals at the table, within a short period of time.

"Forgive me, but I just couldn't help it." I said to her, taking the last bite.

"You've been starving yourself for weeks now,so I understand." She said to me.

I forced out a smile, grabbing a bottle of water. I gulped it all down in one shot. I belged into another serviette, throwing them into a nearby waste bin at our table.

"I really appreciate you for this treat." I thanked her again.

"You're welcome." She replied me.

**Few moments later**

I drove Sandra to her home, before heading back home. Jasmine was up, waiting for me. She was really worried about me, and she was already starting to think I was in some kind of trouble.

When she heard the beeping of horn of my vehicle, she ran out of the house immediately. I was surprised by the way she acted.

"You really scared me Jasmine." I said to her after coming down from the car.

"I was worried sick about you. Where did you go to?". She asked me worriedly.

"Sandra took me out on a treat." I replied.

Jasmine heaved out, getting relieved by my response. We entered inside together.

I headed to my bedroom to freshen up.

After having a hot bath, I got dressed up in my matching pyjamas.

I looked at the side of the bed, remembering when I and Zoey used to share this bed. Ever since her departure, I kept a teddy bear on the side she used to lie on. It reminded me of Zoey.

"Dear Zoey, wherever you are please stay safe." I muttered to myself, patting the furs of the stuffed toy gently.

I shook away my sadness, lying down to take a sleep. I was already tired from the day's stress.

I haven't been sleeping so we'll, ever since that incident.


The Next Morning.

I was still fast asleep on bed, while Jasmine was already up. She heard a knock at the door and she was surprised it was Zoey and Sebastian at the door.

She quickly went into my room to call me. I was tapped severally by her, but I was still sleeping. I was sleeping deeply.

Zoey decided to wake me up by herself.

"Mum, mum." She called out to me while tapping my arm.

I grunted loudly, slowly opening my eyes to the tap. Blinking twice, I caught glimpse of Zoey. I opened my eyes fully, making sure it was Zoey that I had seen earlier. I was right afterall. I sat up on the bed, surprised to see her. Jasmine was standing at a corner of the room.

"Zoey!!." I called out her name happily, dragging her into my arms.

"Stop please. I'm here to take my stuffs with me." She said to me, freeing herself from my clenches.

"What're you talking about?". I asked her surprisedly.

Zoey stood up from the bed, folding her arms. I looked up to her, still staring at her. I wanted clarification of what she meant earlier.

"What did you mean by that?". I asked her.

"I'm here to take all my belongings." She confirmed her words to me.

"Are you hearing yourself huh?". I asked her madly.

Zoey ignored me, heading over to the dressing wardrobe. She opened the doors ajar, heading for her clothes. She was packing them into her box.

I stood up immediately to stop her, but Jasmine stopped from doing so.

"Please let her be. She'll will come back to you,once she gets back to her right senses." Jasmine said to me.

"Zoey you will regret this, and I won't welcome you back if you leave this time." I warned her in tears.

"Fine. You lost me, the very day you decided to lie to me." She said.

Sebastian overheard the noise coming from my bedroom, and decided to go in. He wanted to make sure that Zoey was doing fine in there. Hearing his footsteps, I looked at the door, to see who was coming. I was surprised to meet him again. He was finally out of the hospital, looking better even though his right leg was still bandaged.

"You are the master mind of this right?". I questioned him angrily.

"I'm not inhumane like you are. Zoey is also my daughter, and I have the right to her too." Sebastian said to me.

"I see." That was my only response to him.

I approached Zoey, grabbing her hands in tears. She tried pulling herself away from me as usual, but I stopped her this time. She kept staring into my eyes.

"Even if you hate me so much now, atleast spend the Christmas with me for the last time." I pleaded with her.

"Please let me go." Zoey said to me uninterestedly.

"You heard her Bianca." Sebastian chipped in.

I ignored him, still pleading with Zoey. Sebastian approached us, pulling off my hands from Zoey. He dragged her next to him, and that was when I realized that I have finally lost my daughter to Sebastian.

Sebastian assisted her with packing her clothes. They rounded up, leaving the room. I stood, watching the both of them in tears.

"If you leave, I'll forget that I ever had a daughter." I warned her for the last time.

Zoey stopped moving for a moment, but Sebastian dragged her to the door, leaving the room with her. After they had left, Jasmine rushed to me. She consoled me, while I weeped bitterly.