
Chapter 19 My Name is Mengmeng_1

Translator: 549690339

Bai Xuechao was an orphan, never having any elders to speak of, so how could she possibly owe Xiao Ming a favor?

Cleary, this guy was bold in his actions and spoke without thinking, nothing special about him.

Recalling how she had previously valued Xiao Ming, Bai Xuechao felt a rush of annoyance and anger. Watching the departing taxi, she muttered under her breath, "Bastard, dare to play me like that, I'd like to see if you have the guts to come back for that million!"

Right after she spoke, her phone rang. Picking it up, she heard an anxious voice say, "Boss, something bad happened. One of the models in the company injured someone in a bar..."

In the backseat of the taxi, Xiao Ming was accessing memories of his previous life in his mind.

The current price of pork was indeed falling and had been for quite some time, yet he knew that in two days, a highly infectious swine flu virus would start spreading quietly around the world.

A week later, when it suddenly burst into a major outbreak, it garnered the attention of countries all over, but by then it was too late.

The hardest hit areas in the country were the southeast and North China.

Millions of pigs were culled and buried, which hiked the price of pork up by three times within a few days, and the international futures price of live pigs surged almost fivefold.

This was the best opportunity he had to rapidly expand his funds, and of course, he couldn't let it slip by.

As for the so-called lack of a license, these were merely excuses; such trivialities could be easily resolved by any trade intermediary firm, and certainly wouldn't pose a challenge for Xiao Ming.

The reason he approached Bai Xuechao for this matter was that her biological father was his mentor in prison in his past life.

In his previous life, he owed much of his rapid rise after imprisonment to his mentor's guidance and training.

It was a debt of gratitude, and even though it hadn't occurred in this life, he wouldn't forget it.

While he was pondering this, he received a call. The incoming call displayed an unknown number, but the voice on the other end was Yun Shi Yu.

"Mr. Xiao, I hope I'm not disturbing your rest?"

Xiao Ming curled his lip, "Disturb or not, you've already called. What's the matter? Just say it."

Yun Shi Yu's eye twitched at the other end of the phone.

This was the first time she'd encountered a man with such a terrible attitude upon answering her call.

If it wasn't for the fact that this guy seemed unnervingly miraculous, she wouldn't have bothered contacting him.

"Actually, it's not me looking for you but Siyi. However, he doesn't have your number."

On hearing this, Xiao Ming's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "He didn't get stabbed by Mengmeng, did he?"

Half an hour earlier, after parting with Yun Shi Yu, Shen Siyi proceeded to a nightclub to meet up and drink with his buddies, as per their plans.

Being the high-rollers they were, they naturally received VIP treatment at entertainment spots. Drinks had barely been served when about a dozen host girls were arranged to keep them company.

All the girls were above average in looks, with varying figures. Shen Siyi's eyes settled on a girl with large eyes and waved her over with a smile, asking, "What should I call you?"

"Hello, big brother! My name is Mengmeng."

Her smile blossomed beautifully, and her voice was so sweet it was cloying, but to Shen Siyi, it felt like he'd been bitten by a snake, and he sprang up abruptly.

Seeing his reaction, his well-to-do friends queried what was wrong, but not knowing how to explain, he could only complain of feeling unwell and ask Mengmeng to leave.

"So you don't like such a pretty girl, has Shen's taste changed lately? I heard there are plenty of handsome men and hunks here too; do you want me to call one over for you?"

"Shut up! If I were looking, I'd have those hunks blow up your asses." Shen Siyi cursed, while his friends laughed it off. One surnamed Zhang then pulled Mengmeng, who was about to leave, over to his side.

Shen Siyi felt extremely uneasy during the following revelry, sneakily watching Mengmeng and tuning out his friends' toasts and the booming music.

Something was off. Could Xiao have a knack for prophesying?

No, no, Mengmeng sounded like a 'stage name,' and a common one at that. Probably just a fluke, maybe as good as a street fortune teller, nothing to fuss over.

After consoling himself for a while, Shen Siyi finally calmed down, cursing himself for being cowardly, and raised his glass to call for a toast with everyone.

Just then, he subconsciously glanced at Mengmeng again and saw the girl pull a shimmering knife from her handbag!

"Watch out!"

Without a second thought, Shen Siyi hurled his wine glass at her. Mengmeng yelped as her hand jerked, the knife missing Zhang's body but slicing a long gash across his chest.

The surrounding girls screamed and scattered, chaos erupted among the friends, and only Shen Siyi stepped forward, pinning Mengmeng to the ground.

Turning back, seeing Zhang's upper body drenched in blood, Shen Siyi felt a chill of fear.

If not for Xiao Ming's warning, would he still be alive?

He had seen clearly that Mengmeng's knife was aimed straight for his brother's heart.

After Mengmeng was detained by the bar's security and Zhang was whisked away by an ambulance, Shen Siyi asked Yun Shi Yu to thank Xiao Ming on his behalf, then fiercely told his friends, "Clearly, this was a hit targeting us!

We can't let this slide, or else how can we show our faces in the second generation circles?

Start using your connections to investigate, now!

For starters, let's grab the boss of that damn bitch's agency. I want to see what kind of guts he has!"