
Return of the Dragon Son-in-law

Lei Cheng is only twenty-five years old but has already tasted the sorrows and bitterness of the world. He comes from a wealthy family and should have had a flowery childhood, but he fell victim to the interests of his family. At the age of six, he was expelled from his family, and on his way to meet his enemies, Lei Cheng's parents were both killed trying to protect him. In his memory, Lei Cheng did not know what he had done wrong to have such a miserable encounter. Afterwards, Lei Cheng was taken in by the kind-hearted orphanage director, and on the day he became an adult at the age of eighteen, he was brought by a mysterious old man to an organization called Shadowland, unaware that from that day on his fate had changed.

Daoist1Sn6m0 · Urban
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68 Chs

False accusation

As Jiang Hao, who had been in the jianghu for many years, he was not afraid of Mu Feng, but when he looked at this inconspicuous young man in front of him, an inexplicable feeling of fear arose, subconsciously thinking that this Lei Chengyuan was even more terrifying than Mu Feng.

Jiang Hao shivered and said, "This is all Jiang Liyan's idea, he came to me to add to the Jiang family, so that Jiang Xueyu can be driven out of the Jiang family."

Jiang Liyan, it's this stinker again!

Before Lei Cheng came here, he presumed that this matter must have something to do with Jiang Liyan. Otherwise, how could he suddenly become so kind to help Jiang Xueyu?

"What else, say it all together, don't hide anything." Lei Cheng continued to ask.

Jiang Hao unconsciously lowered his head because he simply didn't dare to look directly into Lei Cheng's eyes. He didn't dare to think about what the consequences would be once this man knew about his plan to target Jiang Xueyu.

"If you don't want to talk about it, then forget it, I won't force you."

"No ... I'll say, I'll say." Jiang Hao gulped and said, "Jiang Liyan also wants me to sleep with Jiang Xueyu and then make this matter public, he wants to use this matter to drive Jiang Xueyu out of Jiang to the house."

Lei Cheng listened and clenched his fist!

Before the East City project Jiang Li Yan has sought his own trouble, really did not expect him to now hit the idea on Jiang Xue Yu, this is simply looking for death.

No matter what kind of people have their own scales, Lei Cheng will never allow anything to hurt Jiang Xueyu.

"Lock this person up for me." After saying these three words, Lei Cheng left the restaurant with a gloomy face.

Jiang Hao kept screaming and cursing behind his back, but after eating a few punches, he learned his lesson completely.

Back in the parking lot, Jiang Xueyu sat in the car with a disturbed mind. After seeing Lei Cheng, she couldn't wait to get out of the car.

"Lei Cheng, are you okay, are you hurt anywhere?" Jiang Xueyu looked up and down at Lei Cheng nervously and was deeply relieved to learn that Lei Cheng was not hurt in any way.

"Xueyu, I'm fine, don't worry." Lei Cheng smiled and said, "I really didn't expect you to care about me."

Jiang Xue Yu heard these words, suddenly blushed she quickly retreated two steps, stammered and said, "I ... I'm just afraid of wasting medical expenses."

Lei Cheng smiled and nodded, did not look deeper into the matter: "Well, let's go home."

"Go home?" Jiang Xueyu said doubtfully, "But the trouble has not been solved yet, now go home, how to grandma tomorrow to explain ah?"

"Things have been solved, let's go." Lei Cheng did not have to say anything and was ready to drive away.

"Okay then, let's go home." Jiang Xueyu looked at Lei Cheng with a strange look. Jiang Hao was not a good person, so how could Lei Cheng solve it so easily? Then who was it that suddenly appeared so many people just now? But since Lei Cheng said it had been solved, maybe things were really over.

After getting into the car, Jiang Xueyu looked awkward, she wanted to ask what was going on, but did not know how to speak.

Lei Cheng seemed to see Jiang Xue Yu's doubts, he laughed: "How the process is not important, the most important thing is the result, tomorrow you can tell grandma that it has been solved, I will handle the rest just fine, don't worry."

For Jiang Liyan's ugly face Lei Cheng of course will not just let it go, but he will find a suitable time to expose what Jiang Liyan has done.

Jiang Xueyu looked at Lei Cheng's moutain eyes and couldn't help but nod.

That night Jiang Liyan walked around the room at home with his cell phone, looking a little uneasy and vaguely excited.

The cell phone page is Jiang Hao's number, as long as you dial out, you can know the current situation, but he still has some concerns in his heart, if things should go wrong what to do?

Jiang Liyan hesitated until ten o'clock when he finally relented and pressed the dial button.

No one has been answering the phone, is it because Jiang Hao is very busy?

A meaningful smile appeared on Jiang Liyan's face, when Jiang Simin called, and as soon as he was connected, there was an urgent questioning voice.

"Li Yan, how is the situation?" Jiang Simin asked eagerly.

"I just called Jiang Hao, but no one answered, I should be very busy." Jiang Liyan said in a good mood.

Jiang Simin on the other end of the phone laughed out loud, she thought that at this moment Jiang Xueyu must be being abused by Jiang Hao, and was in the mood, of course she wouldn't pick up the phone.

"This time she is finished, she really is a slut, but it is such a face does not know how many men have cheated, tomorrow we must let grandma know." Jiang Simin said with a smile, even though she knew the truth about this matter, she still had to give Jiang Xue Yu a false accusation.

"There's a family meeting tomorrow morning, I'll tell grandma, she'll just wait until we kick her out." Jiang Liyan hung up the phone and lay down on the bed with a relaxed face.

The day had finally arrived, from now on the Jiang family would never have to see Jiang Xueyu again, and the head of the East City project would of course fall into his hands.

"Jiang Xue Yu ah Jiang Xue Yu, I still have to thank you, without your help this Teng Zhi Group will not be so easy to work with us, but who let you offend me, from now on you will no longer be my obstacle."

Early the next morning, Jiang Liyan arrived at the company very early and sat in the conference room waiting for the arrival of his other relatives. Now he couldn't wait to tell the others about Jiang Xueyu's scandal, so that the old lady would drive Jiang Xueyu out of the Su family.

The relatives of the Jiang family arrived one after another, even the old lady, but Jiang Xueyu never showed up.

"Where did Jiang Xueyu go and why hasn't she come over yet?" The old lady asked.

Jiang Simin fiddled with her newly done nails and said, "Maybe in some wild man's bed, or maybe she hasn't gotten up yet."

"Simin, what are you talking about? "

"Grandma, I'm saying that this Jiang Xueyu didn't come, maybe there's something important, I'm not talking nonsense!" Jiang Simin said with a smile on her face

"Simin, this kind of can't be used to just talk nonsense."

The relatives present, although they do not like Jiang Xue Yu, but know how much importance the old lady attaches to the issue of family style, usually look at the joke is okay, but if the Jiang family people really want to do something to insult the family style, I think no one will allow.

Jiang Simin also knows the old lady's attitude towards this kind of things, before certainly not dare to joke, but now Jiang Simin think they already have the evidence, Jiang Xue Yu must have been slept by Jiang Hao, now say it in advance and what does it matter?

"What's the hurry? Can I joke about such things, you guys just wait and see!" Jiang Simin didn't care about the scrutinizing eyes of the people present, still smiling brightly and said.

The other relatives were stunned to hear this, and instantly all shut their mouths, if this matter is the truth, then this Jiang Xueyu really can't stay any longer.

"Really did not expect Jiang Xueyu would choose such a way to please Jiang Hao, when really too shameless."

"In the past three years, how much face she has made us lose, I didn't expect to do such a thing now, it's really a shame in our family."

"This matter should be solved by Li Yan, with Jiang Hao's kind of personality in the jianghu, he might publicize this matter, then our Jiang family will become a joke in Nanfu City again."

Listening to these words, the old lady's face was getting ugly, she really didn't expect the seemingly decent Jiang Xueyu would actually do such a thing.

After some twists and turns Jiang Xueyu finally arrived at the conference room.

"Grandma, just now Shu Qian asked me to organize some documents to send to her, so I came a little late." Jiang Xueyu wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead and said urgently.

"Are you organizing the documents or are you doing something else? Didn't you know you had to take a shower first when you came, smelling like that?" Jiang Simin disdainfully looked at Jiang Xueyu, hands covering his nose frowned and said.

"Jiang Simin, what do you mean by that?" Jiang Xueyu asked, looking at Jiang Simin angrily.

Jiang Simin a light laugh, looked up and down on Jiang Xue Yu said: "What I mean, you are not the most clear, I really did not think you would be such a cheap woman, how there is a man at home can not well meet you, now reduced to go out to find another man?"


Jiang Xue Yu listened to these harsh words, suddenly angry, these trumped up charges how to be involved with her, needless to say it must be this woman again behind the back of the ghost.

"Jiang Simin, what you ate from the mouth, do you know that really stinks." Jiang Xueyu said angrily.

Jiang Simin rubbed up from the chair, said bluntly: "How you dare to do but not dare to admit it, so you tell us now, the company's troubles are solved?"

"Of course it's solved." Jiang Xueyu answered without hesitation.

"Hum, is it, then how did you solve it, did you spend money or something else ...." Jiang Simin coldly laughed meaningfully said.

"No ... did not spend money." This matter is handled by Lei Cheng. As for how it was done, Jiang Xueyu himself did not know, but it is certain that no money was spent.

"Hahahahaha." Jiang Simin seems to have found the truth of the matter in general, "no need to spend money to solve, you really have the ability ah, is there any high trick, say out we can also learn."

"Jiang Xue Yu, who is that man, he is a big man in the fringe Jiang Hao, you can solve just this problem without spending money?" Jiang Li Yan can be sure that something must have happened between this Jiang Xue Yu and Jiang Hao last night, right.

Otherwise she is a weak woman where there will be what ability to solve the rivalry, just he did not expect Jiang Xue Yu is so cheeky, has sent himself to the other side of the bed, and now still look like nothing has happened, really is not simple ah.

Poor Lei Cheng, stall such a woman is really a tragic life.

"Jiang Xueyu, what is going on, you tell me clearly now." The old lady said in a low voice.

Jiang Xue Yu looked at Jiang Simin and Jiang Li Yan looked like watching a good show, she was sure that before she came it was obvious what had happened, the old lady Jiang spoke to her in a tone like a cold wind, blowing people all over cold.

"Grandma, I've taken care of the trouble." Jiang Xueyu said calmly.

"How did you solve it, tell me so I can hear it." Jiang Simin said impatiently.

"Yesterday night one you have been staying at the restaurant on the outskirts of the city, right? We can't control the people you slept with, but the reputation of the Jiang family can't be damaged because of you." Jiang Liyan coldly reprimanded, as if he had already put a lid on Jiang Xueyu.

Jiang Xue Yu was not angry after hearing Jiang Li Yan's words, it turned out that they thought they slept with that Jiang Hao last night, so this trouble was solved.

"I said Jiang Li Yan, where did your information come from, do you have any evidence, I went home early last night but did not do anything." Jiang Xueyu said in no good mood.

"Home, what proof do you have that you went home?" Jiang Liyan obviously refused to let go of the other party and kept asking questions over and over again.

This woman fell into the hands of Jiang Hao, he did not believe that Jiang Xueyu could leave and still not suffer any harm.

"There is a lot of evidence ah, I went home to the kiosk downstairs to buy something, later I also met the neighbors, and chatted a few words. If you don't believe, go to our neighborhood casually ask is not clear, really can not you can also retrieve the monitoring ah." Jiang Xueyu said indifferently.

Jiang Li Yan looked at Jiang Xue Yu so justified, did Jiang Hao really did not touch this woman, but according to Jiang Hao's character can not ah, this is clearly to the mouth of the fat lamb, where so easily let the other side to go.

"Jiang Xue Yu, you did not go to the restaurant I said yesterday, you know I can find this person took a lot of effort, you actually just gave up for nothing, you are really too abominable!" Jiang Xue Yu did not fall into Jiang Hao's magic, there is only one possibility, that is, this woman did not go to the appointment at all.

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