

My sister Blessing walked toward the entrance of the Rosey Boutique. Some people came out and started taking pictures of the daughter of the richest man in the whole wide world. I know they will not be able to get a good picture because she was masked as usual and the bodyguards were really doing a great job by not allowing anyone to come close nor touch my sister Blessing. Finally, they stepped into the boutique and she started buying what she came for and i was forced to stay for a longer time as they crowd were still much at the entrance of the boutique. My sister did not do as if i was outside as that was our plan not to let anyone know that i was her younger brother and the only son of the richest man. So, i waited for an extra 30 minutes after she went in and when i was ready to go in, i droped my mask in the back seat of the car and on a second thought, i wanted to go in with it but i changed my mind as i wanted to see whether i will be recognised as i am already tired of trying to hide my face from the entire world. I dropped the mask and started walking toward the entrance of the boutique and immediately i was few inches away from the door. It seemed as if someone shouted my name was behind, I did not want to turn at first, so i continued walking but someone said, he is Prime the son of the richest Mr. John. The other person said, he is not the one, how will the richest man on earth allow his only son to be walking on the street like this alone without a body guard. The other person said, look, here is his picture, is it not the same person and they seem to realize i was the one before them and they shouted Prime. Immediately i heard my name, i did not know why i turned but it seemed something just spined me around against my wish as i wanted to pretend i was not the one. As i turned, the shouted, "he is the one", "it is Prime, the only son of Mr. John the billionaire". I tried to rush to the entrance of the boutique as to avoid attracting more attention that i may not be able to control. I turn to walk faster but as i turned my face, alot of people were already before me taking pictures and screeming, some using their front camera to record a live video on their social media platform.

David_Chinedu · Urban
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45 Chs


After two weeks of investing the money, i could not find the man again. I tried calling the number on the document we signed but it was not reachable.

I did not know that i have been scammed. After few weeks my company started going down, i did not know what to do and telling my brother to lend me more money was not an option as i did not want him to know that i invested such a huge amount of money and was duped.

I tried to manage the situation but the company went bankrupt few months after. That was when i gained the courage to tell my brother.

He was so angry but managed to save the company.

He told me that he was not going to let me handle the company again as it cost him a lot of money to see that he recovers the company.

He said me what will i like to do again or what i know how to do.

I thought for a while but nothing seemed to be coming into my head until i remembered that learnt Martial Art from my colleague at the bar.

He said his father taught him Martial Art and he offered to teach me 1 hour after my shift and we did that for few years before i stopped the bar work but i was done learning the Martial Art from him.

I told my brother that the only thing i can do is just to teach Martial Art which i learnt in China.

He concurred and decided to employ me to train his men for him, wanted to build a military force of his own.

He employed two military personnel's to help train the men he wants to join his military force and then will teach them Martial Art after the two military personnels were done.

I was so happy. He build a large field for the training that has a lot of space.

I started training the men truly, it was impressive as they became strong and skillful.

My brother paid me double more than my true worth each month, i knew he was seeing it as helping me but in the title of salary.

I continued training his men for few years even though i feel ashamed that i was working for my junior brother. I did not allow any of those thoughts affect my work as i was happy anyways.

I believed that one day he will share his property and i will be rich as he only has one son who is still very young.


After his son's 10th birthday, his only son Prime went to a boutique and did something that made his face to be all over the headlines, news and internet.

As a punishment to his son Prime, he asked him son to come and learn Martial Art for a week knowing that his son did not like Martial Art.

I decided to teach his son Prime Martial Art for a week but after the first week, Prime started developing interest in Martial Art and he continued coming.

I was very angry as he was improving, i knew that if he becomes the best, i would not have a job any more, so i started conspiring with some men on how to assassinate my brother so that i will inherit his wealth instead of his son.

I do sneak out each night to go and see them and i made sure no body sees me.

We continued planning for the assassination and then, my brother Mr. John asked me to organise a combat between Prime his son and one of my best.

I saw that as an opportunity to put Prime in the wheelchair, blind or dead.

I selected and brought out my best man, i informed him in secret to kill Prime and i will say it was an accident.

We agreed and the combat was set. The combat started but Prime happened to be lucky as he won the combat against my best.

I was so furious the more when my brother told me that there will be a feast that night to celebrate his only son Prime.

I sneaked out and went to the men i employed for the assassination and i told them that i am going to drug the king and his men tonight then i will give them a sign before they come in and kill everybody.

As we continued feasting, my brother Mr. John and announced to everyone that he has willed all his properties to his only son and that pissed me off and thank goodness the wine had finished.

Mr. John requested for more wine and volunteered to provide the wine.

As i went out, i signalled the assassins and i added some substance into the wine and when i got to the hall, they rushed it and started drinking.

It was only Prime that was not drinking the wine i brought and i wondered why but i really do not care.

He is really a small boy and cannot stop me. The assassins came inside the hall and started killing everyone as i have paid them to do.

I must rise to power and fame.

Prime wanted to help his father but his father asked him to run away and he did. Everyone in the entire house were all swept out with the sword and no one survived.

I sent some men to look for Prime all over the country. I want him dead.

In few minutes reporters came and started asking me series of questions on what happened and what did not happen.

I lied to them that i was in my room when everything happened and it was obvious that they did not buy into the lie but they can't question my answers as i am now currently the richest man on earth.

I tried my best to cry in the interview and in few months. I buried my brother John and his entire family and i made sure i appeared mourning but that day was the beginning of my victory.

I am going to be a billionaire, and i smiled within me.

The only fear i have now is Prime that is on the lose.