
Resurrected By Magic: A Love Beyond Death

Kian Villarreal and Luna Whitlock appear to have everything going for them as high school sweethearts - intelligence, good looks, and a large circle of friends. They've worked hard and have earned acceptance into the world's top colleges, but tragedy strikes when they're both killed in a sudden accident. Or so they believed, soon they would be awoken by an unknown force in a mysterious new world that contains magic. Now, they must rely on each other and their unbreakable bond as they travel into the unknown. In a world that doesn’t abide by the laws of their previous, will their seemingly unshakable relationship be enough to withstand the pressures of this new world? Only time will tell if Kian and Luna can overcome the obstacles before them and find a way back to the lives they once knew.

Isprev · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A Promising Future

It is said that he who possesses the 'Primordial Nexus' is given the power to create and control entire universes. It is believed that the Primordial Nexus was formed during the very beginning of time itself when the fabric of reality was still being woven. Those who possess the Nexus can manipulate the fundamental building blocks of the universe, altering matter and energy to their will. They can create entire worlds, destroy them with ease, and even shape the very laws of physics. And when in danger, the artifact will do anything to sustain its absolute freedom.

In the unknowing abyss, a place where time and space seemed to not exist, a being clad in peer darkness was silently reading this ancient wall of text.

After reaching the end, he could only scoff before standing up.

"Fight all you want. Or try to hide forever. With every obstacle that comes my way, my resolve only grows stronger. I will get what I want, no matter the cost. I am the architect of my own fate, and I will stop at nothing to achieve my goals."


"Kian, come downstairs, breakfast is done!"

The shout could be heard throughout the house.

"Alright, I'm coming, mom," Kian said back while he finished putting his shirt on. Before going to eat his food, he took one last look in the mirror. The person who stood on the other side was an above-average-height man with a bed of black hair, which was more on the spiky side. His hair would partially cover his forehead and part of his sharp brown eyes. Now, by no means was Kian a bodybuilder, but he did have a well-defined body which he kept with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Overall, Kian was an extremely attractive and pretty fit individual with a striking presence. His dark hair and eyes almost gave him a mysterious or intense look, while his well-maintained body conveys strength and athleticism.

Truly, Kian's life couldn't be much better. He had already been accepted into the most prestigious college in the nation, he had a great social life, all the talent you could ask for, and a loving girlfriend who he felt like he could accomplish anything with.

This was the life Kian Villarreal was living, and he wouldn't trade it for anything.

Finally, after making sure nothing was out of place with himself, he walked out of his bedroom to go eat breakfast with his family… which was only his mom right now. Kian didn't have any siblings, and his dad was a respectable businessman who was constantly on work trips. This allowed Kian to grow up in a rather wealthy household.

Arriving at the table, Kian was met with food that looked amazing. His mother could cook well, and Kian would say it was the best food he's ever had.

"Eat up, it's the day before New Year's, after all, and you will probably be with Luna tomorrow, so think of this as a New Year's present."

"Well, thank you for the food!" Kian didn't have to take much more thought before digging in. His mother was eating next to him as well.

"Make sure you be careful. It's going to snow all day, and I heard the roads might be bad."

"Ah, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I'm being serious, be careful," she said while looking him in the eyes. His mother truly cared for him, which gave Kian a sense of warmth.

"I promise," he said before finishing his meal and putting the dishes up.

"Hmm, looks like I have enough time," Kian announced while grabbing his backpack and some other supplies.

"I'm going to go to the library to study a little, after that I'm going to meet up with Luna and I'm probably gonna spend the night at her house, I'll be back around noon tomorrow."

"Alright sounds good, and happy new year Kian, I love you," she said while Kian was walking out of the door.

It was a cloudy and cold day, the sky looked gloomy while Kian unlocked his car door and got in. Kian was a great student in one of the best schools in the country, he got his license the moment he could and was gifted a car from his parents. Kian treated it with care and was a pretty good driver, he was used to driving in snow so he wasn't really worried about what his mother had said earlier.


About three hours later Kian was sitting across from a beautiful girl in a coffee shop. She appeared to be of average height and had long silky black hair that contrasted very well with her rare reddish amber eyes which gave off a sense of kindness and caring when looking into her. She put a lot of work into self-maintenance to keep her well-rounded body looking good. Now Kian was definitely good looking but compared to her he was a little outmatched. Her feminine but striking features would mostly catch all the looks in a crowd of people. This stunning beauty was none other than Luna Whitlock, Kian's childhood friend who quickly became his lover as they grew older.

Both of them were sipping on their drinks and talking about school life among many other things.

"Oh, happy new year by the way," Luna said with a brightening smile on her face.

"Ah yeah, happy new year to you as well, let's hope this next year is as good as the previous" Kian said while smiling back.


After finishing their drinks they both headed over to a small little party some of their friends were hosting. Kian and Luna were very social so they had a large circle of friends.

After a few hours of catching up with some friends at the new year party Kian and Luna decided to head home. It was starting to snow heavily and they didn't want to get caught in the worst part of the storm.

But this was when tragedy was soon to strike.

Or would it be called a blessing?


Right now Kian's mom was pouring herself a drink and getting ready to watch some tv while she had the house to herself.

In the faint background while she was fetching her drink the television could be heard.

"Two students crashed and were fatally killed by a drunk driver on Main Street. We are still receiving information and will update you as soon as possible, again the roads are extremely dangerous due to the weather conditions. We advise no one to go out unless there is an emergency."

"Oh, that's horrible… I hope Kian is being safe"

Hearing about the devastating crash she couldn't hold herself back from sending a text to see if her son was safe.

A few minutes went by and she didn't receive any word back. The news was still discussing several matters.

Just then footage of the crash was shown on the tv with a report stating what was happening.

"Breaking news, we've identified the people who have unfortunately been killed in this accident. 33-year-old Philip Castillo who had several DUI cases was drinking once again, this time ending his life with two promising young students, Luna Whitlock, and Kian Villarreal."


The sound of glass shattering could be heard in the living room.


In the abyssal of darkness

In the utter silence

In the loneliest place in the universe

A faint glow could be seen

And in that faint glow held infinite power

Yet this power felt threatened

And so it broke the fabric of reality with a cry for help

And used some of that immeasurable power to search for help

And in its search, it found just what it was looking for.


Kian was never really scared of death, he figured he'd live a long life without many regrets, and after all that he'd be at peace with passing away. He didn't believe in any religion or afterlife so he lived life on earth to the fullest. Luna was the same way.

But that was when they were alive.

Now that Kian was seemingly nothing, in an abyss full of nothing he couldn't have thoughts. But you'd imagine that life abruptly ending when it was going so well would leave the person with hatred or unfinished business. I guess no one will ever know how death works, and death was a foreign substance to humans anyways, it would be foolish to try and understand it.

But I guess since it was an unknown force anything could happen

And of course, something did.

While Kian and Luna were in their pools of nothingness they heard something. Something so quiet yet too loud. It was the most beautiful thing they'd ever heard, yet also the scariest. It was as if it was tearing them apart, but also the only thing holding them together.

And after an immeasurable amount of time, Kian and Luna were spoken to by these cries, In a language, they never heard before but somehow understood. The force seemed to speak from inside them, and it said something so simple yet could mean a million different things.

"Do…. not.... fail…. me"