
Replication system

*A regular programmer with a copying power has traveled Into a mysterious cultivation world.He founds out that he can copy any pills or spirit stones to provide his cultivation. All he needs to do is rubbing his thumb and index finger together!In our world,Copying and pasting is just a piece of code in a computer program, but if this code appear in this world...what is he going to do? Could he defeat his enemies and make his own legend?

PainInTheAss · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 44

After nearly a period of killing, Chu Zhongtian has reached a limit in terms of combat experience, the use of spiritual power and his own strength.

If you want to break through this limit, you must use a stronger opponent to hone yourself. Qi Yiyuan's fierce attack is just what he wants, so Chu Zhongtian is not in a hurry to improve his strength, but to reduce the output of spiritual power, and then temper his knife technique and will with the help of Qi Yiyuan's attack.

Seven basic Sabre techniques, such as splitting, cutting, blocking, blocking, winding and cutting, are used back and forth. Each time it seems that the move is getting old, but whenever the sabre is old to the limit, a new power will appear, which makes Qi Yiyuan Xi, who thought he could win, get angry.

While mastering these moves, Chu Zhongtian began to consciously improve these basic Sabre techniques, hoping to be more powerful.

Although the idea is very good, it is very difficult.

With the use of these seven moves becoming more and more skilled, through continuous improvement, Chu Zhongtian accidentally found that the feeling of potential in Jingya Pavilion began to emerge again.

"Not enough, not enough pressure!" That feeling has surfaced in his mind, but there is an invisible obstacle blocking it, so that he can't show it at will. He knows it's because of insufficient pressure.

Seeing Qi Yiyuan who had done his best, Chu Zhongtian knew that his strength was not enough to put enough pressure on him, so he planned to solve the battle in advance.

Directly mobilize 50% of the spiritual power of Dantian and use the cut style of a move that has just been slightly modified. In Qi Yiyuan's incredible eyes, the steel knife directly crossed his neck and a head directly rushed to the sky.

Looking at Qi Yiyuan who fell headless, Chu Zhongtian put away the steel knife, hurried forward a few steps and began to collect spoils.

To Chu Zhongtian's disappointment, Qi Yiyuan had only one piece of jade.

Thinking that all the jade pieces he found were handed over to Qi Yizai, after all, the royal family must ensure that Qi Yilong can finally win the championship.

Although there is only one piece of jade, there are a lot of spirit stones, including 18 lower level spirit stones of nine grades.

Turned around and looked at Chu Yuping and others who were still in the process of killing, and found that their current strength was enough to easily destroy the members of the royal family.

The reason why Chu Yuping didn't immediately hurt the killer is that he probably wanted to take this opportunity to hone the killing experience of several others.

Since the children of the Chu family are not in danger, the feeling of Chu Zhongtian still appears in his mind. In order to force that feeling as soon as possible and make a breakthrough as soon as possible, he must immediately find a stronger opponent and make a complete breakthrough with the help of each other's pressure.

"Brother Yuping, I have to take a step in advance. Be more careful yourself." Facing Chu Yuping in battle, Chu Zhongtian simply said hello, then turned and rushed to the center with all his strength.

Master, only the central position of the hunting ground can have a strong enough master, and can give yourself enough pressure to seize this opportunity to break through.

However, he didn't have time to rush out for long, so he quickly stopped and looked at the front with a surprised face.

Because a master suddenly appeared in front of him, a master enough to bring pressure to him.

This sudden expert is also from the royal family. As for his name, there is no record of this person in the data Chu fan collected for him.

More importantly, in addition to Qi Yilong, two members of the royal family gave him a creepy feeling, and this sudden expert was one of them.

The master who suddenly appeared was stunned when he saw the expression of ecstasy on Chu Zhongtian's face.

Is the young master of the Chu family, like the master he followed, also a battle madman!

"Yan Yongjin."

Although Chu Zhongtian is only the strength of the four-tier peak in the Qi refining period, Yan Yongjin did not despise him. Just now, the battle between him and Qi Yiyuan was clear. He knew that Chu Zhongtian retained most of his strength.

Otherwise, Qi Yiyuan is not his enemy at all.

Yan Yongjin!

Chu Zhongtian became confused when he heard the other party's self-report. Because the surname Yan does not exist in all the families in the state of Qi.

Then, he suddenly remembered that Yan, a more powerful kingdom at the border with Qi, was the king's surname.

"Yan state?" Looking straight into Yan Yongjin's eyes, Chu Zhongtian asked in a puzzled tone.

Without denying his identity, Yan Yongjin nodded, which confirmed Chu Zhongtian's guess.

The royal family invited people from outside to participate in the hunting competition of the state of Qi. It seems that the strength of the royal family is really bad.

If this situation continues, within ten years, there will be a relatively large unrest in the whole state of Qi, and Chu Zhongtian has a stronger desire to improve his strength.

"Chu Zhongtian!"

No matter who the other party is from, Chu Zhongtian welcomes him as long as he is strong enough to give himself enough pressure to break through.

The strength of the other party can be recognized by Chu Zhongtian, so he didn't hide his identity and also reported his name.

As a person of the Kingdom, Yan Yongjin has never heard of the name of Chu Zhongtian, but Chu Yuping and others who have solved the battle behind Chu Zhongtian have already heard of his name.

"It's him!" Hearing that the helper is the queen of Chu, Chu Yuping said suddenly.

As the most gentle person of the younger generation of the Chu family, after Chu Zhongtian tested his talent, he also went to see Chu Zhongtian and met him.

However, Chu Zhongtian's meridians were damaged later and they were sent to Chu's drugstore in Luolin town as a waiter. The two didn't meet each other.

When Chu Yuping heard that Chu Zhongtian had been abandoned, he was sad for some time and thought of ways to see if he could help him repair his meridians.

However, a year ago, he was just a little man on the fourth floor of the Qi refining period, and it was impossible to help Chu Zhongtian.

Seeing Chu Zhongtian stand up again, and his strength has far exceeded his own, Chu Yuping has no trace of jealousy in his heart, only joy and joy.

I'm glad that Chu Zhongtian gets up again with his perseverance. After experiencing hardships, I'm afraid his future achievements will be very high, reaching a height he can't imagine.

Fortunately, the family's weak status, which was originally due to the lack of reputation of the younger generation, will resound again in the state of Qi with the rise of Chu Zhongtian.

"Chu Zhongtian, I remember!" After Chu Zhongtian reported his name, Yan Yongjin nodded and drew out his weapon, looking like a great enemy.

"Hoo!" After taking a deep breath, Chu Zhongtian adjusted his state and also drew out the steel knife. The steel knife was held flat and looked at each other with a dignified expression.

This is the first strong opponent since Chu Zhongtian's cultivation. It is impossible to say that he is not nervous at all, but there is a trace of excitement in the tension.

More importantly, under this strong oppression, the feeling is becoming more and more real.