
Resurrected By Magic: A Love Beyond Death

Kian Villarreal and Luna Whitlock appear to have everything going for them as high school sweethearts - intelligence, good looks, and a large circle of friends. They've worked hard and have earned acceptance into the world's top colleges, but tragedy strikes when they're both killed in a sudden accident. Or so they believed, soon they would be awoken by an unknown force in a mysterious new world that contains magic. Now, they must rely on each other and their unbreakable bond as they travel into the unknown. In a world that doesn’t abide by the laws of their previous, will their seemingly unshakable relationship be enough to withstand the pressures of this new world? Only time will tell if Kian and Luna can overcome the obstacles before them and find a way back to the lives they once knew.

Isprev · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Ambition and conviction

For a brief moment, Kian stood in silence after the thought of reincarnation or resurrection entered his mind.

This possibility could potentially explain some of the perplexing events that had occurred recently

And despite being a logical man, the events of the past day had left him feeling somewhat irrational.

"Did you say something?"

Landon's voice interrupted Kian's thoughts, pulling him out of his daze.

"No, it was just mumbling... and I apologize for bombarding you with so many questions,"

Kian responded, deciding to keep his thoughts to himself. After all, if he had indeed been transported to a new world, it would be unwise to reveal this information to anyone.

And it was merely a theory, Kian couldn't be too sure yet.

"Ah no worries, but anyways Kian you seemed to be in pretty good shape… mind helping me with something?"

Landon said, speaking in a softer tone than usual

Kian, who was deep in thought about his potential reincarnation, felt a twinge of annoyance at the thought of being asked to hunt monsters or something similar.

"Landon, don't push your work onto Kian!"

Landon's mother's voice could be heard from another room, causing Landon to flinch and turn his head toward Kian.

"We're friends, right?"

Landon asked, a glint in his eyes,

"I despise working in the fields, but with your help, we could finish the task in half the time!"

If this was all Landonand Kian had no objections. He owed them anyway.

"Sure, I mean, you're allowing me to stay here, so it's the least I can do,"

As Kian agreed, Landon's eyes sparkled even more, paired with his golden hair shone by the sunlight streaming through the window, it created a moment that looked to be taken out of a movie

"Excellent, I appreciate your assistance, Kian. You'll need a new set of clothing; I don't know where you came from, but those layers will cause you to overheat in this climate,"

Kian's attire was still that of the previous night, intended to keep him warm in the snow. However, now that he was on a farm with the sun beating down, he looked out of place.

"Yeah, I could use some different clothes,"

And with that Landon led Kian up the stairs once again this time to another room that appeared to be Landon's.

Kian and Landon, who were around the same height, wouldn't be that far away in clothes size.

While Landon was grabbing some old attire Kian spoke up.

"So is it just you, your mother, and your father who lives here?"

"My little sister does as well but she went with my father earlier this morning to the city to sell some things"

"Ah, I see, well then why is it such a giant big house if it's only you guys?"

Kian saw four rooms on the second floor alone and wondered why they had all this space.

"That's because this house and farm have been passed down through a few generations of my family"

Landon responded while handing Kian a set of clothes.

"I see, and last question. Can you tell me where the restroom is?"

"Last door down on the left."

With that Kian went there.

After he was done getting changed and using the bathroom he went to study himself in the mirror.

"What the…"

He was met with something weird when he looked in the mirror

Everything appeared to be normal outside of one slight thing.

Instead of Kian's normal shade of brown eyes, he was used to looking into he was met with something different.

His left eye had grown to be a reddish brown color, almost like Luna's but just slightly darker and redder.

While his right eye was a deep shade of dark gray.

Of course, a change in eye color wasn't the weirdest thing that had happened but what made it different was that it was a change to Kian's body

And if this changes, what else would?

Staring into his eyes for a little longer he examined his unique situation.

His old brown eyes had a sharp look to them which complimented well how his hair and face were structured.

Yet after analyzing himself he couldn't help but think this change made him look even better.

The sharp look was replaced with a calm settling glare.

It made him look more mature and experienced

And Kian would say he liked his new look better.

I mean how many people have heterochromia? Kian thought he looked cooler and even more mysterious.

After looking at the small positives his mind slowly turned to a more important question.

Why did this happen?

There had to be a reason right?

If he truly did reincarnate or something similar why would his body change?

In the end, Kian was left with no answers and only more questions.


Kian was currently helping Landon in the fields.

It was relatively easy to work just manually demanding.

They've been working for a few hours, striking small chatter throughout the whole time.

Kian refrained from asking Landon questions that would seem suspicious for someone to not know, but with each minute his curiosity grew.

And eventually, he gave in

"Landon, how does the magic you talked about in calastine city work?"

"Hmm, magic isn't just used in Celestia only. Magic is like the building block to life, it travels through the air, water, and every living being."

"Well how do you use magic, and can you use it?"

Kian said while harvesting some crops.

"Ah no, I can't use magic yet. To use magic one must awaken their mystic brand which enables them to access magic."

Kian needed and wanted more information so he edged the conversation on.

"What does someone have to do to acquire this 'mystic brand'?"

"At Least you're asking better questions than earlier. There are people in the world who aren't educated on magic, as only a small percent of the population ever get to use it, let alone become powerful."

Landon said while setting a heavy basket full of vegetables down.

"They say there are many ways to unlock your mystic brand, going through a traumatizing experience, randomly unlocking it, training to acquire one, or the most common way, through a trial created by a stronger mystic. Oh and a Mystic is what people are called when they can use magic"

"Hmm I see, but why do you know so much about this?"

"Well it's simple, I plan to become a mystic soon. You see, one of the reasons Celestia city is such a big and powerful force is because they produce tons of Mystics. One of the most prestigious magic schools in the world 'silverwind academy' is in the city"

"And you plan on going there?"

"Yes, every year towards the end of the summer they hold entrance exams. It's about five months from now."

Having all this info being dumped on him Kian wondered if he might be able to use magic.

"So… what does magic allow someone to do?"

"Well it all depends, let me explain it. A mystic brand isn't some power you are given, it's an extension of your soul that allows you to channel magic. Think of it as your heart but instead of pumping blood it pumps and circulates magic throughout your body. What magic you can use depends on the mystic brand you get or basically what magic you are born with. Everyone has a mystic brand, just not everyone awakens it and they can range from elements to mental powers. They truly aren't limited to the mystic brand."

Kian kept his emotions in check even when he got this reality bomb dropped on him. He couldn't show what he was feeling deep down, which was major distress.

Not to mention how many new questions this brought up, like how his soul wasn't originally from this world so could he even get a mystic brand?

They continued working in silence for a few more moments before Kian spoke up once again.

"So what type of magic do you want to learn at this school?"

"Well as you can see I don't care for physical labor so I won't be someone with magic used for fighting, but honestly it's always been my dream to go explore the world and go on adventures."

Landon said this with conviction and the usual sparkle in his eyes.

"Well I hope you accomplish your goal"

They worked silently for a while before Landon asked a question that Kian wasn't ready to answer.

"So what's your backstory Kian? Why did you suddenly end up here with seemingly no knowledge of the world? what's your end goal in life?"

Heading this causes Kian to stop working and gaze into the sky.

They both stood there, the gentle breeze swaying the crops being the only sound.

"My backstory? I had a seemingly perfect life, a loving family, friends, a beautiful girlfriend, and a great education. It was all going great until it was stripped away from me, well most of it."

Kian who was staring up at the sky turned his head towards Landon, his red eye showing ambition while his gray showed conviction.

"And my goal? It's a very simple one, yet might be borderline impossible. I want to get back to my old life, and I'll do anything to accomplish that."