

Nero has lived in the Shuri Forest his entire life. Thanks to a bear with an unending appetite and a high profile assassin, he is kicked out of house and home. Unsure of what to do, he decides to pack up and become a Retainer, making him a wanted man. Now, with the Peace Corps hot on his heels , will he be able to complete his mission, or die trying?

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88 Chs

Wicked Wanda

Gote, Poun and Sular dragged the mother Domaku through town. The weight of The Domaku being dragged along the ground was making Poun nervous. It had taken them so long to get into town due to how heavy the Domaku was but he wished there was more noise. The scraping of the tarp on the road was louder, now they were in town. He looked up at Gote and could tell he was thinking the same thing. "Usually I can hear the waves from here." He thought to himself. No matter where he was in town he could here them loud and clear. No matter how hard he strained to make them out all he could hear was the scraping, just the scraping. His eyes darted to each window they passed and ahead to the ones coming up, then to the ones they had passed again. If they were caught someone might tell the Peace Corps, then they would be recruited.

They finally arrived at a warehouse after taking turns dragging the Domaku. All of the men were completely worn out. Sular, wanting to get his money and go and grab a drink at Wandas' as soon as possible, walked up and banged on the door.

The door slid open and to his surprise the guards tonight must have been on break. Standing in the door way was a man about two heads taller than him. He had a mohawk and a mustache curled at the ends and his side burns and goatee jet out from his face. Sular hadn't anticipated being intimidated, in fact that was his go to move. He had never been afraid of anything in his life, arrogance and inexperience is a dangerous combination. His mother always said he didn't want much either, but he did like the look on other peoples faces when he did something they were too afraid to do.

Two times in one night he had been on the receiving end of paralyzing fear. The first was with the Domaku, and how easily it killed Frander. It was slow and wounded and still it was unstoppable. If they didn't have the paralyzer they would have all died. This man gave him a similar feeling, as if he could just plow right through him without ever acknowledging he was ever there in the first place. The mans eyes pierced his chest and made him question how he was standing and breathing. His shoulders were up to his ears and he had been taking in the longest breath that he'd ever taken.

"What?" The large man grunted. Sular still confused by this new found emotion, couldn't even muster a response.

Gote stepped up, "We brought the Domaku that was spotted a few days ago. You're boss said he'd buy it off whoever brought it in. Who are you?" The man basically walked through Sular sending him to the side landing flat on his ass. He walked over to the tarp holding the Domaku.

Poun looked over at Sular but quickly averted his eyes, but Sular managed to see the glance. He looked down and didn't say a word, then got up and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Poun called out to Sular.

"I'm Barbados and I say what comes in and out of here. It's basically dead. You're not going to get many Cardis for it." Barbados proclaimed not leaving much room for any protests.

"You're boss said 3,500 Cardis if we brought it back alive, I want to talk to him." Gote demands.

Barbados smiled, "Sure, but you probably won't get much for it like I said." He agreed slightly amused by his boldness. Gote stepped back and then forward again.

"We'll bring it.." Before Gote could get the sentence out Barbados wrapped the Domaku up in the tarp they were pulling it on and threw it over his shoulder. Poun stared in complete disbelief. It had taken them all night to get this thing here and he picked it up like it was nothing. He could see now why Sular was so quick to back down. Gote and Poun walked in after him and moved to the side.

"Wait here." Barbados went down a hallway and came back after a short while empty handed. "Come back tomorrow. The boss isn't in right now, or you can take 1,000 Cardis?"

"We'll come back tomorrow." Gote responded as forcefully as he could without letting his fear get the better of him.

"You can come in the morning, now get out." Gote demanded with more force than he had shown up until now, and so they did with out even an impudent glance.

The next morning Gote and Poun were the only ones who showed to pick up the money. Sular was too deflated from Barbados that he didn't even get out of bed to open the door. When Gote walked in, Sular laid in bed and said he was too tired. Gote agreed intending to lie to him about how much they got paid. Sular knew that but didn't care much he had heard stories about a man that Kota used to keep people in line. Before last night, Sular thought those people would have been afraid of their own shadow. Now he knew the same bitter taste of uselessness.

Barbados guided them into the warehouse. Most of the town now worked as a part of the staff inside of the warehouse. Some had been pushed out of business or the only way they could feel slightly safe was if they were perceived as valuable to Kota's operation by the pirates. Gote and Poun waded through the stalls receiving glares from the workers. Most people there worked unpacking shipments and redistributing them, because most of the port now worked out of the warehouse. Kota allowed people to continue their trades with one another on a smaller scale inside. Even though they worked for Kota, poaching and working directly with Kota was viewed as betrayal to the port.

Barbados lead them to the back and up the stairs to Kota's office. He put up a hand for them to wait then knocked to enter the room without waiting for a response. "Boss the guys who brought in the Domaku last night are here."

"Let 'em in." Barbados moved half out into the hallway and waved them in, forcing them to uncomfortably slide in between him and the door frame.

Kota stood up from his desk and reached for a staff with five thick black metallic rings placed on each end. He rounded the desk and leaned back against the edge. He was wearing a tank top and shorts. His shoes weren't new but were in great condition, Gote could tell. What stuck out the most was his staff. Kota leaned it against the desk next to him. In the past, the only times Gote had ever seen Kota was at night and he was always with a few people. He hadn't had a chance to get a good look at his features but now during the day face to face, he looked like the pretty boy type. His features were soft and not the least bit intimidating. When he looked at him he couldn't understand how someone like him could have brought the port to it's knees. This made him feel over confident.

Gote stepped forward with his chin up, "Where's our money. We brought you what you asked for and it wasn't easy."

Kota smirked, this was usually the obstinance he was used to when first meeting someone. "Considering the shape it's in, I don't know."

Poun's eyes wide and incensed, "What?!" Kota's eyes let off a glare for only a moment then he dropped his head and smiled. In that moment Gote was able to see what made Kota formidable, control. Self control.

"Relax." Gote placed his hand in front of Poun. Gote addresses Kota, "How about a portion of that."

"Eh, I'll give you 1,700 Cardis."

"You said 3,500!" Poun blurted out and got shoved back by Gote.

"Let me handle this. It was still breathing when we brought it to you. Alive is alive and that was the deal." Gote locked eyes with Kota.

Kota put his hands up and shrugged his shoulders. "But it was beat to..."

Gote cuts him off, "That wasn't the deal. Alive its worth 500,000 Cardis. We lost a man out there. The least we'll take is 2,250"

"1,850 Cardis that's my final offer." He rebuts.

"2,150 or we can try our luck else where. It's worth more than that dead. You aren't my only option." Gote shrugged and stepped back. This time Kota saw how valuable Gote could be. When they walked in, Gote looked like just another guy that used to be the biggest kid in the neighborhood and had roped Poun in with him along the way, a long time ago. Now he could see he was that, plus more than a little clever.

"Alright, 2,000 Cardis plus I'll let you take whatever you want from the stalls on the way out, good?" Kota looked from Gote to Poun. Gote looks back at Poun and he bowed his head and nodded a few times. Poun turned around and placed his hands on his head.

"Okay." Gote agreed.

"Barbados will give you the money. Get out." Kota turned around to his desk. Spinning his staff.

"Gote. Remember my name. Next time you have a need." He walked towards the door with Poun.

"Oh yeah! What about the cub?" Kota asked, stopping Gote in his tracks.

"We lost it. What are those rings on the end of that staff? I've never seen anything like it." Kota saw the glimmer in Gote's eyes.

"This? You should hope you never have to find out. You can go now." Barbados grabbed Gote's collar and pulled him the rest of the way out and through the door.

Frides and Nero travelled through the woods and the Domaku was walking next to them and started to talk well you know bear talk.

"Yeah, we're moving as fast as we can." Nero responded to it.

"Do you know if we're going the right way?" Frides questioned.


"I saw what happened with the first guy and you didn't converse for that long." He remarked.

"His clothes and the way he smelled. A lot of poachers come from the port over here."

"And once we get there are we just ask where's the illegal poachers ring?" Frides teased proud of himself..

"No, but I'll find them somehow." The Domaku let out a sigh of exasperation. "Calm down It's right over this cliff. Can you hear the market?" Nero picked up his pace.

They walked to the edge and all they could see was the ocean. Nero turned to them, "You can hear it right? Wait you've never been to the port?"

"I've heard of it. It's the port I came in by. Nothing special. Seemed kind of dead." Frides explained.

Nero skipped over to the cliff. "You must've came in by another port or something. You can't help but be amazed. I know I was." He said in a nostalgic tone. He remembered the first time he came to the port.

"Hurry up Nero!" Criselda yelled back towards Nero.

Nero scampered over carrying a bag about five times his size.

8 years ago...

"This bag is heavy." Nero complained.

"You're the one who said you wanted me to train you." Criselda reminded him.

"No I didn't." He grumbled under his breath.

"Yes you did." He was surprised she heard him.

"Because you said I couldn't go out into the woods until I was stronger. Why couldn't I just stay home and work out? You said I need to build up my body"

"Why do you think you're carrying that bag? Also, the last time I left you home alone I came home to find you half dead on the couch." She snapped at him.

Nero was on the edge of the cliff with Criselda and peeked over.

"I came back alive didn't I? Wow..." He stopped mid justification, in awe. Over the cliff was a large city and with so many people, more people than he'd ever seen in his life.

"Come on Nero, you're falling behind."

Nero followed her down the slope leading into the village. Once he entered, he stopped and watched everything and everyone. He was so amazed at the pottery and the crafts. He was frozen, staring at a stand that sold nothing but books.

"Criselda can I get one?"

"Before we leave. If you carry one more thing, there's no doubt you'll collapse."

"Please! No I can! I won't drop anything either."

"On the way back. Hurry up, now." She commanded sternly.

Nero all of a sudden heard a booming sound and then it was dark. He slowly spun around and saw a giant ship floating in the air.

Nero fell to the floor some of the things in the bag fell out around him.

"Nero! What are you doing. Look at you already." She glanced down at him and he didn't respond. She walked around to see his face and his face was petrified.

"Ghost ship." He murmured.

Criselda laughed out loud. "Look closer." Nero inspected around the ship and notices ropes attached to the ship.

A man snuck up behind him.

"Never been to Shinoa Port huh?" A Skinny man with shabby clothes, holding groceries smiled down at him warmly.

"No." He replied indignantly, snapping out of his stupor.

"There are men up there pulling the ship up. Did you know that?" He said.

"Wha wha what?!?! How?" Immediately snapped back into another daze of amazement.

"Some of the strongest men in the world work in this town. They're famous. This town is enclosed by one of the most dangerous forests in the world."

Nero looked sheepishly at Criselda. She returned the look with a glare. "But I'm sure you knew that already didn't you?" Neros' eyes quickly flicked away.

The man continued. "A mischievous one aren't you? Story goes some of the towns people were sick and one man went with all of their valuables in search of medicine. The doctor refused to travel with him through the forest even though he assured him his people were strong and he could guarantee him safe passage. So instead he said he would only go by boat.

When they arrived at the cliff the doctor was astonished. There were wooden pathways criss crossing and snaking all across the cliff leading to gigantic holes on the side of them. The man told the doctor that even though his people were strong they needed a safe place where they could sleep at night. He told him that the mountain side was made of a strong material so there had never been a cave in but it was very difficult to create the caverns.

The Doctor asked him how he intended to get the medicine up there. He told him to bring the boat as close to the cliff as possible then jumped out of the boat. The doctor had lost sight of him until he saw him emerge out of the water and begin to climb the cliff. After a while he saw the man again at the top of the cliff with someone else. Then he jumped down. The Doctor thought he was pushed, because it was so high up. The Doctor thought, who would jump that far down and survive. The person who could had to be gifted with glow."

"He jumped into the water. Was he okay?" Nero said.

The man placed a hand on Neros' shoulder, "More than okay, he had a plan. He swam towards the boat. The Doctor could follow him this time. The ropes were still connected to something at the edge of the cliff, so he tracked them threw the water. When he got to the boat he climbed in. The man hurriedly started attaching the ropes to different parts of the ship.

The doctor fell back due to all the rocking. 'What are you doing to my ship?!'

After he was done he looked back up to the cliff and waved at the other man then he ran off.

'Explain to me what is going on at once or I will turn this ship...' Before he could finish his sentence the boat jerked in every direction and started heading toward the cliff and then began to lift out of the water. He looked up and saw men and women at the edge pulling them up.

The doctor healed the sick and returned to his home and told everyone stories of a wildly strong village that lived in a cliff and of his friend Shanoa."


Nero, Frides, and the Domaku walked down and around towards the north end.

Then as they come around the bend they saw a town built into the cliff with ropes hanging down and boats attached to the side of the cliff. There were pathways that lead to where the boats were docked. There were tunnels on the inside that lead around and outside.

Nero looked down at the caverns barren of any activity or really any people besides dock workers and pirates. It looked like they had taken over the Shanoa Caverns. There were some strays playing between the buildings that lead to the Caverns.

They headed towards the buildings because in the Caverns were Nero's least favorite kinds of people, Pirates.

They had first started to make their way into the port the last time he was here but he was sure they wouldn't be making their stay permanent. He thought he made sure of that. Frides noticed an expression on Nero's face that reminded him of last night. He looked like he was walking through a broken memory, one that had once been sweet but turned ugly, making him turn away.

Nero walked through the streets and they managed to find a restaurant that was open.

"This was one of me and Criseldas' favorite places to eat." Nero turned to Frides with a jovial expression.

"Is this where we start the search?"

"Yeah, with food of course."

The Domaku growled with agreement

"They have a wide variety of fish at the markets. I used to drop off the herbs and tinctures for Criselda but, uh, I haven't been here in a while."

"No, first we need to find the Domakus' mother."

"But we're hungry~"

"How are you hungry? You ate a days worth of food in one sitting."

"No that wasn't all me plus it's not my fault. Early bird gets the worm. You slept in." Nero gloated to Frides to hide his obvious disappointment. This wasn't how he remembered the port, and judging from the outside he could already tell, whatever was going on in Shinoa, didn't stop at the threshold.

Frides' stomach growled and he looked off into the distance as Nero crouched down an ear listening to the growling. "You betray yourself." Nero said and then stood up and walked inside. "Come on. Just a quick bite, we'll be in and out."

"Quick. In and out?" He repeated confirming Nero's promise.

Frides followed him in reluctantly, while admiring the ominous sign. Wicked Wanda's.

Nero and Frides walked into what used to be a restaurant. Nero would come when delivering Criselda's herbs into town without fail, but now it was dirty and filled with pirate and poacher folks.

"Hey Wanda! You still running this place?" Nero yelled over the bar counter into the kitchen.

A middle aged lady with big fluffy curly hair and a slightly heavy set turned around with a gigantic smile on her face. "Little Nero is that you."

She wiped her hands on her apron and circled around the bar. "Get over here. I thought you'd been grounded or sometin'" She wrapped her arms around him for a large unwanted hug. Nero resisted and gets her to release him.

"Goodness now I'm covered in whatever you were hitting back there." He looked down at his shirt.

"Stop whining it's just a little dead fish. It's been a while. Who's you're friend? Not from around here I see."

Gesturing to Frides' wardrobe. He'd changed out of the street clothes he was wearing when he met Criselda. They weren't anything expensive but for a dive bar like Wanda's, they might as well have been made of gold. They were also clean and had no holes in them, which was the biggest giveaway.

Nero leaned against the bar placing an elbow on the bar and gestured with his other hand towards the patrons of the bar. "Yeah I would've came sooner, had I known you had so many unwanted guests."

Wanda pulled the rag out of her apron and slapped it over her shoulder. "Those ain't unwanted guests, their my customers."

Some guy in the back of the bar yelled at Wanda. "Hey where's my food!!!"

"You better sit'n fucking wait or the last meal you'll be having will come from the end of my boot." Wanda cracked a vailed smile at Nero, "You gotta love'em...or leave like everyone else" She said in a glum undertone as she headed again behind the bar.

"Well that was a bit dreary." Nero responded with a word that he's sure Wanda had never heard before.

"Well go find a seat in this dreary run down bar. Hope I used that right." She responded in a sarcastic tone.

"Bar??? What's going on here?" Nero turns around onto the bar to try and catch her.

"Go on. Someone will be right there." She waves him off as she walks into the kitchen.

Sugar is a dream. Remembering when your tongue was pickled. Learning a tart truth. A trampled memory. Savoring what was, long ago.

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