

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



Finally these two idiotic brothers revealed their secret. I only know that they are twins after we planned all this. At that time I'm really shocked, But after knowing that I can't tolerate these idiotic twins' tantrums. They are fighting like small kids even for small things.

Me: Okay. Finally your problem solved. So can we come to this brainless Bella now?

Oliver: Yeah I'm waiting for that only.

Jason: So Daniel what are you going to do with her.

Watson: Is that even a question. I'm sure Daniel is going to kill her. Isn't Daniel?

Me: No I don't want her to die that easily. I want her to go through all the pain in the world.

(When I say these words, she smiled. Fine she really has some other plan).

Me: Why are you smiling brainless Bella? You know you only have a small time to live in this world and now you are smiling.

Bella: You know what Mr. King, I agree that you found out my plan A but I have my plan B.

(Everyone is looking at her in shock. I know she is going to do something. I too have a plan B. No one knows about expect my people. I even have a plan C, plan D, and plan E. I think everyone underestimating me expect my Tesoro she is looking at me with a smile in her face. She knows that I'll protect her even in the worst situation. I think she guessed that I have my other plans. Okay now I have to act)

Me: What do you mean by plan B.?

Bella: You'll know soon Mr. King.

(Within seconds the door was burst open. Three to four mans got inside the apartment. I noticed them, and then I looked at Brainless Bella with the shock in my face).


I can see the shock in everyone's face even Mr. King is shocked after seeing who entered into the apartment. Without wasting time they came inside and pointed their guns towards everyone. I can see the fear in everyone's face. This is what I want. I want everyone to fear me. Mr. King got near Rose and hides her behind him. Now he is afraid of losing his love. Hmmm good.

Me: Untie me.

(I ordered them. They did as I say)

Me: Now both Jason and Watson put your guns down. Otherwise the machine guns in their hands will start to fire.

(They both dropped their guns slowly)

Me: Now guys tie everyone here in the chair. Tie then tightly.

(Now also they did what I told them. I took a seat in front of Mr. King)

Me: So Mr. King, now tell me do you think you're a king because now you can't save your Queen.

Mr. King: Who are they?

Me: I know Mr. King you have some connections with American Mafia. But I need some mafia people who will not be afraid of you for my master plan. I know only Mafia people will not afraid of you. So I got the help from the Italian Mafia. The person who is standing behind is Italian Mafia. They are not afraid of you. If I order them they'll kill you here itself.

Mr. King: How do you know I have some people in American Mafia?

Me: By the way you killed Mr. Lucas Weismann. The people standing here said that this is the way of torture only mafia people will do. So I guessed easily that you have some connections with American Mafia. Now I'm going to tell you how I have planned this. Trust me when I talked to Jason and Watson they acted perfectly I didn't get any doubt that they will backstab me. From childhood I have this habit, I'll plan everything perfectly that too with some extra precautions. I didn't think I have to use my Plan B, but you made me do this Mr. King. Now I'm going to torture your love In front of your eyes. Wait and watch. You know these mafia people is dangerous, they will kill anyone without second thought.

Mr. King: Dare you touch her. I'll kill you in the cruelest way.

Me: You can't even stand up from your chair. I'll torture her to my satisfaction then I'll out of the country today itself. My people will only release you after I left the country.

(Then I ask for the gun from my people, they gave me a hand gun. I pointed it towards Rose's right hand to shoot her. So that she'll cry in pain and she'll not die. I pressed the trigger.....