
Replica of the Past

Cole, who has the power of replication, finds himself teaching a class when suddenly his daughter from the future becomes one of his students and says that the extinction of humankind will arrive soon.

CharcoalNotCoal · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Sparing and learning

"Today we will go back to the arena and start with hand-to-hand sparring with me. Follow me."

The class stood up and followed me out the class.

"My ability is called Replication. This has one purpose, and it is to replicate myself as many times as I want. Sounds pretty overpowered right? It is. I will be using this ability to replicate myself 30 times, one for each student."

During my talk, many who was listening calmly became shocked hearing my ability, but then calmed down. Jessica, who was right behind me, paid more attention after I mention what I was capable of.

"As you have minor to no knowledge of hand-to-hand combat, you will spar with one of my clones who will tell you about your mistakes during the spar. Simple as that."

The class is 4 hours long. There is a dozen of teachers for each subject. I am a fighting instructor for class 4A. '4' means the number of years left for graduation and the letter 'A' means the best out of that year.

We arrived at the arena and I activated my power. 30 clones appeared around me with exact similar appearance to mines. They have equal strength as I and can think for themselves exactly as I can.

I looked at one of them. It looked backed.

'If I die, can they replace me? Can one exist outside of me knowing? Can they live a normal life without me? Can they rebel?'

I have thought of this before, but I can't confirm nor deny any of my questions. While it is a terrifying thought, I actually got excited.

before I can continue my thoughts, one of my clones starts talking.

"Alright, Jessica Raven, come with me."

She was startled that a clone of mines started talking like a living human.


She followed my clone.

"Michael White, follow me."

"Jack Rover, with me."

One after another, my clones called one name each until they all had one student to teach.

"So... what do you want me to do?" Jessica asked my clone.

"According to the files given to me by the school. Your power is Artemis' Incarnate."

"This power has a high chance of evolving multiple times, but currently your power includes high instincts, increase strength, and minor inspection which helps learning stuff faster by seeing."

"That is correct instructor."

"We will start with a simple spar. Fight me without powers."

"Yes instructor." Jessica said and charged at me.

Quickly she arrived in front of me and went for a straight jab towards my face. I titled my face and went for a left hook towards her jaw.

I swung slower than usual, so she was able to see it and dodge at the last second.

She lost her balance dodging my hook, so she fell to her hands and swung a kick towards my head which I back stepped to avoid.

She regained her balance and charged at me once again.

She took a stance in front of me aiming for another jab and I reacted with the same tilt of my head.

She then suddenly retracted her arm and swung a hook with her other hand. Right towards my jaw.

Taking a step back and letting the hook pass me, I sung a hook towards the side of her torso.

She saw it but could not dodge in time. The punch connected and she flew a couple feet back falling to the ground.

"Ugh. That hurts."

"You put too much force into your punches when you don't even know it will hit your opponent. Your agility and reaction to your loss of balance was good but that was all. Use your legs more."

I- or my clone taught Jessica while the other clones did the same to the other students.

The original me just walked around watching the progress of each and every spar. I then walked towards a specific match.

I touched the clone and it vanished.

"You want to personally train me? I'm honored father! Just like old times!"

"I want to see if I taught you well in the future. How much have I taught you?"

"Did you create the Ten Stance Manual yet?"

"The Ten Stance Manual? I just created that last week. Huh. Well, according to that, where are you at?"

"I have mastered shadow clone and almost mastered one punch."

"You are in the second stage? That is good. No, that is extremely good. Normally one of these techniques is to be mastered by one. I mastered all ten because I can replicate myself and study each separately."

"Thanks father! So, what about meeting mother? She said she will meet with you if I bring you over!"

"Hah. Alright, when?"

"Today after class. Mother's henchmen will pick me up. You can come take a ride to the mansion. It's the weekend and I already asked the principal. He was hesitant but when I mentioned your name, he agreed rather quickly." She said with a smirk.

I also smirked when I heard how scared Victor was of me.

"And he is the strongest hero in the world. What a joke."

"Hah. Father, in the future you will find out how weak he is. If he was the strongest as he said, the world would have been destroyed much sooner."

True. I can even defeat him without my powers. I even think Elizabeth Bogle can defeat him right now.

"Well, meet me after class and I will accompany you. Continue sparing."

"OK father!"

I recreated the clone and left her to spar against it again.

'Elizabeth Bogle. Can I defeat her?'