

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



(In the car Oliver started to speak breaking the silence)

Oliver: Daniel. I'm always around 24/7. Then how didn't I know about this all. I know that you know some mafia people. You'll help them when they are in any need. But who is this people you're talking about.

Me: Because I'll not directly talk to them if it is not that important. I'll signal them or message them. You think you know each and every detail about me but no you don't.

Oliver: Who are you?

Me: you'll see.

(After sometimes the car came to the halt. I looked outside and heaved the sigh. Another big story is on the way. I got out of the car. I think Watson heard about this building somewhere).

Watson: Sir. Did you asked for any mafia kings help. Sir they are dangerous. I know little bit about this building. This building is known for merciless murders.

Me: Just come with me. You're safe.

Oliver: Daniel, are you sure? we are going inside this building.

Me: Are you afraid of mafia people, Oliver.

Oliver: No why should I? I saw more than this.

Me: Oh. Okay. Then why are standing here come let's go.

(We entered into the building. If you think Oliver and Watson are dangerous then the people here are 100 % more dangerous than both of them. I saw two men walking towards me. They didn't speak anything or I. They lead us to the underground. I can see the fear in Oliver and Watson's face. All the men there are just looking at us without blinking. Those two men lead us towards the room in the underground. As we entered the room, I can hear someone shouting for help. We got near him, his face is slightly recognizable. I looked at those two men. I know they'll understand the meaning. One of them gave me box and gloves. Another one placed a chair in front of that person. As he's also tied in the chair, we are in same level now. No he is short than me. I think Oliver and Watson also recognized him. They are looking at me in fear now. Yes , I think they didn't expect this from me before than them).

Me: So Mr. Lucas Weismann, How are you? Did they treat you better?

(Yes He is none other than that culprit Lucas).

Lucas: Why are you doing this to me? I did nothing to you

Me: Yes, You did nothing to me. But tell me who asked you to set the fire in your own restaurant.

Lucas : Wha.. What are .. You…talking. I …I didn't.

Me: Mr. Weismann I'm not the man of patience. So open your damn mouth before I lose my little patience.

Lucas: No Please trust me. I didn't do that.

Me: Your time is up.

(I wear that gloves, one of the men opened that box. It's nothing all of them are knives, blades and some scissors. Oliver and Watson looked at me with the confusion in their eyes. I took a small knife and wrote his own name on his hands. He is crying in pain).

Me: I want answer Mr. Weismann.

Lucas: No, please leave me. Why are you doing this?

Me: No, I'll not leave you till you open your mouth. And I'm doing this because it considers my Tesoro. Why did you set the fire when people are working and that too in the kitchen?

(He is not opening his mouth.)

Me: Which hand?

(I asked that two men. They know what I'm asking)

Man 1: Right hand.

Me: So Mr. Weismann, you set that fire with your right hand. Right.

(I took the big scissors and cut all those fingers in his right hand. Now I'm furious, he dared to set fire around my Tesoro and he is not opening his mouth at all. Now he is screaming in the top of his voice. Oliver and Watson are looking me with terrific eyes. I know this is new to them. They only saw me giving punishments without harming them physically. But now it is totally different to them)

Me: Shh. Mr. Weismann I'll leave you if you tell me the truth. If that has nothing to do with me, I'll leave you alive from here. If that reason has to do something with me, then I can't promise you anything.

Lucas: I'm sure Mr. King that it has nothing to do with you.

(He is speaking while crying in pain)

Me: So it is true, that you're the one who planned that fire accident.

Lucas: Yes Mr. King, but I didn't do anything wrong with you.

Me: Okay. Now tell me why you set that fire that too in the kitchen when people are working there.

Lucas: Someone give me some amount and asked me to set fire that too from the kitchen.

Me: Who is that? And why from the kitchen.

Lucas: That person will kill me I tell her name.

Me: So that person is a girl. I'm asking you again, why from kitchen.

Lucas: Because we want to kill the restaurants cook Ms. Rosalynn.

(Enough of this drama, I took the largest knife from the box and stabbed his legs more than 10 times. It was not enough for me as I took my gun to shot him Oliver stopped me)

Oliver: Daniel calm down. We want to know who is that person wants to kill Rose.

(He is correct. I want to know who is behind my Tesoro)

Me: Tell me her name.

Lucas: She'll kill me.

Me: I'LL KILL YOU NOW. You tried to kill my Tesoro. I want to kill you in the most ruthless way. Tell me who gave you money to do that.

Lucas: No I'll not tell you.

(Fine, I shoot him in straight in his forehead. Oliver and Watson looked at me in shock)

Me: Try to find that person.

(I told the other two men, and went to the other room to freshen up. I want to see my Tesoro as soon as possible. I know she is safe now. But someone is behind her. Once I find out, who is that? She'll be in the hell. I freshened up and went outside. I saw Oliver and Watson are waiting for me. We got out of that building. I told mark to drive to the kings empire headquarter as soon as possible. We reached there within 15 minutes. I ran into the building through the special entrance, Oliver and Watson also followed behind me. I went straight to the 79th floor. I saw my Tesoro is talking and laughing happily with Cathy and Eva. I went near them they all stood up. I went near my Tesoro and hugged her tightly I didn't care about anything or anyone).

Rose: Daniel, what happened?

Me: Nothing Tesoro. You're fine right.

Rose: I'm fine Daniel. What will happen to me in your office?

(I broke the hug and cupped her face)

Me: Nothing will happen. I want to make sure that you're fine.

Rose: I'm all good Daniel. You know what we are talking about.

Me: How I'll know if you didn't tell me.

Rose: We are talking about a girl. Some girl came here two minutes. She wants to meet you. You know she said that she is your girlfriend. She is not the first girl. She is the seventh girl today came here to meet you saying that they are your girlfriends.

Me: What did you told to them?

Rose: We just told them that you're busy. If they want to meet you urgently, they can call you and inform that they are here and ask you to inform us to let them in. As they are your girlfriend they must have your number right. But they all left the place in the instant.

Me: good Tesoro. You handled them that easily. But be careful around any other girls other than Cathy and Eva okay Tesoro.

Rose: Okay. But why?

Me: Nothing. Just for some safety purpose. That type of girls can try to harm you.

Rose: You don't worry about that Cathy and Eva is with me right. They'll break their hands if they try to harm me.

Me: Okay Tesoro. Now it's already lunch. Will you prepare lunch for us all? There is a kitchen in my floor. I want to eat the lunch you prepare.

Rose: Okay. I'll go and prepare. You guys sit and talk, And Watson when did you came.

Watson: I just came here now.

Me: Yes Rose he'll with you when you got out of your house and this office. He'll also be here with Oliver.

Rose: Okay