
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (English Translation)

Title: Return of the Mount Hua Sect Alternative: Return of the blossoming blade / Return of the flowery Sect Originally written in Korean Language Author: Biga, LICO Translated by: NM Team Description: The 13th disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, one of the greatest third generation swordsmen, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint: Chung Myung. After defeating the Heavenly Demon and ending his reign of chaos, Chung Myung breathed his last on the summit of the Heavenly Demon Sect’s mountain. Hundreds of years passed, and he was revived as a child. But… What was that? Mount Hua Sect has fallen? What kind of bullshit is that!? Was he supposed to just live his life knowing that? “Fallen? Who said that? That doesn’t matter!” The plum blossoms fall? After a cold winter, spring comes and the plum blossoms come into full bloom once again. “But before the Mount Hua Sect returns, I need to be there first! Even if it’s in ruins, there has to be something left there—Ugh, those people in there!” And so began the struggle of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Chung Myung, to save the fallen Mount Hua Sect.

Sleepyslyfox · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Are you really a Taoist?

"I got you, you son of a bitch!"

Chung Myung smiled as he got up. The man tried to retrieve his wrist from Chung Myung's grasp but was unable to free himself from the firm grip.


The man quickly raised his other hand to strike Chung Myung. But, at that moment, the door burst open wide, and the room lit up.

It was Hwang Jongi.

Step step.

He walked in with a very stiff face and spoke with a heavy voice.

"What are you doing here? General?"


Beon Ja-Bok, the general head of Eunha, looked back in shock as Chung Myung held him in place.

"Y-Young master!"

"I am asking you what you are doing here."

Beon Ja-Bok's expression contorted.

"I just wanted to check the condition of the small—"

Chung Myung interrupted and continued to answer for the General.

"Ah, you wanted to check my condition and kill me?"

Chung Myung waved the hand he was holding.

"You've misunderstood…."

"Misunderstood? I like misunderstandings, too."

Chung Myung jumped to his feet.

Beon Ja-Bok stared blankly at Chung Myung with wide eyes.

"I-It was clearly a serious injury…."

"It must have been a misunderstanding. I was fine from the beginning."

"… you were unconscious."

"Oh. I haven't been sleeping well recently, so I just happened to be overdue for a nap."

Beon Ja-Bok gnashed his teeth.

"You deceived me."

"You shouldn't say such a thing. You need to insist that it was a misunderstanding as much as possible. If you say things like that, then everyone will think you were up to something."


He struck Chung Myung with his left hand. However, Chung Myung neatly avoided his attack, released his other hand, and jumped off the bed.

Without looking back, he walked over to Hwang Jongi.

"Look, didn't I tell you he would come out?"

"… Hm."

Hwang Jongi nodded with heavy eyes.

"I didn't believe what you said, but I have nothing to say after seeing this. Of all things, I never expected the general head, whom I believed in the most, would act like this."

Hwang Jongi shot a soul-freezing glare at Beon Ja-Bok.

Meeting his gaze, Beon Ja-Bok knew that no excuses would work. He stared at Chung Myung with a stiff face.

"How did you come to doubt me?'

"I didn't."

"… what?"

Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders.

"I didn't know who the hell the wrongdoer was. You must know I've only been here for a few days. I just assumed the culprit would come to kill Elder Hwang's savior if he thought I was injured and in need of recovery.

"… what if I hadn't come?"

"You didn't have a choice."

Chung Myung smiled.

"It's hard to kill the first time, but the second time comes much easier. Plus, if you kill me now, you could shift the blame onto the Southern Edge Sect. How would you willingly miss such an opportunity?

"So, you planned this with the Southern edge Sect?"

Chung Myung looked at him and said


Beon Ja-Bok's distorted face suddenly went blank.

"You didn't?"

"Yep, they just happened to pick a fight with me. I was thinking about how to solve this problem, but they came and created a nice situation."

Beon Ja-Bok bit his lip.

"Internal wounds! I don't know about anything else, but the physician said that you were severely injured!"

"If I couldn't even deceive a normal physician, I wouldn't have bothered planning this thing. You keep asking such obvious questions."

Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders.

"You have a lot of questions, but I have no obligation to solve your curiosity. What's important is that you fell into the trap, and I found the man who tried to kill Elder Hwang."


In the blink of an eye, Beon Ja-Bok looked at Hwang Jongi.

"Young Master. Surely you don't believe that little child, right?"

"… is there a reason for me not to believe him?"

"Aren't you normally the most rational one? Isn't there something more important than what the child is saying?"

"More important?"

The man nodded and continued.

"Yes. Just because I tried to harm this child, that isn't proof that I tried to hurt the Master. Why would I do such a thing? Think of how well the Master has treated me all this time; why would I bring him harm? Young Master, isn't that why you never suspected me?"


Hwang Jongi frowned at it.

It was an obvious excuse, but he wasn't wrong.

"Then why did you try to kill the young Taoist? Why did you hide the fact that you learned martial arts?"

"That child was deceiving the young Master! Even you were seduced by his words into thinking he could help your father! How can that child help him?"

"Then you should have persuaded me!"

"Would you have listened to me? Wouldn't you disregard me? It is easier to fool a man than it is to convince them they've been fooled! Killing that child was the only way to bring you to your senses!"

In an instant, there was a murmur.

Hwang Jongi turned his head.

The servants who had gathered there after the commotion began were whispering amongst themselves. Their words couldn't be heard but judging from their expressions, they seemed to think that Beon Ja-Bok's reasoning wasn't wrong.

That was how persuasive his words were.

"Are you done talking?"

However, Chung Myung took a step forward.


Beon Ja-Bok stared at Chung Myung.

"It is true that I tried to kill him, but I never tried to hurt the Master. You—"


Chung Myung waved his hand and cut off the ongoing speech.

"Enough. Enough. I don't want to know the reason, and I don't want to hear excuses."


"I'll just have to beat him."

Before anyone could react, Chung Myung rushed towards Beon Ja-Bok.

Aiming for Beon Ja-bok's head, he stretched out his hand.

Chung Myung's hand began to emit a sharp and intense light as it rang with a shrill slicing sound. Beon Ja-Bok, who could sense the power within this strike, moved to counter the assault.


Both hands crossed as Chung Myung retreated.

"Now, attention, please!"

He casually lifted his arm.


Everyone saw the outstretched hand and doubted their eyes.

The hand which had been hit clearly turned black. Then, slowly, Chung Myung's entire wrist turned red.

Chung Myung began to speak as the onlookers stared aghast, waiting to hear what he had to say with bated breath.

"Demon Hand."

Chung Myung waved his hand to make sure they were all looking at him.

"Normal people cannot withstand a single hit, and their entire body turns red as they slowly die. Of course, this man isn't very proficient, but even at his level, he can kill people. Especially if the opponent is an old man who never once trained in martial arts, it would be even easier than eating a piece of rice cake."


While Beon Ja-Bok was desperately struggling to organize his thoughts and plot some way out of this situation, Chung Myung said,

"Of course, if you can pinpoint another person who frequently has close contact with Elder Hwang and is able to infuse him with demonic qi, then feel free to name him."

A decisive blow.

Anger surged in the eyes of those who witnessed these events. Who would continue to trust this man who shamelessly betrayed their Master?

The hand Chung Myung was showing had similar symptoms to what Elder Hwang's entire body was like.

"Y-You! A bastard who doesn't even appreciate the grace shown to you!"

"How dare you try to assassinate our master and then act so shamelessly?"

"I won't calm down even after I beat him to death!"

As everyone's mood changed, Hwang Jongi no longer hesitated.

"Capture him!"

At his enraged voice, everyone went silent.

"Right now, subdue that man! If he resists, kill him!"

At his command, the servants rushed into the room. Beon Ja-Bok, who was tense, decided to fight.



Those who entered the room were swept away by the power of Beon Ja-Bok.

"Damn it! It was almost over!"

He looked at Chung Myung with venomous disgust.

"If it wasn't for that little brat!"

"Who are you calling a brat?"

Chung Myung pursed his lips.

He wasn't a brat, nor was he little, but he hated being called that.

"A little while more, and he would have been done! If I had known this would happen, I would have killed you right away! If you hadn't planted those thoughts into that stupid young Master…."


Chung Myung waved his hand.

"Well, of course, you must have something to say, but let's talk about it later. For now, let's finish this quickly. I am a bit sleepy since I was rudely woken up from a nice nap."


Beon Ja-Bok exploded.

"Hahahaa! You arrogant brat! I don't know how you knew, but do you think you can defeat me with your pathetic martial arts? You? Defeat me?"


"… Huh?"

"Why would I bother? There are other people here to do that. There."

Chung Myung pointed to someone behind him.

Everyone's eyes shifted to where Chung Myung pointed.

"… Me?"

Lee Song-Baek, who was staring blankly at this perplexing situation from behind, pointed to himself.


"Oh. The youngest hero has come to subdue the bad man! Please take care of yourself!"

"Ah, wait, me?"

"Who else?"

Chung Myung's eyes were wide open as he asked, and Lee Song-Baek quickly understood the situation. Looking back, since all the disciples were dragged back to the sect, he was the only one here.

"W-why me…"

At that moment, Lee Song-Baek felt it was unfair. However, Chung Myung gestured somewhere with his chin. Lee Song-Baek looked and saw Hwang Jongi staring at him.

'Ah, right!'

A chance to rectify his mistake! Looking back, it no longer seemed like what happened to Chung Myung was a mistake, but that didn't matter now!

"The enemy will be dealt by the sword of the Southern Edge Sect!"

As Lee Song-Baek drew his sword and rushed forward, Chung Myung clapped his hands and cleared the way.

"Wooow! Such heroism!"

He wanted to quickly take the man down, but Lee Song-Baek had appeared behind him, so he offered him the opportunity.

Leaving the battle between the two men, Chung Myung approached Hwang Jongi.

"One matter has been resolved."

"… it isn't over yet."

"He'll capture him soon enough. He is still a famous disciple from the sect; there's no way he'll be defeated by someone who hasn't even properly mastered the martial arts."

"Not properly mastered? He definitely injured your hand…."

Chung Myung showed the hand to Hwang Jongi.

His hand, which was black, first turned white and then red.


"I didn't lie. It is true that he learned the Demon Hand. I just exaggerated a bit to show what happens when he uses it on one person for a long time."


Hwang Jongi let loose a deep sigh.

"Are you really a Taoist?"

"Of course."

'The greatest and most experienced master in the world at that.'

Don't believe me?

It is the truth!


The general wouldn't last much longer…

No, actually, he was lasting a lot longer than expected.

Lee Song-Baek, who had confidently jumped into the fight, had been fighting desperately for more than an hour to take him down.

He didn't know whether it was a tense battle that made the others sweat, but it sure made Chung Myung yawn.

'I thought he'd take him down right away. Should I have just done it myself?'

However, watching Lee Song-Baek sweating so profusely, Chung Myung couldn't bring himself to say it out loud.

In the meantime, the tired hero was smiling triumphantly as if he was proud of himself despite taking an hour to defeat the general.

'Wipe off your sweat at least….'

"Huh, the man.. kuak… the man… took him down."

Hwang Jongi nodded, looking at Lee Song-Baek, who was trembling in exhaustion and spoke.

Seeing his trembling legs and ragged breathing, Hwang Jongi felt pity and couldn't stay angry at him.

"You've worked hard. The Eunha Merchant guild will never forget this help."

"Tha-thank you… thank you."

"Get some rest."

Worried that Lee Song-Bael would collapse, Hwang Jongi excused him, and he dropped down and sat without even answering.

Normally, Hwang Jongi wouldn't have felt much gratitude for Lee Song-Baek after all that occurred. But seeing his feeble appearance, which gave everything to subdue the enemy, he let himself forget the bad deed he did in the morning.

Hwang Jongi glanced at Chung Myung.

'I don't know what to say about this situation.'

Has it really only been two days since Chung Myung appeared here?

Yet, he solved the problem, which persisted for over a year in just these two days.

'Was this a problem which could be solved so easily?'

No way.

Hwang Jongi knew it.

Everything in life seems simple in hindsight. If this was such a simple scenario from the beginning, why hadn't a single one of the world's experts been able to solve the issue?

'It's as if an old expert resides within that little child.'

But that was impossible.

"I think it's almost resolved now."

"Why did the general head target my father?"

"I don't know."

"Didn't you do this because you had some guess at the reason why?"

"No, I didn't."


Hwang Jongi was dazed.

Chung Myung calmly spoke as if he guessed what Hwang Jongi was thinking.

"It's the government's job to make him reveal the reason. My job is just to solve the problem and receive the reward. Speaking of which, you do have the reward prepared, right?"

Normally, no matter how hard one worked, they wouldn't so brazenly ask for compensation. Humans value their pride.

However, Chung Myung didn't have any pride to take care of.

At one point, he was the famous Plum Blossom Sword Saint, the best of the Mount Hua Sect. Now though, he was just the youngest of Mount Hua's third-class disciples; he didn't have to care about saving his face.

Although it was a bit absurd, Hwang Jongi quietly nodded his head.

"Of course. But you forget one thing. The problem hasn't been solved yet. I never asked you to find the assassin but to help my father recover and get out of his bed. Right?"

Chung Myung took a deep breath.

"That comes next."

A more confident voice than before.

Hwang Jongi replied in a firm voice.

"I promise my support to Mount Hua, even if it means turning the guild upside down and going against the world."

As if moved by the heartfelt words, Chung Myung grabbed Hwang Jongi's hand tightly.

Hwang Jongi smiled brightly as if he guessed that Chung Myung's heart was moved.

"You don't need to be so moved. This is least—"

"Are you kidding me!?"

"… huh?"

Chung Myung's face contorted.

"The reward should be given to me, not Mount Hua! Are you saying that I do all the hard work, and they reap the rewards!?"


Hwang Jongi was speechless.

It seemed like this child was more insane than he thought.

In front of Hwang Mun-Yak lying on the bed, Chung Myung stood there with a dry mouth.

Now, so long as the treatment succeeds, everything will be solved. After that, he would be able to return with his reward.

Everything was handled perfectly.

Nothing so far was difficult. He liked that he even got to bully the Southern Edge Sect in the process. That was his favorite part.

But there was one problem…

'Honestly, I'm not entirely confident.'

Till now, everything was something he could do. But to be honest, it was impossible to know whether or not it was possible to fix the old man.

If it was Chung Myung, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, he wouldn't have to worry about it.

No matter how ferocious the demon flower was, in the end, it was caused by demonic qi. It would be enough to simply erase all the demonic qi in the body to get back to normal.

But the current Chung Myung was still lacking strength.

He was very small, had little qi, and was a lot more disadvantaged.

With that, there was no guarantee that he could stop the spread of the demonic qi inside Elder Hwang's body. On the contrary, if he carelessly touched the demonic qi, then the weakened body of elder Hwang would die instantly.

"Will this work?"

He wouldn't know without trying.

Chung Myung's stomach twisted as he approached the man.

If he wasn't sure of the results, there was only one thing to do.

Elder Hwang would surely die if left alone. No matter how severe the sickness, wasn't it the basics of the path of Dao? One must never leave a man to die just because you lack ability.

"If something goes wrong, don't resent me."

If it goes well for the elder, then it goes well for everyone.

Chung Myung took a deep breath and placed his hand on Elder Hwang's dantian. Slowly, he pushed qi into elder Hwang's body.

The qi sleeping deep within Chung Myung slowly began to flow.

Chung Myung's qi was like a leisurely flowing river. Sometimes a violently raging river, and sometimes a gentle sea embracing the world.

However, one thing about the current Chung Myung's qi was different from his past.

Crystal clear.

Clear and spotless. It was clear without impurities, like pure water flowing through deep mountain valleys.

The clear and bright qi rushed into the body of Elder Hwang, which was filled with demonic qi.


Elder Hwang's body slightly convulsed.

The dark skin, corrupted with demonic qi, began to lighten as the vile energy retreated as Chung Myung's energy flowed in.


Chung Myung found that shocking.

'This is interesting.'

He had quite a bit of experience handling demonic qi, but this was his first time seeing this phenomenon.

What made this qi demonic?

It was called demonic qi because it reverses the flow. Demonic qi penetrates into other people, corrodes their bodies like a virulent poison, and aggressively pushes away any other qi.

But now, the demonic qi in Elder Hwang's body was running away like a beast on fire rather than rushing at Chung Myung's qi.

'Then maybe…'

It would be possible!


'How much trouble did I have to go through to collect this! This should definitely work!'

If it hadn't been for Chung Myung obsessing over the purity of his qi, he would have gathered more than ten years' worth of qi already.

However, the amount of internal qi filling Chung Myung's dantian was less than a year's supply. Even this was only possible thanks to that miraculous pill.

Yet somehow, this tiny amount of qi he'd gathered was overpowering the demonic qi gathered in the elder's body.

'This is something I hadn't expected.'

At first, he was simply trying to lay a pure and perfect foundation so that he could rise to a higher level than in the past. However, as time advanced, his obsession with pure qi grew stronger, and his progress slowed.

Just when he was thinking about whether he should release that obsession…

'When I think about it, this is only natural.'

Pure qi is basically the opposite of demonic qi. The pure qi contains the power to purify all unclean things in the world. This energy was basically divine when compared to demonic qi. It was the purest and more perfect form of energy.

So, the demonic qi would naturally be unable to approach it.

The vicious demonic qi began to be neutralized in an instant.

Chung Myung felt it a bit ridiculous seeing the demonic qi turn to nothingness.

As he neutralized the demonic qi in Elder Hwang's body, he began to clear his meridians and radically purified the body.

'What is going on here?'

Cleansing the body and purifying meridians is something that would normally only be attempted with powerful medicines and only by strong warriors. How difficult would it be to purify an old man's body which had several decades of impurities and decay?

But now, the young Chung Myung wasn't using any pills but was merely washing away the demonic qi in the old man's body with his own qi.

The problem was that Chung Myung did not intend this result.


Hwang Mun-Yak's body began to tremble slightly. At the same time, his body began to turn both white and black at the same time. The area which had been purified from the demonic qi was white, while the areas which still remained tainted were dyed black.

The demonic qi was desperately trying to resist, little by little.

'Just a little more!'

Elder Hwang's body had turned into a battlefield. Even though he was unconscious, his entire body was trembling, and blood dripped from his lips.

Chung Myung clenched his teeth when he saw the dark red blood come out.

This was not a battle between Chung Myung and the demonic qi.

This was a battle of whether or not Hwang Mun-Yak could survive until the demonic qi was eradicated.

'I need to end this quickly!'

Considering Elder Hwang's condition, any hesitation could get him killed. It was better to leave everything to the heavens and make a quick gamble.

Chung Myung, who had made up his mind, raised his qi.

He pushed the last handful of qi into Hwang Mun-Yak's body. Thick drops of sweat started to flow down Chung Myung's forehead like rain.

In elder Hwang's body, Chung Myung's qi began to heat up the demonic qi. It absorbed the qi, neutralized it, and dissolved the impurities.

At the same time, Hwang Mun-yak's narrow and cramped meridians began to expand and widen.

The demonic qi, which had been fiercely resisting, lost its force and began to rush to one location. Chung Myung, who saw the direction it flowed, was startled.

'A-No, no!'

The head.

The demonic qi, which had no place to go, flowed in the opposite direction of the dantian, where Chung Myung was injecting qi.

Elder Hwang's head was dyed black and started to swell.

Like it was about to explode!

The demonic qi all gathered in Hwang Mun-Yak's head as if it were ready to fight.

'I can't touch it.'

It was becoming a pain in the ass.

If Chung Myung behaved clumsily and caused a collision in Elder Hwang's head, he'd be off to greet the reaper. No, maybe now, the grim reaper was already behind Chung Myung, patiently waiting for him to make a mistake.

Then, what if it was left alone?

'That's even worse.'

Elder Hwang's lower body was purified entirely, but that wasn't necessarily good news. The purified body would accept demonic qi from the head at a quicker rate.

It would happen much like ink diffusing into clear water.

If he advances, the man dies. If he retreats, the man dies too.

The beleaguered Chung Myung hesitated to make a decision for a while.

'What do I do?'

'What can I do?'

Normally, he was the sort to charge forward, but what if his recklessness caused someone harm?

He agonizingly pondered over his decision and bit his lip.


He can't charge forward, and he can't retreat either, right?

Then, he'll just ignore both options!

Chung Myung shifted all of his qi to one side of his body. A cornered mouse would even bite a cat, and a soldier forced against a cliff would fight to the death.

But what if there was room to escape? The rat would run, and the soldier would retreat.

'Now, here's a place for you to escape.'

Chung Myung opened a path.

There was nowhere to run away in Elder Hwang's body, but there was still somewhere else. There was only one place left to escape.

That was to Chung Myung's own body.

As soon as Chung Myung pushed his qi to one side, the pressured demonic qi began surging forth, searching for an empty vessel to occupy. The elder's body had become unsuitable. Finding the connection between the two, the Qi rode along Chung Myung's arm and invaded his now empty body.


A groan leaked out.

A tingling sensation rushed through his arms and spread all over the body in an instant. His eyes began to blur with terrible pain, and his consciousness faded.


Chung Myung recovered his qi from Elder Hwang's body. Then, he began to spread it through his own.


There was the sound of his bones creaking and crashing down.

The demonic qi, left with no place to go, began a fierce struggle. However, Chung Myung's internal qi suppressed the demonic qi, like an occupying force, and mercilessly cleansed it.

Every part of the body seemingly turned into a battlefield.

Bang! Bang!

A roar echoed inside his body. With each explosion, unbearable pain tormented him. However, he bit his lips with bloody eyes.

Lose consciousness here?

'Don't make me laugh!'

His pride as the Plum Blossom Sword Saint wouldn't let him.

Chung Myung stood still and waited till it stopped. Chung Myung's qi attacked the remaining demonic qi fighting until the bitter end.


Thousands of exploding voices echoed.

His vision turned white as his consciousness faded. Chung Myung closed his eyes. His qi could subdue the demonic qi, but it was strongly resisting.

One round. Two rounds.

He scanned his body and, as if satisfied with his ability to cleanse it, his qi moved and then returned to the dantian.

Only after thoroughly checking his entire body did Chung Myung wake up.

"Kuaaak. I almost died."

No joke, it was perilous.

This demonic qi wasn't something he could have handled at his level. Even the slightest mistake would have cost either Chung Myung or Hwang Mun-Yak their lives.

'This time, it was really dangerous. I'm not going to do this ever again.'

Chung Myung gently rubbed his dantian point.

"But it seems that it's increased a bit."

There was no particular reason it would increase, but it just felt like it had.

"… isn't it still just a rat tail?"

The qi was just the size of a small pepper. It was still a tiny fragment of what he once had, and he wasn't sure when it would grow into a large surging river.

Chung Myung sighed and turned his head to look at Elder Hwang. His face was slightly flushed, perhaps because the poison had disappeared. His health seemed to be recovering quickly.


It wasn't just the demonic qi that had been washed away. When the pure qi was pushed into him, it wasn't a body reconstruction, but the cleansing seemed like it increased his life expectancy by about 10 years.


Thinking that he ended up doing good things for no reason, Chung Myung clicked his tongue and approached Elder Hwang.


It seemed like the old man was regaining consciousness. His eyes were trembling as he slowly opened them.

Elder Hwang's eyes, which had been shaking back and forth with no focus, began to settle on Chung Myung.

"Who… are you?"

Chung Myung smiled brightly.

"Me? A divine Taoist."


Elder Hwang, who was weak, trembled.

"I must have died and gone to hell."


What the hell was that?

After Elder Hwang regained consciousness, Eunha was quickly cleaned up.

Beon Ja-Bok, who tried to assassinate Hwang Mun-Yak, had planned to kill Hwang Jongi next if his plan succeeded. He would have then moved on to his children as well. If the entire family's bloodline died in the same manner by some incurable disease, then the public would believe it to be bad luck or a curse on the Hwang family, and Beon Ja-Bok could avoid suspicion.

In fact, the plan worked pretty well. If Elder Hwang had died suddenly, everyone would have suspected malfeasance; but since he suffered for nearly a year, no one guessed that it was an attempted murder.

Didn't they even receive confirmation from the Tang family that he wasn't poisoned?

If Chung Myung hadn't arrived, the Hwang family would have died according to plan, and their fortune would have been stolen.

Beon Ja-bok revealed everything. He was the son of a merchant that used to rival the Eunha guild; he spoke with tears in his eyes as he told a heart-rending tale of his pitiable life. Well, that's none of Chung Myung's business, though.

"If you commit a crime, you should be punished. Where in this world could you find a person without some tragic experiences?"

The only thing Chung Myung was interested in was the demonic qi. However, he said that he simply found a corpse deep in the mountains when he was out journeying.

Chung Myung felt like his spirit was siphoned away.

'Well, there was no way those demonic sect people would have been this sloppy.'

No, they would have handled it carefully and quietly. After all, weren't they the type that would kill others if they were bothered?

In conclusion, it can be said that everything went well, the culprit was found, the elder was cured, and it was confirmed that the Demonic Sect wasn't involved.

With that, Chung Myung, who helped the Eunha Merchant Guild, was treated as their VIP.

A VERY important guest.


Elder Hwang sat down lightly.

"Father, you still need to be careful with your body. You just got out of bed."

"It's okay. I was indeed laid up in bed for a long time, but I feel even more energetic than before I fell ill."


"Don't worry."

Hwang Jongi looked at his father with questionable eyes.

Even so, Elder Hwang didn't back down. He might look like he would collapse any moment, but he was overflowing with energy.

"More than that."

Elder Hwang raised his head and looked at Chung Myung.

"… disciple Chung Myung… right?"

"Yes. Didn't you see me before?"

"It seems like you've changed a lot since then."

"Ah. I ate quite well."

Chung Myung scratched his head with thick sausage fingers.

Those who saw this scene were subtly shaken.

'His size doubled in three days.'

'How the hell did he eat so much in three days that his clothes are about to burst.'

'I can even see oil flowing down his skin from the fat. Why did he even bother joining a sect?'

Everyone shook their heads at the sight of Chung Myung, who had grown twice as big as before in just 3 days.

Elder Hwang was the only one who, fortunately, maintained his composure. As if to show how great of a merchant he was.

"I should greet you first."

Elder Hwang prostrated flat on the spot. Hwang Jongi, startled at the sudden action, tried to lift him up. But, when he saw his father's stern gaze, he backed away without a word.

Elder Hwang bowed again and opened his mouth.

"Thanks to the disciple, my life was saved. I am forever indebted to you."

"Ehhh. Get up, please."

Why didn't he get up?

At Chung Myung's words, Hwang Mun-Yak slowly stood up and smiled.

"I've heard the story from our servant. If it wasn't for you, I would have been dead. Even animals know the grace which saved them. If I was born as a human, yet forgot grace, then I would be worth even less than an animal."

'Oh. He's so eloquent.'

Right. That's right.

Hwang Mun-Yak said quietly, looking at Chung Myung.

"I don't believe there is any way in this world to repay this life-saving favor, but I want to do the best that I can. If my benefactor wants something, please speak without hesitation."

"Ah. Something I want."


"Haha. How could a Taoist seek rewards for helping to save others? If someone were to learn about it, they would mock us."

"I do not discriminate against anyone. If I shirk away from showing grace simply because the one who saved me was a Taoist, I will be ridiculed. It is unacceptable for me."

"I understand your feelings… but it can't be helped. It would cause me trouble since I came here without getting the sect leader's permission."

"… without permission?"

"Yes. It was urgent, so I didn't have time to request permission."

Elder Hwang looked at the young Taoist in front of him with watery eyes full of affection.

How could he not be moved when this child had crossed his sect gates and risked himself to travel and save him?

"You did that much!?"

"As I said, it was urgent."

Elder Hwang was moved while Hwang Jongi narrowed his eyes.

'He looks rather relaxed for someone who came here without permission.'

But he didn't speak in front of his father.

Elder Hwang nodded his head and spoke with an exuberant voice.

"I will handle that problem for you. Furthermore, I won't tell the sect leader, so tell me what you want—"

"Is that a promise?"

Elder Hwang titled his head at Chung Myung, who interrupted his words.


"I want a promise that you won't tell the sect about this."

"Ah… of course. I'm a merchant, so I will…."

Again, before elder Hwang could finish speaking, Chung Myung pulled out a book from his sleeve.

Hwang Mun-Yak stared at the book with a puzzled expression.

"What is that book?"

"Ah. It's no big deal. I find my memory failing me and growing fuzzier as I get older."

Getting older?

This child?

Chung Myung smiled and shook the book.

"I wrote it down."

"… what?"

"You wanted me to tell you what I wanted, right?"


"So, I wrote it all down."



… that book? …All of it?

Chung Myung licked his finger, turned the page, and spoke with a smile.

"Now, shall we get started?"




Hwang Mun-Yak felt that he might have made a big mistake for the first time.


Hwang Mun-Yak opened the door and nodded slightly, looking at Hwang Jongi as he entered.

"Is your body alright now?"

"Hm. It's hard to believe, but my body feels so light that I could fly away. I feel ten years younger."

"That is quite… strange."

"I'm not sure how to put it into words, but I feel as lively as I did in my youth."

Hwang Jongi looked confused.

The fact that his father, who was sick in bed for a year, had recovered was something to celebrate. However, it was strange that his sickly father's body had recovered so quickly after lying in bed for so long. Even more bizarre was that it had grown stronger and livelier with no side-effects from the moment he recovered.

"Anyway, I am fine, for now."

"Stop saying such things."

Hwang Mun-Yak waved his hand,

"That young man's ability is so amazing. It's like I have received his grace."

Hwang Mun-Yak remembered the first words Chung Myung said to him.

-Divine Taoist

'It isn't something I misheard.'

If Divine Taoist was a term used to refer to those who follow the Dao and can do things that normal humans cannot, then there was nothing more fitting to call this child aside from that.

Wasn't he living proof?

"So, what is it? You probably aren't here just to check my health, are you?"

"It might not be what you expect, but I am still your filial son. Isn't it natural for children to take care of their parents' well-being?"

"Don't say such childish lines and get to the point. We don't have much time."

Hwang Jongi bowed his head.

Although Hwang Mun-Yak had only recently gotten out of bed, he still had a merchant's insight.

'Indeed, he is my father.'

Discussing his concerns would resolve his worries.

"Father. No, Guild Master."

"Do tell me, young master."

By changing their titles, the conversation would no longer be bound by personal feelings between family members but rather fellow guild members.

"I heard that you have issued an order to cut back on our dealings with the Southern Edge Sect?"

"I did."

"And haven't you promised quite a bit of compensation to Mount Hua too?"


"Father, The Southern Edge Sect is still a powerful sect in Shaanxi and Xian. It is dangerous for us to cut back our dealings with them and join hands with Mount Hua, which could collapse at any moment."

Hwang Mun-Yak nodded his head without answering.

"I understand that it is only natural for the Guild Master to feel grateful to the young Taoist. However, the promised reward is excessive, and it's dangerous for us to deepen our relationship with a crumbling sect. Please allow the businesses to continue as before."

Hwang Mun-Yak lifted his teacup and looked into it with deep eyes.

Taking a sip of tea, he closed his eyes as if wanting to slowly savor the aroma wafting from his cup.

How long was it?

Hwang Mun-Yak quietly put the cup down and opened his mouth with a slightly more serious voice than before.

"Young master."

"Yes, Guild Master."

"What is the duty of a merchant?"


Hwang Jongi thought for a bit and opened his mouth.

"It is a duty of a merchant to run a business that is upright and just, to make trades and contribute to the nation and the world."


Hwang Mun-Yak nodded his head with a satisfied smile.

"Young master."


"You have such a silver tongue. That sounds fine."

"… Master?"

Hwang Mun-Yak firmly said.

"A merchant's duty is to make money. Sometimes, it is fine for a merchant to violate the law and even morality in order to pursue wealth, isn't that right?

Hwang Jongi bowed his head.

"… right."

"If you want to do the right thing, do it with the money you earned. If you want to help others, you can help them with that money. There is no rule or morality in the act of a merchant making money. There is only efficiency."

"Then what are we doing?"

With that said, wasn't Hwang Mun-Yak's current choice strange? Anyone could see that he was reducing their dealings with the Southern Edge Sect who was climbing to new heights while leveraging aid to Mount Hua, which was collapsing.

It wasn't strange that if the Southern Edge Sect finds out about this, they will also cut off their relations with the guild.

"Did you forget how I made all this money?"

"I do remember. But…"

Hwang Mun-Yak's method of making money was simple.

To find the value of items that others ignore and distribute them, or to find and support the most undervalued products.

Whether it is a sect, a union, or a group.

Hwang Mun-Yak had grown Eunha using that methodology, and now it was the best in Shaanxi.

"You mean to say that you're investing in Mount Hua this time?"

"That's right."

"Guild Master, there has been a clear reason for every investment so far. But, I don't understand this move with Mount Hua."

"Haven't you seen it for yourself?"

"… are you speaking about that child?"



Hwang Jongi bit his lip slightly.

Chung Myung is great. There was no denying it, but only Chung Myung was good. The ability of one person doesn't lead to greatness for the entire sect, and even more so if it's a kid.

"With that child, I can foresee that Mount Hua will evolve. Maybe we will see them become stronger than expected. But Guild Master, no matter how much I think about it, I don't think that one child will be able to grow Mount Hua strong enough to compete with the Southern Edge Sect. Doesn't this seem a bit meaningless?"

Hwang Mun-Yak smiled brightly.

"Do you think so? I beg to differ."

"… Guild Master."

"Young master. Merchants must always look behind the scenes and not at the picture that is shown upfront. Eunha may have once been the most important alliance to the Southern Edge sect, but now we are just one of their aides. How much longer do you think this will last?"

Hwang Jongi looked blankly at Hwang Mun-Yak.

He hadn't thought of it until now, but looking back, wasn't Ki Mok-Seung's attitude too oppressive and overbearing?

Even if the Guild Master was lying sick in bed, how could he dare to act so recklessly if he had any respect for the guild?

"The Southern Edge Sect has no room to grow now. Of course, they will continue to grow, but it will be at a slow pace. Though, that isn't the case for Mount Hua. Mount Hua will experience explosive growth; if we can maintain a good relationship with them, then the benefits we can reap will be unimaginably large."

"However, Guild Master, I don't think there is any guarantee that Mount Hua will make it big."

Hwang Mun-Yak narrowed his eyes.

"Hwang Jongi."

"Yes! Father!"

Their way of addressing each other changed again.

"You sound like a child. A merchant does not wait for a reason to move. We need to create a reason."


"We don't have to wait for Mount Hua to grow. We need to make it grow. If we can succeed, we will be able to leap to become one of the top five Guilds of the land, not just of Shaanxi."

"That is a difficult task. If we fail, there is no going back."

"hehe. When the body becomes healthy, the mind becomes younger. So, what if we fail? Then we'll just have to start over again. You don't want to waste the wealth we have?"


"It is scary and unfortunate too. But I will be more ashamed if I'm unable to make more money than what we have."

Hwang Jongi nodded his head.

His father had made up his mind, so any conversation would be meaningless.

"I'm still skeptical. However, if my father thinks so, then I will trust and follow you. I will help Mount Hua grow so that I can clear these doubts I have."

"It feels good to hear that."

Hwang Mun-Yak chuckled. Though, Hwang Jongi's words didn't end there.



Hwang Jongi frowned and asked.

"Aren't the wealth and rewards you've given the young disciple a bit excessive?"

"There's a reason."


Hwang Jongi looked at his father suspiciously.

To which his father answered with a question and a bright smile.

"What do you think about that young disciple?"

"Are you asking about his growth?"


Hwang Jongi pondered over and over and then opened his mouth.

"Considering his heart and determination, he will, of course, have an important position in Mount Hua in the coming future….'

Hwang Jongi spoke carefully.

This wasn't something that could be said lightly.

"Anyway, he will play a key role."

"No. He is already playing a key role."

Hwang Mun-Yak shook his head and continued.

"I have lived my whole life as a merchant. I have met many great merchants and warriors, but he is the only one who has embarrassed and left me in awe like this. Why should we waste our time searching for an Imoogi hoping to rise when there's a dragon preparing to ascend right in front of us? There is no way we can let him go."

"Is he that good?"

"You will find out soon. This sort of genius can't be understood by an ordinary person's reasoning. Don't try to understand; just watch. There will come a time when you will end up accepting it naturally."

Hwang Jongi nodded.

He still couldn't understand, but since his father said it, he decided to accept it.

But one question remained.

"Then why did you give such excessive rewards?"

"He is normally the disciple of a sect, and he has his own reasons for coming here after learning that someone is sick. Of course, he didn't come here solely out of sympathy for the sick. But his nature is good; there is no need to doubt that."


Hwang Mun-Yak spoke with a subtle smile, different from before.

"The wealth and rewards he has received now will become an indelible burden on his heart. Especially as he is young, the burden will be more intense. If his feelings of gratitude become shackles that bind us together, then this is a cheap investment to make.


"… actually, he took five times more than I expected. He was like a viper."


Hwang Mun-Yak's face flushed with irritation.

"No, how can someone so young want so much!? Damn it, if I knew that I would be ripped off like this, I'd rather pretend to be sick and send him back! He tore me apart! That young boy, he doesn't even know to ask in moderation. Just because I asked him what he wanted, I ended up nearly crying my weary heart out…."

"Father, calm down. Someone might overhear."


Hwang Mun-Yak pushed down his true feelings and sighed a couple times.

"Anyway, if he appreciates and accepts us as close allies who live and die together, we'll have nothing to lose.

"I understand. A close alliance like friends."

"Right, of course. He's a good friend."

Hwang Mun-Yak and his son smiled at each other.


"Hehehe. I caught a pushover!"

Chung Myung laughed softly.

"No, it's unreal, aren't these people supposed to be merchants? They're really going to give me so much just because I saved one person?




Ahh! Didn't all his ancestors say that money is the best?

He was already one of the wealthiest people in Shaanxi after he robbed his Sahyung's warehouse, but it was always fun to see his wealth increase.

"But it wasn't so much."

He was just joking when he asked for half of their wealth. Just a quarter of their wealth would call for celebrations.

Of course, they wouldn't have given such wealth to Chung Myung out of gratitude alone. They may have offered their entire fortune when Hwang Mun-Yak was still ill, but the situation and rewards would naturally change once he recovered.

It's common knowledge that people change their minds before and after a situation resolves.

Nevertheless, to give so much wealth to Chung Myung without complaint, there must be some ulterior motive.

However, even if they wanted something from Chung Myung, Chung Myung wasn't the kind to easily comply.

'I just won't do it.'

If Chung Myung was an average child, he might feel burdened receiving so much wealth, but unfortunately for Elder Hwang, he was no child.

Rather, he was more like an ancient fossil from the past.

If they had known, they would have taken a different approach.…

"Anyway, everything has been resolved."

He rescued Elder Hwang, and in return, he promised that they would help Mount Hua. He will also head to Mount Hua with Chung Myung as soon as the preparations are done. So, it can be said that everything here was settled.

There was just one thing left…

Chung Myung smiled and looked at the person approaching.

"Hey, are you feeling well?"

Lee Song-Baek.

The second-class disciple of the Southern Edge Sect approached Chung Myung, who was lying on the wooden floor and stared down at him.

"What is it?"

Lee Song-Baek looked at Chung Myung and then answered.

"I need to return to my sect soon."

"Ah, that's good. It must be lonely being here all by yourself. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

Lee Song-Baek didn't turn back after saying that. Seeing him standing there blankly, Chung Myung asked.

"Is there anything you want to say?"

At those words, he faintly smiled.



"I understand that you set me up in order to solve this problem."


"I mean, the results were good, so I can understand what happened."

Chung Myung sat up and looked at Lee Song-Baek.

"It would be strange to call what you did a trap. Wasn't I the one who initially sought to trap you?"

Lee Song-Baek smiled.

"So, you aren't going to blame me?"

Chung Myung smiled.

'This kid has a strange personality.'

Kids these days were different from the old days. All the sects which came in contact with Chung Myung were anxious and hostile towards him.

Because of that, he never bothered checking the personalities of the Southern Edge Sect's disciples.

"Well, what do you want to say?'

"It doesn't matter if I've been humiliated, put in danger, or played by you. It all happened because I was lacking."

Lee Song-Baek spoke with a stiff face.

"The only thing which bothers me is the time we crossed swords. I still don't understand what happened."

Chung Myung narrowed his eyes.


"If you allow, I would like to spar with you again. This time, I have no hidden intentions like the last time and am sincerely requesting you to spar."

Chung Myung scratched his cheek.

'Look at this.'

He thought that this kid was going to start another fight. It was strange that he was okay with being played by Chung Myung.

He thought that the kid would charge at him like a wild boar. Instead, he chose to bury his grudges and ask for a spar to understand what happened.

'I don't think he's just looking to get beat up.'

This was quite a funny reaction.

"Hm. what do I do?"

Sparring means comparing each other's skills. From Lee Song-Baek's point of view, it could be meaningful to learn something from Chung Myung, but for Chung Myung, there was nothing to gain from Lee Song-Baek.

So, there was no reason to accept the request…

"Well, fine."

But there was no reason to reject it either.

Chung Myung stood up and pointed to the yard.


"Let's go where people can't see."

"Phew. I am scared. Are you trying to be sneaky again?"

As Chung Myung pretended to slit his throat, Lee Song-Baek sighed.

"Young disciple. I'm not a fool. It is shocking, but I know that your skills are superior to mine."


Chung Myung looked at him with interest.

"Didn't I tell you? I want to know what happened last time."

Chung Myung smiled.

"You will regret it."

"Even then, it is fine."

"Yes, well. Then let's go."

When Chung Myung moved, Lee Song-Baek followed him with a firm expression.

Lee Song-Baek exhaled a low breath.

He was nervous.

Lee Song-Baek wasn't nervous even when he became a Sahyung, nor when he fought with his fellow disciples or Sahyungs. However, looking at Chung Myung in front of him, he felt his pulse race as his heart pounded in his chest.


He carefully thought about it; this disciple was still a child.

It was embarrassing to call Chung Myung a child, but that doesn't change that he was at least ten years younger than Lee Song-Baek. He was young enough to be the son of one of the elders.

'There is at least one generation gap between us.'

A generation gap meant the difference between a teacher and a disciple.

This meant that Lee Song-Baek, a second-class disciple, could take a third-class disciple under him like Chung Myung. Of course, it was difficult for him to actually take one in because he had to concentrate on his training.

In other words, he was now holding his sword against someone young enough to be his disciple.

But what was this?

This pressure?

He recognized Chung Myung as an opponent and stood against him, but an immense pressure he had never felt before weighed him down.

'Why am I so nervous?'

It was like standing against one of the elders. There was no way a child could be at that level, though.

In fact, not once had he felt Chung Myung trying to use his internal qi. Yet, it felt like a fierce opponent was standing on the other side.

Biting his lip, Lee Song-Baek tried to re-ignite his fighting spirit.

'I need to check this with my own eyes.'

And he looked.

'He seems to have good senses.'

Chung Myung was quite interested upon seeing Lee Song-Baek, whose sword was already shaking.

Right now, Chung Mung poses no threat to Lee Song-Baek. However, Lee Song-Baek was unable to relax, as if a mighty warrior was peering down at him.

Pretty sharp senses.

'He might one day become the Southern Edge Sect's Supreme Sword.'

In the past, when Chung Myung was that age, were there people of the same caliber in the Southern Edge Sect?

Well. Not sure.

It was a time when Chung Myung held no interest in others. He was too busy sharpening his own sword skills and trying to avoid getting caught by his Sahyung for doing the wrong things.

Even then, he couldn't think of anyone in the past that could match up. A person with great senses meant greater potential to grow.

He might not stand out much right now, but as he gets older and trains more, he will begin to advance several times faster compared to the others. He could even become the Southern Edge Sect's Supreme Sword in the distant future.

But the sad thing is…

'He was born into the same era I was reborn into.'

Chung Myung gently raised his sword.

Should he teach Lee Song-Baek a lesson?

"Are you coming?"

When Chung Myung shook his head and pointed the sword at his opponent, Lee Song-Baek shuddered and backed away slightly before pulling his sword forward with clenched teeth.

The fact that he was still standing there showed how desperately he was trying not to back down. After taking several deep breaths, Lee Song-Baek struggled to open his mouth.

"Can I ask you one thing before we start?"

"Yes. Anything."

"Who is Young Disciple?"

"… I am Chung Myung of Mount Hua."

Lee Song-Baek clenched his teeth.

"How are you so accomplished? You clearly can't have been learning the sword for a long time."

'I learned the sword for a hundred years now, you bastard.'

Chung Myung hated how his age was always being used against him.

He didn't like it as, in the past, Chung Myung was a lot stronger than he was currently.

It had been less than a year since Chung Myung started training, and he progressed slowly as he chose to build a stronger foundation.

However, he had already focused on polishing his sword for over ten years in the past and reached a point that no one dared to challenge him.

So, there's nothing to be flustered about.

"The world is inherently unfair."


"But that doesn't mean that you don't have a chance either. The important thing is to believe in your own path, isn't it?"

"Are you saying that if I believe in my sword and work hard, I will be able to defeat you someday?"

"Ahh. Could be."

Chung Myung waved his hand.

"But it is fine. You won't be ashamed if you can't win against me. Rather, you will understand that it is an honor to have shared a duel with me."

"Weird. Too weird."

Lee Song-Baek's eyes sunk in.

As they talked, it seemed like he gradually relaxed a bit.

"Be careful. I know that I'm not good enough, so I'll do the best I can from the start."


Lee Song-Baek slightly twisted his sword.

Seeing that, Chung Myung narrowed his eyes.

'What is this?'

A small change in the sword's movement. The Southern Edge sect values precision and sharpness. There was no way they could twist the sword like this. Showing the blade and moving it in front of the opponent is mainly used in the Illusion Sword technique.


A Mount Hua sword technique.

"I will deal with you using the Twelve Movement Snow Flower Sword."

"Twelve Movement Snow Flower Sword?"

Chung Myung tilted his head.

Did the Southern Edge Sect have such a technique?

Normally, they had the Thirty-Six Movement Tanxia Sword. It seemed like something new had been invented in Chung Myung's absence.

"Here I come!"



Lee Song-Baek screamed and rushed towards Chung Myung.

Chung Myung had a gloomy look as he watched this approach.

'What do I do?'

Should he trample on the juniors of the Southern Edge sect? Or teach them kindly and help them grow?

'Tch, no matter how bad my personality is….'

If the opponent was an elder or a great disciple, the situation would be different, but now it was a child. The priority was to teach…

It was then.

Lee Song-Baek's sword changed.

It wasn't fast, but heavy. Not flashy, but colorful.

A change that was entirely different from the Southern Edge sect's methods, which Chung Myung was familiar with until now, unfolded.

Upon seeing the change, Chung Myung's face contorted like a demon in a fury.


Chung Myung's wooden sword swung furiously.


Lee Song-Baek coughed up blood and fell back in just a few seconds.

However, Chung Myung wasn't satisfied, so he grabbed Lee Song-Baek by the collar and pulled him close to his face.

Seeing Chung Myung's demon-like visage, Lee Song-Baek struggled to breathe.

"You, where did you learn that technique!?"

"Co-Cough. T-that…"


Chung Myung bit his lip.

Twelve Movement Snow Flower Sword technique.

What bullshit!

Those words may deceive those who don't know any better, but Chung Myung wouldn't be deceived.

The change was dull and clumsy, but the basic form of the sword was something Chung Myung knew very well.

'Plum Blossom.'

The sword of Mount Hua. A sword representing Mount Hua. A sword that was the essence of Mount Hua.

Twenty-Four Movement Plum Blossom Sword technique.

The Twenty-Four Movement Plum Blossom Sword technique, which was lost in Mount Hua now, was unfolded in the hands of Lee Song-Baek.