
Resurrected Legend

This is the story of a young man named Elen, who started his life as an insignificant creature in the world called Celestia. He fought his way from there to the very top of the world, leaving behind a legend that even the powerful hands of time can't wash away from the annals of history. I know you are reading this to see if my story is your type, right? Let me help you then. I will mention the characteristics of my story below. These will be the core principles of my story. Just go through them. First, yes, the main character is overpowered. For those who say that this is the same in all the other novels out there, let me give you a valid reason for this: HE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER, GODDAMMIT. Do you seriously think anyone can become the main character just because of pure luck without potential? Sorry, but this is a fantasy world, and if you are a donkey, you won’t become a divine dragon just because you work hard 24/7. Second, Elen won’t be a multiple-women-loving bastard who builds a massive harem with thousands of beauties and goes on seducing women everywhere with his god-like looks. Third, although he is overpowered, that doesn’t mean everyone around him is weaker. Also, being overpowered doesn't mean he can destroy anyone with a flick of his hand. It will be a gradual process of going from weak to strong, using his brain and muscle. Fourth, this is not going to be a typical cultivation story. The power system in my story is a unique one, with many fantasy elements mixed in. I can guarantee you this is going to be a unique experience, completely different from the traditional ones.

PHYNIC_SHA · Eastern
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After three weeks of travel, Elena finally reached Starshine, one of the nine top-tier cities of the human world. Although she was a human, this was the first time Elena set foot in the human world. All her childhood until now had been spent in the dragon world.

You might wonder how she knew she was from the human world, right? Well, it's because of the world will mark on the back of her right hand. Every person who has a bloodline belonging to one of the ten worlds has a will marking on their hand, which represents the blessing of their world.

Except for Technia and Forgotten Paradise, which don't have law markings, all the other people of the ten worlds, representing the ten different races, have this marking on their hands as a sign of their identity.

Starshine is one of the top-tier cities of the human world not just for show. There were tall skyscrapers, flying cars, different shops, crowded streets, and a lot of decorations everywhere you could see.

Elena walked through the street without knowing where to go, and she didn't have the money to buy something to eat. As she wandered through the street, at some point due to fatigue, she fainted, and the world around her became pitch black.


After some time....

"Hey, kid, wake up..."

After Elena regained consciousness, the first thing she saw was a plump middle-aged lady standing in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Where am I?" Elena asked, still in a half-awakened state.

"You are in my shop, little one, and I am Rui, the one and only owner of this shop," she said with a smile.

"Thank you for helping me, madam. I just overexerted myself," Elena said while sitting up on the bed.

"It's different from your reason, kid. You are pregnant. It's because your body is too weak that you fainted," Rui said with a smile.

"What?" Elena was thunderstruck hearing Rui's words.

Rui also felt something was off when she saw the shocked expression on Elena's face. "Where is your husband, kid? Or tell me how to contact your family. You will die if you keep walking along the street without food or water like this."

Elena smiled bitterly, "I don't have any of them."

Seeing Elena's eyes were wet, Rui sat down beside her. She then asked gently, "Tell me what happened."

For some reason, Elena found this woman similar to the old lady who had adopted her. Thus, without holding anything back, she briefly explained her situation.

Rui remained silent after hearing everything. Then, with a sigh, she said, "Life can be a bit complicated sometimes... Kid, you are still too young to be a mother. Since he left you and it all happened against your will, you don't have to feel guilty. Just abort the child and start a new life."

Elena shook her head.

Rui continued, "Look, kid, I am not being cruel here. According to what you have said, you don't even have a way to feed yourself. Have you thought about how you are going to feed your child? Think practically, kid. You are still young. Don't waste your life for a child who didn't even have a father to point at."

"I was also abandoned by someone in an orphanage when I was little. I don't know who my parents are. When I was a child, I didn't have any friends because one of my legs was crippled and I couldn't play like other kids. I yearned for a friend but didn't find one. Then, Mother adopted me. Although she adopted me to look after her in her old age, she gave me the warmth of a mother. I even foolishly dreamed of having my own family one day. But after her death, I was sold out as a slave. Life again became dark for me. Then he came, and after a night, he also left."

Elena said with tears flowing down her eyes, "I don't have anyone in this world. Everyone abandoned me. If I do the same to my child, what is the difference between me and them? I want this child because I want someone related to me in this world. Most of all, I want a reason to stay alive."

Rui asked calmly, "You can't even feed yourself. What are you going to do with your child? I can guarantee you one thing. If you keep starving without food like this, both you and your child will die within two or three months. Listen to me and think rationally."

"If I have to die, I will die alongside my child. If that happens, I will accept it as my fate," Elena replied without hesitation.

Rui took a deep breath. After thinking for some time, she asked, "What is your educational qualification?"

"I am a master researcher," Elena replied.

"In what field?" Rui asked.

"Art and literature."

"You are quite a genius to have achieved two master researcher titles at a very young age," Rui praised with a smile. "Do this: you will work in my shop from now on. You are more than qualified to work here. You can stay in the workers' quarters, and I will take on all your expenses until you give birth. Just sign a contract that you will work for me for free for two years after that. What do you think?"

These words were like water in a desert for Elena. She hurriedly thanked her, "Thank you, madam. I won't forget your kindness."

Rui waved her hand dismissively, "I am a businesswoman. I am not doing charity here. It's an investment I am making in you. After all, having a master researcher for free as an employee for two years is enough for me to earn quite a profit."

Elena remained silent. She just kept staring at the wall, unsure of how her life would turn out in the future.

Time flowed, and days passed. Elena started working in Rui's shop, which was a bookstore. Even though modern means of printing and copying machines are present in this world, when it comes to battle arts, people prefer handwritten copies over printed ones.

Elena's job was to make these copies. Actually, it was not an easy job. Each page had drawings of the different poses in the technique and explanations of them. She had to copy all these exactly onto the copy.

Months passed, and at last, Elena gave birth to a son. Like his mother, the boy also had a pair of blue eyes and a lovely face.

Looking at the baby sleeping peacefully next to Elena, Rui asked in a hushed tone, "Is his father from the demon race?"

Elena nodded, "How do you know?"

Rui pointed at the little boy. "Look at his hands. He has dual world will markings."

Since she was tired after giving birth, Elena didn't notice the will markings on the boy's hands. Now that Rui had mentioned it, even Elena was shocked.

Unlike others who only have a single will marking on any one of their hands, the little boy had two beautiful symbols: one on the back of his right hand and one on his left hand.

Dual world marking is a rare blessing that happens only once in a million chances when the parents are of two different races, and both their native world wills bless the newborn child at the same time.

The two symbols on the little boy's hands were one of the human world and the other of the demon world. Having two world symbols also means that there is a slim chance he can awaken two different types of bloodlines belonging to the two worlds, and there will be no resistance between the two due to the will mark.

"Do you have any type of awakened blood in you?" Rui asked Elena.


"What about his father?"

"I don't know," Elena shook her head. She only saw that man once. How was she supposed to know if he had any bloodline or not?

"It's a pity. Legend has it that a child with dual world will markings can directly inherit and awaken the bloodlines of his parents if they have awakened any bloodlines," Rui said with some regret.

"My son will be a genius, whether he awakens his bloodline or not," Elena retorted.

"Haha... Look at you, already arguing for him. Your motherly instincts are starting to kick in," Rui said with a laugh. "So, what is the name you chose for your precious son?"

Add to your collection without hesitation, it is going to be a unique story :)

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