
Return Back

(Early Mention : MC is a bit of a Teacher (His points is obtained by teaching ) And It's not Polygamy . ) I return to the past ? But what happened to my memories ? Still this time I will find my wife and make her happiest . But I don't remember anything about her . It's still no problem though , I have a System and it will help me regain my memories . This time I will reach the peak and explore the Dark World . I will never let my daughter have any pain . But . What is this strange situation ? Is this really past ? Why are there twins calling me father ? What the hell is going on ? Did this happen in my last life as well ? ..... This is the story of Lin Fan who returns to his youth age after death but fortunately or unfortunately he gains a system which lets him reach the pinnacle of the world .. With points earned , he could regain his past memories, other world songs , stories , martial arts , skills , knowledge etc . He only wished to find his wife and marry her even in this life as well even though he forgot even her name . But he finds that his life wasn't as simple as it seemed in his past life . ..... Tags : Jack Of All Trade (Main ) , Childcare (A bit later ) , Celebrities , Power Couple , Monogamy , Extremely Devoted Love Interest , Comedy , Action (Later after Entering Dark World ) , System , Hidden Identities , Teacher (MC is a Teacher ).

For_Writing · Urban
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23 Chs


Using right and Sharing right was easy to understand . Buying song was also easy to understand but not many in the field do this .

It means that he would completely sell the copyright of the song .

"Yes , If the team wants to , I can completely sell the songs . In Fact , there is no need to mention my name anywhere . "

Purchasing songs was also many types . Some would be purchasing song copyright totally but the songs writer would still be same but Lin Fan was thinking of doing the extreme .

He plans to sell even the spot of writer .

"Is it real ? "

Jiao Li wasn't stupid . He knew the value of such thing . A new singer can produce one hit wonder with the song along with him himself being the writer .

"Yes , I think the movie can benefit very well ."

He thought for a while , yes , many promotion scheme can be launched . The movie was currently on hype due to fight scene , now that new hype news was to be added , even , he could guarantee the result of the movie .

Even the lawyer beside him was shocked .

"Then what price have Brother Lin thought for the song ? "

"Well, I am pretty embarrassed to say it but I decided on Three Million . "

The lawyer beside them was surprised and thought how stupid Lin Fan was .

'Why did he have to say so much ? If he said appropriate , maybe , other would have good impression of him .'

While the lawyer was overthinking , Jiao Li was carefully considering .

Just then the food came .

"Brother Lin, have something to eat along with our partner here. I will return after a short call with Director "

"Sure go ahead . "

Even if he said that he didn't touch the foods . It would be inappropriate .


Outside the cabin , at a corner .

"Hello, Uncle is that you ? "

"Call me Director . "

"Oh. Uncle , I met Brother Lin and you might not expect but I got a good offer . "

"What ? He sold it cheaply? Or gave it for free? "

"No . But it's even better than that . He said that he is willing to sell the song . "

"Sell the song ? Is that real ? "

"Yes , even more shocking is that he also said that the writer spot would also be sold . I think it will increase our ...."

The other side of the phone was completely silent for a while .

"Really . This is really great deal . But it must be quite expensive right ? "

"I don't know it's exact value . But he set it to be 3 Million . "

" Check or card ? "

"Huh? "

"What does he accept ? Check or card ? "

"I don't know . We are buying ? "

"Are you stupid ? Why should we not ? Don't haggle too much with Mr. Lin . Maintain a friendly corporation . "

"Alright then ."

When he entered the cabin , they were still waiting for him .

"Sorry for the delay . You should have eaten . The food must have become cold . "

"It's alright. It's better eating with others . The more the merrier . "

"Haha. Brother Lin speaks the truth . As for the song , Director has agreed to purchase the song . "

"Then let's have a good corporation . "

The lawyer was shocked .

'They actually agreed ?'

"By the way , Brother Lin , why are you selling the song ? I think you know the value of it . You also seems to be a good singer . You could have debuted with the song . "

"Actually , I don't have plan to go to that route for now . Beside the main reason is money . "

"In the end it's always money . Wealth is the source of happiness as well as anxiety . "

"Bother Li said the truth . "


After eating , the lawyer took out a contract and after Jiao Li spoke to Copyright department , they recieved another contract .

After reading the whole contract , he signed it after making sure that there was no mistake .

His bank balance was now Three Million more .

From now on he wasn't the writer of this song and the copyright belonged to Director and he would not be allowed to make this matter public .

"Brother Lin , do you have any other songs written ? "

"Yes , I have a few written . Actually , I have written them during University . "

"Really ? Brother Lin surely is very talented. How are the songs quality ? "

"They are about same level ."

"Wow "

Afterward , they talked for a while and AD Li and the lawyer went back after giving him their card . Lin Fan felt that he should also make a card , at the very least one with his number .

He still had more than 2 hour before the club started so he decided to search for apartment near University.

PB wouldnot return for about a month but it was still best if he could find his own apartment .

Beside the apartment would also be only temporary . If proper living condition was to be considered , the best place to live was Royal City . Almost everything was better in Royal City than in here .

Although he didn't have enough to live there now he would surely settle there once he had enough money . And if his calculation wasn't wrong and the system in his head was helpful , he could purchase a house there in a few years .

The price of housing in Royal City was very high . A small house would cost in millions . But money wasn't focus point here , quality of living would be very high .

This was his plan . Beside he had pretty good feeling that he would get to see her if he went to Royal City . But still it would be difficult as Royal City was much bigger than Jing City and he has no information that would be helpful to find her .

After searching for a while , he finally decided on a apartment . The apartment was near Lili's house so Lele would probably be happy as well .

Since it was a housing company , it was easy to contract so he completed the documents before the club started .

The apartment contained three bedroom , one main room , two separate bathroom and a kitchen . Since it was on 21st floor , it also had a beautiful balcony view .

He did the payment for 3 months which was 120,000 dollars .

It contained simple housing furniture set .