

My sister Blessing walked toward the entrance of the Rosey Boutique. Some people came out and started taking pictures of the daughter of the richest man in the whole wide world. I know they will not be able to get a good picture because she was masked as usual and the bodyguards were really doing a great job by not allowing anyone to come close nor touch my sister Blessing. Finally, they stepped into the boutique and she started buying what she came for and i was forced to stay for a longer time as they crowd were still much at the entrance of the boutique. My sister did not do as if i was outside as that was our plan not to let anyone know that i was her younger brother and the only son of the richest man. So, i waited for an extra 30 minutes after she went in and when i was ready to go in, i droped my mask in the back seat of the car and on a second thought, i wanted to go in with it but i changed my mind as i wanted to see whether i will be recognised as i am already tired of trying to hide my face from the entire world. I dropped the mask and started walking toward the entrance of the boutique and immediately i was few inches away from the door. It seemed as if someone shouted my name was behind, I did not want to turn at first, so i continued walking but someone said, he is Prime the son of the richest Mr. John. The other person said, he is not the one, how will the richest man on earth allow his only son to be walking on the street like this alone without a body guard. The other person said, look, here is his picture, is it not the same person and they seem to realize i was the one before them and they shouted Prime. Immediately i heard my name, i did not know why i turned but it seemed something just spined me around against my wish as i wanted to pretend i was not the one. As i turned, the shouted, "he is the one", "it is Prime, the only son of Mr. John the billionaire". I tried to rush to the entrance of the boutique as to avoid attracting more attention that i may not be able to control. I turn to walk faster but as i turned my face, alot of people were already before me taking pictures and screeming, some using their front camera to record a live video on their social media platform.

David_Chinedu · Urban
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45 Chs


On Monday I woke up very early as my brother John have promised to take me to the office and show me the company he bought with my name.

I dressed up and and ate breakfast prepared by my wife Angel and i went to the parlour to wait for my brother.

As i entered the parlour, i saw my brother John already waiting for me. I was surprised how he owned all this and still managed to wake up this early.

'Good morning brother' He said.

Good morning, hope you slept well?

'Yes, like a baby.'

We laughed and went out. We entered one of his cars and his driver drove us out of the premises.

After about 1 hour drive, the driver pulled over in front of a gigantic black gate before horning and the gate man opened up and we drove in and he packed in the garage.

My brother John stepped down and the security men out there bowed to him and he just ignored them and we walked inside.

He sent someone to summon all the staff's and the managing director to the executive hall. After few minutes they all gathered and he asked them to sit.

'I called you all out today to officially introduce you to the rightful owner of this honourable company.'

'He is my senior brother Mr. Sam who will be working with you all as the CEO of this great company. I won't remind you to honour and respect him as you all know the consequences of entering your CEO's black book. I will advice you be of a good character and conduct and everything will be fine.'

'You can now go back to your different work positions.'

As they were going out, he asked the Managing Director to wait behind and he told the managing director to submit all necessary documents in his disposal to me and he left.

'Brother, let me show you your new office'

He took me to a large office and he said that was my office. I was very happy and excited and i thanked him.

He decided to run me through what the company is all about.

'The company is all about Car renting, the company provides car services for other companies staffs who are just coming into the state for one business purposes or the other. The company also walk with third party drivers, where they give this drivers clients to perform their services to and then pay them after two weeks of successful services.'

'Do not worry if it looks complicated, when the managing director delivers the necessary documents in your hands, just make sure you go through them as they will aid your understanding of the business.'

Wow! thank you very much brother, i really appreciate.

'Don't mention, you did more for me by training and sustaining me through school.'

'I will make sure you never lack anything untill the day we will be no more.'

'I have to leave you now and get back to my own office as you are already in yours.'

We laughed as he left and drove off with the driver.

The managing director came in minutes later to submit every single documents as requested. I told him to also provide me with the names of every single employee of the company, their current position and salary later that day.

I sat down on my desk and went through every single document that the managing director brought and i must say, the concept of the company is really a nice one.

The managing director came in later that day and submitted the compilation of the employees names, positions and current salaries.

I made sure that i went through everyone of them and i now fully understand how to run the company.

After work that day, i wanted to call my brother John to come and pick me up but the service was bad, so i went out of my office to ask the security on other means to reach him.

As i stepped out, i saw a brand new BMW M3 packing at the lot but i ignored as it may be owned by one of the staffs.

I was about going to the security house as they were all inside talking when a man stepped dow n from the car and greeted me.

'Good evening sir.'

Good evening.

'Sir are you ready to go now?'

Yes, who are you and why are you asking me such a question?

'I was asked to drive you sir by Mr. John, he bought the car and asked me to drive you until you learn fully how to drive the car.'

I was dumbfounded but did not want the driver to notice, so i did as if i was aware and entered the car.

He drove me to my brother's house and he packed at the lot and gave me his number so that i will just call him anything i want to go out and needs his service or when i will be free to officially start my driving lessons.

I told him that, i will start the driving lesson by weekend and he accepted. I went inside the house and went straight to my brother's house and thanked him for the car but he said it was nothing.

I told my wife and she also came and appreciated him.

The next day, i called the driver and he came and drove me to the office and work just continued normally.

The company is moving fine, clients were calling and my personal assistant was working hand in hand with the managing director to ensure that all our clients are satisfied with our services.

The company started growing and we got a contract to drive the president of the United States of America.

I was so excited, so i told my brother about it and he was happy and celebrated with me.

We performed the services and the president liked our services. He introduced us to other of his rich friends and we began to grow massive.

A man met me as i visited the white house and he introduce me to an investment program that will enhance and take my company to the next level only if i will invest US$30, 000 in the business.

I consulted my legal advices and they told me not to invest such amount of money in such business because they do not have enough proofs to determine the legitimacy of the business but i was convinced it will yield so much.

I paid deaf ears to what my legal advices said and i invested the money in the business.