
Requiem For A Dream

"You will be sent back in time to ensure this calamity never comes to pass, you will not reveal to anyone that you have time traveled, the choice that you make will be your own to follow through with". ================ TIME TRAVEL fic, Sharingan op Naruto. Will contain small crossover with Bleach. NarutoxKushinaxMikoto ================ [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/Panta6666/13652287/2/]

MisterWho · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Hello again, as l had said I'll be using a third-person perspective from now. so enjoy the story.

'internal thoughts'

"Normal conversation''


"It says you are an Uzumaki," Kaito said with a happy smile on his face "well, partly Uzumaki"

"What does that mean, is it something bad?"

Naruto asked, even though he knew who Uzumaki's were, but as he was playing the part of an eight-year-old brat who knew nothing of the clans, he had to act as unknowledgeable as possible.

"No, it is a good thing, it would also explain how your mother knew the directions to Uzushio" Kaito seemed quite happy that this was the case as it canceled out the probability of Naruto being a spy.

"How so?" Naruto asked.

"Well mostly, only the Uzumaki's know the directions and ways to overcome the whirlpools surrounding our island, and considering your mother knew the directions she must be an Uzumaki too," Kaito explained

"You still haven't explained what an Uzumaki is?" Naruto asked.

"The Uzumaki is a clan prominently based in Uzushiogakure (Village hidden in whirlpools). We are distant blood relatives of the Senju clan and as such have close relations with them. We Uzumaki pride ourselves on being the best fuinjutsu master in the Elemental nation" Kaito said with a hint of pride in his voice.

"And I am a part of this clan?!" Naruto asked with child-like enthusiasm, still playing the role of a small child.

"Yes, you sure seem to be," Kaito said, still a happy smile on his face at meeting a new relative.

"That's awesome!" Exclaimed Naruto.

"Now where are your parents, we will like to meet them and invite them into our family of Uzushio"

"My father died when I was three, he was very ill at that time," Naruto said with a sad look on his face" And I don't know where my mother is, she had said that if she didn't return by the night, then to leave in the directions that she had thought me", even though these all were fake memories, Naruto being such an empathetic person couldn't help but let tears flow.

"I lost my family"

Kaito seeing such a sad child couldn't help but put a hand on his head to reassure him "Don't worry, everything will be alright". After saying that he got up from his place on the bed and said "Rest now, I will see you again tomorrow morning" after saying that he walked out of the hospital room.

Naruto, seeing Kaito leave the room decided to rest for now, as it wasn't every day that you get eight years' worth of memories of someone else's life.

"So is he telling the truth?" asked the old man stroking his grey beard that reached his stomach, he seemed to be bald, having lost his hair due to old age.

"He doesn't seem to be lying, I was keeping a close eye on his chakra fluctuations the entire time," Kaito replied with a serious expression.

The old man hummed then continued "The tests said that he is an Uzumaki but all of us have red hair, it's how we are recognized, for him to have that blackish red hair his father must have had some extremely powerful genes".

"What should we do now?" asked Kaito

"We will keep an eye on him for suspicious activity"

"Is that necessary, he is just an eight-year-old boy and he is an Uzumaki too" Kaito tried to argue.

"Yes, you are right but we should remain careful. A war is on the horizon, or have you forgotten about that."

"No I haven't," said Kaito "But that doesn't mean we should stop helping our kin"

Sighing the old man said "I know" continuing the old man said "You are to take care of him from now on, he will be staying with you from now on, you are to be his sensei, with a powerful chakra like his, not teaching him would be a crime besides your daughter will love to have a playmate" the last part was said with a smile on the old man's face.

"Yes, Uzukage-Sama" Kaito replied with a smile on his face.

"You don't have to call me that when we are alone, I am your father after all," the old man replied with a fake annoyed face.

"I know, but seeing how much it irritates you I choose to do it anyways" with that said Kaito disappeared in a Shunshin.

"Damn Brat, always disrespecting me."

When Naruto woke up the next morning he laid in his bed thinking about all those he had lost but quickly banished those thoughts.

'I am in the past' he reminded himself 'and none of it has happened yet and it won't happen again if I have any say in the matter.

As he got up he noticed that a tray of breakfast has been kept on the table near his bed along with a pair of clean clothes.

Deciding to start his day he quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up, there he saw a small stool for him to stand on so he can look into the mirror.

Excited to finally see how he looked like, he quickly climbed it and looked surprised at what he was seeing. His face looked more like Sasuke, albeit a quite younger one with all the baby fat on his cheeks, speaking of cheeks, he seemed to have lost his whisker marks and in its place was unblemished pale skin. His eyes too seemed to have changed but not that much as he still had those blue eyes but specks of purple seem to have been mixed with it.

' It could have been worse' Naruto thought.' At least my face is not a horrid mix of me and Sasuke, still, l liked my whisker marks'.

After freshening up Naruto stared in the mirror with an inquisitive look on his face ' I wonder if I have the Sharingan he thought while staring at his eyes 'The soul king did say that he merged my soul with Sasuke before he bought me here so it stands to reason that I may very well have the Sharingan.'

'Now how did he activate those eyes' Naruto thought back to how Sasuke activated the eyes, ' oh right!' Naruto seemed to have remembered a lesson by Kakashi sensei 'apply chakra to your eyes till there is a tingling sensation' and after doing just that his eyes seemed to have changed from bluish-purple to the Sharingan.

He stared at them in shock as he followed the single tomoe which spun in each of his eyes hypnotically. There was just a single tomoe in each eye but still, ' I have the freaking Sharingan!'

Hearing the sound of a door opening he quickly cut the chakra to his eyes and jumped down from the stool to see who his visitor was. It seemed that Kaito had come to visit again.

"Good morning," he said in his usual happy smile " Did you sleep well".

"Yes," I replied with a smile of my own.

"I see you haven't had your breakfast yet" he pointed out while looking at the breakfast on the table

"I was just freshening up" I replied with a pout on my face.

"It's ok, take your time," he said as he took a seat on the chair nearby.

"So what is going to happen to me now," Naruto asked after finishing his breakfast and wearing the new clothes which were given to him.

"I talked with the Uzukage and he assigned me as your guardian and your sensei but in return, you will have to become a great Ninja and bring pride to our nation. Are you willing to do that?"

"Yes!" I shouted with enthusiasm "I will be the greatest ninja of all time" Naruto declared with as much conviction as he could.

"Good, now come, you will be staying with me from now on" as he said that he started to walk out of the room so I quickly ran after him to catch up with him.

"Are you a ninja too?" Naruto asked, curious of who Kaito was.

"Yes of course I am a jonin and a level 15th seal master"

"What does jonin mean?" Naruto asked, again acting ignorant to the terms he already knew but couldn't show, since that will seem suspicious.

"Ok, time for your first lesson!" declared Kaito

"The ranking system of the ninja's of every village are usually divided into three types.

The first is the genin, they are usually the ones who have passed from the ninja academy where they study for four years, the starting age for the academy is six years old, they stay in the academy till they reach ten years of age and pass the academy exam or if the student is very intelligent in which case he is passed more early so special attention can be given to him. Now genins are usually teamed up in groups of three...".

Naruto tuned out the rest of his sensei lesson as he already knew all about the ranking system, instead, he was looking around, taking in the pleasant scenery, the road on which they were walking was filled with shops of all kind, there was a lot of hustle-bustle as people were doing their shopping and talking with one another. Most people whom Naruto met had red hairs, some smiled when they crossed paths and he smiled back at them liking the peaceful atmosphere and the good vibe this place held.

By the time they reached Kaito's house, it was already afternoon. His house was located on a quiet part of the island, He seemed to have finished his lesson about the ranking system of the ninja world.

"I am home" he announced, but he couldn't get even a foot in before a red blur crashed into him screaming "Tou-san!". Before I could take a look at the red missile which was now hugging Kaito, a beautiful red-haired woman came to the door with one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen " looks like she got you again" she said with a giggle. Then her eyes turned to me, and I couldn't help but look down in embarrassment as she seemed to have caught me staring at her.

"Is he the boy you talked about?" she asked with the smile still on her face.

There was a muffled"Yes" from Kaito who was still on the floor.

She walked towards Naruto who was still looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

"Hello there," she spoke in a soft voice "and who might you be?"

I slowly looked up and answered meekly

"I am Naruto, nice to meet you" after saying that I quickly looked down again.

"Nice to meet you too," she said with a smile still on her face.

Kaito seemed to have finally gotten up from the floor with the red blur who turned out to be a small girl around Naruto's age."Naruto meet my lovely and beautiful wife, Kana Uzumaki.'' he said motioning at the young woman

"And this is my pride and joy, my daughter that I talked to you about." pointing to the girl who was now hiding behind his leg and peeking at Naruto "go on introduce yourself," Kaito said as he gently nudges his daughter forward. The girl came forward with a hand still holding Kaito's pants in a vice grip.

'Wait a minute, she looks quite familiar' Naruto thought as he tried to remember who she looked like. But by the time he got the answer he was too late. The girl had already started to speak.

"Hello, my name is Kushina, I am seven years old, I love my Tou-san and Kaa-san, I also love to eat ramen, and when I grow up I be the greatest ninja of all time!" she exclaimed the last part as loudly as she could. But Naruto didn't hear any of that. He had stopped listening as soon as she said her name.

Now he knew why she looked so familiar.