

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



I really don't that Oliver this good in his work. He brought all the buildings in the surroundings and the apartment where my Tesoro is saying. I think I should increase the pay for both Oliver and Ms. Joseph.

As we entered into house someone started to shout rose name, I and Oliver got alerted. Suddenly a girl came from nowhere and hugged rose and started to exclaim

Girl: Rose my sweetheart. You know one thing rose till today I don't know where I work is the branch of the kings' empire. Today I got promotion to work at kings empires head quarters. I'm appointed as a receptionist to Mr. King's cabin. Cathy's cabin is in also the same floor. The girl, who is working as the receptionist there, came to my office today. She says that she is going to resign as she is going to settle in London after her marriage with her husband. So she and some other man from headquarters want to select experienced person as a receptionist for Mr. King. Then you know I got selected. She wants to join me as a receptionist tomorrow itself girl. And you know I'm going to see the world's most handsome eligible billionaire bachelor so close. I always see his photos on social media sites. But now I'm going see him as a person. I'm so happy rose ......

(She rambled all these in one go, without taking breathe. Now my Tesoro's other friend is also going to join in my company. Now I'm in a big trouble).

Rose: Eva... Eva breathe breathe first. You're also like Cathy. Now I'm going to become deaf hearing about that world's most handsome eligible billionaire bachelor. But I think you'll also forget that handsome man once you the devil just like Cathy.

(Yes just hearing her ramble once, my head is started to spinning. I'm wondering how my Tesoro is handling these two big mouths).

Girl (I think EVA): Yeah I no he is a DEV......I......….L.

(Just then she noticed that two men are standing in front of her. Shit, she recognized me. Now I'm in a big shit. But she is going say my name. Oliver did something I didn't think it will happen in million years).

Eva: Mr.Ki...…

(No nothing like you think, he didn't kiss her, he just hugged and whispered something in her ear. I think he told her about the drama playing by me and Oliver for my Tesoro. But this is the big thing for persons like Oliver. I think Eva is the first girl Oliver is hugging after he joined as my bodyguard. Yes because he is behind me 24/7. And I hate girls. I'll not let them near me. Only My PA and other important clients will be able get near me).

Oliver: Hello Eva. I'm Oliver. Welcome to Kings Empire. You'll my future colleague.

(Eva is looking at me and my Tesoro with wide eyes. After sometime she is able to get what is happening here. So she just smiled at Oliver. And looked at me, so I introduced myself to her)

Me: Hello Eva. I'm Daniel. Rose's friend and will be your colleague also.

Eva: Hello. Please come. Have a seat.

Me: Thank you.

(As we going to sit in the living hall, another voice came from the door. It's none other than Ms. Joseph. Now who will clear her doubts? Then immediately Eva welcomed Ms. Joseph with a hug. I think the same idea played by Oliver now is being played by Eva. Ms. Joseph came inside and gave me and my Tesoro a same look which Eva gave us some seconds before. All the time my Tesoro is just looking at our drama silently with a confused look).

Ms. Joseph: Hello Mr. Daniel.

Me: Oh hi Ms. Joseph.

Rose: why I feel like you guys are hiding me something.

(We all yelled a NO at the same time)

Rose: It's Okay. I'm just kidding. Eva did you had your lunch or not.

Eva: No. I didn't have.

Rose: Then all of you take your seat. I'll cook for all of us.

(Oliver, Eva, Ms. Joseph looked at me at the same. I gave them a why-the-hell-you-guys-are-looking-at-me-like-that look)

Me: Okay rose. We will wait here. You go and cook.

(I allowed my Tesoro to cook as I have to clear many things to those three who are looking at me any time).

Rose: Okay.

(Then she went to the kitchen to cook. I made that my Tesoro will not able to hear what we are speaking. Just then Eva gave me and Oliver a glass of water. After gulping it in one go. I looked at the three of them).

Me: I want to clear some things with you three Mr. Smith, Ms. Joseph and Ms. Eva.

(I pointed at them. They all nodded their head).

Me: First Thing. You all have to know one thing. Tesoro I mean rose don't know about me. She just believes that I'm Ms. Joseph's colleague. And my name is Daniel. And Oliver is my friend. She doesn't know anything about me being a king and your devil boss.

Ms. Joseph: Sorry sir. I'm just…..

Me: Don't interrupt me Ms. Joseph. You know I hate that. First listen to me fully.

Ms. Joseph: Sorry sir.

Me: I just want to continue this drama. Because I don't how she'll react once she got know me as a Daniel king. I want her to trust me. I'll reveal my identity when the time comes or in any other hard situations. I want you guys to cooperate in this drama. And when she's is with us, you all can call me Daniel. Am I clear?

Oliver, Ms. Joseph and Eva: Yes sir.

Me: Now Mr. Smith.

Oliver: Yes sir.

(He came one step in front).

Me: I'm really impressed by your work Oliver. In just half an hour you arranged everything perfectly. As I told you last week I want you to arrange some securities with rose. But I don't want her to get any doubt.

Oliver: Yes sir. I'll ensure Ms. Rosalynn's security.

Me: Good. Then, Ms. Joseph.

Ms. Joseph: Yes sir.

Me: I'm really grateful to Ms. Joseph. You remember I told you that I asked one my friend to call you at night you join in Kings Empire.

Ms. Joseph: yes sir.

Me: Actually I lied to you Ms. Joseph. I only called you but you didn't attend your call instead rose did. But she thought I'm some of your colleague as you didn't save my number that time. Today also I met her because of you. She came to the headquarters to drop your lunch box. So I'm grateful for you and other thing which I'm grateful for both you and Ms. Eva is that you're really treating her like your sister. But you have lie to her in this drama.

Ms. Eva: Sir, before that she is our friend. And we are really grateful to have her us our sister. She is the best one could ask for.

Me: I know Ms. Eva. And now you are also going to join in my company. I think Ms. Joseph, you don't know about that. She is going to join as 79th floor's receptionist. I think she is appointed by HR department.

Ms. Joseph: Wow. It's great.

Me: Okay now. I want to ask something to both you Ms. Joseph and Ms. Eva.

Ms. Joseph & Eva: Yes sir.

Me: Do you know anything about why rose looks this week.

Ms. Joseph: No sir. But we always made sure that she is taking her food perfectly.

Ms. Eva: Yes sir. Whenever we asks about that she always reply one thing that "I'm fine"

Me: Hmmm. Okay I just want to confirm that she is good. Do one thing I will give you both tomorrow morning two hours permission. After rose left the apartment for her work, you both search her room each and every corner. Look for something which causes you a doubt and bring it to me, like some medicines or reports. I think she is hiding something.

Ms. Eva and Joseph: Yes sir.

Me: Then where is she working Ms. Joseph. Is that place is safe for her.

Ms. Joseph: Yes sir. She is working in the restaurant as a cook as she loves to cook. But there is a girl called Stella. She always shouts at rose even for no matter. All that time Jacob her co-cook save her from Stella. As he have a crush on rose.

(My blood boiled after hearing that. So he is same person is the same person my Tesoro asked for help today morning)

Ms. Eva: But sir. He is not that good person. He literally flirts with every girl.

(I looked at Oliver)

Me: I don't want him anywhere near my Tesoro. Replace him with our man and ask him to teach a good lesson to that good for nothing Stella.

Oliver: yes sir. Consider it is done.

Me: What about her parents.

Oliver: Sir Ms. Rosalynn is an orphan.

(Hmm. Just like me)

Ms. Eva: Who the hell are you man. Who told you that she is an orphan? She's our sister. And what do you think of yourself. Who asked you to hug me in the first place? I'm leaving that you're with Mr. King.

(Ms. Eva grabbed Oliver's collar and yelled at him. No my Tesoro is not like me she have two best sisters. But now I'm not alone in this world I have my Tesoro. )

Oliver: Leave me, you girl. I know if I didn't stop you, you'll blabber everything about Mr. King to Ms. Rosalynn. Just like you blabber about your new job without taking breathe.

(So he also noticed that. But this is the first time he is fighting with a girl over a silly thing)

Ms. Joseph: Am I missed something.

Ms. Eva: Yes. You know this bloody idiot here hugged me without my permission. Who the hell gave him the rights to hug me?

Oliver: I don't know from where you got this girl as your friend Ms. Joseph. Is she mad? Who will ask for permission in that situation?

Ms. Eva: You... How dare you to call me mad. You're mad.

Ms. Joseph: Stop it guys. What are you five years old? And Eva he is Mr. King's head bodyguard. And Mr. Smith, she is not mad. I don't know why she is behaving like this with you. She's only shouting at you .If it's any other person he'll be dead by now.

(Then they both got silent….) after sometime, they both speak.

Ms. Eva: I'm sorry. I think .....

(She is blushing. What the hell is happening here?)

Oliver: It's okay Eva. I know it's sudden. I'm sorry.

Ms. Eva: It's okay Oliver.

(Eva, Oliver. when their relationship changed to Oliver and Cathy from Mr. and Ms. They both are looking at each other intensely. Then, Ms. Joseph cleared her throat. Then only they came to this world.)

Sorry sir. (They both murmured to me).

Me: It's okay...

(Then my Tesoro yelled from the kitchen).

Rose: (Guys lunch is ready. Come fast)