
Retrieve The Soul Fragments

Wei Yi, a highly regarded professor, was brutally murdered by a reckless member of the renowned Cui Family in a tragic car accident. Fortunately for him, he woke up in the body of the very man who murdered him and assumed the memories of the man. Cui Len'an, a rich second-generation playboy, escaped from the hands of his authoritative father and fled with a sports car. By killing him, he had also ended his own life and had his body deprived away from him. The Elder God, who was the omnipotent and most supreme immortal in the underground world, had abruptly perished in the grounds of war. Due to a prophecy, he had ultimately shattered his soul into tiny fragments to avoid eternal death and scattered them across all universes, Wei Yi being one of the holder of the soul fragments. Wei Yi, not only has to deal with the mess the other man left behind but also has to shoulder the immense pressure of society and resist coveting of evil organizations. Note: This is a work of fiction. All things written are mainly fictional and solely for the purpose of continuing the story. This story deals with alter egos.

CLAUDE · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"I wonder what was the noise all about?" The bald man said confusedly as he frowned slightly.

"It must be one of us who dared betrayed Master Kao," The tattooed man grimaced before adding, "After he is done with his search, some of us may not be able to stay alive…"

"Or one of these rats disclosed our location," He curled his lips viciously as he pointed his finger toward the group of abductees, "One of you must have done something!"

"I believe you too, Wan!" The bald man cried out as he glared at the abductees with anger, "No one dares to defy Master Kao's order, especially our teammates!"

"Should we cut their mouths open?" The bald man suggested with an intimidating tone. Wan, the tattooed man, shook his head and refused with a tint of fear.

"Master Kao ordered us to guard them!" He cried out, "He will come back and deal with them himself. We shouldn't forcefully do anything to them on our own accord!"

The bald man nodded his head before casting his gaze on Cui Kan and adding, "We have to guard the third young master of the Cui family…"

"Indeed!" Wan proceeded to approach him and crouched down, lowering his stance to his level, "Did you disclose any of our locations to your lovely family?"

He held his gun against Cui Kan's chin as he mumbled silently to him with a threatening tone. Cui Kan didn't speak or was unable to speak as he only stared at them with tired and drained eyes.

"Did you hear what I just asked? Did you disclose any of our location to your family?" He repeated again with a louder tone.

Cui Kan opened his mouth and closed it, unable to say anything.


Before Wan could do anything, all of a sudden there was smoke coming out of somewhere, covering the room in mist and haze.

"Smoke!" The bald man exclaimed in surprise and shock.

"Immediately! Guard them against running!" Wan cried out as he held his gun up and ordered the bald man. Before he could attempt to discern the place of the smoke, his eyes immediately trembled.

This smell!

Before long, the room was entirely covered in mist and the entrance couldn't be seen, making him lose track of everyone.

"Frick! Where are you, Wan?" The bald man yelled out as his eyes moved constantly.

The smell swept across the room, resembling the smell of rotten corpse and rotten food, making those in the room there want to vomit.

Why does it smell so bad? What is this smell?

Wan crouched down and gagged, wanting to vomit as he attempted to recover by pinching his nose. It was of no use as the smell crept into his mouth, causing him to choke as well.

It was extremely pungent, nauseous and overwhelming smell, it was the worst smell they had ever come across.

If it wasn't for the fact, they still remained standing, they would have thought they got their nose radioactively contaminated.

The bald man laid on the ground and started vomiting, losing a bit of consciousness. Wan discovered him and grabbed his hair, he yelled out in a fit of agitation, "Immediately! We must find the entrance!"

The bald man jolted upwards and started racing across the room while trying to hold back the urge to let out again. Wan also attempted to find the opening as well, choking relentlessly.

Suddenly they saw a slight opening, they immediately dashed forward in an attempt to break the barrier and escape the place. As soon as they dashed forward, another figure appeared in front of them!

The figure donned a hazmat mask on his face and held a gun in his right hand, he was dressed in a clean white shirt and black chinos. He was none other than Cui Len'an!

The Mind-Calming started injecting tranquil and serene energy into his head, clearing his hand and rationality. He was able to spot everyone clearly and accurately, enhanced with the mask that allowed him to see through the mist.

The Body-Strengthening also started injecting bursting hot energy through his veins as he gripped the gun tightly along with Lady of Despair tied to his waist.

He pulled the gun and aimed it straight for their faces, in attempt to push them back into mist and cause them to lose consciousness. He had barricaded the warehouse by the time he lit the smoke up.


He used his piercing eyes to target one of their foreheads, he glared closely with enhanced sight. His eyes gleamed a metallic silver glow before dispelling.


Cui Len'an pulled the trigger and a burst of colorful balls rampaged onto Wan's forehead, causing to fall on his feet and pushed back into the smoke. As soon as Len'an was done with shooting Wan, he proceeded to aim at the bald man's head.


The bald man fell back as well and proceeded to land on the ground, his hands struggled to grab his gun. Noticing the both of them attempting to find their guns, Cui Len'an aimed for their hands and dashed forward in full speed.


He shot one of them in the hands to save time for himself and grabbed one's hair, pulling Wan's head and elbowed him hard causing him to slightly lose his sight and sense of touch, dragged it in an attempt to cover himself in case the bald man tried shooting him.

Cui Len'an silently stole Wan's gun without alerting him…

The bald man did in fact aimed for him!

The bald man recovered quickly, grabbed his gun and aimed at him, not realizing Wan was in front of him due to the heavy smoke. He pulled the trigger and shot a couple of times, Cui Len'an fled as soon as he pulled his guns out.


Three gunshots resounded in the warehouse; a figure slammed onto the ground. Blood oozed everywhere as the bald man approached his supposed target and slumped down onto the ground.

"Wan!" The bald man cried out in a shudder as he cast his glance onto Wan who was bleeding quickly, his face and lips turning pale and colorless. He grabbed him and hovered his hand over the wound, as though he was trying to stop the bleeding.

"You-"Wan mumbled faintly with a tint of anger in his point as he struggled to lift his finger and point, "Behind you!"

The bald man jolted and immediately turned his head around, to find a man in hazmat mask and two guns in his hands, one was Wan's gun. Cui Len'an couldn't help but smirked behind his mask, pulling the trigger off Wan's gun and aimed it toward the bald man's head.


He shot a couple of times before eventually stopping, his eyes glowed majestically as Wan glanced at him with fear and could barely say any word as one of his friends died in front of him.

"You are next. Any last words or confession you would want to say?" Cui Len'an glanced coldly at him with his silver eyes hidden behind the mask. Wan opened and closed his mouth, unable to say anything.

Before he could finish off Wan, a burst of sound came from the entrance, alerting the both of them. Cui Len'an jolted and grabbed the bald man's gun, giving him access to three guns.

Cui Len'an immediately rushed to find a hiding along with his guns.

"Wan! What happened here?" A man with a mustache entered the room, covering his nose and yelled out as he attempted to find two of his men, his voice trembled noticeably, "Where are the abductees?"

Before Wan could point out where they are, Cui Len'an grabbed Lady of Despair, enhanced with the Body-Strengthening bracelet nourishing him with unlimited energy and the hazmat mask, he flung it across the room from his hiding spot.

"Crap!" Master Kao was struck by the dagger and staggered slightly; the dagger began to shake as though it was dying from excitement. Master Kao grabbed the handle of the dagger and a shadowy glow was emitted from the dagger.

The smoke also began to take effect as Master Kao's nose was clogged by the smoke and the stinky smell seeped in, urging him to vomit his stomach out.

"Master Kao! What is the matter with you?"

"This! Don't enter this room!" Master Kao heard a couple of gunshots from his surrounding, he gagged persistently and his eyes began to burn. The smell was making him nauseous!

Cui Len'an pulled the trigger from both of his hands, the paintball gun was thrown to the side as he equipped the stolen guns.


He shot multiple times and left them with no time to react…

All of them scattered onto the ground as they tried to stop their bleeding and cried out in pain and anger, wanting to rip the culprit into pieces.

Master Kao laid lifeless on the ground as Cui Len'an decided to end him in one strike…

Cui Len'an approached Wan and dragged him by forcefully pulling his shirt and pulled them to the side, leaving others to slowly bleed out and die.

Good thing, I pulled the abductees out of this. I wouldn't want them to suddenly die vomiting because of the smell and the smoke, especially I don't want to traumatize the kids at a young age.

Although I intended to let them off by only helping my brother and others escape but I realized if I were to let them live and roam freely…I wonder what atrocious acts will they do next…

No wonder Old Lao tried to convince me to kill them…

It was better if their terrorizing ends here and once for all!

After he lit up the smelly smoke, Cui Len'an rushed forward and freed the abductees, allowing them to flee the place. As he was helping them, he didn't speak one word to them, in a way not to disclose his identity by having his voice known by people.

Cui Kan suddenly grabbed his forearm and gave it a squeeze, muttering to him a thank you as Cui Len'an couldn't hold back a smile behind his hazmat suit.

I hope he actually learned his lessons and stopped gambling his way to an early death…Oh! I wonder how he would react if he found out his youngest brother had saved him!

He thought amusingly, not intending to reveal his identity any time soon. Cui Len'an was still lightly shaking after he had shot and killed them.

Cui Len'an remembered to retrieve Lady of Despair, crouching down and grabbing it as he cast his gaze onto the bullet shot in his forehead, a bit terrified of his own doings.

Lady of Despair was strangely clean even after it had stuck its blade into Master Kao's abdomen. Cui Len'an caressed its handle lightly, caught off guard.

Why does it feel like I'm caressing a fat baby?

Although the state of Lady of Despair remained the same, Cui Len'an envisioned an image of a fat baby while he caressed its belly as though the baby had eaten a full meal.

Old Lao mentioned Lady of Despair has the ability to absorb the energy of others!

Master Kao who had been stabbed by it and had his energy deprived before Cui Len'an decided to finish him, was extremely pale and unresponsive especially for one who hadn't died yet.

It must have absorbed his energy!

Cui Len'an planned to draw blood from each and every one, using Lady of Despair.

I wonder if doing so is considered a way of feeding…

Cui Len'an dragged Wan to the outside of the warehouse, pushed him against the tree and place the gun against his throat.

"I have a couple of questions I would like to ask you," Cui Len'an asked coldly.

"Why should I answer your question?" Wan muttered quietly and didn't resist the gun aiming at his throat as though he had accepted his defeat.

"I'm giving you two choices."

"Answer them and I will let you die a quick and painless death," Cui Len'an smiled coldly as his eyes began to glow a silvery light and said with a bone-chilling tone,"Do not answer and I will let you die a torturous death…"


Cui Len’an: I don’t want him to live but I want his answers…Cui Len'an: I'm being extremely nice and generous, he should have accepted it and give answers! Humph!

CLAUDEcreators' thoughts