
Return Of The Rejected Luna

After getting rejected by her mate, Hayley finds herself in the arms of the most feared Alpha in the Kingdom. He claims her as his mate, and she is taken away to his kingdom to become his bride. However, upon arrival, she discovers that her newly found mate was nothing like the stories foretold. With his help, Hayley is able to find herself, and her history. And now she returns to the land that had once rejected her to claim what is rightfully hers. Will she show mercy to the people that once trampled on her happiness? Or will this new Heiress bring destruction to her enemies?

thehonoredone · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Family III


Damian was the first person to notice the sudden change in my mood, and he immediately reached out to hold my hand.

"Calm down.." He whispered only to my hearing. It was impossible to calm down now, not while memories of everything were flooding back. I had a family who knew about my existence all these while, yet they chose to ignore me and allowed me to suffer since the day I gained consciousness. It was impossible to ignore all of that, especially when they were seated right in front of me.

"Why didn't you come to save me?" I started, my voice low and steady. I didn't want to come off as arrogant or disrespectful, so for my first words, I chose to be as calm and collected as I could. John stared at me with a sad and confused look, but I was not here to gain pity from any of them. I was here to meet my family and get answers to all the questions that I've been saving up since I was a child.