
Return of the Dragon Son-in-law

Lei Cheng is only twenty-five years old but has already tasted the sorrows and bitterness of the world. He comes from a wealthy family and should have had a flowery childhood, but he fell victim to the interests of his family. At the age of six, he was expelled from his family, and on his way to meet his enemies, Lei Cheng's parents were both killed trying to protect him. In his memory, Lei Cheng did not know what he had done wrong to have such a miserable encounter. Afterwards, Lei Cheng was taken in by the kind-hearted orphanage director, and on the day he became an adult at the age of eighteen, he was brought by a mysterious old man to an organization called Shadowland, unaware that from that day on his fate had changed.

Daoist1Sn6m0 · Urban
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68 Chs


Jiang Hao's words just fell, behind several disciples are coincidentally a step forward, all tiger eye gaze at Lei Cheng, as if the other party once any discontent, at any time to bear their fists the same.

Jiang Xueyu was startled by this scene, involuntarily hid behind Lei Cheng.

"Hiding behind this wimp, can he protect you? Better come to my side, I dare say that in Nanfu City, as long as I Jiang Hao, absolutely no one dares to touch a finger of yours." Jiang Hao said with great bravado.

Jiang Xueyu's face was pale, she clutched Lei Cheng's sleeve, this restaurant was packed with Jiang Hao's people, even now it was obviously too late for them to escape.

"You let me go, I'll give you whatever you want." Jiang Xueyu said as he tried to keep his composure.

"I'm telling you, from the moment you walk into this restaurant, you are destined to be taken away from me, there is no way out." Jiang Hao rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "You guys remember what the old saying is, something to do with resistance?"

"Boss, it's that since you can't resist, learn to enjoy it."

"Haha, yes, you're still smart." Jiang Howe looked at Jiang Xueyu with a lustful face and said, "Beauty, you have to learn to enjoy, married for three years, you said you live your widow like what is the meaning of ah, you have never tasted the taste of being a human being, right, today I let you enjoy it, must let you comfortable."

Jiang Hao finished another burst of laughter, seems to have taken Jiang Xue as his own bag, silk Hao did not notice the strong killing intent in Lei Cheng's eyes. A little brother saw this situation, immediately exploded: "You such a soft egg, how dare to take such a look at our boss, do not want to mix?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, his fist swung towards Lei Cheng with a gust of wind.

Lei Cheng did not panic, the corners of his mouth outlined an icy smile, gently raised his hand, directly holding the fist that swung towards him threateningly.

The swinging fist came to an abrupt halt, the man's face was cold, he did not expect Lei Cheng to be able to grab his fist so easily.

While this punk was still in a daze, Lei Cheng suddenly struck a flying leg, only to see a small parabola, the man took a few dozen steps back in pain and fell heavily to the ground.

"What ..."

"What the hell, this loser is so fierce?"

"Am I seeing things, isn't he a loser?"

Lei Cheng's strength and his reputation as a loser momentarily made the people present unable to return to their senses, was this really a person.

Jiang Hao couldn't help but stand up cautiously, he didn't dare to underestimate this skinny man in front of him anymore.

Jiang Xueyu covered her sexy lips in surprise, all this time she only saw how Lei Cheng was bullied by others, listening to their taunts every day, never saw him resist, and this scene in front of her made her feel shocked.

"Lei Cheng, you know this is the boss's territory, you dare to injure my people, it seems you don't want to leave here alive, I'll make you whole today." Jiang Hao said with a gloomy face.

Although this Lei Cheng's strength did bring him a lot of significance, he was not yet able to talk about scorning the other party. After all, he brought quite a few people today, even if this Lei Cheng was more capable of fighting, could he not still kill in a big way?

"Give you a chance to tell this matter clearly, maybe I will spare your life." Lei Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Hao and said coldly.

"Haha." Jiang Hao looked at Lei Cheng with a hideous face and laughed: "Are you fucking talking to me? Look at these people around you, they are all my people, if I want you to die today, do you think you can still survive? How dare you shamelessly threaten me now? You really think your life is too long!"

"Oh? Then let's take another look and see who we really can't walk out today." Lei Cheng sat steadily on the sofa and said with an indifferent face.

A series of hurried footsteps came, hundreds of people poured into the restaurant from all directions, and instantly this space was surrounded by people.

Jiang Hao's face underwent a dramatic change, weren't these people today's guests? How could this happen?

At this time, Mu Feng slowly walked out from the crowd.

When Jiang Hao saw clearly that the person coming was Mu Feng, he coldly asked, "Mu Feng, what do you mean, did you bring all these people?"

"Jiang Hao, you're fucking crazy, is Mr. Lei also someone you can mess with?" Mu Feng said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Hao naturally did not know what Mu Feng really meant, and looked at the other party with a puzzled face and asked, did this guy collude with the Jiang family? But didn't Jiang Liyan say that it was all arranged, if the Jiang family had such a move, how could he not inform himself in advance?

Mu Feng walked up to Lei Cheng, before he could speak, Lei Cheng said in a deep voice: "Take my wife outside, she is not fit to stay here."

Once Jiang Xueyu heard this, her hand was even tighter gripping the corner of Lei Cheng's coat and refused to let go, she was completely stunned. How come there are suddenly so many people out again? Who are they? What do they do?

"Wait for me in the car, I'll be right there." Lei Cheng said softly to Jiang Xue Yu, perhaps only to his wife, this man will show such a tender look.

Jiang Xue Yu dead bite lips, not the slightest intention to let go.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, Xue Yu don't you trust me?" Hearing these words, Jiang Xue Yu had to reluctantly let go of his hand.

When Jiang Xueyu completely left, Mu Feng asked with a respectful face, "Brother Lei, what should we do with this Jiang Hao?"

Jiang Hao looked at the two people in front of him and suddenly let out a loud laugh and said, "Mu Feng, are you out of your mind, such a loser and you actually call him brother, you are at least a prominent figure in the fringe area, you wouldn't know that he is the son-in-law of that loser of the Jiang family, you are really funny, haha."

Mu Feng's bent body did not straighten up. He just raised his head and said with a smile, "Jiang Hao, do you know how to write the word "death"?

Jiang Hao did not care about Mu Feng's provocation, although there were many people on the other side, but did Mu Feng dare to touch him? If he dared, I'm afraid he would have already done it.

"Mu Feng, do you think I am scared, I have people up there, you do not know, if something happens to me, you should know the consequences, I advise you to mind your own business, now is in the boss's territory, you'd better leave quickly, so as not to hurt the peace between us." Jiang Hao said with disdain.

Before Mu Feng did not dare to move Jiang Hao, that was because he did not receive the exact instructions from Lei Cheng. In addition, this Jiang Hao does have some background, if you really want to move the other party must also have to plan properly before you can. If there is no Lei Cheng in the back, Mu Feng even if you can kill Jiang Hao, I'm afraid that will not avoid jail.

But on now is different, Lei Cheng obviously want to have a big move in the South House, so now Mu Feng has no more worries, he thinks Lei Cheng has the ability, although he is the South House city everyone knows the waste, but Mu Feng heart is clear, this man must have an amazing background.

Mu Feng no longer speaks, because he is not qualified to speak here.

Jiang Hao saw that Mu Feng didn't say a word and just stood quietly to the side, he thought that the other party was intimidated by himself. Then he said with a proud face, "Mu Feng is afraid, since I know that Laozi has a background, why don't you quickly take your people and get out of my place, do I have to blast you out?"

Lei Cheng suddenly stood up at this time and walked towards Jiang Hao step by step.

Seeing the coldness emanating from Lei Cheng, Jiang Hao unknowingly took two steps back and cautiously asked, "What do you want?"

Several people immediately stood in front of Jiang Hao's body, with the appearance of being ready to strike at any time.

Seeing that Lei Cheng did not stop his steps, several of Jiang Hao's men were the first to attack, but none of them could stop Lei Cheng's advance, not even for a second.

Looking at the unstoppable Lei, Jiang Hao put those who said Lei Cheng was a waste in the heart greeted their whole family. If this man's strength is a waste, then the whole of Nanfu City is not a waste, oh, no, even worse than a waste!

Several of his men were knocked to the ground in pain. Jiang Hao face white look at Lei Cheng trembling voice said: "Lei Cheng, compared to my background, the Jiang family is an unborn child, you want to move me can think carefully before ..."

Before Jiang Hao could finish his words, Lei Cheng punched the man who was still chattering directly to the face.

At once nosebleed spurted out, Jiang Hao face a frightened hands covering the face, painful to fall to the side of the rolling child.

If this scene was seen by the Jiang family, each of them would probably stare wide-eyed, unable to believe that what was in front of them was real. After all, in their perception, Lei Cheng is a soft egg who does not fight back, does not curse back, how could he become so powerful immediately?

Now Jiang Hao even doubted that the Lei Cheng in front of him was not the same person as the son-in-law that the outside world was talking about.

For three whole years, the son-in-law that the Jiang family was ashamed of wasn't the one who only washed clothes and cooked at home, and even when he was called a loser by others, he didn't retort a single word. How could he be so tough?

"Did someone behind the scenes order you to do this?" Lei Cheng asked coldly.

Jiang Hao covered his nose and shook his head, stammering, "Lei Cheng you have the guts to kill me now, or else I'll make you beg for your life and die tomorrow!"

"Hit me, hit me hard, hit me until he's willing to talk." Lei Cheng sat on the sofa, crossed his legs and said to Mu Feng beside him.

Mu Feng smiled, immediately waved his hand, then several people walked in a face of fury to the side of Mi ah Howe, a good beating and kicking.

Those men of Jiang Howe have long been stunned silly, looking at the beaten boss, and then look at a cold face of Lei Cheng, he really is a loser? Who the hell made the rumor, who ever saw a rumored loser would have such tactics?

"Mu Feng, your mother's old man remembers people, my backstage will not let you go."

"Mu Feng, aren't you afraid that I will take revenge? You quickly tell them to stop, and I'll pretend this never happened."

"Okay, I ... said it, I said it, stop fighting."

Jiang Hao's tougher attitude eventually could not resist the fists that were beating him violently, and soon he wailed and chose to compromise.

Mu Feng stood on the side and watched coldly, silk ho did not take Jiang Hao's words of threatening himself to heart, he coldly snorted: "You should have been like this earlier, it would have saved you so much suffering."

Jiang Hao gloomily looked at a smiling Mu Feng and said, "Mu Feng, are you not worried that I will find you afterwards to settle the score?"

Mu Feng didn't mind at all shrugged and said, "If you have this opportunity to say such things to me again, I'm afraid that you don't have this opportunity!"

"Well, say it, who exactly is behind the scenes planning all this, you have to remember not to try to come and lie to me, if you have half a lie, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world." Lei Cheng said with a gloomy face.

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