
Retaliation System

Theodoric Nightshade was cheated on by his girlfriend and stabbed by a mysterious group of people who broke into his house. Thinking he had died at their hands, Theo suddenly woke up with a strange system appearing before him. Thinking that it was his second chance to live, he was determined to find and capture the group of people who had stabbed him with the help of the system that had saved him from death. Unexpectedly, his steps unknowingly led Theo to an unimaginable revenge adventure. "Retaliation System: Not Your Average Ex-boyfriend" Story & Illustration by Bintang Hamal

bintanghamal · Fantasy
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104 Chs

My Mission Here is Done

"I was really worried seeing you in that condition last night. But seeing you well like this, I feel relieved. Eat to your heart's content so you can recover all your strength. You've worked hard." Zayn hosted Theo with a variety of dishes that looked very appetizing. There were so many dishes on the table that they covered the entire surface. Additionally, many of the foods had an appealing presentation.

Theo just smiled in response to Zayn's words before scanning the entire table, observing each dish. With so many options, he found it challenging to decide which one to start with. After a moment of contemplation, Theo finally chose to indulge in the dish that looked most striking and appetizing.

The pancake soufflé with strawberry coulis and lavender caught his attention the most. That's because the pancakes served by Zayn are one of those exclusive pancakes made by a special chef who usually caters to five-star restaurants. Moreover, these pancakes come with a price tag that's quite extravagant for a pancake. It's because these pancakes are made in a secret way with some mysterious ingredients unknown to ordinary chefs. To learn the art, the chef had to attend a special school that taught the secrets of crafting classy cuisine with hidden techniques and ingredients.

This pancake soufflé has a light and fluffy appearance, resembling a soufflé, served with refreshing strawberry coulis and the exclusive touch of lavender aroma. Its delicate look is irresistibly tempting.

Wow! So this is how pancake soufflé tastes? Absolutely amazing. I love it! Theo widened his smile. In his lifetime, Theo had never tasted pancakes this delightful. To him, it was the tastiest food in the world, making it the best breakfast ever. The breakfast of the wealthy is truly different! I envy it. When can I enjoy life like this?

"Do you like the food?" Zayn interrupted his reverie. Theo turned to the man sitting beside him. "Oh, absolutely. It's delicious! I really enjoy it."

"Thank goodness, I'm relieved to hear that," Zayn smiled. Theo fell silent upon seeing the smile on Zayn's face. There was something peculiar about Zayn's smile. It wasn't like before; Theo could sense a feeling of relief emanating from him, as if he had let go of a burden. But Theo wasn't sure what it was.

Furthermore, Theo just realized that Zayn had been displaying a different expression since earlier. The man appeared cheerful, as if something had made him exceptionally happy today.

"I'm also relieved that you've handled the Bloodhound Cartel. Thanks to you, Infero Ravens can rise again as it used to be."

"It's not a big deal, and besides, I do have personal issues with them..." Theo mumbled at the end of his sentence.

"You know? When I look at you, somehow I feel like I'm seeing my younger self in you. You look like me when I was young. Your attitude and your spirit, everything makes me feel nostalgic, back to the past when I was young. I used to be just like you, scared, foolish, and not daring to face the obstacles in the path I chose. But as time passed, I understood that life is not just about surviving all the challenges. It's also about how you fight against everything and overcome it with courage. Whatever choices you make, in the end, there will be risks to face, and obstacles to overcome."

Theo fell silent, acknowledging Zayn's words. He agreed that there would always be risks and obstacles to face with every decision made. "You're right, and if it weren't for Kate, perhaps I wouldn't understand everything. I might have remained foolish and naive forever if Kate didn't keep enlightening me."

"That's how Miss Kate is," Alessio added with a smile. Zayn next to him nodded in agreement, wearing a proud expression.

"Oh! By the way, where's Kate? Why isn't she having breakfast with us?" Theo asked, realizing that the woman was entirely absent for breakfast with them.


The woman stepped into the restaurant where she was about to meet her friends. As she entered, Kate's attention immediately shifted to the source of the voice as one of the people called her name.

She turned and saw a group of people sitting at the same table. There, Kate could see all her friends. There were five of them, including Sky, Sea, Erick, Calvert, and Razita. However, among them all, Kate didn't see Zane and Nike; it seemed they hadn't arrived yet.

They all smiled and waved at her. Upon seeing them, Kate walked over to the table and took a seat in one of the chairs that had been prepared.

"Finally, we can meet again! I really missed you!" Razita suddenly hugged her tightly, almost making it difficult for Kate to breathe. She was indeed the most cheerful among them. Besides, she was also the friendliest. Razita was a tomboyish woman who was highly skilled in technology, working under the auspices of DSIA, or Dynamic Stealth Investigation Agency. She served as an agent responsible for observing and guiding field agents. There were four main agents at DSIA: Sky, Calvert, Razita, and Erick.

DSIA is a secret spy agency with a concept and tasks different from national intelligence agencies. It operates as a private spy agency tasked with executing revenge for individuals facing issues. Victims usually seek assistance from the agency, and DSIA carries out revenge according to the requests of those who want to punish wrongdoers.

The concept might not seem like a typical spy job at first glance. However, due to their covert and secretive operations similar to spies, it's not surprising they are considered a spy agency. Additionally, their agency was founded by Sky, a former highly influential State agent in Sciencetopia who decided to retire.

"Hey, ease up. I was having trouble breathing!" she said. Razita then released her from the tight hug, chuckling softly. "Sorry."

"You always go overboard in everything!" Calvert scowled at Razita. His companion tended to be excessive in everything. Razita, hearing that, glared at him in annoyance. Shortly after, an argument erupted between the two. Calvert and Razita could never get along. They always quarreled, even during missions.

"STOP!" Sky tried to intervene. Both of their attentions immediately shifted to their handsome leader. "Sorry..." Razita and Calvert fell silent upon Sky's words. Sky was indeed the one who could stop their fights. Kate, witnessing it, could only chuckle. Meanwhile, Erick just shook his head.

It had been a long time since Kate saw Razita and Calvert arguing in front of Sky, making him angry.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time," Sea suddenly spoke, redirecting Kate's attention to the long-haired beauty beside her. Like the others, Sea was also an agent. The difference was, she worked as a State agent. She was one of Sky's colleagues when he still worked for the State. Not only that, but she was also Sky's fiancée.

"Really? I stopped by the store for a moment because there was something I needed to buy."

"Oh, I see. By the way, how have you been? It feels like it's been so long since we last met."

"I'm fine. But Neotopia has become quite boring since Madison became the president. The country has changed a lot. It's safer and more orderly now. How about you, Sea? What are you up to?"

"I'm on a mission, as usual."

"Well, our beautiful spy is very busy it seems," Kate whispered, making Sea chuckle softly while nodding her head.

"I've been handling two missions simultaneously lately. Besides my own mission, I also have to assist Hugh with his. Right now, he's in Pandora for a crucial mission," Sea whispered.

"Wait, does this have something to do with some time ago when you asked me for information about the most influential mafia names in Pandora?"


"Tell him to be careful because Pandora is the land of the mafia."

"He'll definitely be careful."

"By the way, where's Zane? Isn't he coming?" Kate asked, looking at everyone sitting at the table. There were two empty seats yet to be filled—seats for Zane and Nike, Kate's two other friends.

"I'm here!" a man suddenly exclaimed, redirecting their attention to the source of the voice. There, they found the man arriving with a beautiful woman by his side. That are Zane and Nike.

Zane was the number one cop in Sciencetopia, a friend Kate had met after getting involved in a case he was handling. Meanwhile, Nike was Zane's colleague, the same person who had informed Kate about the workings of the system given to each selected person. Nike was the guide she had mentioned to Theo.

Zane was Sky's stepbrother, and that's how Kate eventually got to know and be involved with all of them. Kate initially didn't expect to become good friends with them after working together to help Zane catch the criminals he pursued.

"You're late!" Sky exclaimed.

"Sorry, there was a case we had to investigate on our way here," Nike replied with a smile. The two of them then took their seats. Now, Kate could see the complete picture—a rare scene where main characters from different stories gathered at one table. Somehow, looking at all this, Kate felt like she was back in the past when she first set foot in Sciencetopia.

Kate had been through many adventures with them. The one she could never forget was when Zane asked for her help to catch Mr. Predator, the serial killer who committed rape against hundreds of women in Sciencetopia. All the women he raped ended up gruesomely killed, and unfortunately, the complexity of Mr. Predator's case almost made it difficult for Zane to capture him.

Everything is here, except her... I wonder, how's Sunny doing now? Has she become a famous model in Dreamtopia? Kate fell silent. She almost forgot about Sunny, one of the women she saved when Mr. Predator nearly raped her. Fortunately, with Kate's help, the woman survived and eventually collaborated with the police to trap Mr. Predator.

"All right, since everyone is here, let's order!" Erick exclaimed, signaling the waiter. They intended to order breakfast dishes. That morning, they enjoyed breakfast together. It felt like a reunion, as they could gather like this.

Enjoying their breakfast, they chatted and occasionally laughed, reminiscing about the funny incidents they had experienced together.

"So, you gathered us to say goodbye?" Erick asked as Kate explained her intention. She indeed wanted to meet them before leaving because during her time in Sciencetopia helping Theo, she had no chance to meet them.

"Yes, I wanted to see you all before heading back." Kate smiled at them.

"What do you mean? Are you going back to Neotopia soon?" Sky asked. None of them were not surprised by her words. They had just met, and Kate suddenly said she wanted to meet them to bid farewell.

"My mission here is done..."


*Binbin Talk!

Hello, Binbin here!

I really enjoyed every moment of writing this chapter. Because here, Kate can finally meet her friends, who are both main characters in their respective stories. Some of them are main characters who appeared in different novels from my previous works

Erick is the main character of my story "Truth" while Zane is the main character of my story "Criminal Case"

Their stories are also connected to each other, as Kate makes a cameo appearance in both of their stories. Oh! And let's not forget Sunny, who Kate mentioned earlier.

Sunny is the main character who appears in my story titled "Change to Beauty"

By the way, have I told you guys about which story Kate comes from? Kate is the main character of my story called "The Renaissance Time: Mafia Girl"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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