
Restarted again

To have a soul doesn't alone qualify you as a conscious being, but more importantly confirms the ability to yearn for something greater, to hold hope, to desire. Never deny this ability. Sunrua inhabited a secluded broken realm, devoid of knowledge about the outside world, yet his unwavering yearning for it persisted. Despite embracing a tranquil existence and recognizing the futility of his dreams, his determination surged. He, a seemingly insignificant entity amidst a world of far greater forces, defied his restricted but peaceful life when a mere hint of the wider reality of the world ignited an unquenchable ambition to change the world. Embarking on a worldwide odyssey, he traversed ethereal landscapes previously confined to solely his imagination. Along the way, he forged connections with allies, companions, and adversaries, although unveiling a reality less idyllic than he had envisioned. Sunrua confronted trials, battles, sorrows, and heartaches in pursuit of an unattainable goal, clutching onto his idiotic idealism as the harsh truths of the world gradually unveiled, stretching beyond mortal understanding.

Emmanuelboss36_ · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Get. up.

Sunrua jolted into the bathroom and entered the furthest right stall, the first one he could get his hands on in a row of about 4 other stalls, and not holding the time nor endurance to evaluate the rest of the room, Sunrua swung the door open and dashed in front of the toilet gripping his pants on the way, eventually letting out a satisfied;


Sunrua's stiff shoulders finally relaxed as his face created a droopy smile you'd expect to see on a madman, but Sunrua couldn't care less about his appearance right now.

Suddenly a harsh bang drug Sunrua out of his distant wonderland, violently shaking the flimsy door in the process causing him to jump for a moment.

He attempted to remain quiet and ignore the sound in a hope they had mistaken the cubicle as vacant, or maybe- 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜 just as violent and as powerful as the last, the thundering attack bashed against the door once again, and again, and again, and again.

The door's lock was just desperately clutching on rattling in fear, whoever was on the outside had the sole intention of forcing his way into the cubicle.

As possibility of the man mistaking the cubicle as vacant quickly flushed out of Sunrua's mind, with the aggressive bellow "Sunrua!" Another tremendous 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜 from the other side released an extra confirmation.

It was a stalker, it had to be a stalker 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜 a peeking pervert that had come to assault specifically him 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜 taking advantage of the new kid.

There's no way in hell 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜. Sunrua remained silent, consumed by the shock as he considered his options, but his train of thought quickly halted by another 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜.

Once you have started your leak it's impossible to end. It continued mercilessly like a water hose refusing to halt, Sunrua had no control over it.

It was- 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜! Suddenly the door burst open, slamming into the left wall of the cubicle, shaking every other cubicle to the left of it just as viciously.

Sunrua spun around instantly, with a face of utter fear, but by the time he had discovered he had a faint memory of this man's face somewhere, sometime before, that same face was already dripping in a dark orange liquid, the entirety of his uniform from the collar to the shoes drenched with that same foul-smelling liquid.

The two just stared at one another in disbelief for a moment, the sickening stench beginning to stretch the length of the room.

A single drop fell from one of the coils of his hair and the moment it splattered against the floor Sunrua jumped back and squeaked "ewww-You stink." Pinching his nose between his thumb and finger, with a disgusted look on his face.

"Oh yeah, no shit! And who'd you say the cause of that was!" Blake hissed.

"You for being a pervert with some weird ass fetish, I wouldn't be surprised if you were actually enjoying this..."

"You're enjoying this aren't you!"

"The fuck are you talking about I was going to kill you but I'm going to kill you twice as hard now!"

"Oh god. He's still at the first stage of denial, I just satisfied a pee-loving pervert's addiction, achieving his wildest dream."

"I said I don't have a goddamn piss fetish!" He bellowed once more.

Going from silently still shock Blake's face suddenly scrunched up engulfed by immeasurable rage, without wasting a single moment more he drew back his fist and blasted it towards Sunrua, the only thought that he had formed in his mind was that he would punish Sunrua beyond comprehension.

Sunrua narrowly evaded Blake's heinous attack, generously assisted by gravity in his escape as he launched his entire body to the ground almost instinctively, without taking a moment to brace himself from the impending fall, nor to consider his next action.

Even though he had painfully managed to evade this attack, there was no escape, Blake's looming body blocked Sunrua from even catching the slightest glimpse of life outside of this cubicle.

"Sunrua....!" Blake growled like a rabid beast that had successfully cornered his prey. "I'll teach you why you mustn't look down on me!" He continued.

Thinking swiftly, just before landing on the floor Sunrua threw both his hands behind his head, both hands landing flat on the ground, which he used to propel his body forwards, giving him enough acceleration to create a forceful kick with his right leg, shooting a sharp strike into Blake's right side.

Blake let out an inaudible whimper based more on shock than pain as he collided with the right side of the cubicle.

Refusing to waste a single second of the tiny miraculous twinkle of a moment he had provided himself, Sunrua leapt back onto his feet.

However Sunrua's eyes suddenly dropped as he watched almost instantaneously, as if he hadn't attacked him at all Blake regained his bearing seeming completely unphased ready to launch his next attack, Sunrua had done less than a pat to Blake!

"What's your problem?!" Sunrua cried, half wanting to waste time to think of an escape, and half actually desperately curious.

"I'm going to put you through pain, torture of course, I can't make you suffer even half of the dread you had put me through!" Blake replied swiftly as if he had been thinking of an answer to that very question from the moment he had stepped inside the bathroom.

He then launched another full-throttle punch at Sunrua before he had even finished giving his complete response, the speed and sheer force causing his braids to jump up carried by the air.

Sunrua took a rapid glance behind himself, then straight back to Blake.

The confined space of the cubicle greatly limits his movements and options, therefore void of an alternative Sunrua pressed his forearms together before him, forming a frail meat shield, defending as much of his body that's his arms could reach from the attack.

Consequently thrusting Sunrua into the back wall of the cubicle, on impact shaking the room, and momentarily causing him to fall out of consciousness, crumbling a few of the plated tiles on the walls to sharp shards, alongside the shattered toilet lid revealing all the now damaged pipework.

Soon after Sunrua's limp body collapsed to the left wall of the cubicle, like an inanimate stuffed doll, his head smashing into a black plastic oval-shaped toilet roll dispenser that stood connected to the wall by delicate plastic. As a result, yanking it towards the ground alongside the rest of his body.

"You think I'm gonna let you off that easily? Get up." Blake commanded murderously with a vile gaze looming over Sunrua's crumbling body. "Get up." He repeated.

Suddenly Blake's mindless words shot back from the back of Sunrua's mind. He was going to make him suffer, he was going to make him feel pain. He wanted Sunrua to feel tortured.

Sunrua wobbled to his feet, his back facing Blake, still severely disorientated, revealing a trail of blood leaving the back of his head, followed by a few others that drooped down and stained both of the shoulder pads on his blazer.

Sunrua finally painstakingly reached his knees just to be shoved back down to where he had begun, kissing dirt.

"Get up." Blake repeated once again, returning the foot he had just used to kick Sunrua back to the ground.

Without any other option Sunrua pointlessly did the same, his breathing left uncalculated, and again "Get up." Blake demanded after kicking Sunrua down again, and again, and again. "How does it feel to fall down and get up just to be thrown down over and over again huh?" Blake bawled aggressively.

"Are you sure this even has anything to do with me, I have no idea what you're talking about..." Sunrua whimpered clutching his stomach with his right hand

A reason unknown to Sunrua this only further kindled Blake's raging inferno, demonstrated with a sharp knee kick to Sunrua's head slamming it into the rim of the of the toilet, chipping a piece of it off whilst sending a jet of blood spewing from Sunrua's nose. Blood that continued to seep through both knuckles he had clutched his nose with, almost immediately.

Blake's gaze was suddenly caught by the open toilet bowl filled with the majority of the orange liquid that had ended up on him. Slushing and swerving around almost welcomingly, due to Sunrua's collision.

With a sharp smirk, Blake gripped as much of Sunrua's snow-white hair as he could in one of his thick paws and raised it above the toilet bowl. "I did say I would make you suffer; we can start with this!" Blake cackled evilly.

Within the next moment he threw Sunrua's head from above his own as if it was a game of dodgeball right into the toilet bowl, expecting to hear a satisfying splash, however, his desires unfortunately, no impossibly weren't satisfied.

Completely confused Blake raised Sunrua's head back outside of the toilet bowl, his face re-emerging yet without a single drop of liquid or any moisture at all running down his face.

A coarse 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘩 did however follow. Blake glanced inside the toilet bowl, stuffed with mountains upon mountains of thin white toilet paper.

"Sorry I know you're going through some shit but it's not worth getting a face full of piss." Sunrua apologised.

A weak gurgle slowly began escalating in the background, utilizing Blake's desperation to make him suffer each and every time Blake had knocked Sunrua to the ground, he hadn't been compliantly submitting.

Sunrua had been preparing his counterattack, gathering the toilet paper from the ground anywhere they'd fit, his hands his shirt, and even his mouth.

But by the time Blake had discovered its origin, it was too late.

The pipes of the toilet had been torn and bent like straws, and the water failing to find it's usual escape jetted out of the pipes spraying over Blake from top to bottom, the shock throwing his body backwards.

Utilizing those few seconds Sunrua sprang to his feet, his fists tightly clenched behind him rapidly gaining such momentum it reduced his fist to nothing more than a blur Sunrua delivered a devastating blow to Blake's right cheek carrying his entire body to the ground planting Blake's head between the dirt and his fist.

Before Blake even had the opportunity to wail in pain. 

Once regaining his bearings Blake watched drowning in disbelief at the boy looming over him, glaring down at him as if he was less than an ant, and more sickening than a cockroach on the wall.

But no Sunrua didn't look at him disgustedly nor did he even celebrate his near-impossible victory, yet it was all that filled Blake's whited eyes.

The only thing that painfully rang in Sunrua's dissipated mind was his failed promise to Olga.

Always wondered Do bullies actually dunk peoples heads in toilets? Only seen in films.

Emmanuelboss36_creators' thoughts