
Requiem of Lightning

Still in the works, come check it out if you want to! don't steal this please. also reviews would be great! I trying my writing skills so anything helps! Right now, I'm just trying to get enough chapters out, and trying to see what kind of schedule works for posting new chapters! ========================= In this Fantasy world, nothing is that simple, what's the deeper meaning behind it? Why does everything seem so- perfect at first? Was it fate? In the Kingdom of Alivera, animals and humans live together. No normal animals too, animals of power, of great strength and wisdom. Follow two main characters, Cattaleya and Jameson as they see the world two different ways. What happens when they both meet? The unknown is a scary place, but the only way in is head first. Are you ready?

boobear_1 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The dress

"No idea. I heard something about the Prince and going to the ball. Did the royals invite some peasants to the ball? That annual masquerade thing?" Cattaleya asked. 

"Yes, they did. Almost everyone was invited. And that includes you, Catta." Catta was a nickname given to her by Ivana when they were younger. 

"What? No way. I can't go, they'll kill me. What if they find out about Iesurdrar? Ivana, be logical, it's not safe." Iesurdrar shook his little head next to Catta's. It was for his safety, not her's, but he knew that she would never get this chance again. At least not this peaceful

Ivana laughed. "Are you joking?! You could kill everyone in that Castle within a second. I've seen you train, how you fight. They weren't kidding when they said you could start and finish a rebellion in a day. Even Iesurdrar agrees with me." She motioned to the small bird. 

'She is right Cattaleya. You cannot hide forever. Plus we won't get this chance again.' He had a point. Pouting her lips in thought, she sighed and nodded her head. 

"Fine, we'll go. But the second that there's someone on to us, we're gone. okay?" Both Ivana and Iesurdrar agreed. 

"Great! I've wanted to make you a good dress for a while since you have gross ones. Here, it should fit well." Going into a small closet, and grabbed a box and handed it to Catta. At first Catta was slightly offended that she had "gross dresses" according to Ivana, but she just shrugged it off. "Go, put it on! I hope it fits your style. You know, showing skin and being dangerous." Ivana winked at her before pushing her into a changing room. 

Cattaleya just sighed, putting the box down and opening it. It was something really pretty. It was a soft silken dress, light grey color. It was sleeveless, with small flower designs on the arm pieces, and flowed down gracefully above her ankles. Putting on the dress, it hugged her figure- probably because no one expected her to have some more muscle than normal girls on her. Looking at herself in the mirror, she thought it was pretty. It made her sun-kissed skin glow and her eyes gleam brighter than normal. Staring at herself for a second, without the dirt she might look like a real lady. Stepping out for Ivana to see, the whole shop went silent seeing her. They had never seen her in such fine clothes, she was the tomboy of the village. Her long wavy hair flowed back like a river, covering her back almost to her waist. 

"Perfect. Just as I thought." Ivana said, nodding her head and smiling. 

"Thanks. You really did get it right. How do you know what would look good on me?" 

"I'm your friend, of course I know. Now take it off and fold it neatly so it doesn't get dirty or wrinkled, got it?" 

Cattaleya laughed and nodded her head, stepping back into the changing room. The room snapped out of the trance, going back to talking and fighting over some dresses to borrow. Most people didn't have the space or the money to keep such a fancy dress. And when would they ever wear it again anyway?

Taking it with her as she walked, she went back home. It was getting dark, and she helped her mother with cooking for just herself and her. Back to normal life for her, for now.