
Requiem for Silver Blood

Nova, a young girl who was caught by the stories that she did not believe. Witches and new monsters that hold dominion over the night. Warborne was once known to be the old homeland of the most powerful witches in history and now it's her home. The names of all who were sacrificed on that bloody day are buried underneath this not-so-innocent town and Nova was the only one who could hear them scream. With the help of inhuman beings, Nova needs to navigate through her life as one of the missing pieces of the big puzzle that is this town.

AlexandraT · Fantasy
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26 Chs



Monsters of the night that lurk in the shadows and feed on human blood. Her grandmother described them as bloodthirsty killers who are unable to empathize with normal people. They are not a very social type and each vampire is usually loyal to only themselves.

She remembers her grandmother telling her stories when she was young about vampires and how they live and how dangerous they are to those around them.

She is currently standing across from the girl who had just described herself as one of those monsters. Nova stares at her, watching the innocent woman's blood run down Faye's neck. She wishes so much that this is all just a bad dream and that she would wake up soon and everything would be like before.

"You...you killed her. That innocent woman." Nova says in shock, pointing at the dead body.

Faye just laughs. "Hm, a deadly witch who follows Rosemary who is trying to destroy Warborne. That doesn't sound very positive to me, but if you want to lie to yourself and sympathize with her, go for it."

"This is crazy!" Nova yells.

Faye laughs in amusement and moves closer to her.

Nova stands still. Still unsure of what the girl was capable of. Faye closes her eyes and inhales her scent. Her innocent smile still dances on her lips.

"I understand why he chose you."

"Stay away from me."

Nova tosses her long ponytail and turns away from Faye. She is heading back to the lighted street she and Rosalie had come from.

She is frowning the whole time, but she isn't angry, she is disappointed. She felt like everyone around her had been lying to her whole life.

Faye is standing over the motionless body and crouches down to get a better look at it. She touches her victim's cold neck with bloodied fingers and brushes away the hair that is stuck to her skin with blood.

"Nova!" Rosalie says, holding out her hand.

"No, I just can't anymore. I need to be alone for a while."

Nova was gone, leaving Rosalie and Faye behind.

"It's all your fault!" Rosalie says, glaring angrily at the vampire who is bending over the dead body.

"Yeah yeah, feel free to judge me, but a small question. That crazy family of yours has stopped their obsession with manipulating people, right?"

Rosalie gasps, her eyes widening as she runs to Faye. She kneels on the ground in the slowly dried blood and brushes away the young woman's hair.

There is a small mark on her neck. You could see that it isn't just a tattoo or a scratch. It was an old rune, which was one of the forbidden when it came to modern witches. It's a circle and in the middle sits an inverted V with a dot in the middle.

It symbolized the mind, communication, harvest, and false hope.

"It's not possible, this…this hasn't happened in centuries. Rosalie mutters to herself.

"Speak witch, what the hell is going on here? Who did I kill?!"

"For a period of time, this rune can absorb the victim's brain and stop it from functioning. A witch who used the rune can control the victim as if the body belonged to her. This rune was forbidden because it was found on people all those years ago."

"So…this was a trap," Faye says walking away from the body.

"They know what we're trying to do."

"Kalen gave up searching, but I was the one who found her. She just stood there mumbling something about Rosemary the whole time and that was enough for me. Damn! Stupid witches!"

Faye kicks a metal trash can that stands next to her. The trash can goes through the wire fence that separates another stretch of the dark alley.

She hated it when a witch crossed her path and hated it even more when they were one step ahead of her. She doesn't even look at Rosalie and with the slightest gust of wind, she was gone.

Nova rubs both her hands together to warm herself at least a little, her ears are whistling and she could still see the dead woman in front of her eyes.

In one day she learned about witches and vampires and that this town was apparently not as safe as she had always thought. She wanted to ignore it all, she wanted to believe that none of it was true. The dead body, the blood on that girl's lips, and Rosalie, who clearly knew what was going on here all along.

After a few minutes, Nova stands outside her house, turning the corner and looking out at the wooden porch, which is illuminated by two lights next to her house. However, she also notices something else. Someone is sitting on the edge of the porch and seems to be waiting for her.

She slowly moves closer. She remembers the tied dark hair.

"I'm really not in the mood for more of your talk right now."

Nova tries to walk past him, but he gently grabs her wrist and looks at her. Nova lost herself in his golden eyes for a small moment again and sighs. She stops and feels her throat tighten.

"I don't want this. I don't want this to keep happening. I didn't ask for any of this." she lets herself out and sits down next to him.

"I don't blame you. Everyone would have that reaction to all the things we're trying to explain to you, but I'm afraid it's going to get worse Nova."

"Why? Why should it get worse? I don't even know who you are, I just remember that you stalked me like...like some kind of prey. Why would I trust you with anything after something like that?"

"Trusting me would be the biggest mistake you could ever make, I just want you to know you're safe."

Nova keeps looking into his eyes, the way his dark strands of hair moved gently in the light night breeze. His movements, his lips. Something drew her to him, but she couldn't describe it and she didn't know if she liked the feeling.

She'd known him for less than two days and yet she felt like he didn't want to hurt her.

Kalen didn't know what was happening to him. This shouldn't be happening to him, he shouldn't be feeling the way he is feeling right now.

It's impossible and yet it was inside him, so close. He tried to mask his feelings and just focus on why he had been watching her all these months, making sure nothing happened to her.

Something drew him to her, but he didn't know what it was. Was it the desire for her? Desire to meet her? Or just a desire for her life? He lowers his head and after a few seconds looks up again, his gaze lingering on her pink lips for a moment before looking into her eyes once more.

He carefully raises his right hand and gently cups her face in his palm. Nova swallows and smiles uncertainly at him.

"I will protect your life, Nova. I don't want to see another bloodshed," he whispers and slowly pulls away from the girl.

"I used to be one of them. I believed it was possible to bring back everyone I'd lost and that this town could change, but none of it is true. It's all just lies that's how they get into your head. They promise something you desire so much and it ends up making even more innocent people pay for it."

Nova listens to him carefully. She watches his lips move, she watches his golden eyes sparkle. In her head, she kept seeing the bloodied girl and the dead body still lying on the wet ground in the forgotten alley of Warborne.

She was shaking all the way here and didn't know what to do. Her throat was tight, it hurt to think and her knees were weak, but all those emotions disappeared when she got closer to him. To someone who stalked her, who scared her several times, and whom she suspected of murdering their grandparents.

She still didn't know if it was him, Faye, or the ones everyone keeps mentioning.

"I need an explanation, I'm tired of everyone who won't tell me anything. After everything that happened, I deserve the truth." Nova begs him, tired of all the thoughts that were killing her inside.

"More and more inhuman beings have started appearing in the city, almost most of them are here for one reason. They want history to repeat itself, but this time in their favor. You can't be mad at them really, they just want a simple life."

Kalen sighs and stands up from the porch. Nova still sits in place, watching his body move.

"Word has spread that a witch from the founding family has somehow returned and is currently trying to bring her back to the living."

"Her? Who are you talking about?"

"Selene. The mother of all vampires."

Thank you once again for reading!

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