
Resurrected Legend

This is the story of a young man named Elen, who started his life as an insignificant creature in the world called Celestia. He fought his way from there to the very top of the world, leaving behind a legend that even the powerful hands of time can't wash away from the annals of history. I know you are reading this to see if my story is your type, right? Let me help you then. I will mention the characteristics of my story below. These will be the core principles of my story. Just go through them. First, yes, the main character is overpowered. For those who say that this is the same in all the other novels out there, let me give you a valid reason for this: HE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER, GODDAMMIT. Do you seriously think anyone can become the main character just because of pure luck without potential? Sorry, but this is a fantasy world, and if you are a donkey, you won’t become a divine dragon just because you work hard 24/7. Second, Elen won’t be a multiple-women-loving bastard who builds a massive harem with thousands of beauties and goes on seducing women everywhere with his god-like looks. Third, although he is overpowered, that doesn’t mean everyone around him is weaker. Also, being overpowered doesn't mean he can destroy anyone with a flick of his hand. It will be a gradual process of going from weak to strong, using his brain and muscle. Fourth, this is not going to be a typical cultivation story. The power system in my story is a unique one, with many fantasy elements mixed in. I can guarantee you this is going to be a unique experience, completely different from the traditional ones.

PHYNIC_SHA · Eastern
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This is a legend that took place in a universe millions of galaxies away from Earth, a universe far more beautiful, vast, and dangerous than Earth.

This world is called Celestia, the land of wonders and mystery.

Here, there are 12 large continents inhabited by different races: Demon World, Human World, Deva World, Dragon World, Faerie World, Sky World, Sea World, Angel World, Desert World, Forgotten Paradise, Technia, and Bestia.

Don't think that just because the names of these continents are a little wild, the people who live in this world are some kind of animals. Quite the opposite—all of them are humans, but they belong to different races. It's like the difference between a white man and a black man; both of them are humans, but their countries and appearances are different.

In the middle of these 12 continents, there is a place hundreds of times bigger than all these 12 combined. People here call this land the Mother World. Rumors have it that all the 12 continents were formed from pieces that separated from the Mother World.

I mentioned this world is dangerous, right? I said so because, like there are 12 different races in this world, there is also a dangerous group of beasts called Phantom Beasts, which are more numerous than the people of this world. Still, the 12 races were able to survive here because of the divine essence present in this world.

People of this world have the ability to become stronger by absorbing this divine essence into their bodies, and such people are called Divines. It is they who kept most of the Phantom Beasts away from their continents.

There is a lot to say about this world, but for now, this much is enough. You will eventually know the rest as the story goes on.

Now let's dive into the story.


"Stop weeping like a dog. You are just a slave. Do you think you would have a good ending if someone else had bought you?"

A tall and strong-looking man, who was only wearing his pants, showcasing his well-built body full of muscles, shouted at a woman sitting in the corner of the room with a blanket covering herself.

"Sorry, ma...master," she said, stuttering. Her hair was disheveled, and she had a thin body frame. The only striking thing about her was her blue eyes, which had a unique attraction. Fear and pain were visible on her face, but she could only endure all the humiliation she faced now in silence.

As the man had said, she was just a slave this man bought from the slave market of Dragon World. Her name is Elena. She is an orphan, and coupled with the fact that one of her legs is partially crippled, her life was one of misery until the age of 12. Then, like an angel, a kind old woman adopted her as her daughter. This was a new chapter in Elena's life.

From that day onwards, she had a mother to call her own, and the old woman's family slowly became Elena's family. Like this, years passed. When Elena was 20 years old, her adopted mother died. The old woman's relatives took over all her possessions and sold Elena to a slave merchant.

It was only at this time that Elena understood that she had always been an outsider to them. The love they showed her was only because of her mother and her wealth.

In the slave market, her days were full of suffering. Because of her crippled leg, most who came to buy slaves just ignored her, and as such, the slave merchant also treated her like a burden. She was given something to eat only when she fainted due to hunger.

As she was waiting for her death in one of the cages, this man showed up out of nowhere. He had a bottle of liquor in one hand and was totally drunk to the point that he was wobbling left and right as he walked.

When the slave merchant saw that the man was wearing costly clothes and was completely drunk, he started introducing all his slaves in an attempt to earn some money. All the female slaves also gracefully presented themselves, as their fate was decided by their master. Getting someone rich gave them hope for a better life. The only exception to this was Elena, who sat at the corner of her cage lifelessly.

Yet, for some weird reason, the man took a liking to this frail-looking young lady with blue eyes. Thus, he bought Elena and took her here.

The rest of the story is what you had imagined. In his drunken state, he forced himself on Elena, and she lost her innocence to him.

What you are seeing now is the scene after the man sobered up and saw the crying Elena in his room.

"Hey, blue eyes, I told you to shut up. Why are you still crying?" the man said in frustration.

"I...sorry...master," Elena replied in a trembling voice.

"First, stop calling me master. I have a name; you can call me Raven." Raven sat on the bed and carefully looked at the woman who was sitting on the floor like an injured kitten.

"So, blue eyes, how did you end up in that slave market?"

Elena remained silent. The only response Raven got was her sobbing.

Raven took a deep breath. "Tell me where your family is. I will take you to them. There is no need for you to remain a slave anymore."

Elena said weakly, "I don't have any."

"Then what the hell do you want me to do with you?" Raven said in irritation.

Elena lifted her head and looked into his eyes. She remained silent for some time, then asked in a clear voice, "Can you help me with a small thing? I tried to do it many times, but I don't have the courage to do so."

"Tell me," Raven asked.

"Kill me," she replied without hesitation.

Raven was stunned upon hearing her reply. He had imagined several things, but her reply left him stunned and frustrated at the same time.

"Very well then, if that's your wish. Since you are the first woman in my life, I will grant your wish." Raven waved his hand, and a long blade appeared in his hand.

Seeing this, there was no fear on Elena's face. Contrary to this, she smiled. It was as though someone was going to give her something she had been yearning for a long time.

"Why are you smiling, blue eyes?" Raven asked as he walked towards her step by step with the sword in his hand.

She only muttered softly, "Thank you."

Raven paused for a moment upon hearing her reply. He then raised his sword and swung it at her neck.

He expected her to at least close her eyes, but Elena, with a small smile on her face, kept staring into his eyes.

Just as the blade was about to touch her neck, it vanished like it had appeared from Raven's hand.

"Seriously, you are that eager to die? First, get up and put some clothes on," he said after a pause.

Elena looked to the side where all her clothes lay torn to pieces.

Raven scratched his head in embarrassment. He took out a shirt and pants from his storage ring and threw them towards her. "I don't have any other clothes. Put these on, and I will wait outside," he said, then walked out of the room.

After some time, Elena slowly walked out of the room, limping and wearing Raven's oversized clothes.

"What happened to your legs?" Raven asked when he saw her limping.

"I was born like that," Elena replied.

Raven shook his head. He then walked towards her and placed his hands on the side of her neck.

"Poof," a black tattoo that was on Elena's neck vanished with that sound.

"I have broken your slave mark. Go somewhere and live your life," Raven said and started walking off.

Elena didn't say anything; she just stood there like a doll.

"Hey, blue eyes, are you deaf? I just gave you freedom, and you don't have any reaction. At least you smiled when I was about to kill you," Raven asked in annoyance.

"I don't have any place to go." Elena replied softly.

Raven remained silent for some time upon hearing her reply. "Come with me," he then started walking towards the reception of the hotel they were staying in. Elena followed behind him obediently.

"I want a teleportation ticket to Starshine of Human World," Raven said to the woman at the reception counter. As it is a VIP hotel, they also provide teleportation service to their customers, but compared to the private teleportation stations their speed is much slower.

"That will be a Nether coin, sir," the receptionist replied with a professional smile.

Raven took out a black card and handed it to her. The woman took the card, swiped it at a machine, then with a beep sound, a ticket was printed out from the printer in her table. with a smile she handed the ticket and card back to Raven.

Raven stuffed the ticket into Elena's hands. He then took out a small bag and gave it to her.

"There is some money in the bag and this is a ticket to the Human World. Since you are human, they won't mistreat you. If you have any problems there, look for the Minister of Starshine and tell him my name. He will help you," Raven said.

Elena looked at the bag and the ticket in her hand. "What should I tell him if he asks who I am to you?"

Raven remained silent for a moment upon hearing her question. "Tell him you are my friend," he said

Elena smiled. She then placed the bag of money back in his hands. "I am very thankful to you for giving me a second chance to live. As a friend, this ticket you bought is more than enough for me. "

After saying that, Elena turned to the receptionist. "Can you tell me where the teleportation portal is?"

"Please go to the ground floor, ma'am," she replied.

Without turning back towards Raven, Elena walked towards the stairs.

For some reason, looking at the woman who was limping towards the stairs, Raven felt a knot in his mind. Shaking his head, he put the money back in his storage ring.

Thus, both of them parted ways, unsure if they would ever meet again in this life.

This was a big chapter and the start of the story. There are some things about the story you must know. For the first few chapters, I will put this information at the end of each chapter so that you can familiarize yourself with it:

Cultivation Levels:

Mortal Realm, Soul Realm, Spiritual Realm, Elemental Realm, Mystic Realm, Ethereal Realm, Ascendant Realm

(There are realms after this as well, but for now, this much is enough.)

PHYNIC_SHAcreators' thoughts