I'm booooooorrrreeedddddd! Let's talk about something... anything🙃
of reading
Read books
Sorry about that! I've been busy for a while now and writing them down had become a bit difficult. I will try to make more chapters and post them by next week, hopefully up to chapter 17
I'm glad you think so, but like i stated, this is just an experiment. I will stop writing this after chapter 20. If it does well, I will consider continuing. If it doesn't get to the required level that i want it to get to, i won't continue. So all, in all, it all falls on you readers once again!
It does .. and I'm saving up for a new one next year
🐤... I'm not gonna spoil this one
.... I dont know what you are talking about. I won't add hentai to my story.🦊 I've never even watched that shtuff before.
oops... didnt see that error. thanks
😂😂damn... really love this scene, considering I just finished rereading the whole cake island arc
Skill isnt high enough to do that. And death isnt seen as that kind of effect🦥
crap... my eyes... Donald!! Nooooo!!! I'm noticing that he was butt raped