

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



I can't stop laughing, but also I feel like to kill that each and every girl who is calling Daniel is their boyfriend. As we are laughing and talking about the last one who came today and claimed Daniel is her boyfriend, Daniel suddenly came out of nowhere and hugged me tightly. When he is hugging me like this I know something is wrong with him. I asked but he just told me that he wants to make sure that I'm safe. I'm really lucky to have such a man for me; for only me. Then he asked to cook lunch. He said that there is a kitchen in the 80th floor. As I reached that floor I'm like Is this the office or some apartment. It has everything Gym, Kitchen, a small garden, a bedroom scratch that it even has a swimming pool. I can spend my whole life here itself. Now only I realize why Cathy saying he will always spend his time in his floor. I went to the kitchen and started cooking. As I had a feeling that Cathy is spending less time with her boyfriend after knowing my health issues and about Helen, Zoe and Stella and she is blaming herself for not taking care of me, so I asked her boyfriend who treats me and Eva as his little sisters to come here today and spend some time with Cathy and us. He is such a sweet brother.


I saw my Tesoro leaving this floor. I know she is safe in the 80th floor. And she can't go down without my notice, so I slightly relaxed and started to speak.

Me: Cathy and Eva, I have something to request to you.

Cathy: What is that Daniel? And you don't have to request us. You're our boss you can order us.

Me: No it's not as your boss. It is as your friend. Will you do that for me?

Eva: We can anything for our friend. So tell us friend what we can do for you.

(I know they can also help me in this matter)

Me: The fire accident that happened yesterday is not a real and unexpected accident. The whole accident was planned by someone. Someone is behind my Tesoro. They want to kill her.

Cathy & Eva: What…

(They are also shocked).

Cathy: Who is hell is that. Who wants to kill my sweetheart? Tell me I'm going to kill him.

Eva: Yeah. You found him right. Tell me who is he. How dare him. He tried to kill my sweetheart. She is pure as diamond.

(They are both are in rage now)

Me: First. It's not he, it's she. Yeah it is a girl. And I don't know who she is or where is she now. I only came to know this from my Tesoro's boss . He is the one who set the fire as her plan, she gave him money.

Cathy: Why didn't you ask him, who is that? He knows her right.

Me: I asked him, he didn't open his mouth. So I killed him.

(Now they both are looking at me with the shook).

Me: Now I want you guys to be with her each and every minute. I want you to make sure that no other person than me; you both, Watson and Oliver get near her especially any girls. There are some other people also following her. But guys only are with her each second and in the apartment too. So need your help in this matter. You want to inform me if you saw something different or something doubtful. Will you guys help me to protect your sweetheart?

Eva: Of course we will.

Cathy: Yes we also want to protect our sweetheart.

Me: Hmm Ok. Oliver I want some other person who you trust blindly other than Watson.

Oliver: I have someone like that. I'll inform him. He'll be here anytime soon.

Me: Okay ask him to come here as fast as he can.

Oliver: Okay.

(Then he took his mobile and walks some distance away from us to call that person)

Me: We want clear this matter before my Tesoro finishes her cooking.

Oliver: He'll be here in five minutes. He is somewhere near here.

Me: Okay. Let's wait.

(Within five minutes a man just like Oliver and Watson came there. He first hugged Oliver and then turned to us).

That Man: Hello Sir. I'm Jason.

(I can hear a bold voice like my other bodyguards, Oliver and Watson. But how can I trust him, Oliver trusts him but I want proof. Before I can say anything someone, no not someone I heard two voices calling his name from my behind. It's none other than Cathy and Eva)

Cathy & Eva: Jason

Jason: Hey Cathy and Eva

Me: You guys knew each other before.

Jason: Yes sir. Cathy is my girlfriend.

(Then suddenly I remembered my Tesoro's words from our first phone call)

Me: Yeah I remember. So Cathy he is one you're dreaming about all night.

Cathy: What.

Me: Nothing. When my Tesoro picked up your call that night, she told me that you were somewhere in your dreamland with your boyfriend.

Cathy: Yes sir. He is only that boyfriend. And Rose knows him well.

(Now I trust him a little)

Oliver: You didn't tell me idiot that you have a girlfriend, and Cathy seriously didn't you get anyone better than him.

Jason: Oh hello. Stop. I'm 100% better than you.

Eva: No Jason. my boyfriend is better than you.

Jason: What. You also didn't tell me idiot. And Eva you also didn't told me. Cathy is not speaking to me, she didn't consider me as her boyfriend and you're hiding this matter from me, you're also not considering me as your brother. Only Rose consider me as her brother, so she called me asked me come here and spend some time with you guys.

(What. my Tesoro called him)

Me: What.

Jason: Yes sir. Rose called me and told me to come here. As I'm on the way Oliver called me and asked me came here as soon as possible.

Me: Did Oliver, told you why he called you here.

Jason: No sir. He only told me that the matter is important so come here as soon as possible.

Me: Yeah it's important and also it's urgent. You know Rose right.

Jason: Yes sir. I know her well. Actually she is like my sister.

(So he is treating my Tesoro like his sister. I think I can trust him with my Tesoro)

Me: Okay Jason. We called you here because I need you to be Rose's bodyguard.

(He is looking at me with a confused face)

Jason: Bodyguard for Rose. Why?

Me: Someone is trying to kill her. And it's a girl. I want extra persons to protect her. So I asked Oliver to call his one of the trusted man and he called you. And you are also treating Rose as your sister. So I think I can trust you.

Jason: Yes sir you can trust me but why should that person trying to kill Rose. I'm sure she is not the type of person who can hurt someone scratch that she'll not even think anything like that.

Oliver: That is the reason we have to find out Jason. First you tell me that you'll accept this job or not.

Jason: No I'll not accept this job.

Oliver: Why. Just now you told that you're treating Rose as your sister than why are saying no.

Jason: Yes. I treat her like my sister it's a brother responsible to protect her sister. Not because of any job. I'll protect her like a brother not a bodyguard Oliver. So I'm saying no to the job.

(Okay so I can trust him)

Me: Good. But Rose doesn't know anything about this. And he is Watson, he is Rose's bodyguard. He'll also be with you in this matter.

Jason: Hi. Okay but can I ask you why are you doing this all for Rose. I mean you're Cathy's and Eva's Boss so….

Eva: Brother you said that Rose only treat you as your brother right. He is doing this all because he is Rose's Boyfriend. You can ask your sister if you have any doubt.

Jason: What. Mr. King you're …..

Me: First thing you both Watson and Jason can call me Daniel. And for your question I think it'll better if your sister tells u about us.

Jason: Okay Sir sorry I mean Daniel.

Me: And then one more thing Jason. You have stay with them till this entire problem is solved. As Rose already knows you it will not be a problem to convince her.

Jason: Okay Dan…..

(Before Jason complete his words My Tesoro came there to call all of us for lunch)