
Repeat or restart

They say everyone deserves a second chance but do they really deserve it is getting a second chance gonna help you change the past and start a new life or will it get repeated after seeing everything fade infront of your eyes are you still willing to start a new life not knowing what's gonna happen?

Moon_child32842 · Teen
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we entered the airplane getting to our seats I sat next to the window after arguing with my sister for the seat don't get me wrong I don't like the attention but like I really wanted to sit there

while taking off I had my earphones plugged in listening to songs when the plane started to fly the song 'holiday' by seventeen played it was a loud music but soothing at that time I kept trying to convince myself saying it's gonna be a holiday but this time longer than before

I kept listening until we reached our destination

"welcome to kabul international airport please take your seats and put on your seatbelts for landing" yea that's what they said ig I don't really pay attention to it

stepping out the plane a familiar scent hit my nose holding back the tears threatening to fall any moment we went ahead to take our luggage and head to our so called new home

the car ride was peaceful my cousin came to pick us up and no one was in the mood to speak after reaching out home was on the second floor of a three floor small building I went ahead and watched them opening the door

entering the house I dropped on the floor in the middle of the hall crying nonstop it was hard to believe we're not gonna go back home I kept crying I wanted to scream but nothing would come out after everything being bought I changed to a more comfortable clothing and didn't bother to talk to anyone the powers were out so I couldn't use my tab that time and it was in July so it was obviously burning hot

after we changed up my other cousin came showing us the rooms they were already cleaned and ready for us

it wasn't just a shocking news just for us but everyone who knew us and we'll everyone got sad but it's better not to be spoken about than bringing up to the face and refreshing the pain

I skipped lunch and dinner not having the appetite none of us did my dad and mom ate but it was obvious they didn't want to either not only us but everyone in my family was having a hard time my dad's dark circles under his eyes showed the amount of sleepless nights he worked in Dubai just for a way for us to stay but it didn't work and my mom's glowing eyes filled with tears but there's still the playful smile on her lips making it seem like she's okay

my brother was trying to stay strong but never worked my lil sis was excited to meet my cousins again but she was hurt aswell and my elder sister she was also trying not to cry just so no one would get sad

soon after the powers came we put everything in charge and the night arrived all of us sleeping in the big hallway which was the size of a gigantic room

but well I couldn't sleep I plugged my earphones and started listening to music and reading Wattpad waiting for the sun to rise