
Return of the Dragon

Hyoudo Issei, a normal teen turned devil who experienced many shocking events returned back in time after dying in a devastating war between worlds. Having returned back to when he was 12 years old, decades before the tragedy happens, he has resolved himself to grow stronger and prepare for the upcoming crisis. Follow him in this new journey towards greatness.

Issei_Hyoudou_0369 · Others
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8 Chs

Dark Past

Kuroka found herself in a dark place with no shred of light. It was a cold and silent place, everywhere she looked, only darkness can be seen.

'W-where am I? I'm scared...' She curled up and hugged her knees while shivering in fear.

Then the scene change, slowly, light graced the place which prompt her to raise her head up. She then stood up and watched as the place changed.

After a few moments, she found herself in a familiar place. A place she hated and didn't want to remember.

"Nee-san..." A small voice cried

Kuroka turned towards a dark corner where she found two people hugging each other. It was her and a little girl much younger than her who had silver hair.

"Shirone..." She muttered, tears welled up in her eyes.

Suddenly the place twisted and a dark hand appeared and grabbed Shirone who was crying in the corner. Seeing that, Kuroka shouted.

"Shirone...!" But her shouts were futile as she was held back by another dark hand. While her counter part disappeared.

Suddenly, the hand tighten its grip on Shirone who cried in pain. "Ahhhh!"

"No! Shirone!"

Suddenly, Shirone who was now bleeding out stared straight towards Kuroka and ooened her mouth. "W-why? Why did you leave me, nee-chan?! It was your fault that I'm this way! You left me behind!"

"No...Shirone," Kuroka cried, remembering her sister.

Then suddenly, the place crumbled slowly as Kuroka was forcefully separated by her sister. The place then returned to its former state, dark and cold.

Kuroka was once again left in this cold and dark place. She sat down, hugging her knees and cried silently.

This lasted for some time before she felt some kind of warmth penetrating the place anf enelveloping her. The warmth soothed her and stopped her cry.

Then two bright and warm arms appeared and wrapped around he, giving comfort and warmth to her.

Subconsciously, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the embrace of the arms.

The next day, Kuroka woked up from her sleep and saw that she was being hugged by a brown haired kid. She was a bit confused as she knew she was being chased last night.

But then she noticed how her injuries were healed. She stared at the kid in curiosity. She felt a kind aura from him. And the way his embrace felt was the same as that arms that soothed her in her nightmares.

She also felt a familiar aura around her. Slowly, she relaxed once again and closed her eyes to sleep more.


Not long after Kuroka went back to sleep again, Issei woke up from his slumber.

The first thing he did was check on Kuroka who was in her cat form. After seeing that she was sleeping nicely, he smiled in relief.

He then carefully remove his arms that wwrapped Kuroka. After that, he slowly got off the bed and did his morning routine.


After some time, Issei went downstairs towards the dining area where he saw his mother preparing their breakfast. His father, Gorou Hyoudou, was already seated.

"Good morning, Mom, Dad." Issei greeted with a bright smile.

"Oh Issei, good morning," Gorou smiled, seeing his son.

"Good morning," Miki greeted back, " Come, sit down, we'll be having breakfast soon."

"Yes," Issei went to his seat and sat there. Then his thought wandered back to Kuroka, 'She should be still quite tired even if I healed her. I'll just get food for her later.'

[Partner, what do you plan about that Nekoshou's pursuers?] Ddraig asked through their mental link.

'They shouldn't known she's currently here for the time being. In that time period, I'll train harder and slowly get my preparations ready.'

[...Have you decided on your course of action?]

'Yes, the situation last night made me realize something, I forgot. Initially, I am thinking on joining the devils' side to get protection but I change my mind. The devil faction is split into two internal faction at the moment. That'll hinder my plans so I've decided. I will build up my own faction so I can get on the same standing as the others. I need the three great factions to prepare for what's to come.'

[Good idea but it'll be hard to pull off especially in just a few years.]

'No worries, I remember at this time, the hero faction members are still scattered. Cao Cao should still not awakened his sacred gear so I can get him to my side. Then I'll gather the remaining hero faction members to build my faction. By the time those series of events happen, I will have my own faction.'

[I see, then goodluck, partner]

'Oh thanks, Ddraig'

After that, Issei had breakfast with his family and after finishing, he got some food for Kuroka. When Miki asked him why he needs the food, he said it's for his pet cat.