

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · Urban
Not enough ratings
86 Chs


Zoey curled up herself at a long couch at the couch, embraced in her own arms weeping.

She's been there for such a long time, and Sebastian has been searching for her all over the house.

Mrs Kurtz found her at the lounge crying. She didn't care to know the reason behind her tears, instead she just wanted to add more pains to her pains. She stood infront of Zoey, giving her a dead stare.

"Why is my grand child all by herself weeping?". She asked her, pretending like she cared about Zoey.

"I miss my mother so much." Zoey responded naively.

"Silly girl. You'll never be happy here, because you're nothing but an illegitimate child. Go back to the slum which you belong." She insulted Zoey darely.

Zoey was surprised by her sudden switch of tone and character. Zoey cried when she heard those insults from Mrs Kurtz mouth. While she was still sobbing, Sebastian entered inside the lounge. Mrs Kurtz stood at a corner, while Sebastian rushed to Zoey's aid.

"Mother what did you do to her?". Sebastian asked Mrs Kurtz.

"Please don't fight her because of me. I am crying because I miss my mum." Zoey said to him.

Sebastian was surprised to hear her reply. Mrs Kurtz scoffed, leaving the lounge immediately. She didn't want to say the exact reason behind her tears.

"Should I take you back to Bianca?". He asked Zoey.

"No,not at all. I'm allowed to miss her sometimes." She said to him.

Sebastian tried distracting her, by insisting that they go to a park, where she would chill off her tension.

On the other hand was me, at a bar with Jasmine and George. I was drinking so many shots, to forget my tension. The more shots I took, the deeper the pain I felt inside my heart. My heart was heavy and I was obviously depressed ever since Zoey permanently walked away from my life.

"Bianca aren't you drunk from these shots you've taken so far?". Jasmine asked me worriedly.

"Nothing hurts me more than how Zoey hurt me." I replied her, gulping down another shot.

George dragged away the remaining bottles of beers from my hand, calling the attention of the waiter at the bar. He requested her to return the remaining bottles back, as I won't be needing them anymore. I was really mad at his actions. I dragged him collar, shouting at him. He really got me pissed off.

"Why are you interfering in my business huh?". I asked him angrily.

"Get a hold of yourself please." He pleaded with me.

"I'll take her home George. I apologize for today." Jasmine apologized to him on my behalf, dragging me up from my chair.

I struggled myself to flee from her clench, but I was already partially drunk. I was already feeling dizzy and heavy headed. George insisted to help, but Jasmine shoved him away because I was already mad at him.

Jasmine dragged me outside of the bar, heading over to the corner I parked my car. She was going to be the one to drive, since I wasn't in the right state to do so.

Outside of the bar, we bumped into Zoey and Sebastian.

They were at the bar to get some fruit drinks for Zoey, since she wasn't in a good mood. She felt really bad when she saw me in a drunken state. Jasmine dragged me to the back seat of the car, resting my head against the seat.

Zoey waited for her to come out of the car. Jasmine wasn't ready to entertain any of them at the moment.

"What do you want from us again?". Jasmine asked Zoey bitterly.

"Why did you let mum drink that high?". She asked her, concerned about me

"It's none of your business. You're no longer part of this family, the very day you decided to leave her all alone." Jasmine replied her harshly.

Sebastian had to join the banter immediately, because he couldn't stand and watch Jasmine talk to Zoey rudely. Zoey was already hurt by Jasmine's clap back.

"So what if she's bothered? Bianca is still her mum." Sebastian said to Jasmine.

"I'm not sure Bianca wants to see her face again. She hates you so much now. Despicable." Jasmine said to Zoey's face madly.

She entered into the car, driving off. She intentionally took a brake and drove infront of them. Sebastian and Zoey quickly stepped backwards to prevent the car from hitting them.

"Losers!!." Jasmine screamed out from the window of the car, before leaving.

Zoey really wished that all that Jasmine said to her face wasn't the truth at all. She exchanged glances with Sebastian, frowning her face again.

"You shouldn't let her words get to you at all." Sebastian said to her.

"When I saw my mum in that state, my heart broke into pieces. She's going through so much because of me." Zoey complained sadly.

Sebastian cuddled her in his arms, assuring her that everything would be fine.

Both of them entered inside the bar, and they bumped into George. He met them at the entrance door of the bar. He was about leaving.

George ignored their presence and treated them so coldly. He wasn't interested to say anything to them, because of what they did to me.

**Back to the apartment**

Jasmine took me into the bathroom, sitting my ass down inside the bath tub. She turned on the cold shower, and it drizzled on me. I gasped for air, feeling so suffocated. She was doing that to relieve me from the alcohols which I took earlier at the bar.

"Jas...mi..ne!!." I stammeredly called out her name, still struggling with the water that poured directly to my face.

"I warned you to stop drinking but you refused." She scolded me disappointedly.

I got back to my right senses in few minutes. Her little trick worked. Coming out of the bathroom with my wet hair and wet clothes that had some water droplets, a towel was handed over to me by Jasmine. She stood infront of the door of the bathroom.

"Thank you." I thanked her, slowly wiping off the water on my hair.

"I was worried that you might not get better." She said to me.

Jasmine refused herself from telling me that we bumped into Sebastian and Zoey on our way home. She didn't find it necessary to inform me about it.

... .... .... ...

The next day, I was already up to go to work.

I left before Jasmine, because my presence was needed at the company, due to the position I held at the company.

Inside my office, I got interrupted with some files I was going through. There was a knock at the door. I requested the person to come in and it happened to be Sandra.

"Hello Sandra!." I called out to her surprisedly.

"Ma'am, Mr George insisted on seeing you before the end of today." Sandra said to me.

I wondered why he wanted to see me. Sandra left my office, after dropping the information. I rounded off my work, heading over to George's office. I couldn't stop pondering on the reason he called me into his office.

Getting there, I gently knocked on the door and he requested I open it and come in.

I held the door knob, twisting it gently as the door opened ajar before me. I walked into his office, grabbing a chair before his table.

"Good morning, Sandra informed me that you insisted on seeing me." I revealed.

"Yes I did." He confirmed it to me.

"Do you have any work for me?". I asked him.

George keot mute for a while, before breaking his silence. I wondered what he was planning to say this time. I kept looking at his face, while he finally decided to speak.

"All the distractions here, won't let you concentrate in your job." He said to me.

"Not at all. I do keep away my emotions, when it comes to my work at the office." I said to him.

"I want you to be on a transfer." He revealed to me.

I was really surprised to hear that, and I wondered why he was coming up with that now. George was being concerned about me. He wanted me to forget about everything and finally move on. He was using my job as a cover up of his true intention towards me.

I bulged out my eyes surprisedly, while he nodded his head as a confirmation of his Wordscapes. He handed over a transfer letter to me. It was stated in the letter, that I will be transferred over to his other company at Chicago in the next two months.

"I will be leaving be leaving the United Kingdom entirely for Chicago? That's a new place on its own and I have never gone outside of my country in my entire existence." I said to him.

"You just have to comply Bianca." He said to me.

"I don't want to. Thank you but I'm seriously not interested." I replied him, handing the transfer letter back to him.

George returned it back to me, and reminded me that my recent job was the only available job I had right now at the moment. I have already lost my job as a manager of the bank I worked in before.

I left his office with the letter, seriously worried about the transfer suggestion. I really didn't want this at all.

I only have two a month here, before I will be relocating to a new country and a new city.