
Retrieve The Soul Fragments

Wei Yi, a highly regarded professor, was brutally murdered by a reckless member of the renowned Cui Family in a tragic car accident. Fortunately for him, he woke up in the body of the very man who murdered him and assumed the memories of the man. Cui Len'an, a rich second-generation playboy, escaped from the hands of his authoritative father and fled with a sports car. By killing him, he had also ended his own life and had his body deprived away from him. The Elder God, who was the omnipotent and most supreme immortal in the underground world, had abruptly perished in the grounds of war. Due to a prophecy, he had ultimately shattered his soul into tiny fragments to avoid eternal death and scattered them across all universes, Wei Yi being one of the holder of the soul fragments. Wei Yi, not only has to deal with the mess the other man left behind but also has to shoulder the immense pressure of society and resist coveting of evil organizations. Note: This is a work of fiction. All things written are mainly fictional and solely for the purpose of continuing the story. This story deals with alter egos.

CLAUDE · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


The villa he was seeing at the moment wasn't the only one he owned, he owned more than one, and all of them were left empty, without anyone taking care of them. The others were all bought and belonged secretly to his name, no one other than him knew that he had more than one residence.

This excessive expenditure of his wasn't something to be surprised by, seven out of his ten residences were located in this city alone yet no one ever discovered who was the landlord of empty houses.

Cui Len'an raised his eyebrows, with a frown.

Why don't I just sell some of these? It is approximately worth more than 10 million RMB and with this much wealth, I wouldn't need to depend on my other source of income.

He grimaced with just the thought of it.

By selling these, he could open new businesses or he could simply live off this wealth but only under the premise he wouldn't spend them on unnecessary things or to sustain his hedonistic lifestyle.

"It's getting late. I'll be leaving now, An," Uncle Yan gave him a pat on the shoulder, "If you have plans to go somewhere, you can call me. Have a goodnight!"

"Goodnight to you too, Uncle Yan," Cui Len'an muttered under his breath, still deep in thought. He felt displeased with this humongous house of his, the thought of monthly expenses simply to keep the house clean made his headache.

With ten residences of his, that would need twenty janitors to be able to keep everything clean and spotless and consisting of two janitors in each house, and twenty janitors would mean having to pay all of them. Paying all of them would take away three months of Wei Yi's monthly savings and also unnecessarily for the purpose of keeping empty houses, whose owners never stepped foot in, clean.

I don't know what logic and brain Cui Len'an had in the past…

"This kind of lifestyle…I may never get used to it," Cui Len'an mumbled helplessly.

Cui Len'an quickly locked the door and entered the house without any servants whatsoever, grabbing the food tightly in his hand and the dagger near him.

He went into the spacious kitchen and turned on the light, the cleanliness of the floor gleamed brightly reflecting the lights. He placed the packaged food on the table and quickly went to get plates.

Not accustomed to eating packaged food, he placed them onto the plates and bowls, making it more convenient for him to eat.

Stir-fried broccoli on the plate and beef stew in the bowl, dipping soy sauce and chopsticks on the side.

He grabbed his bowl of rice and started munching on the food along with the rice, dipping the broccoli into the soy sauce for more flavoring.

Pretty delicious!

As he ate, his thoughts wandered again.

Living in such an empty and quiet house, I cannot be certain my safety is guaranteed. What if the shadow appears again?!

He held the dagger in his hand and gripped it tightly, the slender hands of the woman gave him assuring vibes, calming his entire body. He relaxed his tense mind and sighed in relief.

He glanced at the dagger with an intrigued expression,

This dagger has the ability to assure me. I wonder what is its backstory and how it became like this? I am immensely impressed with it. Old Lao may know about its background and I may have to inquire him about it.

Cui Len'an finished his late dinner and hopped right onto his bed after having changed his clothes, he didn't want to take a shower at night and decided to do it later in the morning due to the cold weather and his laziness.

He took out his e-reader and started browsing his books, he came across books with amusing titles,

'How To Charm the Ladies? 69 Ways to Win a Girl's Heart'

'17 Signs You May Have Daddy Issues'

'Are You Stupid or Misunderstood? Read This Book and Learn'

Cui Len'an: "…"

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his former self, he clicked on a random book and started reading it while listening to music through his earphones.

'You broke my heart, took every piece of mine, and stomped on bits of our love.'

'I saw you, wrapped in her arms as she whispers sweet nothing into those sweet ears I loved to hold while you laid in my arms.'

The singer's sweet and crispy voice flowed into his ears as he bopped inwardly to her music, slowly dozing off to a night of deep sleep.

By the window, a shadowy spark appeared outside as it faced Cui Len'an before dissipating along with the swirling cold wind.


In a blackened space with no sun, only nothingness and blackness.

There stood two figures facing one another, one was approaching the other in a desperate manner.

"Wei Yi! Wei Yi! Why are you doing this? I want my body back," Cui Len'an cried out as he stumbled on his feet to grab Wei Yi who was standing stiffy, looking indifferently.

His pupils were pitch-dark and contained the abyss, sucking those who dared stare into his world, his eyes were icy cold as he stared below at the struggling Cui Len'an.

Cui Len'an grabbed the suit, the suit he had worn before being hit by his car, he glared angrily at Wei Yi with tears of resentment leaking out. Wei Yi, who was slightly taller, remained motionless and stared at him with indifference and unfamiliarity.

"My body! I want it back! I'm begging you!" He gripped the shirt tighter and pulled it, forcing Wei Yi to face him directly, "I'll repay back your family with all of my money if only you give it back."

Wei Yi didn't speak as Cui Len'an shook him with immense strength, "Everything your family doesn't have, I will give it all to them!"

Wei Yi suddenly grabbed his head and forcefully pushed them away from his face, lowering his icy gaze onto Cui Len'an on the ground, he smirked and spoke coldly,

"You do not understand, do you?" His eyes blazed with a metallic silvery glow as he mumbled quietly, "An eye for an eye…"

"Do you think simply giving everything you own away to my family will earn you a second chance? Wistful thinking!" His eyes grew beamingly bright as he lowered his ground to match his and stared into Cui Len'an dark brownish eyes, "My demise cannot be bought back to life with your money but what can I do in a situation like this if not punish the violator…"

"Please," Cui Len'an mumbled as he begged.

He whispered chillingly into his ears as he glanced sideways at the terrified Cui Len'an with his terrifying glowing eyes, "A weak man like you has no right to demand anything from me. A culprit should be punished according to the law of nature and that punishment shall be..."

In this abyss-like space, Wei Yi was extremely bone-chilling and ruthless, unlike the professional façade he put on.

He suddenly stood up and extended both of his arms to the side, yelled frantically into empty space, "SLOWLY DEPRIVE THEM OF THEIR RIGHTS TO LIVE!"

Gradually, Wei Yi became the dominant owner of the body and Cui Len'an became the weaker one.


The next day, he took a shower and stared at his reflection in the mirror, contemplating if he should keep the eyepatch or discard it.

After a couple of minutes of deliberating, he decided to discard it. He placed his fingers on the patch and slowly ripped them off his skin, stretching his skin along with the batch. He glanced at his left eye in the mirror, inspecting it.

Surprisingly, it left behind a faint scar but it was almost unnoticeable unless one decides to look closely.

Old Lao mentioned the Body-Strengthening bracelet had healing powers, the only detrimental side effect it had was it would leave behind tiny scars.

After taking the eyepatch off, his pupils turned rather stormy and were darkened to the point of being pitch-black. Looking into his eyes would be staring into the abyss, in search of light.

His eyes used to be glossy and dark-brownish but they all became dark pitch-black. It may be a special case of eye-changing that came along with his supernatural healing or it was just the lighting of the room.

He lifted both of his eyes to stare at his own reflection, wanting to take a good look at himself since he hadn't had time to do so since being reborn.

His eyes were pitch-black, his face and jaw were as beautifully sculpted and refined as porcelain, his eyebrows resembled swords, and his youthful dimples. His appearance pretty much resembled a male gigolo but his eyes were much more dignified and arrogant. His dimples and eyes were the most striking features of his, and his face came in second.

I look docile and boyish; these dimples make me look like a teenage boy.

He wasn't disappointed with his looks; he was quite impressed with his own looks. If he were to compare both of his looks, Cui Len'an would certainly come on top with his clear skin and dimples of his.

Ah! To be young and youthful!

He thought self-deprecatingly as a half-smile flickered over his face

He immediately came downstairs as he donned a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans along with the necklace, bracelet, and dagger. He began to prepare morning coffee and turned on the stove to heat it and put two pieces of bread into the toaster and pulled it down.

He whisked the coffee with some sugar, creating a fluffy foam, and poured some milk into a cup of ice then proceeded to drench the milk with the whisked coffee. Turning it into a fluffy coffee cloud and milk.

On the heated stove, he cracked some eggs and cooked some English sausages and seasoned it with salt and pepper until there was the crust, and placed them on the plate. He proceeded to open a can of beans and poured it onto the pan, mixing them with the juices of the sausages and the eggs. The toasted bread jolted upwards.

After he was done, he assembled them onto a plate and sat down, taking a sip of his coffee. The coffee cloud left some traces on his face as he began chopping down on the breakfast in front of him.

This meal takes me home…

He ate hastily as he thought of his time back in the UK and his mother who was residing there. He took out his phone to read some news before being interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Wait a minute!" He stood up and sped to the door, opening to see an old man in a wheelchair in front of his door.

Huh! I could have sworn I closed the gate…How did this old man go past it? No! How did he even find where I live?

Noticing Cui Len'an glancing between him and the gates, Old Lao smiled at him and dismissed his eyes while swinging his right hand.

"Your gates were too weak to keep this old man out of your way. I see you have recovered quite quickly and also haven't lost your mind after last night," Old Lao spoke strangely, inspecting him with his eyes.


This old man is definitely aware of what happened last night!

"How? How did you know about…" Cui Len'an stuttered awkwardly as he stared speechlessly at Old Lao. The young lady behind him cracked a laugh before recovering, Old Lao remained composed and smiled amusingly.

"Why? If you're asking about how I knew what you did last night, I was the one who sent the shadows," He laughed mischievously and continued without letting Cui Len'an have the opportunity to speak, "If you're asking about how I know where you live, you're pretty stupid, to say the least."

"It is pretty well-known who lives in this gigantic house, especially in a noisy city like Beiying. You, Beiying natives speak without any thinking or mouth lids!"


Psst! That was Wei Yi's alter ego! He is completely unaware of his own alter ego.

Facts: Cui Len'an is unable to remember dreams...

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