
Return Back

(Early Mention : MC is a bit of a Teacher (His points is obtained by teaching ) And It's not Polygamy . ) I return to the past ? But what happened to my memories ? Still this time I will find my wife and make her happiest . But I don't remember anything about her . It's still no problem though , I have a System and it will help me regain my memories . This time I will reach the peak and explore the Dark World . I will never let my daughter have any pain . But . What is this strange situation ? Is this really past ? Why are there twins calling me father ? What the hell is going on ? Did this happen in my last life as well ? ..... This is the story of Lin Fan who returns to his youth age after death but fortunately or unfortunately he gains a system which lets him reach the pinnacle of the world .. With points earned , he could regain his past memories, other world songs , stories , martial arts , skills , knowledge etc . He only wished to find his wife and marry her even in this life as well even though he forgot even her name . But he finds that his life wasn't as simple as it seemed in his past life . ..... Tags : Jack Of All Trade (Main ) , Childcare (A bit later ) , Celebrities , Power Couple , Monogamy , Extremely Devoted Love Interest , Comedy , Action (Later after Entering Dark World ) , System , Hidden Identities , Teacher (MC is a Teacher ).

For_Writing · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


He entered the club room at exact 2 15 PM . All members were present there .

"Hello, everyone . "

"Hello, teacher . "

"Stretching and 10 lap ."

10 lap wasn't that long , just 2 kilometer so as young students , they didn't complain much and did it .

Some returned fast and some late . After everyone returned .

"Alright sing 'We' at the count of three . "

"But teacher . ...."


"United We stand , We..."

Seeing Lin Fan wouldn't say anything , they started to sing but their pace were different and the singing was a big mess .

"Alright stop . Everyone of you stop . You , you , you and you run another 5 lap . This girl , practice breathing exercise at home . Other , rest for a while and run 10 more lap . "

After a while , the five returned .

"Do you know why I ask you to run 5 lap more ? "

"Don't know teacher . "

They were confused . Was there a reason ?

"I gave you a song about Unity and asked you to sing in group . In group I expect you to sing in unity but you disappointed me . "

"You 5 seems to be better in running so after which your singing speed was fast and others were slow as they were tired . You seems to be senior so I expected you to match their pace but you truly disappointed me ."

They were enlightened.

"We got it teacher . We will keep that in mind from now on . Thank you for teaching . "

"Alright . It's good you know it . And Su Ping , why are you smirking ? Do you think you are the best here ? Yes , you might be better at singing than others for now but believe me under the stage pressure , your kinds would be the one to give up first . So throw your arrogance , if you want to success . "

Lin Fan remembered him from the memory . He was the one who made the first mistake and was the first one to cry after losing .

The others were surprised . Their new instructor was quite a person . Su Ping was exactly as how he said to him to be .

Su Ping also felt embarrassed hearing it . He glared slightly at Lin Fan but said nothing .

'He would let him know who is best in future . '

"Alright you guys lack strength very much . You might not know this if you have never been to stage but under the view of many , the pressure you would feel would be more harsh than running a few kilometer . You would be out of breath even before singing . So I will set a Routine for exercise . 2 days would be exercise and 1 day would be singing practice . This would continue until I find the result satisfying . "

Other than a few who felt that Lin Fan was serious about teaching and with him , they could enter competition , others were complaining .

"Eight of you who didn't complain just now run 10 laps , Others who complained 15 laps and Su Ping 20 lap , five extra for glaring at me . President make sure that they complete it otherwise the president and vice president has to run others summed laps . "

After grumbling for a while they started to run . Their speed was very low this time . Lin Fan went out and called Lele .

He then went to the student council room along with her and six other students :4 girls and two boys , all University Freshman .

For club related matter , the student council would handle the most .

After filling his name as the adviser , they finally formed the Club . Lin Fan handed his card to Lele and said to the group that it was his party for the club formation Celebration and he would join soon .

They went ahead and Lin Fan stayed to talk more about the club with the Student Council .

"Teacher as you may know , since the club is newly established the first budget to be allocated would be 100,000 dollars but if there's no any importance to the club is found in next month , then no extra budget would be allocated and there is a chance for club to be no more . "

"It's alright , I can make sure that doesn't happen .But isn't the budget too low . We have no equipments for the club and there is also a need for instructor to be hired . I think it's appropriate for it to be double . "

"No no . "

After five minutes of detailed conversation , they finally reached a conclusion . 150,000 would be given but they must show result in a month . Lin Fan agreed .

For a club with only 7 members , this was already a good deal .

The club was official now and it was simply called 'Acting Club ' .

The others were enjoying their food when he reached there . He told them the news and they were happy as well as worried .

'How could they show result in a month ? '

Lin Fan reassured that it would be fine and after having a drink , he bought 20 drinks and returned to his club room .

All of them had returned and were resting . Lin Fan distributed the drinks among them .

From his memories , he said the students what they were lacking on and asked them to practice on it in home .

He didn't provide any suggestion to Su Ping . His only main problem was his attitude and his mind process which was like a spoil child which have never lost before .

Ignoring the Su Ping eyes which was still glaring at him , he waved goodbye to them .