
Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Star is a girl who has known no world. She's been held captive by her extended family since her mother died when she was two, or was her mother murdered? The date of her eighteenth birthday is approaching and if she doesn't get away from her captors soon, she will have to marry a man whom she despises. Artem is a young new Alpha who was disgusted by the previous Alphas' actions. Wanting to reform his pack and protect the weak he took control by force. Now, he's rescuing those who have been beaten, abused, and neglected. During one of his rescue mission, Artem discovers the young Star. The girl is terrified of her family, the world out side that she doesn't know, and him. So how is he going to tell her that she is his fated mate and future Luna of their pack? Can Artem get Star to trust him when she has been told that no one cares for weak wolves, especially the Alpha? Can he convince her that the world is not how she had been led to believe it was? "I will do anything to save you, Star. Anything to protect you. Please, you have to trust me." Can Star move past her fear and trust this man she's never known before? And is her family just going to roll over and let her be taken away from them? What ups and downs await our Alpha and his mate in this roller coaster of a story? ***WARNINGS*** Graphic Violence Strong Language Sexual Content Mature/Adult Content Abuse Imprisonment Attempted Rape FOLLOW ME AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71

Deni_Chance · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
220 Chs

Artem - So Stupid




I was in my office, just wrapping up a video conference call, when Chay came storming in. She looked pretty mad at me but I was too busy to pay her any attention yet. The deal my dad had made when I came back to take over the pack was that I had to actually work at the company, sometimes at least.

The four of us, Toby, Kent, Morgan, and me, we all came back from school and started this whole process. We managed to take control of the pack near the middle of March of this year. That means it took me about nine months to settle into the company and make my move on the Alpha. It was a longer process than I wanted, but it was done now and that was all that mattered. It didn't help that we stayed in the city at first to get settled into work.

"Artem, are you certain you don't want your father to handle this?" The man on the line was older than my dad, and therefore much older than me. He was human, and for some reason stuck on this idea that I was incompetent because of my age.

"George, I graduated at the top of my class, and I have been groomed to take over this company from a young age, no I do not want my father to handle this. If you're reconsidering your loyalty to our company we can always find a different distributor." My words were to the point and my voice was firm. I saw the man's face blanche and the light leave his eyes.

"No, Mr. Cooper, I am sorry. You're right. Aries wouldn't let you take over if you weren't ready."

"To be fair, George, I am not in charge yet. But that will happen before the year is over. Now, just remember to treat me with the same respect that I treat you with and we won't have any problems."

"Yes, I understand." The others had remained silent while I reprimanded the old man.

"Alright gentlemen, I will compile the information you gave me and go over the proposal. I'll be in touch soon."

I ended the call and looked over at my sister where she stood across the room. She was leaning back against the bookcase, her hands behind her back.

"What's up Chay? You know you should knock before you come in when I am working." She didn't answer me, she just rocked forward so she was leaning toward me and started to walk, slowly. She was really mad.

"You MORON!" She finally spoke just to scream those words at me.

I saw her hand swing out and just had time to register the book she had thrown at me. I dodge it just at the last second. Good thing too, it was one of the two, very large, volumes of the Spanish Dictionary that our Aunt Criztie sent us when we started studying Spanish.

"Watch out Chay, that could have hurt."

"There's a difference between could have hurt and actually hurts." She snapped at me, now just three feet from me. I was confused by her words which caused me to be slow to react as she swung her other hand. This one held the other volume of the dictionary, which smacked me right across the side of my head.

"Ouch!" I yelled. "That fucking hurt."

"See, could have hurt, and does hurt. There's a difference you stupid fucking, moronic, stupid, crazy, idiotic, asshole, GRUH!" She screamed in frustration, clearly unable to vent how stupid I was and how mad she was at the same time.

"What the hell Ceysa?" I was getting angry at her for attacking me out of nowhere. "What the hell did I do to piss you off?"

"You want to know, Artemis? You really, really want to know?" I was afraid to answer that question. Sometimes, my sister really scared me.

"Yes, you psycho, I really want to know." I finally decided to answer her, though I was apprehensive.

"You scared the shit out of Star." She screamed at me.

"Who is Star?" I was confused.

"You don't even know your own mates name." She turned away from me and started to pace the room.

"What?" I was shocked. "That's her name?" I smiled, it was such a cute name too.

"Well it's actually Astraia Westbrook, but her nickname is Star cause Astraia means star."

"Really? That's amazing."

"Yeah, well Jay got her to talk, sort of."

"What do you mean by sort of?"

"She's only writing out her words."

"Did they do something to her? Can she not talk at all?" I felt the concern and worry for her welling up inside me.

"No, she's just too scared to talk. She says her voice is the only thing she can control. So she will not talk until she is comfortable with us. She said she hasn't talked to her family either."

"That's sad, but understandable. She's defiant and strong at least."

"Yeah. She also told me she hasn't cried or screamed in front of them either. No matter what they did to her."

"She was strong enough to do that?"

"Yes." Chay was nodding her head as she answered. "Wait, that's not why I'm here." She snapped at me as she paused her pacing. She was close enough to reach out and smack me.

"Ow!" I rubbed my arm where she had hit me. "Stop hitting me you little savage." I growled at her.

"No you asshole. Why the hell did you have to go and scare the shit out of her?"

"I don't know what you are even talking about. How did I scare her?"

"You went and made her think she is just going to be your sex slave."

"How the fuck did I do that?" I was appalled by her words. "I never said anything like that at all."

"You told her she was your mate and she was meant to be with you."

"Yeah, I thought it would make her feel safer, knowing she found her mate."

"You idiot!" Chay screamed at me louder than she had at any of the other times before. The panes in the window shook as her voice rose in volume.

I took an apprehensive look around the room, making sure she hadn't broken something with that yell. Nope, the floor to ceiling window was intact, the large cherry finished desk was still standing as was my large imposing leather chair behind it. Unless the circuits were fried from the frequency then my computer, cellphone, tablet and TV were just fine. The books on the shelves on either side of the desk didn't spontaneously combust. The guest chairs were fine as were the soft couch and armchairs near the fireplace. And I didn't hear any of the porcelain in the attached bathroom shatter. I was actually shocked she hadn't damaged anything other than my ear drums. Huh, that was good.

"Look. I thought I was doing what was best. I thought if she knew why I wanted her here it would make her feel better." I hung my head in shame.

"You should have tried talking to her first, moron. Then you would have known that that fucking asshole uncle of hers was planning to take her as his wife when she turned eighteen, which is next week by the way."

"What?" I felt my jaw drop. "That was what Howard wanted her for? That's why he would be willing to fight for her?" I was flabbergasted. "I will kill him."

"Cool it Scorch, I don't think he did anything to her, yet."

"I don't care. I'm going to fucking kill that asshole."

"You're an asshole too, cause now she sees you as another Howard and thinks she's a prisoner here."

"That's not what I wanted." I sank into my chair. "How can I fix this?" I looked at her pleadingly.

"It's going to take time. But you need to be honest with her and give her space and freedom. Don't make her feel trapped."

"I don't want her to feel trapped." I felt the tears start to sting the back of my eyes. "Help me Chay, please help me." I begged my sister. She sighed when she saw the pathetic sight before her.

"I know you're a good guy, Artem, and she will know it soon too. But don't try to rush anything, alright."

"I won't, Chay, I promise I won't." I felt marginally hopeful knowing that my sister was going to help me.

"Just, don't get in my way of pulling her out of that armor she has herself wrapped in. And do what I tell you to. Got it." I nodded furiously at her words. This was going to be a long, tough road, but I was willing to do whatever it took to make Star know I was not like that asshole Howard.

Oh, and what a beautiful name she had. My little Star.