
Replication system

*A regular programmer with a copying power has traveled Into a mysterious cultivation world.He founds out that he can copy any pills or spirit stones to provide his cultivation. All he needs to do is rubbing his thumb and index finger together!In our world,Copying and pasting is just a piece of code in a computer program, but if this code appear in this world...what is he going to do? Could he defeat his enemies and make his own legend?

PainInTheAss · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 43

In addition, the master of the sun family himself is very interesting. Chu Zhongtian also hopes to use his mouth to spread his fame and enhance his influence in the state of Qi.

The Tian family is different. They are the most loyal henchmen of the Wang family and a steel knife for the Wang family to deal with the Chu family. When the two families conflict in the future, Tian Jun may even be a pioneer. Of course, Chu Zhongtian can't let him go.

What's more, the killed Tian family expert named Tian Jun is the leader of the younger generation of the Tian family. Killing him is tantamount to breaking the development of the younger generation of the Tian family.

He took six pieces of jade from Tian Jun and four pieces of jade from the sun family, which add up to ten pieces of jade.

One tenth of one hundred jades can almost guarantee that he will enter the top ten, but this is not the goal of Chu Zhongtian. Because his goal is to win the first three or even the final championship, the number of jade pieces is still far from enough.

Put away the jade pieces. Chu Zhongtian didn't leave in a hurry, but collected booty from 14 corpses.

Most of the players participating in the hunting competition are geniuses in their families, and everyone has plenty of wealth.

Money is no longer of much use to Chu Zhongtian, but he still didn't give up.

Whether before or after the crossing, he has been very poor and has been desperately making money, so he has a desire for wealth that others do not have.

Although the strength of the sun family and the Tian family is not as good as the three families, they are also famous families in the state of Qi. There are still many good things for their children.

In addition to tens of thousands of gold tickets, there are more than 130 pieces of ten grade lower level spirit stones alone, 20 pieces of nine grade lower level spirit stones, and more than a dozen Qi enhancing pills.

In addition, on Tian Jun's body, Chu Zhongtian accidentally found a low-level pace martial arts. Although it is not as precious as the martial arts he is practicing now, taking back the family can exchange at least 50 pieces of lower level spirit stones.

Mosquitoes are also a piece of meat when they are small. Chu Zhongtian, who is in urgent need of spirit stone, will certainly not let go.

After putting away these things, Chu Zhongtian left the scene directly. As for the corpses everywhere, don't worry. In a short time, these corpses will be eaten by strange animals.

In the subsequent journey, the number of strange animals appeared less and less, but more and more players participated in the competition, and there were more and more killing scenes. Chu Zhongtian didn't stop at most of the killing scenes and directly bypassed them.

Unless there are jade pieces in the hands of both sides of the battle, or there is a deep hatred with the Chu family, he will stop to participate in the battle.

Even if he missed most of the battle scenes, he shot four times after the two-day journey, one of which was because the two sides had three jade pieces in their hands.

However, these two forces are only very weak families. They belong to the third class forces in the state of Qi and do not have much connection with the four families. Therefore, Chu Zhongtian only showed a little strength and stunned the other party, so he easily took away the three jade pieces.

The remaining three shots were made because the other party saw the jade piece in his hand and wanted to rob it. He was forced to make a shot.

Chu Zhongtian is not a murderer. He can't kill easily when he has to. But if someone takes the initiative to provoke him, I'm sorry. He's not a kind-hearted person and kills them all.

With these three jade pieces, plus the ten jade pieces he won at the beginning, there are 13 in total, which is enough to raise him several places.

Closer and closer to the center, there are more and more players in the middle. Most of them are the children of various families. There are few lone Rangers like Chu Zhongtian.

However, the lone ranger who can reach the central position is generally very strong. Few experts like this take the initiative to provoke, so Chu Zhongtian basically doesn't meet the guy who doesn't open his eyes.

Less than ten miles from the center, Chu Zhongtian had to stop and draw out a steel knife to prepare for the battle.

Because in front of him, there are two forces fighting desperately. It is the children of the Chu family who are at the disadvantage. The leader is another expert of the Chu family who has reached the peak of the sixth floor of the Qi refining period... Chu Yuping.

Chu Yuping, the third-largest expert of the younger generation of the Chu family, is second only to Chu Zhongba and Chu Shixuan. With the talent of inferior eight grades and gentle temperament, he is the most popular person of the younger generation of the Chu family.

It was because of his popularity that he had a bad relationship with Chu Zhongba, which was an important reason why he took people away at the beginning.

At this time, he was confronted by several members of the royal family, led by a prince of the royal family, Qi Yiyuan.

Qi Yiyuan is Qi Yilong's brother. His talent is not as good as Qi Yilong, but his strength can not be underestimated. Now he is the strength of the six-tier peak in the gas refining period. It is he who drew with Chu Yuping.

The reason why the children of the Chu family fell down was not because they were few, but because there was a master on the sixth floor of the Qi refining period among the royal family members.

At the same time, the master on the sixth floor of the Qi refining period was very powerful. He blocked three masters on the fifth floor of the Qi refining period of the Chu family.

As a child of the Chu family, he can compete internally, but he must remain united externally. Therefore, Chu Zhongtian decided to take action after a brief look.

Mobilize 40% of the spiritual power of Dantian, use the pace and martial arts, and cooperate with the basic Sabre technique. The opponent chosen by Chu Zhongtian is Qi Yiyuan.

"Brother Yuping, you go to solve other opponents and give Qi Yiyuan to me." Using his martial arts skills, Chu Zhongtian made a clever turn and successfully squeezed himself into the battle between Chu Yuping and Qi Yiyuan. Take Qi Yiyuan's attack directly with one move entanglement. At the same time, he still has time and time to tell Chu Yuping.

"Who are you?" Chu Yuping was stunned at the sudden appearance of his helper.

Because although the master suddenly appeared in the clothes of the Chu family, he felt very strange, but his voice made him familiar.

However, this is not the time to consider this problem. Seeing that the suddenly appeared helper can not only compete with Qi Yiyuan, but even gain the upper hand, Chu Yuping immediately relieved himself, then roared and directly lifted the steel knife and rushed to another six-level expert in the royal family's gas refining period.

"Boy, you want to die!" Originally, it took only a little time to get rid of Chu Yuping and others, so that the Chu family lost a genius. It was an important military achievement.

After returning to the royal family, he can exchange enough information with these merits, and then try his best to break through the seventh floor of the gas refining period.

However, Chu Zhongtian suddenly broke his plan. He scolded angrily, and then attacked with all his strength, hoping to solve his opponent in a short time.