
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (English Translation)

Title: Return of the Mount Hua Sect Alternative: Return of the blossoming blade / Return of the flowery Sect Originally written in Korean Language Author: Biga, LICO Translated by: NM Team Description: The 13th disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, one of the greatest third generation swordsmen, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint: Chung Myung. After defeating the Heavenly Demon and ending his reign of chaos, Chung Myung breathed his last on the summit of the Heavenly Demon Sect’s mountain. Hundreds of years passed, and he was revived as a child. But… What was that? Mount Hua Sect has fallen? What kind of bullshit is that!? Was he supposed to just live his life knowing that? “Fallen? Who said that? That doesn’t matter!” The plum blossoms fall? After a cold winter, spring comes and the plum blossoms come into full bloom once again. “But before the Mount Hua Sect returns, I need to be there first! Even if it’s in ruins, there has to be something left there—Ugh, those people in there!” And so began the struggle of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Chung Myung, to save the fallen Mount Hua Sect.

Sleepyslyfox · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Sect Leader! That one is the God of Wealth!

"W-where did I learn—Cough."

Blood gushed out of Lee Song-Baek's mouth. Seeing that, Chung Myung sighed and let go of his collar.

'I went a bit too far.'

Even if it was unacceptable for Lee Song-Baek to use that technique, there was no way he could treat this child like that. Lee Song-Baek didn't have the ability to create a new technique.


He stretched out his hand and hit Lee Song-Baek on the back of his neck.


As Chung Myung's qi entered Lee Song-Baek's body, his trembling subsided, and he let out a sigh as his expression eased.

Confirming that he had calmed down, Chung Myung stood up and looked at the sky.

Chung Myung, who had been looking thoughtfully at the sky for a long time, asked.

"Is that the Southern Edge Sect's new technique?"

"… yes"

"Twelve Movement Snow Flower Sword technique?"


Chung Myung smiled bitterly.

'They twisted the name?'

This was nothing short of open provocation towards Mount Hua, who knew what would happen if they learned about this.

'No. That's not it.'

These people claimed it as their own and displayed the technique openly. Most likely, the current Mount Hua wouldn't even be able to recognize it for what it was.

This was making a mockery of Mount Hua.

If Chung Myung hadn't appeared, Mount Hua wouldn't have known anything even after watching the men of the Southern Edge Sect use their sect's technique.

The evil man who made this sword was the only thing clawing away at Chung Myung's mind.

"Who all learns this sword art?"


"What, are you overthinking it?"

Lee Song-Baek nodded.

"From the second-class disciples."

"From the second-class. So, the first-class, second-class disciples, and the elders have all learned this sword?"

"I heard that the elders didn't learn it. Those who are learning are first and second-class disciples."

"They haven't learned…."

As his words trailed off, Chung Myung's eyes lit up with a fearsome glint.

If one of the elders had invented this new technique, they would have definitely transmitted it to the first-class disciples below them.

'Then…the person who completed this sword technique is still in the sect?'

This was good news.

If the man who committed this crime was already dead and buried, then who would be left to receive retribution?

'I don't know who it is, but I will make sure that he pays the price for this!'

Chung Myung gritted his teeth.

There was no need to think.

When the Demonic Sect invaded Mount Hua, the Southern Edge Sect must have come to help. The invasion was too brutal. If they had decided to stand by and simply watch their neighbors' downfall, then they would have been criticized by the rest of the world.

'They pretended to help, but in reality, they stole techniques from Mount Hua.'

Not everyone had done this. However, some people took advantage and did something that shouldn't have been done when Mount Hua was burnt down.


'I don't even know if the downfall is because of that Demonic sect.'


Chung Myung clenched his jaw and ground his teeth together.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't stand it.

"These bastards…"

Chung Myung risked his life to save the sects from danger, and this is how they returned the favor to Mount Hua?

Moreover, wasn't this just plain greed?

People make mistakes. It is in their nature. Let's say that someone from the Southern Edge Sect came to help Mount Hua and was blinded by greed and made a mistake in a moment of weakness.

Then wasn't it the duty of the sect to correct it?

The sect should strictly rebuke them and return what was stolen, not create new martial arts from it. And they have even named the technique Snow Flower? Were they mocking Mount Hua?

"What a load of shit."

Chung Myung grunted, looking at Lee Song-Baek.


"Uh? Ah.. yes!"

"Don't learn this."

"Huh? Why?"

"I said don't, so don't! You bastard!"

Chung Myung hit Lee Song-Baek on the back of his head.

He whimpered as he held his head.


Chun Myung, who felt irritated, looked at Lee Song-Baek and spoke.

"This is unattainable."


Lee Song-Baek looked at Chung Myung with blank eyes. However, he knew this was the truth.

If Lee Song-Baek hadn't come and asked to spar again, then it may have taken Chung Myung several years or longer before learning about the Southern Edge Sect creating this technique.

It can be said that Lee Song-Baek helped him.

Chung Myung is a man who repays grace shown and never forgets grudges held. Although indirect, this grace was a bit much to ignore.

"The Southern Edge's martial arts are centered around the basics. They seem slow and heavy right now, but it gets stronger once the sword is sharpened and polished. If you hope to achieve greatness, stop learning this right away."

"But the elders say that this sword is one step ahead of our existing sword technique."

"Of course, they would say that."

Because not a single person must have managed to fully master the Twelve Movement Snow Flower Sword technique.

Brilliant techniques advance quickly yet stagnate further in development. When a person who focuses on their foundation and honestly trains the basics and a person who learns complex and flamboyant techniques fight one another at a superficial level, then the flamboyant one will win every time.

'No, doesn't the Southern Edge sect understand….'


Chung Myung sighed.

'I think I know.'

The main culprit behind all of this might be Chung Myung himself.

The Southern Edge Sect must also be proud of their own sword techniques. However, Chung Myung, who they hated for decades, died in the battle with the Heavenly Demon Sect. The Southern Edge never once defeated Chung Myung.

Then was the sect weak?

Absolutely not.

'If they were weak, they would never occupy a spot among the Ten Great Sects.'

On the contrary, the Southern Edge Sect had many geniuses. Throughout the history of the Southern Edge Sect, they always had talents blooming within.

These geniuses existed in Chung Myung's time too, but these geniuses all crashed head-first into the great wall that was Chung Myung…

'No wonder they were skeptical about their techniques.'

Idiotic people.

'If I had been in the Southern Edge Sect, then I would have been the Southern Edge Supreme Sword.'

It's not the martial arts that matter. No, martial arts are essential, but the person who uses and wields the technique matters most.


At that time, Lee Song-Baek glanced at him and opened his mouth.

"I shouldn't learn the Twelve Movement Snow Flower Sword technique?"



Lee Song-Baek hesitated to speak, to which Chung Myung glanced at him and said in a severe tone.

"Your path cannot be defined or set by others."


Lee Song-Baek looked at him with a different expression.

"Some decisions require you to heed advice from others, but the real decisions in life need to be made by oneself alone. Neither the words of an elder nor mine will help you."

Chung Myung turned around, and without hesitation, he started to walk towards the Eunha Guild.


Chung Myung stopped and slightly looked back.

Lee Song-Baek bowed.

"Thank you for your guidance."

"Well, it was nothing."

Chung Myung waved his hand and moved on.

Lee Song-Baek kept looking intensely at his moving figure and took a deep breath.

"I feel like I met a Divine Taoist."

Meanwhile, Chung Myung's face flushed red in anger and cooled.

"The more I think about it, the more rotten you bastards are!"

How dare they steal Mount Hua's technique. And copy it? He wanted to run over to the Southern Edge Sect right now to crush it down.

"Ahh. Sahyung. This is how the world is. Instead of properly repaying the favor, these bastards did this bullshit. Do I have to put up with this?

-What can you even do aside from putting up with it?

It seemed like his Sahyung was laughing while looking down at him.

"Ah, if only I was as strong as I used to be…."

If Chung Myung was the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, then the elders of the Southern Edge sect would have already been dead. Unfortunately, he was just a third-class disciple.

'I need to get stronger faster.'

It was that same feeling again.

This was a world where strength mattered, and those without power couldn't do anything. Even if the elders of Mount Hua knew of this, could they do anything about it?


The strong had the privilege to enjoy power, and the weak had to stay silent. The current Mount Hua didn't even have the strength to accuse the Southern Edge sect.

"Only for now."

Chung Myung gritted his teeth.

"But the time will come."

Eventually, Mount Hua will regain its former glory. Chung Myung would make sure of that for as long as he lives.

If there was one thing he confirmed today, it was that Mount Hua and the Southern Edge Sect are completely incompatible.

Since the Southern Edge Sect had crossed a line they shouldn't have, it was impossible for Chung Myung to even try and get along with them.

Even if the others wanted to, Chung Myung wouldn't tolerate it.

"I need to get stronger faster."

He needs to get stronger, but so does the entire sect. If Mount Hua grew stronger, things would change, and they wouldn't need to be so restrained.

Chung Myung had no intention of making Mount Hua rely on him alone. He was going to bring the entire sect to power this time.

That way, those insolent fools can be adequately punished.

'Twelve Movement Snow Flower Sword technique….'

It's well made.

It's a clumsy copy of the Twenty-Four Plum Blossom Sword. However, they didn't simply modify Mount Hua's technique and ignore their own. Instead, they thought deeply about how to blend the Southern Edge Sect's martial arts together with Mount Hua's technique.

There were traces of the Southern Edge Sect's sword arts within it, and the technique's speed was also adjusted to harmonize with their martial arts.

It wasn't just a copy, but the creation of a full-fledged martial arts technique…

"Which is why it's so troublesome."

A playfulness that couldn't be hidden appeared on Chung Myung's face.

"I'll leave you alone for now but will slowly scorch you soon enough."

Just sitting around watching didn't fit Chung Myung's character. If his enemy was going to be defeated, then he needed to be the one who brought his enemy to their knees. It wasn't his style to wait around for their destruction.

"You crossed the wrong person."

Chung Myung looked to the south and clicked his tongue while gazing at the mountain in the distance.

"I will make sure you pay the price for touching Mount Hua without showing grace, Southern Edge Sect."

Then he turned around and walked back to the guild.

But, at this time, Chung Myung didn't know.

The opportunity to punish the Southern Edge Sect, which he thought would be in the distant future, would come quite soon.


Mount Hua was in a state of turmoil.

Seven days had passed since a third-class disciple had suddenly disappeared from Mount Hua. This was a huge thing.

Of course, when Mount Hua collapsed, there were more than just one or two who escaped at night. But this wasn't something common anymore.

Thanks to that, the atmosphere in Mount Hua was horrendous.

"… could he have been in some kind of accident?"


"It doesn't seem like he is going to come back no matter how long we wait. But, I don't see any reason for him to abandon Mount Hua, right?"


Yoon Jong nodded his head.

Jo Gul had said it. Chung Myung had no reason to leave Mount Hua. If he had even the slightest intention of doing so, then he wouldn't have given away that pill.

Did he give away such precious medicine just to leave Mount Hua immediately after?

Rather, maybe he gave them poison and left before it could take effect.


"If Chung Myung doesn't have a reason to abandon the sect, but he still hasn't come back after all this time… doesn't that mean something bad happened to him?"


"Yes, Sahyung."

"No matter how hard I try, I just can't imagine him getting into an accident."


"Can you imagine it?"

"I can—"

Chung Myung's smiling face flashed through Jo Gul's thoughts. Of course, not a warm smile but a wicked one.

'Ehh. No way.'

Even if he was thrown down a cliff and then an even bigger cliff, Chung Myung would find a way to survive even in hell. It was impossible for him to not come back.

"Then, what happened?"

"It would be nice if it was something which could satisfy the elders. They seem quite angry."


"Sasuk Un Geom has been summoned to the sect leader's residence again. I'm worried something bad is going to happen."


Yoon Jong frowned and turned his side.

'What the hell is going on with him?'

Even though he thought everything would be fine, Yoon Jong was strangely worried about Chung Myung,

"Isn't he too arrogant!"

Hyun Jong frowned at the sharp voice.

"It has been seven days and nights already. This is the first time a third-class disciple has been away for such a long time without permission."


"This isn't something we can overlook. Now, the sect is finally re-establishing its foundation, what will others think!?"

When the head of finance, Hyun Yeong, raised his voice, everyone nodded. Clearly, this wasn't something to overlook.

It was then that Hyun Sang, the head of Martial Arts, spoke.

"Now now, calm down, Sahyung."

"How can I be calm now?"

"Why are you thinking about it like that? What if the child has gotten in some accident? He might need help right now."

"Accident? What are the odds of an accident happening on Mount Hua? Even if it's true, he walked out on his own two feet. Does that mean that it's our mistake?"

"He may have lost his footing…."

"… Ummm…"

Realizing that this possibility made sense, Hyun Yeong immediately closed his mouth.

Mount Hua is indeed a steep mountain. It was common for people to trip and get injured. Even skilled warriors would occasionally get into danger; it wouldn't be strange if a third-class disciple died.

"Shouldn't we search the Mountains? If he is injured…."

"Right, we should search."

Hyun Jong, who was silent, answered with a heavy voice.

"We can certainly not rule out that possibility."

However, Hyung Yeong didn't give up.

"Even so, we cannot let this slide. Isn't this only a problem because a third-class disciple left Mount Hua on his own accord? Why was that child even given permission?"

Hyun Jong's face slightly hardened.

It was none other than Hyun Jong who gave Chung Myung the authority. Now, Hyun Yeong was saying that the sect leader had given too much freedom to the child.

"There was a reason for that."

"Reasons exist everywhere. Order can only be kept by following the rules of the sect."

"Finance head."

"Sect leader. This is something that shakes the basis of Mount Hua. Since when did Mount Hua give special privileges to children? He's not even a great disciple, only a third-class disciple."

"That's enough."


Hearing the heavy and cold voice, Hyun Yeong kept his mouth shut.

If he said anything more, it would cross the line. He also didn't want to fight with the sect leader.

"… sect leader. I went too far. I didn't mean to blame you."

"I know."

Hyun Jong took a deep breath.

'What is happening?'

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't understand why Chung Myung would do such a thing. Did he give him too much authority?

'Did I misjudge that child?'

Un Geom, who silently watched the proceedings, opened his mouth heavily.

"Sect leader.

"Go on."

"I will call the disciples and organize a search party. We will search through Mount Hua and the village below as well."


Hyun Jong nodded his head.

"You should."

"After finding Chung Myung, I will return. It was my mistake to not discipline him properly."

"How could it be your fault? You aren't even his mentor."

"I am the mentor for all the children."


Hyun Jong, who was about to speak, shook his head and closed his mouth. If he said anything more, it would imply that the dorms were under no one's guidance.

"It isn't your fault. It is mine for putting too much trust in that child."

"Sect leader, it's not like that."

"The important thing right now is not to find who is at fault. It won't be too late to discuss the right from wrongs after finding that child. It would be a pity if we were unable to save him because we wasted too much time here, wouldn't it?"

Everyone bowed their heads.

Even if there was a mistake, no one could deny Hyun Jong's heartfelt concern for the disciple.

"Un Am."

"Yes, sect leader."

"Organize a search party with you as the head. We need to provide all the support we can in order to find that child. First, we will find him and then—"

At that moment, a loud voice interrupted the meeting from outside.

"Sect leader!"

Hyun Jong's forehead twitched.

"I am in a meeting right now—"

"The child is back! Chung Myung is returning!"

Hyun Jong jumped up from his seat; there was a sense of relief which he couldn't hide on his face.

"How is his condition?"

"Yes. He looks fine. But—"

"Enough. I will go and see for myself!"

There was nothing wrong, which meant there was no accident. Hyun Jong was glad to hear that he was safe.

"Wait, sect leader."

However, Hyun Yeong didn't let him leave.


"Sect leader."

Hyun Yeong glanced around at the people around him and opened his mouth.

"I understand that the sect leader cares for that child. Considering all that he has contributed, it is natural for him to receive such treatment."

Hyun Jong narrowed his brows.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Sect leader. Do not spoil the child too much."


"Punishment isn't only a tool to govern the sect, but also to nurture the people properly. If he isn't punished appropriately for what he did, then that brat will never realize what he did wrong."

Hyun Jong sighed.

"You think I don't know that? Don't worry. I'm the one who wants to raise him more righteously than anyone else. If the child is safe and well, he will be punished for half a month…."

"That won't do."

It was Un Geom who cut in.

"The crime of not returning to Mount Hua is serious. He should be imprisoned for at least half a year."

"Un Geom, he's only a child, a third-class disciple."

"If this was something the second-class disciples did, it would be a year. Please punish Chung Myung appropriately according to the offense committed."

Hyun Jong closed his eyes tightly.

The position of sect leader doesn't exist so that he can impose his will on others and decide everything. It was a position that gathered everyone's opinions to come to a decision.

"… do the others think the same?"


"Sect leader. Don't hate us. We do treasure the child's talents, but that's the reason we are being strict."

Hyun Jong nodded his head.

"I know."

Hyun Jong walked outside without loosening his stiff face. All those who were seated stood up as well.

Un Am sighed as he watched this happen.

'What did you do? You foolish child.'

Only Un Am understood how much Hyun Jong cherished Chung Myung. So, no one except Un Am knew how he was feeling.

They nearly reached the entrance and saw Chung Myung entering the gate.


Un Am and Hyun Jong's faces were burning up.

No injuries. It was good that Chung Myung was uninjured, but he should have at least been self-reflecting on his sins. Yet, the child's face showed no signs of regret at all.

Why is he walking tall with straight shoulders and acting so confidently?

"You brat!"

Hyun Yeong screamed.


Chung Myung, who noticed so many elders approaching him, tilted his head.

"Where are you all going?"

"You idiot! Where do you think YOU are going?"

"To see the sect leader?"

Hyun Yeong, who was screaming, looked at Chung Myung, who bowed to Hyun Jong.

'Th–that guy?'

"Chung Myung."

"Yes, sect leader."

"Is there a reason why you left Mount Hua?"

"Yes. Sect leader. There were unavoidable circumstances."

Hyun Jong nodded his head.

"Explain. If your explanation doesn't convince us, you will be punished accordingly. Mount Hua's laws are strict."

Hyun Yeong couldn't stand being there.

"How dare this third-class disciple be this arrogant! If you can't give us a proper reason, I guarantee you'll suffer extreme consequences! Sect leader favors you so much, but this is how you repay his kindness!?"

Chung Myung looked at Hyun Yeong and scratched his head.

"No, it isn't like—"

"You! Speak properly!"

Firmly, an answer came from behind Chung Myung.

"Don't behave like that, please."


Only then did they realize that Chung Myung wasn't alone.

"Elder Hwang?"

"E-elder Hwang?"

"Didn't we receive a letter saying that you had fallen ill?"

Hwang Mun-Yak, who entered the gate, looked at everyone. Then observed the sect leader.

And he bowed.

"It is nice to meet you again, sect leader. How have you been?"

"Elder Hwang. It's been so long since I last saw you. I heard that you weren't feeling well; I am glad that you seem to have recovered."

He pretended to be calm, but Hyun Jong was shocked.

'H-how is he here?'

Wasn't it just seven days ago that they received a letter saying he was going to die of some serious disease?

Yet, Elder Hwang was here and looked to be in perfect form. He seemed like he was the same as the last time they met.

"Sect leader. Don't be so angry. My life was saved thanks to this young disciple. He saved both the Eunha Guild and me too."


"It is Mount Hua's grace which looked after Eunha. Which is why I decided to come here and give my thanks in person."

"… what on earth?"

Everyone looked at Chung Myung.

Chung Myung only grinned and shrugged.

"Well, that's how it turned out."


'This brat!'

'Somehow, it only makes me angrier.'

Chung Myung was still the best when it came to pissing off his elders.



Hyun Jong couldn't hide his shock. It was the same for everyone in the room.

There were only two people who remained composed.

One was Hwang Mun-Yak, sitting opposite Hyun Jong, and the other was Chung Myung, who was made to kneel and reflect.

"That child… you're saying that Chung Myung cured Elder Hwang and prevented a crisis in the guild?"



Hyun Jong looked at Hwang Mun-Yak and Chung Myung alternatively.

It was unbelievable.

Although he was a disciple of Mount Hua, Chung Myung hadn't been here for more than three months. He had little time to learn and was barely more than an average child.

How could it make sense for this child to accomplish such a formidable feat?

"Elder, is this really true?"

Hwang Mun-Yak frowned at Hyun Yeong's question.

"Do you think I would lie to you?"

"O–of course, that's not the case."

Hyun Yeong backed off; the power of the Eunha Guild was so frightening that Mount Hua couldn't afford to offend them.

Moreover, this man had consistently supported Mount Hua in the past. Without Hwang Mun-Yak, Mount Hua would have collapsed long ago. Doesn't that mean he should be catered to as a guest of unparalleled importance?

Even if Hyun Yeong held an esteemed position as the finance head and elder of Mount Hua, he couldn't treat Hwang Mun-Yak carelessly.

"I don't believe that you would do such a thing."

Hyun Jong frowned slightly, looked at Hyun Yeong, and spoke.

"It wasn't our intention. I will apologize for what was asked, Elder Hwang; please don't be too upset with us."


However, his displeased expression didn't relax.

He wasn't really bothered by their behavior, but he needed to keep the others in line. A merchant who engages in trade shouldn't be too friendly. Even a small gap should be exploited as an opportunity to challenge the opponent…


Hwang Mun-Yak coughed when he glanced at Chung Myung, who showed a displeased look on his face.

'Come on now.'

A third-class disciple is the one saving his elders from being scolded too harshly. Where in the world would you see a sight like this?

Hwang Mun-yak couldn't ignore the signals Chung Myung was sending him and softened his expression.

Un Geom spoke up.

"I don't understand."

Hwang Mun-Yak looked at him and asked.

"Who are you?"

"I am Mount Hua's Un Geom. I am in charge of the dorms the disciples reside in."

"I see, and Un Geom, you are saying that you don't believe my words?"

"That's not the case. I just have a fundamental question. Apart from everything else, does Chung Myung even have the ability to cure such ailments?"


A reasonable question.

Everyone looked at Elder Hwang and Chung Myung with doubt in their eyes. Hwang Mun-Yak was speechless and also looked at Chung Myung. This wasn't something the two had discussed.

"That isn't difficult."

"Can you explain?"

"Yes. As you all know, I was a beggar, right?"


"Beggars usually pick up anything and eat everything they can get their hands on, so they often get sick and poisoned."

"What are you saying! If that was the case, then the Tang family could have helped treat Elder Hwang a lot earlier."

"Yes, but you see beggars end up poisoned in unexpected ways. Most are unaware of how to relieve traditional poisons, but beggars are much more capable when it comes from something edible."

Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth.

"Five Shade Grass is a plant that is found in most places. It is very similar to mugwort, but it has poison in it. Birds also often eat it and get poisoned. Once consumed, the poison begins to afflict you after a couple of days, then comes a long period of suffering and eventually death."

Everyone was engrossed in his words.

"However, the way to detoxify it is simpler than one might think. Even if you take the person to a physician, they won't be cured, but feeding the person a ground radish will help them recover."

"So, Elder Hwang was poisoned with the Five Shade Grass?"

"Yes. The symptoms were very similar, so I tried it out, and he recovered."


Hyun Sang, who was silent until then, began to speak.

"I've heard a similar story. The Beggars Union is known to have the most efficient poison remedies."

"Well, is that so?"

Chung Myung laughed internally as he saw the others questioning whether to believe it or not.

'Ask away, you bastards.'

There was nothing to worry about, even if they went and asked the Beggars Union to check the authenticity of the information. Everything he said was true.

War was fought against supply. Getting supplies to the front lines on time was the most difficult thing in the world. So, those on the front line would often pick up anything that could be eaten, and there are many cases of people getting sick.

The incident he spoke about was something Chung Myung had actually experienced in the past. It was the Beggars Union that had helped him.

What happened to Elder Hwang had nothing to do with this, but what do the sect leaders even know?

'It sounds reasonable enough.'

Life is like that.

"Such a thing exists?"

"Then we can't do much. Should we really cause a fuss over Chung Myung being a few days late when someone's life was hanging in the balance?

"You did a great job!"

Everyone looked at Chung Myung in admiration.

"Sect leader."

Un Geom spoke.

"If this is true. Then, rather than punishment, shouldn't a reward be given instead?"

"Uhm. Indeed, you are right."

Hyun Jong's eyes widened a little.

"But sect leader."

Un Am raised a slight objection.

"It is a great sin to disobey the sect leader's order and not return, no matter how righteous his intentions were, what he did was wrong."

"Are my orders more important than a man's life?"

"… that…"

"Are you saying that we should praise a disciple for leaving a person to die as long as they return punctually?

Un Am went silent.

"Mount Hua is a sect which pursues justice. What can take priority over saving people's lives? Are my petty orders more important than life?"

"I was short-sighted."

Un Am bowed his head.

Meanwhile, Un Am and Hyun Jong exchanged glances. Un Am was the first to speak, and Hyun Jong expressed his anger, so people wouldn't bring this topic up anymore.

Hyun Jong, who realized Un Am's intention behind asking this question, gave a quick glance at Un Am and looked back at Chung Myung.

"Chung Myung."

"Yes, sect leader."

"Well done."


Chung Myung bowed his head.

As soon as the situation was settled, Hwang Mun-Yak decided to speak.

"The Eunha Guild and I have been greatly blessed by Mount Hua. No, to be precise, I was helped by Chung Myung, but he said that it was all thanks to the teachings of Mount Hua and gave credit to the sect."


"That child."

"It's the Path of Dao, seriously!"

Hwang Mun-Yak smiled.

'Everything is taken care of.'

However, it was impossible to speak the truth. From his point of view, it was better to let Chung Myung and Mount Hua be one.

It was hard to hold back his laughter as he looked at the face of Chung Myung, who brazenly accepted his elder's praise.

"And so, to repay the kindness I received, I would like to make a small investment in Mount Hua."


"Yes. Though perhaps the word investment isn't right. More like support. An investment has to be returned, but there is no need for such things if it was given in the form of support, right?"

"Y-You have already given so much to Mount Hua…."

"Sect leader."

Hwang Mun-Yak looked at Hyun Jong.

"If I was planning to end it there, I wouldn't have bothered coming here with my family. I want to pour all of myself into Mount Hua."

Hyun Jong's eyes trembled.

"E-elder Hwang?"

Despite Hyun Jong's surprise, Hwang Mun-Yak only smiled.

"We brought our people so we can take this slowly. What Mount Hua needs and what we can do will all be discussed."

"Thank you! Thank you very much, Elder Hwang."

"There's no need to thank me. I will fall short no matter how much I try since life cannot be measured with money."

Hwang Mun-Yak and Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung at the same time.

Hyun Jong spoke with a cheerful smile on his face.

"You've brought a blessing over Mount Hua, and now you've even helped spread the name of Mount Hua. I'm almost ashamed."

"Don't say that. If I hadn't learned anything here, would I even be able to do that?"

Hwang Mun-Yak was shocked.

'Look at this silver-tongued devil.'

His words flowed smoothly like oil on an even surface.

"Then, apart from the finance head and Un Am, the others can leave and rest."

"Yes, sect leader."

Everyone stood up.

"And Chung Myung, I will call you later, so don't go too far."


Chung Myung bowed his head slightly and went out with the others. As soon as they exited, the head of Martial Arts, Hyun Sang, patted him on the shoulders.

"You worked hard. It was a great job."

"Well, I didn't do anything too great."

"What you did was amazing. How can it not be a huge deal? Huhuhu. It's amazing enough to save a life, but it was even Elder Hwang's life! Really, a shooting star must have come to Mount Hua!"

That shooting star was Chung Myung himself.

He was the only star here.

Chung Myung sighed, seeing these people giving all the credit for what he did to some random luck.

Right, right. What can I do when they're so happy?

At that moment, Un Geom came.

"Chung Myung."

"Yes, Dorm Master."

"I know you did a good job, but it is true that you handled it poorly. You were in the wrong, especially for leaving Mount Hua without a word."

"I was in a hurry, so I didn't think about it."

"That's possible, but be careful next time. What you did this time was more dangerous than you thought."

"Yes. I will be careful."

"It is true that you disobeyed the sect leader's order. You can't always use the excuse that it was unavoidable."


Chung Myung bowed his head.

His lips were pouting.

'Why is this child so inflexible?'

However, Chung Myung, who was thinking all sorts of twisted thoughts, felt relieved when he looked up and saw Un Geom's lip twitching and struggling to hold back a smile.

"Ahem. Well, you should be careful and keep up the good work."

'Look at him.'

The others all approached, patted him on the shoulder, and congratulated him. The existence of Elder Hwang in Mount Hua held a deeper meaning than Chung Myung thought.

He is a person who provides money.

And those with money are the best.

"It seems like Mount Hua's luck is finally turning around. Good fortune keeps finding us lately."


Everything was because of Chung Myung.

Chung Myung sighed secretly.

'Ah, Sahyung. My back is starting to hurt now.'

He seemed to hear his Sahyung laughing at him from the sky.


Mount Hua was in chaos.

No, it was already in a state of turmoil, but now it was in a fuss for a completely different reason.

"Elder Hwang was saved?"

"Who is elder Hwang?"

"The greatest merchant of the Eunha Guild. Even if all the merchants of Hua-Um gathered, they wouldn't be able to go against Elder Hwang."

"Huh? Is he that great of a person?"

"That's what I'm telling you."

The third-class disciples were all in either disbelief or shock as they spoke.

"Chung Myung saved someone that important!?"

"Wow! This is really…."


"I know."

"Why would he…."

It was good news, but the third-class disciples were all confused.

With this, Chung Myung's position was bound to rise, and it was clear that the adults in Mount Hua would favor him more. Wasn't Chung Myung already being protected by Un Geom and the sect leader?

And now he's going to get another level up?

Jo Gul smiled.

"I wondered what he was getting himself up to."

He is really a ghost-like man. Maybe the heavens were helping him?

"Isn't this too much, Sahyung?"


"Doesn't he have too much luck on his side?"

Yoon Jong looked at Jo Gul and spoke.

"You think it was luck?"

"… you think it's something else?"

"It isn't luck. It's skill."

Jo Gul titled his head. Yoon Jong started to explain when he saw his companion's confusion.

"It was Chung Myung's skill that gained him the authority to go down to Hua-Um village, that's why he got picked to deliver the letter. What would we have done in that situation? All we could have done was inform our elders of the situation and perform our usual duties in Mount Hua."

"…. yeah."

"What's more, there was no guarantee that Elder Hwang would survive his treatment either, but he took a chance because of his skill. If things had gone poorly, Elder Hwang might have died, and Mount Hua would have been ostracized as a sect that tried to take advantage of a wealthy guild only to cause a catastrophe instead. It's a situation in which even the sect leader can't move about recklessly. "

Jo Gul nodded his head. What Yoon Jong said was true.

"Everything looks easy when you see someone else do it. You only realize how difficult something truly is when you must do it yourself. Focus on developing your skills instead of discussing luck. Luck may provide you with opportunities, but if you lack the skill to capitalize on that moment, then it's all a waste."

"Yes, Sahyung."

Jo Gul sighed low.

'Sahyung is starting to nag more and more these days.'

In the past, Yoon Jong was the kind that would step aside from any situation.

Although he was sitting in a symbolic seat as the eldest of the third-class disciples, he wasn't someone outstanding and never tried to make use of his position.

Like water, he would often just go with the flow. Lately, though, he felt more and more like a Sahyung.

He's changed since he decided to achieve something in Mount Hua.

It was the same with Jo Gul.

The others went silent and fell into contemplation at Yoon Jong's words.

However, Yoon Jong's words weren't finished.

"But I am worried."


"The process and result were achieved through his skills, but it is also true that his position has increased…."

Chun Myung had already made several contributions to Mount Hua. Now, he made another major one, so what level would his status rise to?

"I am sure that something else is bound to happen."


Chung Myung being vicious like a snake isn't the problem here.

The problem was that this vicious person was diligent.


"Just what sin did I commit in my previous life?"

The White Plum Blossom Boarding House was filled with sighs.

"Elder Hwang decided to take over the businesses in Hua-Um."

"We're fortunate."

"If it's Elder Hwang, we can trust him."

Hyun Jong tried to suppress his excitement.

'I am so glad that I can't even make tea!'

It wasn't easy to stabilize his hands, which were trembling in excitement.

Hwang Mun-Yak offered to manage their business without any charge. He even promised a huge amount of compensation, saying that he would repay the favor he had received.

He simply placed two conditions.

Instead of accumulating wealth inside Mount Hua, the money earned would be utilized for the development of Mount Hua.

And the other was to give preference to the third-class disciple, Chung Myung.

The first condition was no problem.

Hyun Jong had no intention of storing the wealth away. Mount Hua wasn't in a position where it could leisurely accumulate wealth. They would have to pour money down the well before it would become stable enough to hold water.

The problem was the second condition.

'Preference is too vague of a term.'

It was a natural request to expect from Elder Hwang, Chung Myung had saved his life. As Chung Myung is a disciple of Mount Hua, it can be said that Elder Hwang was repaying the favor by investing in Mount Hua. Yet, he had a special interest in Chung Myung himself.

The problem came from the term 'preferential treatment.'

'What are some ways we can give such treatment to a third-class disciple?'

That was what made Hyung Jong's head hurt.

If he soberly evaluated the achievements made by Chung Myung, it was strange that he hadn't been rewarded properly.

But wasn't Chung Myung already receiving privileges that even the great disciple couldn't have?

'At a time like this….'

Hyun Jong looked at Un Am.

Un Am looked at Hyun Jong too and opened his mouth.

"Hmm, this is a good thing."

Un Am drew in the crowd's attention, looked around at them, and continued.

"The reason Elder Hwang asked is because Chung Myung has saved him from a horrible end."



"He's such a good child. How does he choose to only do good deeds? Is he a spirit?"

"He's truly on the path of Dao."

"Tell me about it."


Un Am coughed once to gather attention from those talking about the child.

"Then, shouldn't we reward that child again?"

"Well, yes. He should be rewarded."

"He does deserve it."

Everyone nodded.

"Hmmm, so what kind of reward do you think would be fine? Let's all give our opinions."

Seeing that things had gone the way he wanted, Hyun Jong smiled.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a disciple that only brings fortune to Mount Hua and receives appropriate rewards in return? Of course, such things were a blessing to Mount Hua.

"Considering that he's a third-class disciple, why not teach him a martial art which he normally couldn't learn as a third-class disciple?"


Hyun Jong looked at Hyun Sang.

This was certainly preferential treatment for the child.

"After I finish studying them, why not let Chung Myung learn the Seven Sages Sword and the Falling Flower Sword? That would certainly make him happy."

"That's a great idea. Sect leader?"

"I agree."

It was a very warm atmosphere. Hyun Jong smiled and nodded his head.

"Then, as we discussed…."


At that moment, someone interrupted Hyun Jong's words.

Hyun Jong slowly turned his gaze and looked at the source of the voice.

Finance head, Hyun Young.

He decried with a face full of anger.

"Sect leader! It makes no sense to give that child this kind of reward!"

'Ah, what now!'

This discussion was going to be another pain in the ass.

Although Hyun Jong was the sect leader of Mount Hua, Hyun Young was also an elder and a member of the financial side. He couldn't easily ignore the words of Hyun Young and do what he wanted.

"Finance head, what now?"

"That's your reward? What kind of reward is that?"


"Do you think that if you give that child martial arts, he'll be happy? He's already busy training every day at the dorms, and you want to give him more to learn? That's not a reward; it's punishment!"


What is this?

Why did it seem like the conversation went in a strange direction?

Amid everyone's confusion, Hyun Young looked at them with fire blazing in his eyes.

"That is no reward! A reward must be something that you give another person wholeheartedly. What kind of reward is this!? When you give a reward, it needs to be significant enough to feel a certain reluctance to part with it! Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

What was this man even saying?

Hyun Jong looked at Hyun Young with eyes that were full of bewilderment as he couldn't figure out what was happening. Wasn't Hyun Young the one who hated Chung Myung's the most and said he had to be punished at all costs in the previous meeting?

Why did he suddenly change his position?

At last, an excitable voice erupted from Hyun Young's mouth.

"Do you think this is some normal contribution!? Thanks to that child, Elder Hwang was saved, and the money is flowing into Mount Hua—No, Mount Hua is being supported! Elder Hwang even said that he would even manage the businesses for free… FOR FREE!"

Only then did Hyun Jong understand why this was happening.

Hyun Young was the head of finances.

Someone who had to take care of the maintenance of Mount Hua. To put it bluntly, it was a position that needed to manage the money within Mount Hua.

Really, it could be expressed in one word,


How horrible must it have been to manage the finances for a ruined sect? However, thanks to him, Mount Hua was able to survive until now.

'No more.'

There was no one willing to aid a ruined sect, and debtors kept coming to collect.

Then, when the situation became dire, Chung Myung solved the problem.

Although a large chest of money was found, money would disappear quickly once it found a use.

What the finance head wanted wasn't money, which would run out when used, but stable income, which could be invested each month with the businesses running well.

How happy must he be? After all, Chung Myung saved Elder Hwang, the person Mount Hua needed the most in order to steer them towards the best outcome. From his perspective, he would support Chung Myung even if he needed to wait on him hand and foot for over a month.

Hyun Young was red when he shouted.

"Give him a proper reward! That way, he will bring more nice things to us!"

"A reward isn't an investment to earn back later…."


Hyun Young, who was excited, even stopped Hyun Jong from speaking.

"Sect leader! That child, he is a God! He's the God of Wealth! You need to give him a proper reward and keep using him to earn more money! Do you get it! Huh?"


"Do you know just how much money he's earned this time? All these other idiots are gathered here, but not a single one among them has even brought in a penny! Such bastards! But this child is a wonderful bastard! Right? Do you understand? Say yes?"

Hyun Sang got up from his seat and then hugged Hyun Young from behind and started pulling him out of the room.

"Sect leader! Reward him right! A huge reward!"

As he was dragged out, Hyun Jong sighed.

"I hope you all understand. He's gone through some tough times."

"… we understand."

"Actually, there isn't anything we can do. Considering the hardship that he's endured."

"How difficult must it have been…."

"Sect leader."

Un Am cleared the atmosphere and spoke.

"Finance head is right. Chung Myung needs to be rewarded properly. I especially like the idea of giving him what he really deserves."

"Well, that's right."

"If we look at this situation calmly, Chung Myung's achievements this time cannot be compared to what he did previously."

Hyun Jong nodded his head.

"But last time, it was pure coincidence. So, the disciples will also try to see what kind of reward Chung Myung receives this time."


"I want Chung Myung to be given a proper reward so that all disciples understand that those who achieve great deeds for Mount Hua will be awarded appropriately."

Everyone nodded their heads, and Hyun Jong said.

"Then, what should be the reward?"

No one could answer.

"First of all…."

It was Un Am who spoke.

"He likes going down Mount Hua, so I think it might be good to have him be our liaison with the Eunha Guild."

"But wouldn't that just be turning him into an errand boy? Is that even a reward?"

"Elder Hwang is fond of Chung Myung, so he will treat him favorably each time."

"Ah, that is true."

Hyun Jong nodded his head. It was a good idea.

As soon as one opinion came out, the others began to express their thoughts as well.

"Why not give him a Plum Blossom Sword in advance? Wouldn't the child like that?"

"What use would the Plum Blossom Sword be to a child who still trains with a wooden sword? Why not give him a new uniform? Embroidered with golden thread."

"What's the point of wearing gold-lined threads when food is scarce? Let's just give him something to eat or let him take something from the library."

"Do you think Chung Myung is like you! You think we should just give him food as a reward?"

"Then we'll give him pills!"

"There are no pills in Mount Hua!"

"Then buy some! We have money!"

It was then.


Hyun Young kicked the door open and shouted.

"Just give him money! What are you all racking your heads for when we have money to give! You frustrating old bastard! Shut up and give him money for… um! Um! Um!"

Hyun Sang covered Hyun Young's mouth and dragged him out again with an awkward smile.





Hyun Jong closed his eyes.

'It is true that good things have constantly been happening lately….'

But the more Mount Hua grew, the stranger it became.

Maybe it was just his imagination?

Hwang Mun-Yak sat opposite Chun Myung and sipped his tea.

Chung Myung frowned slightly as he looked at Elder Hwang.

It was Hwang Mun-Yak who began the conversation.

"How is it?"

"You say the strangest things from time to time."

"There is nothing wrong with asking."

Hwang Mun-Yak's eyes shone as he gauged Chung Myung's reaction. He felt a subtle sense of incongruity as he looked at Chung Myung.

'I, Hwang Mun-Yak, am speaking on equal footing with a child like this?'

It wasn't a matter of arrogance, but considering what Hwang Mun-Yak had achieved in life, sitting like this with a third-class disciple would usually be unthinkable.

Nevertheless, Hwang Mun-Yak was now alone with Chung Myung. Not as a benefactor who saved his life, but simply because he wanted to deal with Mount Hua's third-class disciple, Chung Myung.

"Aren't we in the same boat now?"


Chung Myung smiled brightly.

"It was luck that I saved Elder Hwang. Being on the same boat is a bit too much."

"I have no desire to be on the same boat as Mount Hua."

Chung Myung narrowed his eyes and looked at Elder Hwang.

'Look at him?'

Isn't he being a bit too honest?

"To be precise, without you, Mount Hua is of no interest to me."

"You are overestimating my worth."

Hwang Mun-Yak curled his lips at Chung Myung's modesty.

"Young disciple. I am a merchant. I have been a merchant all my life, and I will be one until the day I die. As a merchant, the only weapon I possess is my eye for people."


"If my eyes were wrong, I would have already been in ruin. Even if I have merely been lucky enough to avoid failure till now, I would surely fail one day. There is nothing more upsetting or regrettable than that, but if my eyes are correct…."

Hwang Mun-Yak looked at Chung Myung.

"Wouldn't good fortune be in the future for both Eunha and Mount Hua?"

Chung Myung lightly scratched his cheek.

"Well, don't say anything about being on the same boat. I'm not fond of such phrases."


"People who speak such words are often the first ones to put a knife in others' backs."

Things like this happened in the past.

Countless people praised and shed tears for Chung Myung and Mount Hua as they went to save the world. But none of them had shown kindness to Mount Hua in the end.

So how could he like these words now?

"I don't like such phrases either. From a merchant's perspective, a boat is something you can get on and off at any time."

"Yes, I suppose so."


Hwang Mun-Yak smiled.

"Although, if our destination is the same, then there is no need to get off the boat. After all, if both parties row the boat together, won't it be easier to reach our destination?"


Chung Myung looked at Hwang Mun-Yak with serious eyes.

"Yes. There is nothing wrong about that."

Hwang Mun-Yak's eyes shone.

'I am sure.'

He confirmed this.

It didn't matter what the outcome of this conversation would be. It would be great if Chung Myung would cooperate, but even if he didn't, as long as the negotiations with the sect leader were completed, Eunha Guild would support and take advantage of Mount Hua.

Nevertheless, Hwang Mun-Yak wanted to speak privately with Chung Myung to confirm this point.

'In this child's head, Mount Hua is already developing. He has already determined that Mount Hua will develop, without fail.'

What tremendous confidence.

However, this self-confidence didn't feel like it came from simple child-like pride, ignorant of the world. Rather, a sense of senility could be felt from Chung Myung.

"Young disciple."


"The Eunha Merchant Guild will do its best to support Mount Hua. You know what that means, don't you?"

"What, you are breaking up with the Southern Edge Sect?"

"That's right."

"I think it is a bit disrespectful to expect a reward for something we didn't request from you."

"I want nothing in return. I just want you to know."

"Yeah. Sure…"

'You just wanted to let me know, sure.'

It wouldn't cost a thing.

"I'll be sure to come and visit you often in the future."

"Yes. Sect leader said that if there was a need to send someone to Eunha, I'd be the one to go."

"That's quite the good news. I hope to see and speak with you soon. Haha."

"Yes, of course. Hahaha."

Both people chuckled at the same time and looked at each other.

In their hearts, both had completely different thoughts.

'This quick-witted little prick!'

'How dare you try and take advantage of me. I've handled countless fools like you in my past life!'

They were facing each other with smiles, but sparks were flowing between them.

"Young disciple."


"This is the gamble of my life."

"That's something a young man should say."

"Well, I think I've gained a new life after you helped me. It wouldn't hurt to bet on a new life."

"But you don't really care about that."

"Perhaps I just wanted to say it then."

Hwang Mun-Yak stood up. Then he looked at Chung Myung.

"I will only say one word of advice in return for saving my life."


"Young disciple. You certainly are excellent. Even if you searched every crevice of the world twice over, you might not find someone more capable at your age."

"Thank you for your kind words."

Do you want to find a person like Chung Myung? It's not just those his age; there's absolutely nobody like him in the entire world!

Who else could come back from the dead like him?

"But I think that young disciple needs to stay hidden a little longer. The world is a scary place. All sorts of ghouls and ghosts dance around, and there are many demons around us. As soon as you reveal yourself, they'll rush towards you."

Chung Myung had a bitter smile.

"You speak too highly of me; I am just a kid."

"I told you all that I wanted to say. Okay then."

Hwang Mun-Yak turned around and walked away.

"Ah, one minute."


Hwang Mun-Yak turned around again; Chung Myung had a subtle smile on his face.

"I need you to find out a few things for me. Could you please help me out?"

Hwang Mun-Yak also had a subtle smile as he nodded.



Hwang Mun-Yak closed the door behind him and Hwang Jongi, who was waiting, approached him.

"Did you have a good conversation, father?"

"How did the discussions with the village below the mountain go?"

"From today on, we have decided to place subordinates within Hua-Um. If we support and distribute the goods, we will be able to stabilize the businesses before ten days are up."

"That's quite long."

Hwang Mun-Yak said.

"Even if you take a loss, settle the matter within three days. Now isn't the time to pursue profit. We need to show our abilities here."


Hwang Jongi couldn't hide his curiosity and asked again.

"The young disciple is…?"

"… Hm."

Hwang Mun-Yak glanced back at the door he had left behind with a subtle expression.

'That child is a monster!'

He couldn't understand what that child was thinking. Even though he took on a child-like appearance, Hwang Mun-Yak began to doubt whether even that was real or fake.

"Mount Hua…"

Hwang Mun-Yak smiled.

"I'd rather call this place the Dragon's Lair."


"Nothing. Let's move."

Hwang Mun-Yak walked out whistling.

Dragon Lair.

Where a dragon lives. There was no need to guess who the dragon was.


"Yes, father."

"I've changed my mind. Maybe we should put everything on the line in Mount Hua."


Hwang Mun-Yak was strangely excited.

Merchants don't live on money but information. Money was just the result of utilizing the information in the proper manner.

He realized before anyone else that a dragon resided in Mount Hua. This information was so great that even Hwang Mun-Yak couldn't estimate its value.

'If I use this information well, the Eunha Merchant Guild might very well rise to the top of the world!'

It won't be easy, but wasn't this worth a try?

"There must be a lot of work to do. Let's go now."

Hwang Jongi silently followed his father, unable to understand the situation.

At the small hill behind White Plum Blossom Hall, a pair of eyes were watching them.


Chung Myung watched the two adults as they set off from Mount Hua.

"That old man just doesn't quit."

Dealing with Hwang Mun-Yak was different from dealing with Hyun Jong or the other elders of Mount Hua. Of course, the elders of Mount Hua were diligent and wise, but they were Taoists who lived their lives away from the real world.

Hwang Mun-Yak lived in the secular world his entire life, so he was a lot more calculating.

"Whatever, it all worked out."

He was able to solve the issue. Hwang Mun-Yak would continue to help Mount Hua in the future.

The weakest part of Mount Hua has been bolstered.



Hwang Mun-Yak will make sure that Mount Hua's name is heard around the world once again. Since Mount Hua is a martial arts sect, it was necessary for them to claim their identity in the right way.

Chung Myung looked up at the blue sky and grinned.

"Well, one problem is solved, Sahyung! How was that? Do you think I did well?"

The visage of Chung Myung's Sahyung could be seen smiling down at him from among the clouds.

As if to say,

'You idiot. It serves you right! Now, do you understand how hard it is?'

That was what that old man seemed to be saying.

"This is still the first step."

There was a long way to go.

Mount Hua's biggest obstacle has been overcome, there was no immediate concern remaining that the sect would vanish, and they had even gained a fair bit of wealth. With that problem solved, the next focus would be their martial arts.

If the Southern Edge Sect has lost their identity and forgotten their roots, then what about Mount Hua, which doesn't even have roots? He had to restore Mount Hua's martial arts back to their peak.

Chung Myung raised his body up.

"Ugh. When will the kids grow up!?"

Looking down at Mount Hua, the scene seemed to leave him feeling pleased. Even though it was only a little, Mount Hua had begun to change.

Chung Myung laid down again.

"Sahyung, Sahyung. I should have listened more to Sahyung's constant nagging. Now I understand Sahyung's worries."

Chung Myung closed his eyes.

He could envision the old days when he hid away from his Sahyung as he chased after Chung Myung, ready to discipline him.

His appearance had changed, but so did the years.

Mount Hua is Mount Hua.

Right. It was still Mount Hua.

It was a day when the long winter had passed, and the first spring plum blossoms bloomed in Mount Hua.