
Chapter 20 Bastard! Mother and daughter!_1

Translator: 549690339

Hearing that Shen Siyi was all right, Xiao Ming yawned and said, "You can give him my number.

Also, tell him not to scare himself, this matter is actually very simple, not as complicated as he thinks, just vent his anger and don't go overboard."

"What's the deal with that Mengmeng? Why did she try to kill...?"

Yun Shi Yu couldn't contain her curiosity, but before she could finish her question, the call was disconnected.

"This jerk!"

Angry, she threw down her cellphone and threw herself onto the bed, pounding the pillow in a frenzy.

Xiao Ming casually found a hostel nearby, took a shower, and went to bed. Just as he was drifting off to sleep, his phone buzzed with a text message.

It was from Yang Hanqing.

"I just finished the statement. Just to let you know, I told the police it was a chance discovery that the kid across the building likes filming. I didn't mention your name."

Xiao Ming curled his lips and replied, "Good girl! Don't be wandering around late at night, hurry up and roll back home to sleep."

After a long night's hassle, Yang Hanqing was exhausted and drained as she drove out of the police station.

Thinking that she would be on her own from today on, she felt a sudden sense of helplessness and panic, which the empty and quiet streets only amplified, making her instinctively want to talk to someone.

But who could she turn to?

At this hour, who else would be awake?

Pulling over to the side of the road, she took out her cellphone and, as if possessed, brought up Xiao Ming's number and sent a message.

With that guy's terrible temper, it was likely that even if she texted during the day, he wouldn't reply. Best if his phone wasn't on silent and the noise woke him up — serve him right!

Thinking this, Yang Hanqing's mood lifted a little. She turned on the music, relaxed her right foot, and prepared to release the brake.


She slammed on the brake, grabbed her phone, and unlocked it in one swift motion, as quick as lightning.

Seeing Xiao Ming's reply, the corners of Yang Hanqing's mouth involuntarily curled up, and she muttered under her breath, "This jerk..."

Early the next morning, Jiang Xue took leave from her company and went back to her parent's home with her luggage.

When Zhou Aifeng opened the door and saw her daughter, her face fell, and she said in displeasure, "What are you back here for?"

Swallowing her anger, Jiang Xue held back her tears and said, "Mom, I've thought it through, I'm planning to divorce Xiao Ming."

Zhou Aifeng's eyes lit up at once, "What did I say earlier? I was against you marrying him in the first place. Now you know it's bitter.

Not heeding the elder's advice leads to grief at hand. I am your mother, I can't harm you... "

She prattled on as she walked back into the house, and Jiang Xue followed, head bowed and silent.

"Now that you've come to your senses, it's not too late, even though it's a second marriage. You have no children holding you back, and you're pretty, finding another man shouldn't be difficult.

By the way, I've turned your old room into a storage area, so clean it up later. Even with a folding bed, it'd be fine for sleeping."

Zhou Aifeng said this as she pushed open a door.

Looking at the unrecognizable room, Jiang Xue's nose stung even more, and tears began to well in her eyes.

Although it was just a small partition of a few square meters, far less spacious than her brother's second bedroom, it was the place that held her childhood and teenage memories.

Now, her bed, her closet, all her things were gone. There was no trace of her, as if everything was an illusion, as if she had never existed.

Maybe... I am just superfluous. No one in the world needs me, except for...

Jiang Xue instinctively touched her stomach, and the hard-won decision to have an abortion from the night before began to falter.

"... Getting a divorce is good!" Zhou Aifeng's nagging continued.

"Your second aunt has mentioned it to me many times. There are quite a few single children from the wealthy families at her beauty salon. Hang out at her place more often and carry some stuff with you, let her introduce you to someone good.

Oh, and be assertive when you get divorced. You have to get the house. Do you understand?

Your brother is in his twenties and doesn't have a girlfriend yet. It would be perfect to sell the house and use the money for his dating and wedding."

Jiang Xue finally couldn't hold back and retorted, "That house is pre-marital property left by Xiao Ming's parents."

"Pre-marital my ass!" Zhou Aifeng instantly glared, "Isn't your name added to the property deed? With your name on it, you at least own half of it.

That Xiao punk has slept with you for so many years without enjoying any fortune; how can he not compensate you? Just that old decrepit house, I'd still consider it a loss!"

Seeing her mother's words getting more and more unpleasant, Jiang Xue stomped her foot and protested, "Mom, we are husband and wife. What do you mean by 'sleeping'? What are you considering me as?"

"Humph! Don't feel offended by your mother's words. In my eyes, you're not even as good as those who sell themselves. At least they earn money, what have you gained?"

Zhou Aifeng didn't care about stabbing her daughter in the heart and even prodded her forehead with frustration, "Why did I give birth to such a brainless fool of a daughter!

Thank goodness I kept a backup. I took your property deed in advance. It spares us from Xiao's potential excuses later on. Just in case he mortgages or even gambles it away, you'd have nowhere to cry... "


Jiang Xue was struck as if by lightning, her body stiffening as if turned to stone.

"Mom, you... you took our property deed?"