

I, Leon Rando, am currently in a very peculiar situation: I lost my memories. It seems like I woke up one day not remembering anything anymore. Not even the doctors understood why. Luckily, at school people calling themselves my friends offered me their help to regain my memories. Despite remembering nothing, the days I am spending with them are filled with nothing but joy. And yet something feels odd... I do not know why but I have the feeling that my memory loss was not a simple coincidence... A/N: This is an edited reupload of my submission from the MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest, which I will upload every second day.

VERSON · Realistic
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25 Chs

Seeking The Truth

"Here are your orders!"

We currently sat outside of a cafe. When the waitress placed our drinks on our table, we thanked her and waited for her to leave.

"So can you tell me now who that man from back then was? I think now is a good time." I asked with my patience almost nearing its end.

I know I may be crossing the line by pushing them to answer me but I can't help it in this situation! That man emitted a dangerous and shady aura!

"W-well, he's, ehm, a doctor..." Fynn replied hesitatingly as he scratched his cheek.

"A doctor? Then, why does he look like some kind of bad guy like those in movies?"

"M-maybe that's his hobby...?" he said with uncertainty again before he drank something.


I know that Fynn would not lie to me but I feel like that was not the entire truth.

I waited for him to put down his drink so that I could ask him something again. However, I noticed him staring at my left side where Anna was sitting.

"Fynn, c-"

Just when I was about to give him another question, something poked my left cheek.

"This is getting boring! I demand a topic change! Let's talk about you, Leon. Any news?" Anna swiftly changed the flow of this conversation.

She constantly poked me with her finger while she rested her head in her hand. Her boredom was written all over her face.

I wanted to talk more about that man but I had no intention to make my friends feel uncomfortable.

"News, huh?" I pondered about what was worth mentioning.

Then, I remembered.

While I was on my way to the mall, I thought hard about how I should ask them or what words I should choose.

I had to be careful with my phrasing or else they would be hurt. I had to think in which situation I should talk about. I had to wait for the mood to be good.

But when it was time to say it, my mind suddenly turned blank as I blurted out the following sentence which made all my thoughts be in vain.

"Are you really my friends?"

Crap. I am an idiot.

The others stiffened up and looked at me in disbelief.

"Wh-wh-what are you talking about, you dummy?" Anna stuttered.

"O-of course we're friends!" Jack commented with a somewhat forced smile.

I turned my face to Fynn who was surprisingly calm. It seems like he was in thoughts as he put his fingers on his chin.

"Did something happen, Leon?" he asked me composedly.

Amazing. He looked right through me.

Knowing that it would be impossible to hide anything from them, I decided to tell them everything.

I told them that I was kind of suspicious about the three of them due to my mother believing that I had no friends. Of course, in the end, it was just a misunderstanding because my mother was apparently forgetful. However, my doubts wouldn't leave me alone so that's why I wanted to confirm it today.

"I see..." Fynn whispered thoughtful.

I pressed my clenched fists against my legs and stared at the ground. I was scared to look my friends in the eyes.

They showered me with their kindness and yet I suspect them. What else am I but an ungrateful piece of shit? I bet they are disillusioned.

"Heh, I guess it is strange in today's society to not ask for something in return after helping someone." Fynn chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders.


"But we're different! After knowing each other since middle school, we've grown into close friends, right? So asking for something in return would be like throwing mud at our bond!" Anna elaborated as she slammed her hands on the table before standing up.

"Yeah, that's right. Do we look like we would deceive you?" Jack stated relaxed with his arms crossed and a confident smirk.


I felt genuinely happy. I can't stress enough how blessed I am for having such wonderful companions.

"I'm sorry for doubting you!" I apologized sincerely.

"And I thank you for being my friends!" I added with a child like smile that was beaming with innocence.

I felt how our friendship deepened from this talk.


"Ah, sorry! It's my phone." Jack said while checking his phone.

I noticed that Jack's hands started to tremble a bit. He looked at his phone with fear.

"Are yo-"

"Sorry, I have to go! I forgot that I had to do something at home!" he jumped out of his seat and left in a hurried pace.

Neither I nor the others could say anything.

While Anna and Fynn gazed indifferently at Jack's seat, I was surprised by this event and was about to run after him. I mean, this matter seemed more serious than a simple 'I forgot to do something at home'.

"Wait, Leon."

Fynn grabbed my arm before I could go after Jack.

"What is it? We have to go after him! Aren't you worried about him?" I shouted desperately while I tried to free myself from his grip.

He was stronger than I expected.

"Just sit down and wait here with Anna. I'll go. I'm quite confident in my speed if I'm serious." he explained casually.


"Trust Fynn! If we went together, then we would just hold him back." Anna argued.

They were right. Even if I want to help Jack, I would not be able to catch up to him.

"Fine... I'll leave it to you, Fynn." I gave in annoyed.

I was annoyed because I was useless, again.

"Got it. I will report to you later!"

His face turned serious before he started going after Jack.

"Wow, he's fast for real..." I commented astonished as I watched at what pace Fynn was running.

I knew that he was athletic but I did not have the chance yet to see him in action.

"And there he goes." Anna said bored.

"You sure are impressed, huh?"

"How should I say? After being stuck in the same class with him for years, I can't get surprised by his feats anymore. Over a certain amount of time you'll get used to it." she clarified while she twirled around the straw in her drink.

"But enough about Fynn! It's only you and me now, right?"

As if exploding from boredom, she shot up from her seat and moved her face closer to mine.

Out of reflex, I leaned my upper body backwards to create some distance.

"S-so what?" I asked nervously.

My face began to warm up.


After letting a sigh out, she sat down again. With her face still turned to me, she looked at me with a hint of disappointment.

"No matter what happens, you will always be dense, I guess." she murmured.

"Huh? What did you say?" I asked clueless with my head tilted to the side.


Another sigh came from her.

Did I do something wrong?

Then, out of nowhere, she grabbed my shoulders.

"Look. You are my boyfriend, right?" she asked kind of menacing.

Rather than speaking, I nodded my head several times out of fear.

Was she always this scary?

"And I am your girlfriend. Is that correct?"

Again, I nodded my head desperately. A passerby would most likely think that I would do the thing people do at metal concerts. I guess they called that headbanging or something like that.

"So what do we, a couple, do if we're alone?" she asked.

This time, she looked at me like a hunter looking at his prey.

Just what is about to happen to me?!