
Return of silver claw

Gabu_Gustav_7541 · Urban
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10 Chs

New Identity.

I came to shortly after about a few hours of sleep. Just thinking of the insanity gives me chills. "There is some thing about that that is not right." "What are you talking about? Ronald." "Didn't you bring him in a few days ago?" "Yes. I don't see what you're talking about." "Okay. Listen, You brought him in seven days ago. His wounds at that time were beyond recovery." "Hmm. They were." "Its been only seven days and you're not seeing that he is healing." "I can. And where are you going with this?" "Can't you see? We can a fortune if we study what makes his body so different from us?" "I know where this is going. You have been saying that about every patient who comes here. And he has been bed-ridden for a few days now. Ronald don't try and take this to him." "Huh? That's a very good idea." "Maybe we can give him a new identity." "What are you talki..." I heard a loud boom. "I'm sorry. But this is how it has to be friend." Those were the last few words before I don't even know what happened.


I woke up feeling drenched. I was cold and my nose had blocked. My clothes were drenched in water. I had a bad feeling about all of that then. I had a dizziness in my head. I was seeing everything in doubles. I lifted my head and looked up. There was water all around me. Am I drowning? Is this the part where I die? Really? I don't even know who I am. At least not anymore. I closed and drowned back into the pits of drowsiness. I forcefully opened my eyes and realized I was drowning. I kept calm and tried to look around the dark place. I was trying my best to keep calm. But my body couldn't and I began sinking. Deeper into the depths of the water. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I was fished out of the water. I hit the ground in a flat pose. I coughed and water jumped from my mouth. I touched my back expecting there to be something. "You gave me quite the scare." I heard a female voice say. I looked up and my eyes met the most beautiful I had ever seen. It was however, the first I had seen.

I had completely lost my memory. I stood up and breathed. I pinched myself just to make sure it wasn't a dream. The teen was dressed in her swimwear. I looked around the room. Is it just me or does something seem off? The room looked nothing like a public pool. I know... Wait. What am I saying? I don't even know what I am talking about? I touched my head so I would stop spinning in my head. "Hi." She said as she extended her arm to greet me. I extended my arm to shake it but I was pulled towards. It was clear. I heard gunshots. Two of them. One whizzed past my ear. I heard a thud. Tell me I didn't hear any of that. I forced my release and looked towards her. She was pointing the pistol at my head. "I'm sorry but its come this. Give it all you've got or you'll die." What exactly was she saying? I heard the gun cork. She pulled the trigger slowly. It was like I could see the bullet. In a blink of an eye, I was holding the gun. She was down. My hands trembled as I world before me faded. What's this?

I woke and sat up on the bed. It was just a bad dream. I know it was. But a more important question is who the hell am I? Is this some kind of nightmare that I can't wake up from. Maybe I'll wake up soon. "Hey." That voice I've heard it from somewhere. "Why did you attack me?" "Well that's rich" "Why did you attack me?" "They were orders" "Oh I see. So someone is dominating you?" I was slapped hard. The slap was fast. Too fast. So that's how you wanna play here? "Cut to the chase and tell me why I'm here?" She was surprised by that question. "Huh?" "Quit the acting. You wouldn't attack if they were just orders. You could've let me drown in the water. So what's the deal?" "Wait you aren't curious about how you got here?" "Why would I ask that? It was my own mistake that brought this fate upon me. So tell me why I'm here?" "That's a question for tomorrow." "No. I can't wait until tomorrow. You have to tell me now. Or maybe I could guess that I was kidnapped by some..." "I said that's a question for tomorrow." I didn't expect to snap like that. It seems like something happened and I got messed up. There something that is missing in my life. Its seems like I was kidnapped or maybe I chose this path. "Would you stop mumbling loudly."

I woke up the next day on the same bed I had been on. I heard water flowing from some where within the place. I got out of bed and began by searching around the room. I found the closet and a lockable cabinet. It had been locked by a large padlock. I gazed at the closet looking for something that suited me. It wasn't even a clothes closet like you're thinking. Come on catch up! It was a closet full of weapons. And no I wasn't thinking about killing her but if she did get in my way I'd be forced to. Something definitely seems different. The door opened and I didn't really bother to look. I was scanning the weapons so I could the best out of them. There were some gloves that I liked. I closed the closet and walked to the bed I had slept on. Good quality matress and pampered bedroom. I wonder who is behind this. I didn't really care much about my name. Then my eye landed at a bag in the corner of the room. I walked up to and picked it up. "Are these the belongings I was kidnapped with?" "Oh! So you're aware I was in the room?" I nodded. "Yes. Why?" "Do you happen to have a fireplace? I feel kind of cold." She said that it was downstairs but I was forced to wait for her. She though I would escape if I went alone. How primal of her? After she was done dressing in the opposite room we walked down to the sitting room and there was the fire place. I slowly approached and I think you already know my intentions. "I should warn you. Don't... Are you crazy?"