
Requiem of Lightning

Still in the works, come check it out if you want to! don't steal this please. also reviews would be great! I trying my writing skills so anything helps! Right now, I'm just trying to get enough chapters out, and trying to see what kind of schedule works for posting new chapters! ========================= In this Fantasy world, nothing is that simple, what's the deeper meaning behind it? Why does everything seem so- perfect at first? Was it fate? In the Kingdom of Alivera, animals and humans live together. No normal animals too, animals of power, of great strength and wisdom. Follow two main characters, Cattaleya and Jameson as they see the world two different ways. What happens when they both meet? The unknown is a scary place, but the only way in is head first. Are you ready?

boobear_1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Ten years more...

In that same time in the spring, Cattaleya now had grown into a woman, a strong, smart, capable woman. The only people to know Iesurdrar was a Thuntorder was her mother, her best friend Ivana, and the bond-teaching teacher named Mr. Stalonton. Thuntorder, she learned quickly, was the master in Lightning, The master of the Heavens. They could call storms, call lightning down, strike it, summon it onto the body, everything anyone could imagine with it. Some even think that- if binded- they could take down the Royalty, with one person. Talk of a rebellion were spoken of, but were quickly washed away by her. She had no right to fight with royalty that held power over the land. 

Cattaleya had grown, yes. She was tall, she stood a little more than average for a woman(175 cm), her wavy pitch black hair and her sun-kissed skin didn't change. Especially her bright Nordic blue eyes.  Her face developed more, she had more defined feminime features, and a good figure. She had a good figure for a peasant, but she was strong, had muscle to her, she didn't have the really slim arms of the Noble women, but the strong arms of a working peasant lady. But that didn't mark down her beauty. She was considered beautiful even against Noble or Royal women. 

Sadly to Ms. Risened- her mother that raised her since she was very little, but she was suspicious about being real family, they looked nothing alike- her personality never changed. Still preferring to wear pants instead of dresses like most women did. And doing hard labour. She had never in her life seen a girl want to go and chop trees or help pound metal at the forge. Even Ivana didn't want to do that, and both were very similar to each other. 

Ivana was almost the opposite of Cattaleya in every way. She was short(150 cm at most), straight blonde hair, and loved to wear dresses and gossip around. Opposites attract is the best way to explain their friendship. Plus, Cattaleya almost killed her at first when she was getting used to the new powers that the Thuntorder gave her, tazing her so badly that she couldn't move for hours. It was a useful power to have, being able to call electricity, there were unseen powers that came with it as well. 

Powers aside- it wasn't usual to see a woman progress to a higher teaching in power mastery like Cattaleya had. She could have been a master herself, but she stopped, deciding to not bring more attention to herself than needed.She could still start a rebellion if needed, when she needed to, all she had to do was reveal herself. 

Right now, Cattaleya was sitting boredly on a tree stump. With the bonding, along with the powers the animal, or familiar most people call them, people can also gain amazing strength, speed and better senses if they practice enough. She could chop the trees in the amount of time it took three men to cut two. The men preferred her to work now, they had to do less while they got the same amount of work done. Sitting on a tree stump wearing light blue pants and a grey shirt with the sleeves cut off, she threw the axe she held into the air and caught it. 

'If you cut yourself, that's on you.' Iesurdrar spoke through the mind-link, sitting on a low tree branch- still having himself as a mockingjay. 

'I've been doing this for long enough, you know what I can and cannot do. Plus, everyone is too busy to bother. Ivana might not be though.' She thought of things to do, standing up and placing a leather groove over the axe blade, then slipping it in a spot on her belt to hang. Axes are good to cut down trees, but she also liked them as weapons- though she has never killed anyone. 

'All right, better than just sitting around. You can get to do more lady things and blend in.' Iesurdrar stood up and landed on Cattaleya's shoulder, resting himself there and looking content. Walking back into the small village, she glanced around quickly. 

Everyone knew everyone here, there were only about sixty people living there, so there was some weird attachment to drama and gossip. Probably because there is nothing else to do other than that. Anyway, she walked towards the small sewing shop, Ivana helped her mother there sewing dresses and fixing them as well. Walking in, there seem to be quite a few more people there. That was an understatement- there was almost every woman in the village gathered in the small shop. Standing over most women by a few inches, she caught Ivana's gaze and gave her a confused look. Cattaleya was never in the loop for gossip at all, which she was fine with. Catching small bits of conversation, she was more confused now. 

"I heard that the Crowned Prince is looking for a none-noble wife!"

"Someone from the castle said he was having dreams of a woman that he needs to find."

"That's stupid, just be glad they invited us!" 

Someone grabbed Cattaleya's hand and walked in back with her. Something useful with electricity, your heart is pumped by an electric current- so when she used a small part of her power, she could see people's heart's beating, the outline of the electrical current pumping it and their nerves. Sometimes, if she really focused she could get some feelings of emotions. Very general emotions, like anger, fear, happiness, sadness, those emotions. 

Cattaleya leaned against the wall, grabbing some silk and feeling how soft it was. All her shirts and a few dresses were old and worn from work. Ivana asked her when they were in the back of the shop, "You have no idea, do you?"