
Retaliation System

Theodoric Nightshade was cheated on by his girlfriend and stabbed by a mysterious group of people who broke into his house. Thinking he had died at their hands, Theo suddenly woke up with a strange system appearing before him. Thinking that it was his second chance to live, he was determined to find and capture the group of people who had stabbed him with the help of the system that had saved him from death. Unexpectedly, his steps unknowingly led Theo to an unimaginable revenge adventure. "Retaliation System: Not Your Average Ex-boyfriend" Story & Illustration by Bintang Hamal

bintanghamal · Fantasy
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104 Chs

A Farewell Gift

"So, since your mission is done, you'll be heading back?" Zane asked, standing beside Kate. He sipped his soda while Kate lit up a cigarette.

Currently, they were in the park. After breakfast together, Razita wanted to spend some time with Kate before she left, at least to make up for the time they couldn't spend together during Kate's visit.

Kate took a drag of her cigarette and exhaled. Her attention was on the vast sea in front of them. "Yes, there's no reason for me to stay here anymore."

Kate turned her body, leaning against the metal fence behind her. "So, how is he?" Zane asked.

"Theo is the typical lousy main character. He's foolish and weak from the start. But, I'm sure, 'he' must have a reason for choosing Theo as the main character in this world."

"Of course. 'He' wouldn't randomly choose Theo as the main character. There must be a reason why he was selected."

"By the way, did you know? Theo got the same system you had back then."

"Really? 'He' gave Theo a system to assist him."

"Yup, and I hope with the system he has, he can achieve all his goals."

"But how do you know that he got a system? Only fellow system users should be able to see each other's systems, right?"

"I happened to meet 'him' some time ago. Also, when I tried to guess what Theo got, I guessed correctly when I mentioned the word 'system.'"

"Wait, you met the author?"

"Yes. Actually, I didn't expect to meet him, either. As you know, he always comes and goes as he pleases. He also appears at unpredictable times."

"Of course, because he's the author. This world belongs to him, and he's free to do whatever he wants."


<Ding! >

<Reward 15 150 coins have been added because you completed a special meditation to understand and control night energy for minutes!>

<Quest successfully completed!>

<Reward 18000 coins have been added because you successfully completed the quest!>

<Your current coins are: 7,361,250C>

<The quest will be automatically updated!>

Theo stayed silent while staring at the screen that just appeared in front of him. The man was currently in the training room at Zayn's house. After breakfast, Zayn and Alessio took him on a tour. He explored the house to learn more about Zayn's residence. Once done, Alessio invited him to Zayn's usual training spot. Moreover, Zayn allowed Theo to practice while he took a break.


Theo's attention shifted to the source of the sound. At the entrance, he saw Alessio walking towards him. "Are you meditating?" he asked while approaching Theo.

"I just finished."

"Why do you meditate? Is it one of the usual training methods you follow?"

"Yes. I study the Eclipsa Mastery martial art, and meditation is one of the most crucial aspects of this discipline."

"Wait, what? You're learning Eclipsa Mastery martial art? Isn't that an extremely legendary and rare martial art? How did you manage to learn it? Are you one of the last remaining students of the legendary school that taught this martial art?" Alessio expressed a surprised and enthusiastic look. Of course, everyone knew about this particular martial art.

Eclipsa Mastery is one of the legendary martial arts that grants its users extraordinary fighting abilities. No wonder Alessio was so surprised to see Theo facing Dante in their first encounter.

"Let's just leave it at that," Theo said. He didn't want to explain how he learned all those martial arts, since Alessio wouldn't likely believe his story.

"In that case, teach me Eclipsa Mastery, so I can become stronger!" Alessio looked at Theo with hopeful eyes.

"Teach you?" Theo hesitated. He wasn't sure if that was a good idea. "I don't know, I think it's not a good idea. I still have a lot of shortcomings myself."

"Please, teach me to become better! Be my mentor!" Alessio knelt before him, making Theo feel increasingly uncomfortable.

Knock! Knock!

Kate's arrival instantly lightened the mood. Theo now had a reason to politely decline Alessio. "Kate! You're back?" Theo hurriedly walked towards her, ignoring Alessio still kneeling there.

"What are you doing?" Kate looked at Alessio sitting on the floor like a foolish person.

"Miss Kate, I-I..." Alessio's face turned red. He felt embarrassed for being caught kneeling like this by Kate, struggling to find the right words.

"I've been looking for you since earlier. How are you feeling?" Kate disregarded Alessio and turned to Theo, who stood beside her.

"I'm feeling better."


"By the way, where have you just come from?"

"It's none of your business. Now, can you come with me for a moment? There's something I need to discuss privately with you."

"Sure." Theo now has an even stronger reason to escape from Alessio. It would be a big problem if Alessio genuinely wants him as a mentor. Theo is wary of such situations after the incident when Alessio invited him to join Infero Ravens.

Theo and Kate walk away from the training room, leaving Alessio alone there, standing and watching them depart.


"So, what did you want to talk about?" Theo asks as they arrive at the rooftop. Kate chose this place for their conversation as it's the most secluded and comfortable spot. Now they stand near the wall facing the front of Zayn's house.

The rooftop area is beautiful, adorned with a small garden and a swimming pool. In addition, there are many exotic plants that add to the charm of the place.

"Don't get too relieved just because you killed Dante. Killing him doesn't mean you're free from trouble. After this, someone will undoubtedly replace Dante, inheriting his duty to find and kill you. Ahead, you'll face numerous challenges. So, you need to be prepared at all times."

"You don't need to worry because now I've changed. I'm no longer the Theo who retreats when problems arise, but the one who faces them head-on. I'll confront all these challenges with the abilities I possess." Theo smiles broadly, clenching his fists. There's a spark of determination in him, confident that he can tackle all his issues.

"Don't just talk about it; prove that your words are true."

"I'll prove it! Just wait and see."

"Besides, there's another thing I need to convey. As you know, the Bloodhound Cartel has already caused Zayn to lose everything. However, his enemies aren't limited to just the Bloodhound Cartel. There are many others targeting Zayn's life because he used to be a well-known entrepreneur. Additionally, he has connections with several influential figures that can't be severed unless he dies. Many people seek his death because, with Zayn gone, they can use that opportunity to achieve their goals." Kate's face suddenly turns serious, leaving Theo puzzled. He truly doesn't understand why she's suddenly discussing Zayn.

"I don't understand why you're suddenly talking about Zayn."

"Listen, Theo! Zayn is like a key to a treasure chest, and Infero Ravens is the lock that has been securing that chest. If Zayn dies, it's like using that key to unlock the lock. And once the lock is open, you can get the contents inside, right?"

"Yes. But who do you mean by the 'contents' inside that treasure chest?"

"They are the influential figures of the State who have been supporting Sciencetopia's economy as an advanced nation. With the companies they manage, the economy in Sciencetopia has thrived, significantly benefiting the country. The important figures I'm talking about are the businessmen with the largest companies in the country."

"Meaning, they all know Zayn?"

"Not just acquainted. Those businessmen are friends as well as clients of Zayn. Zayn has made agreements with them to help protect them from any threats posed by enemies trying to bring them down. The businessmen pay Zayn, and Zayn assigns tasks to Infero Ravens to assist in their security. The gangsters you've known all along are actually a disguise to ensure that no one knows their real task is to protect those businessmen. The reason they chose Infero Ravens as their business protectors is because Zayn used to be the most influential mafia in this country. Moreover, he was once the most feared mafia in this country."

"So why are you telling me all this? There must be a specific reason why you're sharing this with me, right?" Theo looked at Kate with a curious expression. She smiled slightly, realizing that Theo caught the meaning behind each of her words.

Seems like he's become a bit smarter. Kate smiled and nodded.

"In essence, if Zayn dies, the enemies of those businessmen will exploit the opening to attack and bring them down. And if that happens, there will be a significant problem in Sciencetopia." Kate paused for a moment, taking a breath. "As I said, Zayn has many enemies. Moreover, his recent condition worsening is not without reason. Someone is intentionally trying to slowly kill him by making Zayn ill."

"Wait, what? Someone is deliberately making Zayn sick?"

"Yeah. Surely someone has been putting a small but repeated dose of poison in his food and belongings. Instead of killing him directly, the poison damages his internal organs one by one, making him sick. That's undoubtedly what has been weakening Infero Ravens. What I want to ask is, I need you to fulfill this request for me. Please protect Zayn and catch the person who has been trying to kill him. I'm saying this because now you're part of them, and I believe with your martial arts skills, you can safeguard Zayn and restore Infero Ravens' strength." Kate patted Theo's shoulder gently.

Theo fell silent, staring at Kate with disbelief. For the first time, Theo saw Kate looking at him with trust and hope. He had never seen her behave like this.

"Why me? Why not Alessio?" That was the only question that could escape his lips in response to Kate's statement.

"Alessio's skills are not comparable to yours. Moreover, what Infero Ravens needs is someone with higher martial arts abilities than him, and that's you."

"Then why not you?"

"I can't. Because I won't be able to stay here continuously to help Zayn. I have to go back to my hometown. There are people I need to take care of there. Besides, I heard Zayn places a lot of attention and hope in you."

Once again, Theo could only fall silent with a puzzled expression. Kate's words truly left him without a response. "You can do it, right?" Kate patted his shoulder until Theo snapped out of his reverie.

"I'll give it a try."

"No. That's not what I want to hear." Kate shook her head. "You should say, 'I will prove it.'"

"Alright, I will prove that I can handle the task you've given me!" Theo corrected his statement. Kate smiled broadly upon hearing his words. She was truly pleased with what Theo just said.

"By the way, there's something I want to give you, too." Kate took out a small gift box from her jacket pocket. She handed the object to Theo, who stood there looking puzzled.

Theo reached for the box and opened it. Inside, he found a pair of black gloves made of leather that seemed to fit him perfectly. "Is this... for me?"

"Consider it a welcoming gift because you've officially become a member of Infero Ravens and successfully transformed into the new Theo. No longer the foolish Theo."

Theo smiled as he took the gloves out of the box. "With these, make sure your hands are always clean from bloodstains, and ensure not a single fingerprint is left behind!"

"I understand." Theo nodded.

"Alright, let's head back." Kate walked ahead, leaving Theo, who immediately tried to catch up with her.

Consider it a farewell gift from me, Theo. Because after this, we may never meet again...
