
No longer a Dungeon Mob Pt.I

[Humans have entered the dungeon]

[Sending Floor 1 monsters]

[Floor 1 monsters are being wiped out]

[Looking for solution.... Solution found]


[Humans have entered the dungeon]

[Spawning Floor 1 Dungeon Mobs]

[Kill the humans for your dungeon master]

My eyes snapped open after receiving my orders. I hurriedly searched around the area from the cave which I hung upside down from. I wasn't the only one though. I could see over a dozen of creatures with black wrinkly skin and blood red eyes, all hanging from the ceiling just as I did.

I then looked beneath me after hearing some footsteps, then some voices. I saw dozens of goblins on the ground, charging at a party of three humans.

A blonde male kicked the first goblin that came at him away with ease, then slashed at another one. He then grabbed one of them by the head, and proceeded to squash it easily. The creature's blood and skull flying all over the place.

"Dorin! Don't you think you need to be a bit more careful?"

The female in the group asked.

"Careful about what? This is just the first floor of a dungeon. I'll get serious once we get to the third floor."

He said, right before decapitating a goblin heartlessly.

"Isn't that right, Mike?"

He looked at the other guy in the group who looked sickly. He shot of a fire ball at the goblins that were coming for him.


He responded, then coughed.

"Mike, should you even be here? You've not been feeling well for a while now."

"It's ok, Lori. I've been taking some medicine for it."

He responded, then proceeded to blast away a duo of goblins without giving them much thought.

"Hmm, if you say so."

The girl shrugged, then used her staff to hit a goblin that was planning a sneak attack on her.

"Ugh... these guys are annoying."

"Hehehe... Yeah. Let's hurry up with this first floor already."

From what I had seen, I could say they were fairly impressive. Then again, I didn't know what impressive was supposed to be. I think today was is my first time... or is it?

[Original dungeon mobs have been slayed]

[Secondary dungeon mob... Descend]

The voice gave us our orders once again.

The other members dropped down to the ground, and I followed after. It took a while, but the humans finally noticed that they were surrounded. They looked around, completely terrified.

"H-hey, Dorin."


"A-are those B-black imps?"

'Black imp? Is that what I am?'

"C-come on... those don't exist."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am... Black imps are just terror stories for naughty kids. If black imps did exist, what would they be doing on the first floor of a dungeon as weak as this one?"

"True enough."

"Ha! Now let's clear this thing!"

The blonde swung his sword at one of the creatures but, the next thing that could be heard was the sound of his sword clanking on the hard ground. He had a look of shock on his face when he heard the sound which prompted him to look at the ground. When he did, I was certain he could see his arm on the ground with the sword in it.

Then he looked at his hand which was now gushing out blood. I knew that the only reason why he hadn't reacted yet, was because his brain was slowly processing what had happened. He had just lost an arm and was losing large amounts of blood.

When the truth hit him, he begun to scream. A horrid shriek that echoed through the cave's tunnels.

I saw what happened perfectly. He tried to hit one of us, but one of them had already bitten his arm off. I saw the creature jump quickly and bite his arm off.

"Aagh! My arm! My arm!"

"Lori! Fix my arm! You're a Druid, right? Fix it! Please!"

"I-I can't."

"What do you mean, you can't?"

"I'm only a level 20 druid. I can't do much."

"AH! Useless, useless, useless. Mike!"

He called out to the other person on his team.

"W-what is it?"

"Let's go Mike!"

"H-huh? My teleportation spell isn't really good. I can only carry 2 people at most."

"That's enough for both of us!"

"B-but... what about Lori?"

"Forget about her! Think about me! Me! I'm the most important! I'm going to become the chief of the village! I need to survive! Let me go! Let's go now!"


"But nothing! T-those things will get us, the more time we waste."

I looked at the sickly boy. He had a pained expression as he looked at the girl, and the girl looked at him with pleading eyes. Would he wait for her, or would he leave her? I was quite curious on his response.

"I'm sorry, Lori!"

He scram, then clapped his arm, and he and the blonde disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Nooo! Come back! Please!"

'So they left? Interesting...'

I looked at the girl. She looked horrified and angry. Her eyes were bloodshot and her head had bulging veins.

"You damned bastards! Get back here! Please! Don't leave me here!"

I could see tears escaping her eyes as she collapsed on her knees, her staff supporting her. I didn't know why she was crying though, so I approached her, and tapped her thigh. She then wacked me with her staff, sending me flying some distance away.

Her hit was so powerful, I ended up coughing blood and curling up in a ball, holding my hurt abdomen. I winced as I struggled to look at her. It seems she had picked up the sword the blonde had dropped and was waving it around.

"S-stay away!"

The woman screamed, and just then, she slashed at one of the creatures, cutting it in half. My eyes widened when I saw its blood spilling.

It fell on the ground, not moving anymore. I could sense it. It was completely gone, incapable of performing functions of creatures that lived. It was dead.

'W-we can die!?'

The sudden realization hit me after seeing one of my very own die, right in front of my eyes. Then I looked at the human. My brethren swarmed her, tearing her apart, leaving her as bone and barely flesh. The last thing I heard from her were screams of regret and pain as well as curses.

Then, a question came to mind...


Why was I doing this? Why was I attacking humans? Because I was told to? Was I supposed to only do as I was told to? Was that my entire purpose? There should have been more to it, right? Right?

[Mission Complete]

[Returning Dungeon Mobs]

'Returning dungeon mobs?'

I looked at my hands and I was slowly turning to darkness... Ash. I felt absolutely nothing, and for some strange reason, that scared me.

"No! I don't want to go anywhere!"

I scram to the voice that had been talking to me, but I kept on fading away.

"No! No! No! Stop it! I don't want to go anywhere! I want to be free!"

I kept on screaming even though I could feel myself disappearing. It was like I stopped existing anymore. I was going somewhere. I was returning... to the nothingness where I came from.

'It's not fair... why do I have to go there?'

My vision began to dim. I couldn't see anything anymore, neither could I feel anything. I couldn't breathe. I was practically non-living at that point in time. Just as I was giving up, I heard a voice...

'Push through.'

I know I said I didn't want to obey any more strange voices, but this was one I wanted to obey whole-heartedly. So I pushed through. I scram. I fought the darkness that wrapped itself around me. Suddenly I could breath. I could feel the pain of having air rushing into my lungs, almost like I was a new-born. It was so painful that I wanted to cry. In fact, I did cry. Light entered my blood red eyes and I could see once again. I could feel myself falling on the hard ground.

Then I laid on the ground, huffing heavily and looking at the cave top.

"I... I-I did it!"

I was so excited, I couldn't believe it. But just then, I passed out.


[Error! Error! $%@&! $%@&! $%@&! $%@&!]

[One dungeon mob has refused to return to nothingness]

[Searching for solution... Solution found]

[Eradication of the anomaly]

[Sending Floor 1 mid-boss]

Hallo people of webnovel!

Here's the first chapter for my story. I hope u like it!!!!

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