
Retrieve The Soul Fragments

Wei Yi, a highly regarded professor, was brutally murdered by a reckless member of the renowned Cui Family in a tragic car accident. Fortunately for him, he woke up in the body of the very man who murdered him and assumed the memories of the man. Cui Len'an, a rich second-generation playboy, escaped from the hands of his authoritative father and fled with a sports car. By killing him, he had also ended his own life and had his body deprived away from him. The Elder God, who was the omnipotent and most supreme immortal in the underground world, had abruptly perished in the grounds of war. Due to a prophecy, he had ultimately shattered his soul into tiny fragments to avoid eternal death and scattered them across all universes, Wei Yi being one of the holder of the soul fragments. Wei Yi, not only has to deal with the mess the other man left behind but also has to shoulder the immense pressure of society and resist coveting of evil organizations. Note: This is a work of fiction. All things written are mainly fictional and solely for the purpose of continuing the story. This story deals with alter egos.

CLAUDE · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


The thought of the possible existence of another hidden world would cause anyone to be dumbfounded, an undisclosed and mysterious environment hidden to the human eyes.

Primitively, it was a world filled with danger and mystery, and also wonders. Even if one were to be aware of this phenomenon, they would be silenced and kept away from disclosing even at the expense of their own lives.

Cui Len'an's eyelashes quivered, and he frowned as he gripped the dagger in his hand tightly. Inspecting the dagger and his necklace, he was slightly astonished at this discovery of his. To think he was completely unaware of all these wonders, he was a bit disheartened about his tutelage.

I have been studying for approximately eightieth percent of my entire life but I never expected all of the events that happened today and past occurrences to have the possibility of being genuine and factual. Although books and documents would often label such things to be heresy and legends, I couldn't help but wondered what exactly happened that caused tales to materialize into its current form back in my university days. The event he encountered just recently was too fantastical to be true and completely changed his outlook on life!

If this was the case then the possibility of the story of King Arthur could be real!

Then again, he couldn't immediately eliminate the other probabilities of it being a completely made-up story, he had only come up with such things due to his suspicion and bewildered mind.

Cui Len'an shook his head in disbelief and placed the dagger sheathed it using a black fabric from the box, keeping it closely tied to him. In case of another attack, he would unsheathe it and counterattack it.

It was close to midnight right now; he couldn't be possibly sure if he can find a way home. He was extremely exhausted and drained after the attack.

I should've borrowed someone's phone and called my driver to pick me up but this other alter ego of mine is a stubborn bitter gourd!

He reprimanded the other person inside his head with annoyance.

Just wait and see! I'll have you gone by the end of the year but then again, this body belonged to him…

Just thinking of it gave him a throbbing headache, and the cold wind fluttered against his face. It was getting pretty cold at night; he couldn't help but think of his grandmother. He had a gloomy and depressed expression.

Beep! Beep!

"An?!?" A hoarse voice belonging to a much older person called out to him.

He was immediately knocked out of his thoughts and hurriedly divert his attention to the side of the road, discovering a rather middle-aged man in his casual clothes in a car.

The man was extremely casual, in a white shirt and black jeans in a common car, and stared at him with shock and surprise. The two of them glanced at each other for a while before the man hurriedly got out of his car.

He had bushy and naturally messy hair, he appeared quite old and common-looking with his shaven face.

"An, what are you doing here? Why is your face covered in white gauze?" He stepped forward and grabbed his forearm, looking extremely worried for him. He wanted to caress his face but stopped due to him remembering Cui Len'an temperament and dislike for having his face touched by people.

The man exuded an extremely fatherly aura to him, something unfamiliar to Cui Len'an.

"I am alright, Uncle Yan. I have recently been discharged from the hospital and my left eye hasn't completely recovered yet," Cui Len'an smiled at him with soft eyes, noticing his worried state and assuring him with the smile.

"Oh Lord, I am so glad to see you are in a good state! I was worried to death! How did you even recover so fast?" Uncle Yan couldn't help but bombard him with questions.

Uncle Yan, his personal driver and an unofficial guardian to him, was assigned to accompany Cui Len'an since he turned six. Uncle Yan and he shared a bond with one another due to the tolerance of his reckless behavior and also having grown up under his care.

Uncle Yan could be considered a father figure to him, often protecting him from the wrath of his father and taking him to amusement parks when his father couldn't. His gentleness and soft-hearted attitude toward him made Len'an respect him very much.

"Uncle Yan, you don't have to worry. I am completely fine! It could be said my recovery was a miracle," Cui Len'an nodded his head toward him, with a friendly smile.

"Heh! Come, let's take you home! What were you doing here this late?"

I should be the one asking you that, I expected you to have gone home by now!

Uncle Yan opened the door and gestured for him to enter the back car hurriedly, pulling Len'an's arms and lightly pushing him toward the car. Cui Len'an, a bit helpless but appreciative, gladly took the seat at the back of the car.

Uncle Yan proceeded to close the door and hopped in the driver's seat, he ignited the car and turned his head to the back, "Make yourself comfortable, it's pretty late at night."

Cui Len'an nodded his head slightly, feeling drained.

He drove the car forward and asked Cui Len'an, "I visited you at the hospital a couple of times before you woke up."

"I went to the hospital a while ago but you were discharged by then. I was searching for your whereabouts and didn't expect to come across you here," He sighed in relief and joy.

"Hmm…sorry," Cui Len'an hummed apologetically, he didn't know what to say since he was too tired to speak and suddenly his stomach rumbled noisily.


I forgot I haven't eaten for a day now and I only had a margarita for the entire day!

"Supposedly, you haven't eaten anything at all with that roar of yours," Uncle Yan coughed awkwardly, "Next time, don't stay up so late and not eat anything."

"Sorry…I didn't have any money with me," Cui Len'an apologized once again and explained why.

Uncle Yan directed the car to a nearby restaurant and stopped for a while, "I'll buy you some food. Stay here."

Cui Len'an, his eyes dozing off, placed his hand on the dagger on him and caressed it before taking a short nap in the car. He was suddenly woken up by Uncle Yan opening the door, he jolted slightly.

He placed the food on his lap and smiled at him, "Here's beef stew and stir-fried broccoli for the night."

Cui Len'an returned a pleasant smile and accepted it with gratitude, and thought inwardly,

Cui Len'an, in his memories, thought of those who helped him as treasures but then again, he, the treasurer, wasn't careful and specialized in handling the treasures. Often, causing cracks and scratches.

Since I am now in his shoes, I will be the one person he and others wished he could have been.

In the car again,

"Uncle Yan, what do you think if I wanted to run away and start life anew?" Cui Len'an looked out the windows and asked him abruptly.

"Huh? Why do you want to do that?' Uncle Yan was momentarily stunned and was filled with confusion, thinking it must be one of his pranks.

"I just don't like the way I am right now; I want a change. A complete change…"

Uncle Yan lowered his head and focused on the road, "A change is good but only if you're changing for your own good and not for others…"

He was going to mention his father but stopped himself from saying anything further, to avoid ruining the conversation.

"I'm not changing for anyone, not even my own father. I want to be a completely different person from what I am, abandon this despicable lifestyle of mine," Cui Len'an spoke with a blank face.

"If you want to run away, I can help you lie to your father and assist you in your new journey. That's all I could do for you…" Uncle Yan smiled sadly and continued, "I'm sure your father wouldn't mind that…"

Yeah, because he would be delighted to hear about it!

Cui Len'an smiled gloomily and spoke gently, "I am not worried about his opinion, I am more worried about you…" He continued, "What will you do if I am gone?"

Uncle Yan has always worked for the Cui Family even way before he was born and almost never stepped foot outside the circle.

Uncle Yan was quiet for quite some time before letting out a string of laughter, "An, I may have looked after you for a very long time and it may have been my only full-time job. But in this world, opportunities are countless and solely depended on the person's pursuit and ambition," He laughed wholeheartedly, "I can always find another job to sustain my life."

"What about your wife?"

"She has her own job and we do not have any children. Both of our monthly payments combined are enough to feed us for an entire month, you can rest assured."

Uncle Yan smiled brightly; his eyes gleaming.

"If you want to run away, I will support you with everything I have. If you decided to return, I will be here waiting for you."

Cui Len'an's words got stuck in his throat, wanting to smile and cry. He could only hum sniffly,


I am getting touched by this! Len'an, I envy you for having someone this reassuring and caring toward you.

He couldn't help but think enviously.

He finally arrived as the car pulled over by the gates of the villa, looking dignified and high above. The villa was situated in a private residential area, one of the most private residential areas in the city, and was sparsely populated. Therefore, the land surrounding the villas was mostly empty and grassed.

After graduating and returning from England, he bought the land with the money he had inherited from his grandfather in his will and spent much of the money on designing it and giving it a makeover. The material he had used to decorate this villa was all imported from abroad, with the highest quality items.

Cui Len'an stepped out of the car and lifted his gaze toward the residence, detailing all the details of the house.

There were three completely detached buildings, the one in the middle was the largest one and the most eye-catching one. It was the main building where Cui Len'an would come over and lay down whenever he feels tired or comes home after hardcore partying. It was only open to him alone and no other people would be allowed to enter. It had a private garden inside the building, resembling European architecture.

He wanted to design one resembling houses he had seen in Europe.

The other two on each side of the main building were built completely identical and had doors connecting to the main building. It was mainly used for hosting pool parties as it had a private pool inside. Behind the three-building was sparse land for golfing and running as pathways were built.

Where did they even get all their money from?

He was amazed at the sight of his house, thinking he was in Europe. Uncle Yan glanced at him with confusion, thinking he must've been too tired to realize it was his own home.

Cui Len'an wasn't just amazed but also disappointed, thinking the house was too spacious for his liking. He had the thought of wanting to sell the house before being completely shut down mentally.

This house is too high-prolific and humongous for one person to live in.

In addition to this, he was quite surprised he hadn't been robbed at gunpoint yet, especially when he's out in public and at clubs. After all, the cases of filthy wealthy people getting gunned down and having their wealth stripped were too abundant.

Cui Len'an: How dare you even think of selling my house and hard work! (`皿´#)

Wei Yi: Shh! You're a deadman now. This house belongs to me now and I shall do whatever I want to do with it.

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