

Nero has lived in the Shuri Forest his entire life. Thanks to a bear with an unending appetite and a high profile assassin, he is kicked out of house and home. Unsure of what to do, he decides to pack up and become a Retainer, making him a wanted man. Now, with the Peace Corps hot on his heels , will he be able to complete his mission, or die trying?

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88 Chs

Close Proximity

"Go on. Someone will be right there." She waves him off as she walks into the kitchen.

Frides and Nero walked over and sat down in an open booth next to the guy who yelled at Wanda. A waitress in a dirty apron, probably doubling as a chef walked over to them. She has short burgundy hair and high round cheeks that got bigger when she smiled.

Nero looked up at her and back to Frides. "Alright, you're paying, right?"

"I thought you brought us here cause it was going to be free."

"Seriously don't make me beg. Look you're going to eat too this has to be an exception or at least a date. I promise I'll put out." Frides looked up at the girl and awkwardly smiled then frowned at Nero.

The woman looked at them both and giggled. Frides averted his attention to Nero and he bounced his eyebrows.

Frides answered embarrassed and annoyed. "Okay, but just until we get to the agreed location then..."

"I know, I know. Okay we'll have 5 orders of your freshest catch with all of the sides. Oh and two lagers, I already told you first we have to get this Domaku to it's mom."

"Okay coming up!" The girl popped away and headed for the kitchen.

"Five orders how hungry are you?"

"They're not just for us, Domaku's have big appetites."

Gote and poun entered Wicked Wanda's and were greeted by the waitress' voice asking them to take a seat wherever they wanted. They pulled up two stools at the bar.

The food arrived and Frides was the first one to pig out at the table. Nero made a fuss and got the attention of Poun, and it was getting on his nerves. Poun had been fuming since they left the warehouse. Gote was usually the first person to lose his temper in every situation. Poun was surprised by his attitude since they got the Domaku in the forest. He had seemed calm. He did yell at Poun while dragging it through the forest but far less than he would have expected. It was like he had been energized and the small things didn't matter.

"Hey don't eat it all." Nero shoutted.

"You guys ate all of the food I'm starving. That garbage hole can have whatever's left." Frides laughed through a full mouth.

"Hey don't call it that." Nero shouted snatching a plate over for himself.

"Damn, he played us good." Gote said as the waitress dropped off they're usual laggers.

"Yeah even if it is a little banged up, it's one of the Sacred Beasts, so it's 7th tier and worth at least a Brook Seal." Poun looked over at Gote and he was smiling a little bit. They had been screwed out of 1,500 Cardis and they're split was saved only thanks to the death of Frander. It's like Gote enjoyed it.

The Domaku jumped out of the sack and onto the table and started to scarf the food down. Nero grabbed it and pushed it down into the booth. "Hey wait your turn!"

Gote and Poun turned around barely missing a sight of it, then turn back around to nurse they're beers.

"Yeah, I can't believe he would try to take advantage of me. Like I would just roll over." There it was again the smile. Poun realized, he wasn't fighting over a few Cardis.

"So what do we do now. After giving Sular his split, there's way less left for us. Should we go to Quitums and give him his split, do you think he made it out alive?" Poun looked over at Gote but he was not paying much attention. Gote was turned around watching the commotion. He turned back around at the sound of Quitums name.

"Quitum! He was supposed to be going back for the pup that's right." Gote said as the Domaku jumped back on the table. Frides laughed, "Looks like your the one who's going to leave here hungry."

"No fucking way!" Nero tried to pull the fish out of the mouth of the Domaku and gave up choosing to grab another plate instead.

The waitress walked over. "Sirs, you can't have that animal on the table." Poun over hears the waitress tell the guys in the corner but she's standing in front of the table so he can't really see the Domaku.

"Oh yeah! We can take it to Kota." Poun excitedly decided, but Gote looked like he had a different idea.

"No we can sell it ourselves at the docks and start up our own market. Kota is nothing compared to how big we're going to be. With this money and that Domaku I can find someone to buy the Domaku for what its worth...500,000 Cardis. Alter that I can go to the Oceanic Bank and get a Seal. No one will mess with me then." Gote finished his beer and stood up as Nero pushed the Domaku off the table and into the booth.

"You heard her. Mangy beasts off the table. No animals up here unless they're dead and cooked to perfection." Gote and Poun got up to leave and saw just Frides and Nero eating.

They both glared at them for making so much noise but Nero and Frides didn't notice. Any other time Gote would have gone over and made them shut up but not before getting a little coin for the inconvenience. Instead they walked out the front door because they had more important things to do right now. "Let's go and get our meal ticket. But first we have to go and grab something. We'll let Quitum hold onto it for now."


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