
Return Of The Dark Angel

The Tower of Angels... A tower that separated Earth from Heaven was being climbed by many climbers, who proclaimed themselves to be the Angels of Earth - humans of various ranks. Others included brave warriors from many races, be it vampires, ogres, goblins or even the mighty dragons! The aim was to climb to the 100th floor and clear it, as a reward for which one of their wishes would be fulfilled. . . . The story revolves around an Angel from heaven, who was shunned by society after being tagged as the Dark Angel, a fallen one. Being executed due to prejudice, the dark angel who is reborn, having his past memories, decides to walk on the path of revenge. 'One is not born evil, one is made evil.' - the phrase written by God, fit the reincarnated dark angel perfectly believed to abandon his own ideals and decided to walk on the path, which most would consider being the path of evil! Discord: https://discord.gg/E7GVKfKadE

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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128 Chs

The Suzo Family

Chapter 10: The Suzo Family

"Huh? W-what..."

Before him, a towering inferno consumed the sky, its flames dancing with an intensity that seemed to reach the heavens. The flames licked hungrily at the walls, devouring everything in their path with an insatiable hunger.


In a heart-wrenching scream, Zain raced towards the engulfed house, fueled by a desperate fear of losing his mother to the relentless flames.

People saw him running towards the flames, but no one tried to stop him as they were not normal citizens.

Unbeknownst to Zain, the people who had started the fire were actually sent by Schein himself.


"Have you finished the job?" Schein asked the apparent leader of the group gathered there.

"Yes, the fire has been set. We witnessed the boy throwing himself into the flames," the leader reported.

A sinister smile spread across Schein's face as he heard the news, his satisfaction evident.

"Good... let this be a lesson for those lowly peasants who dared to look down on us," Schein sneered, his disdain evident in his voice, before abruptly ending the call.

As the group dispersed, the crowd of concerned onlookers began to gather, drawn by the flickering flames and billowing smoke. They approached cautiously, their faces reflecting a mix of worry and curiosity.

All eyes were fixed on the burning building as it gradually succumbed to the relentless flames. Piece by piece, the structure crumbled and collapsed, sending showers of debris and embers into the sky.

As if in response to the devastating inferno, rain began to pour down from the darkened sky, dousing the flames and shrouding the scene in a veil of mist. People scattered in all directions, seeking shelter from the sudden downpour.

Within moments, the sound of approaching sirens could be heard as the rescue squad arrived swiftly to assess the situation and offer aid.

Amidst the ruins and ashes, the rescue team diligently searched for any signs of life. With a mixture of hope and trepidation, they discovered two lifeless bodies amidst the charred remains.

Realizing the urgency, they swiftly called for an ambulance to transport the bodies to the hospital, knowing that the extent of their injuries and the possibility of survival were uncertain at best.

As the squad members prepared to resume their search, their focus fixed on the task at hand, a chatty lady among them couldn't help but voice her observation.

"There were only two people living here. I don't think you'll find anyone else."

With the lady's observation confirming the absence of any additional occupants, the squad swiftly concluded their search and decided to leave the area.

As the rain poured heavily, drenching the desolate scene, and the moon cast its ethereal glow upon the remnants of the burned building, an eerie silence enveloped the air.

However, as the midnight hour approached, a seemingly lifeless hand, covered in dirt and ash, emerged from the soaked ground. It reached upwards, breaking free from the weight of destruction, as if defying the very ashes that sought to claim it.


In the Shanrew Hospital..

"The patients' condition is much worse that it was told! Rush them to the emergency vault!" the female doctor exclaimed.

Others quickly responded, rushing to the scene and swiftly moving the patients to the emergency vault.

She hurriedly entered the room, desperate to perform the necessary procedures, but her hopes were shattered when she realized it was too late. Moments ago, they were breathing, but now they lay lifeless before her eyes.

Their burnt skin and hair were visible signs of the damage caused by the flames.

"No... I wasn't able to save them..."

The two lifeless bodies remained shrouded in mystery, their identities and gender concealed for the time being.

The doctors had to give up as there was nothing more they could do, they solemnly wrapped the bodies and transferred them to the room designated for the deceased.

As the lady doctor entered her cabin, a sudden gust of wind slammed the door shut behind her, leaving her startled and bewildered.

"Eh? What just..." she started to say, but suddenly she was cut off. A wave of fear washed over her and the room seemed to darken before her eyes.

"What...? This..." she stammered, her voice trembling in shock. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as a powerful, dominating aura loomed behind her, emanating an overwhelming sense of imminent danger and a palpable intent to kill.

A deep, menacing male voice demanded, resonating with an undeniable sense of threat.

"Tell me... Are they alive?"

"W-who?" she stammered, her voice trembling with fear. She couldn't comprehend the situation fully, but deep down, she knew that her very life depended on her response.

"The recently transferred patients..", the voice became even more deeper as if it was annoyed at something.

The doctor's realization dawned upon her as she understood that he was referring to the two females who had been burnt in the fire. With a trembling voice, she managed to utter, "T-they are..."

She couldn't dare to utter the truth directly to him, for her life hung by a fragile thread.

Her hesitation was met with the person's growing impatience as he couldn't tolerate any further delay.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room became suffocating, causing the doctor to collapse to her knees. The invisible force exerted immense pressure on her body, making it feel like she was being crushed or torn apart from within.

Her gasps for breath grew heavier, and pain surged through every fiber of her being.

The relentless pressure that had been suppressing her movements was momentarily eased, allowing the doctor to regain her composure and stand up straight once again.

"They... ahem, they are in a room. I'll lead you there," she stammered, still unable to disclose their deaths. Her sole focus was to escape and raise the alarm, so she offered to guide him to the designated room.

But it became evident that he had discerned her true intentions as he snapped, "I asked if they are alive! I didn't inquire about their location..."

Recognizing the futility of exerting further pressure, he refrained from increasing it, realizing that she would only scream if he did so.

With her eyes tightly shut, she mustered the courage to utter the truth, knowing that her life hung by a thread. "Well, I don't care anymore!"

"They... they are dead!"

Her words escaped her lips, expecting the worst to come at any moment.

To her surprise, as she slowly opened her eyes, she found herself face-to-face with a young boy. His expression held a mix of surprise and terror.

"Dead...? Don't fuck with me! Tell me the truth!" he demanded, his voice escalating in intensity.

"I'm not lying... they died as soon as they reached the hospital," she said with a somber tone. The words hit Zain like a heavy blow, causing him to collapse onto the ground, devoid of strength.

"They... died?" His voice cracked with disbelief as tears streamed down his face. He couldn't comprehend the reality of their deaths and his sorrow overwhelmed him, his body trembling with each sob.

The doctor's initial urge to escape and call for help was replaced by a deep sense of empathy as she witnessed the profound pain and sorrow overwhelming Zain. She found herself unable to move, her own fear momentarily forgotten in the presence of such raw grief.

In that moment, a flicker of understanding passed through the doctor's eyes, as if she had glimpsed her own painful past reflected in Zain's anguish.

It was the very reason she had chosen to become a doctor, to alleviate the suffering of others and shield them from the heartache she had known all too well.

But this time, despite her best intentions, she had failed to shield Zain from the devastating pain. As she looked at him weeping, it became clear to her that he was now left to face his sorrow alone, without the solace she had hoped to provide.

Among the lifeless bodies that had arrived, one belonged to a young girl of 14 years old, while the other belonged to a woman of 33.

It seemed as if one of the bodies was that of his mother, and the other belonged to his sister. She could sense the weight of loss and loneliness that now burdened Zain, just by looking at him.

She approached Zain with a gentle expression and reached out to place a comforting hand on his back.

Understanding the depth of his pain, she pulled him into a warm embrace, offering solace in the midst of his grief. In that moment, she knew that words alone wouldn't be enough to alleviate his sorrow, but she hoped that her gesture would provide him with some comfort, even if temporary.

She embraced him, whispering, "Don't cry..." In that moment, her fear faded, replaced by a deep empathy for his pain. She saw him as a vulnerable teenager, burdened by a profound loss.