
Return of silver claw

Gabu_Gustav_7541 · Urban
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10 Chs


I threw the bag into the fire and watched it burn. "Huh? I expect an answer." "Don't act like you're my sister or babysitter. I already made my choice." I know I may seem irrational but there is a good reason for this. The bag burnt along side all my memories. I looked at her face and could see the shock in her eyes. I know you weren't such a twist. But seriously keep up. I sat on the chair close to the fire place. "Don't act like that's the most cruel thing you've ever seen." She turned her gaze towards me and I swear she winced before going back to normal. I'm broken. Too broken for you to repair. I told myself that. I didn't give a care whether she heard me or not. "So now." "Huh?" She seemed startled. "The answer for my question." "Sorry but my mind is occupied and I can't think straight." She walked up to the bedroom leaving me there. I looked into the fire and a kind of hate developed. I hate somebody I don't know. What's next? I walked up to the window and looked outside. We were in a neighbourhood full of normal people. I call them normal because I don't seem normal. It's how she acts after every step I make. That's how I can tell.

I sat on the couch thinking to myself. "I need you to remove your clothes and wear these." She said as gave me a shopping bag. I stood and took off my shirt. She gasped. "What?" "You can't change in front of a lady." "Oh? And why's that?" "I don't want to be aroused by junk." "So that's how you think of me? It's alright. No harm done." I walked up to the bedroom and changed into the clothes. Strangely enough, they were school clothes. I looked at my self in the mirror. To me, nothing seemed off. I know I've heard her voice before I even met her. And I don't want to treat her like family. After all it seems like my family doesn't care. Damn them all. If I ever come across one of them, you already know what happens next. "Come on, let's go." She called. I walked down the stair case and soon we left the house. "Now. What's the deal with you?" "What are you talking about lady?" "Why did you burn your memories?" "Do you want to get burned along too?" Someone called out her name. Samantha. So that's her name huh? Ah! "See you later Sam." "Don't do anything stupid or you'll blow your cover."

As my eyes roamed around the compound, I caught a wonderful sight. Bullies. I slowly approached the seven bullies who were beating up a kid. "Hey! Stop that!" As they looked back, I noticed one of them. I walked straight up to him and said, "You are the leader aren't you?" He nodded. I clenched my fist and punched his face. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He tripped due to the force of the punch and had fallen. His gang members surrounded me. "You really want to soil my clothes?" I put my bag next to the teen who'd been beaten. I swear I blinked once and they were all down. Crawling away. I picked the leader by the collar of his shirt. "You're lucky we're in a public place otherwise." I smiled and went and picked up my bag. But I couldn't leave him/her there. I picked the teen up and took him to the school dispenser. I left her there and opened my bag. There was a note. "You're in class 3-A." I approached the class and took y seat at the far left corner. It suited me just fine. Maybe I could think while over there. I'm trying too hard to conceal it.

I sat at the seat and barely paid attention to my surroundings. That's when someone approached me. I looked at the person. "Hey you're in my seat." "Really? Okay you're majesty. I'll get up." "Yes, do it. Like an obedient dog." I smiled because I knew exactly what was about to unfold. I slowly and stood and walked away just for a bit and waited. As he was taking seat, I grabbed his head and smashed his head slam into the desk. He was out cold. "How dare you call me a dog?" I pushed him off and let him lie. That sure got everyone's attention. But that wouldn't worry me. Unless, she was in my class. I touched the blood on my desk and I had a sudden urge to.... I looked around. He was still lying there asleep. I tore a piece of his shirt and wiped the blood then returned it to him. I had a feeling that I wasn't a human then. The teacher walked in and gasped. He was rushed to the school nurse for immediate treatment. I still didn't care though. That was until I noticed the teen I had rescued this morning and Samantha as one of the spectators. I was sent home immediately but I didn't really go home. I went to the school gym.

I looked around the room. And punched a hole through the bench before leaving. I wasn't thinking straight then. I began walking home as I gave thought to what I just did. As I was walking, I bumped into the teen I had rescued this morning. "Oh! Sorry! My mind isn't here." She just stared at me as if I was the monster she had seen unraveling. Upon seeing her stare, I continued walking but something held on to my hand. I looked at the teen and noticed a few bandages sticking out. I didn't do anything mostly cause the teen was the one holding me. Should I ask him what's bothering or leave it? The teen still wouldn't let go and I was left to wonder. "I'm sorry." Something's wrong. I can tell. "What happened lady?" "Why did you have to hit him so hard?" "What?" "You could've killed him." "And?" "What do you mean?" "I am heartless person. I don't want you to be involved with me." "What are you talking about? I know it was you who saved me this morning. But yet you almost killed my brother." "I have no regret. If he'd gone further I would've ended him." "So you truly mean that?" I nodded and she let go. But what is this feeling I have right now? Don't tell me I'm beginning to like her.


"Dad," she said through the phone. "What?" he asked. "He thinks we are some kind of organization trying to kill people and I'm scared he might kill me," she said as she sobbed. "Why would you say that?" he asked. "Does he not remember me?" she asked. "Did you by any chance tell him he is not family as he was recovering?" he asked. Her face was striken with shock. She remembered saying that to him about eight months ago. "It appears that if you had told him so, his brain perceived that you were a threat and even now he still thinks so. But if you didn't, there's no need to worry," he said as he hang up. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She had said that to him because her father seemed to love her more. But she needed to prove that. So she decided to watch. And that's when he saw him slamming Miko's face into the hard wood locker. Upon closer inspection, the locker had Tony's face outline.